英语口语流行话题 第51期:留学在外 26-1(在线收听

   A: Hi! I heard that you were going to the United States. Is that true?

  A: 嗨!我听说你要去美国了,真的吗?
  B: Yes. That's true.
  B: 嗯,是真的。
  A: For what?
  A: 干嘛去啊?
  B: I'm continuing my studies there.
  B: 去那儿留学。
  A: Cool! You must have had a high score in TOEFL. Well, how long will you be there?
  A: 帅!你的托福一定考了很高分吧。你打算在那儿待多久?
  B: About three years. I will come back as soon as I finish my credits.
  B: 大概三年左右吧。我修完学分,拿到学位后就回来。
  A: And will you live with other international students?
  A: 那你和其他的留学生一起住吗?
  B: Not sure. I have an uncle there. He has already arranged everything for me.
  B: 还不清楚,我有个叔叔在那边,他已经为我安排好一切了。
  A: Sounds great. When wil! you leave?
  A: 听起来不错。准备什么时候出发?
  B: Next Monday.
  B: 下周一。
  A: Monday? Why are you leaving so soon?
  A: 下周一?怎么走得这么急啊?
  B: A little , but I wanna arrive there early so that I can get everything settled in.
  B: 是有点,不过我想早点到,好把一切安顿好。
  A: That makes sense. Wel!, wish you a good luck in America.
  A: 说得也是。那祝你在美国好运吧。
  B: Thanks!
  B: 谢谢!