英语口语流行话题 第43期:文凭贬值 22-1(在线收听


  A: Hi, buddy, long time no see. How are you doing?
  A: 嗨!哥们,好久不见了,最近进展如何啊?
  B: Just so so.
  B: 还凑合吧。
  A: What happened to you? You look a little blue.
  A: 出什么事了?怎么看起来没精打采的。
  B: Well, my application for the market assistant in P&G was rejected. It is the third time for me to receive a rejection letter.
  B: 我申请宝洁公司的市场助理一职被拒绝了。这已经是我第三次收到拒绝信了。
  A: I'm really sorry to hear that. Don't worry! Other chances are waiting for you.
  A: 真是够让人郁闷的了。别担心,还有别的机会等着你呢。
  B: I really doubt if my choice to be further educated is right. The diploma is devaluating day by day. Well, what about you?
  B: 我现在真怀疑当初选择继续深造是否是个明智之举。现在的文凭含金量一天比一天低了。对了,你怎么样?
  A: My family want me to go to Departments of National Ministries. They think that I may make good use of my specialty as a foreign language student in foreign affairs department. In addition, the job there is very stable.
  A: 我家人希望我将来能够进国家部委工作。他们认为作为一名外语专业的学生,在对外事务部门工作能够充分利用我的专长。同时,那里的工作又十分稳定。
  B: Oh, sounds good. Good luck!
  B: 听起来不错,祝你好运啦!
  A: Thank you!
  A: 谢啦。