大城市小世界 Series 3 Episode 8 - Speculate To Accumulate(在线收听


  This support pack accompanies:
  Big City Small World – Series 3 Episode 8
  To listen to the recording, go to:
  This support pack contains the following materials:
  Big City Small World S3 E8 – Speculate to Accumulate!
  1. Before you listen: Vocabulary match up
  2. Audio script
  3. Comprehension Task
  4. Grammar Task 1
  5. Grammar Task 2
  6. Vocabulary
  Before you listen
  We suggest you do the vocabulary activity below before you listen. Then listen to the episode and
  do the first task to check your understanding. Finally, practise some vocabulary and grammar.
  Match the words and phrases in the boxes to their definitions
  1. Until something happens
  2. To pay money into something in order to make more money
  3. Invest money in a possibly risky business opportunity
  4. Advertising
  5. To gradually increase your amount or number of something
  6. First, starting
  Big City Small World S3 E8 – Speculate to Accumulate!
  All: Hooray! Welcome back, Tony!
  Tony: Erm, cheers, thanks.
  Magda: How are you feeling?
  Tony: Much better, thanks. All well now.
  Johnny: Good to hear!
  Harry: Carlos will be happy! He doesn’t have to
  work here any more ...
  Tony: Actually ...
  Carlos: Yeah?
  Tony: I was wondering, sometimes it’s useful to
  have an assistant, you know, someone to help
  out from time to time ...
  Carlos: Sure.
  Tony: So, would you like to stay on for a bit?
  Carlos: Just part-time?
  Tony: Just part-time, yeah.
  Carlos: Well, you know that really I want to open
  my own restaurant.
  Tony: Yeah ... Well, this will give you good
  Carlos: I guess so. Why not? Sure!
  Tony: Great! Thanks, Carlos!
  Olivia: That is the first time I’ve ever heard Tony
  say “thanks” to anyone!
  Harry: So, Fadi, how’s our business coming
  Johnny: Yeah – are we millionaires yet?
  Fadi: Erm ... Well, I’ve got a bit of news for you
  there ...
  Harry: Doesn’t sound good.
  Johnny: What’s going on?
  Fadi: Well, I’ve had a bit of a problem raising the
  initial capital ...
  Harry: So we can’t start?
  Fadi: Well, not exactly ... I mean, I have
  invested – that is, spent – some of the money
  Johnny: What on?
  Fadi: Publicity, setting up the website, you
  know – important things!
  Harry: But ...?
  Fadi: Well – it’s business, isn’t it? If we don’t get
  more money, we can’t go on ...
  Johnny: And in the meantime you’ve spent the
  money we gave you to invest!
  Fadi: You’ve got to speculate to accumulate! Be
  patient – we’ll still be successful!
  Harry: If we don’t, I’ll be joining Carlos working
  in this café!
  Big City Small World S3 E8 – Speculate to Accumulate!
  Comprehension Task 1
  Decide whether these sentences are true or false.
  1. Tony has returned to work.
  2. Carlos is not going to work at the café any more.
  3. Tony doesn’t often say thank you.
  4. Fadi has raised enough capital for the business.
  5. Johnny and Harry are worried about the business venture.
  6. Fadi is confident that things will work out all right.
  Grammar Task 1
  Reported Speech. Look at these reported questions and decide which is correct. Remember that
  reported speech questions don’t use the word order for questions and usually use past tense!
  1a Magda asked Tony how was he feeling.
  1b Magda asked Tony how he was feeling.
  2a Tony asked Carlos if he wants to continue working at the café.
  2b Tony asked Carlos if he wanted to continue working at the café.
  3a Harry asked Fadi how his business is coming along.
  3b Harry asked Fadi how his business was coming along.
  4a Johnny asked Fadi if they would be millionaires yet.
  4b Johnny asked Fadi if they were millionaires yet.
  5a Harry asked Fadi if they could start the business.
  5b Harry asked Fadi if could they start the business.
  6a Johnny asked Fadi what was going on.
  6b Johnny asked Fadi what is going on.
  Grammar Task 2
  Big City Small World S3 E8 – Speculate to Accumulate!
  Correct the mistakes in these reported questions. Look back at Grammar Task 1 for help!
  1. Magda asked Tony how was he feeling.
  2. Harry asked Fadi how his business is coming along.
  3. Tony asked Carlos if he wants to continue working at the café.
  4. Johnny asked Fadi if they would be millionaires yet.
  5. Johnny asked Fadi what is going on.
  6. Harry asked Fadi if could they start the business.
  Vocabulary Task
  Financial language – can you unscramble these words to do with business and money?
  1. ccaumlutea Gradually increase the amount of money you have:
  2. stevin Put money into a business:
  3. clseputea Make a risky investment:
  4. tvesintmen Noun meaning the money you put into a business:
  5. lctubpiiy The things you do to make people aware of your business:
  6. seari Get money for a business:
  7. cltpaia Money or valuable things used to support a business:
  8. ilmioraniel Someone very rich:
       Answers Pre-listening: 1. f; 2. c; 3. e; 4. b; 5. d; 6. a Comprehension Task:
  1.T; 2. F; 3. T; 4. F; 5. T; 6. T
  Grammar Task:
  1. b; 2. b; 3. b; 4. b; 5. a; 6. a
  Grammar Task 2:
  1. Magda asked Tony how he was
  feeling; 2. Harry asked Fadi how his
  business was coming along; 3. Tony
  asked Carlos if he wanted to continue
  working at the café; 4. Johnny asked
  Fadi if they were millionaires yet; 5.
  Johnny asked Fadi what was going on;
  6. Harry asked Fadi if they could start
  the business.
  Vocabulary Task:
  1.accumulate; 2. invest; 3. speculate;
  4. investment; 5. publicity; 6. raise; 7.
  capital; 8. millionaire