英语口语流行话题 第47期:工作这么久 你跳了吗 24-1(在线收听


  A: Hey,Tom, how is everytrung going?
  A: 嗨,汤姆,最近怎么样?
  B: Just so so.
  B: 一般啦。
  A: What happened? You don't look good.
  A: 怎么了?看起来最近不太好啊。
  B: I quit last month, but I still haven't found a good job now.
  B: 我上个月辞职了,可是到现在还没找到合适的工作呢。
  A: What? You quit again! That company is famous for the good pay. Many people desire to work for it.
  A: 什么?你又辞职了!那公司薪水高都是出了名的,多少人想进都进不去啊。
  B: Well, the benefits are really attractive, but I can't see any future development for my career. What I do every day is only the repetitive and boring tasks. What's more, the boss does not encourage creativity. Therefore, I have no other choices but to leave.
  B: 嗯,公司的福利待遇的确很好,不过我觉得在那个公司没什么发展。每天做重复的工作,一点新意都没有。而且老板又不鼓励大家积极创新,所以我只好闪人啦。
  A: What kind of job are you looking for now?
  A. 那你这次打算找个什么样的工作啊?
  B: I am trying to do sometrung in sales, which will be more exciting.
  B: 我想尝试做一些销售类的工作,感觉那样的工作会有趣得多吧。
  A: So, is there any good news?
  A: 那现在有什么进展吗?
  B: Not yet. I have applied for a few companies, but no answer. They all require relative experience in sales.
  B: 还没呢。投了几家公司,但都石沉大海, 一点回应也没有。他们都想找有相关销售经验的人。
  A: It's true. For some companies, experience is more valuable than a diploma.
  A: 那倒是,对于某些公司来说,光有文凭没经验,也是白搭。
  B: Totally! so whatever! Let's find something to drink.
  B: 说的就是。不管了,听天由命吧。我们找个地方喝点东西去。