英语口语流行话题 第50期:我们是新时代的村官 25-2(在线收听

   A: Good morning, I am here to register.

  A: 您好,我是来报到的。
  B: You must be Xiao Li. Welcome.
  B: 你一定是小李吧,欢迎欢迎。
  A: When should I start my work?
  A: 我什么时候正式开始工作呢?
  B: Take it easy for a while. You should have a good rest today. Tomorrow I will take you to visit the village to get some general information.
  B: 别着急,你今天先好好休息休息。明天开始,我先带你到村里转转,熟悉→下这里的大概情况。
  A: Fine. It's my first time here. All the things I need to learn from you.
  A: 好的,我初来乍到的,有很多事情不懂,还请您多多指教。
  B: It doesn't matter. You know, the village is longing for high educated young people like you.
  B: 太客气了。你不知道,现在农村就需要你们这样有知识的年轻人。
  A: I will do my best here.
  A: 我会努力的。
  B: Ha-ha, I even don't know where you are from.
  B: 哈哈,我还不知道你是哪的人呢。
  A: My hometown is in Liaoning Province.
  A: 我老家在辽宁。
  B: Doesn't your family worry about your leaving?
  B: 一个人离家这么远,家里人不担心吗?
  A: A young man should broaden his horizon. And all my families agree to my decision as a village official. They think I can gain more practice here.
  A: 年轻人就应该出来见见世面。况且我家人都很赞同我选择当村官这个决定,他们认为我在这里能更好地磨炼自己。
  B: Well, just make yourself at home. Should you encounter any inconvenience, just tell us. We will help you out.
  B: 既然这样,就把这里当成自己的家吧。有什么困难直接跟我们说,我们会全力解决的。
  A: Thank you very much.
  A: 非常感谢。