

For years, researchers at Carnegie Mellon University experimented with a snake-like robot that could crawl through pipes and climb up trees.

多年来,卡内基梅隆大学(Carnegie Mellon University)的研究人员一直在实验一个蛇形机器人,这个机器人可以爬过管道,也可以上树。

Gradually, their robot evolved into motorized modules, each with its own processor, that can be assembled in various configurations, such as a six-legged insect-like machine they call the Snake Monster.

渐渐地,他们的机器人进化成电动模块,每一块都有自己的处理器,可以被组装成不同的外形,例如这个六条腿像虫子一样的机器,他们叫它“蛇形怪兽”(Snake Monster)。

Howie Choset, a professor at the Carnegie Mellon Robotics Institute, said researchers were "able to put the modules together as easy as Lego, but there is a lot going on underneath the hood to allow that to happen.”

豪伊?乔赛特(Howie Choset)是卡内基梅隆机器人研究所的教授。他说:“我们能够把模块组装起来,像乐高积木一样简单,但是做到这一步牵涉到大量的工作。”

What happens "underneath the hood" is the most interesting part. The modules are able to communicate with each other, in order to coordinate the robot’s movements.


End modules with wheels instead of feet allow the robot to move faster on smooth surfaces. Modules may also be equipped with a camera that can survey the surroundings.


Another feature is a so-called “master-and-slave” system, through which an operator can manipulate a robotic twin, remotely controlling the twin and even feeling the resistance it encounters.


Choset said the robot is ready for real-life testing. "That robot is field-deployable," he said. "You can take that robot and throw it around. It's robust. You can kick it, and it is still going to work.”


Modular robotic arms can be programmed for various tasks, including feeding handicapped persons.


Researchers are already working on other modular attachments, such as force-sensing feet or tank-like tracks that will allow customizing robots for even more tasks.


