英语口语流行话题 第45期:漂一族 23-1(在线收听


  A: I got the offer to work as a department assistant in IBM yesterday.
  A: 我昨天收到了IBM公司发来的签约通知,担任部门助理一职。
  B: Cool! Congratulations!
  B: 帅!恭喜啊!
  A: Thank you! But now I have to rent a new house. I have already changed my place three times since I came here. It is really suffering. However, the IBM company is far from my present place. I don't wanna waste a lot of time on bus every day.
  A: 谢了!不过现在我又得另寻其他住处了。从刚到这儿到现在,我已经搬过三次家了,真是痛苦啊。不过IBM公司离我现在住的地方太远了,我可不想每天把大量的时间浪费在公交车上。
  B: Well. it seems to make sense. I think you'd better search for some information on the Internet first. Now, there are many websites providing housing services. What's more, you can do some comparisons among different houses.
  B: 嗯,说得也是。我认为你最好先在网上找点信息。现在有很多提供租房服务的网站。而且你也可以在不同房子之间做个比较。
  A: Good idea! What about you?
  A. 好主意。你最近怎么样啊?
  B: I'm afraid I have to leave this city soon.
  B: 我恐怕很快要离开这里了。
  A: Why?
  A: 为什么啊?
  B: My company has decided to transfer me to Shanghai branch company next month.
  B: 公司已决定下个月把我派到上海分公司去工作。
  A: It's really hard for me to accept this news. I can still recall how we corented an apartment when we first came here.
  A: 真是有点舍不得你走。我还记得当初我们来这儿一起合租房子的情景呢。