英语口语流行话题 第46期:漂一族 23-2(在线收听

   A: How time flies! Our college life will end in four months.

  A: 时间过得真快啊。四个月后们的大学生活就要画上句号了。
  B: Yes. Have you made up your mind where to go after graduation?
  B: 是啊。你决定毕业后去哪里工作了吗?
  A: I have no idea yet. Maybe I'll go back to my hometown. I like my families around me. Well, what about you?
  A: 暂时还没想清楚。或许回老家吧。我喜欢有亲人在身边。你怎么打算的呢?
  B: I've decided to go to the South such as Shenzhen.
  B: 我决定去南方发展,像深圳。
  A: Sounds so far. I'm afraid it wil be tough to work and live away from home.
  A: 好远啊。我担心你一个人离家在外工作会很辛苦。
  B: You are right, but I think there are good opportunities for me to develop my abilities.
  B: 你说得没错。不过我觉得那里会有更利于我发展的好机会。
  A: That's true. Frankly speaking, I really admire your courage.
  A: 那倒是。坦白讲,我真的很佩服你的勇气。
  B: Ha-ha, wish me good luck.
  B: 哈哈,祝我好运吧。