英语口语流行话题 第40期:网络江湖20-2(在线收听

   A: What do you us叫ly do in your spare time?

  A: 你通常怎么打发你的空闲时间?
  B: Well, I like listening to music and reading books. What about you?
  B. 我喜欢昕昕音乐,看看书。那你呢?
  A: I spend most of my spare time in surfing the Internet.
  A: 我大部分空闲时间都会用来上网。
  B: What are you doing with the Intemet?
  B: 那你上网都做什么啊?
  A: I usually chat with my friends, watch some movies and most importantly I can play games with others.
  A: 我通常会和朋友聊聊天,看一些电影。而且最重要的是我可以和其他人一起玩在线游戏。
  B: Frankly speaking, I think you boys playing games on line is just wasting time.
  B: 坦白讲,我一直觉得你们男孩玩网络游戏是一种浪费时间的行为。
  A: Really? You never play any online games, do you?
  A: 真的?你从来没有玩过任何网络游戏,是不是?
  B: That's true.
  B: 是的,从没玩过。
  A: I think you can have a try. Online games are very popular now. There are many different kinds of games, role-playing games, adventure games, simulation games, strategy games, action games and so on.
  A: 我觉得你可以试着玩一下。网络游戏现在非常受欢迎,而且它的种类也是五花八门,有角色扮演游戏、冒险游戏、模拟游戏、策略游戏、动作游戏等等。
  B: Sounds a little interesting.
  B. 听起来还挺有趣的。
  A: Yes. I think you will like it.
  A: 是的。我想你会喜欢它的。