英语口语流行话题 第53期:自主创业 27-1(在线收听

   A: Hey, buddy, how's your job-seeking going?

  A: 嘿,兄弟,你工作有眉目了吗?
  B: Don't mention it. Everything is in a mess.
  B: 别提了,一团糟。
  A: Doesn't sound good.
  A: 听起来不太好。
  B: Well, what about you? I heard that you were preparing to set up a college club, is that true?
  B: 嗯,你怎么样了?我听说你正在筹建一个大学生俱乐部,真的吗?
  A: Yeah. Now, I am applying for a bank loan.
  A: 你说得没错。我现在正在申请银行贷款呢。
  B: Wow! It must be exciting and challenging.
  B: 哇,一定很剌激,很有挑战性。
  A: Do you want to join us?
  A. 你想加入吗?
  B: Me?
  B: 我?
  A: Exactly! I think you are a genius in IT.
  A: 对,我觉得你是个IT天才。
  B: But what can I do in your club?
  B: 不过我在这个俱乐部能做什么啊?
  A: You know. The Intemet has become an important method to do business. So, you can take charge of establishing our website and overseeing its operation.
  A: 你知道网络现在已经成为做生意的一个重要途径了。所以,你可以负责创建网站并监管它的运作。
  B: Are you serious? That's the very job I'm looking for.
  B: 此话当真?那正是我想做的工作。
  A: Great! Let's do it together and taste our success in the future.
  A: 太棒了!那让我们一起努力去体验成功的滋味吧。