访谈录 新科奥斯卡影帝雷德梅恩将主演《哈利波特》外传(在线收听

 It must be time, everybody. We begin with Eddie Redmayne. We know he just won an Oscar. He just also rapped in the Danish Girl which is already getting Oscar buzz for the next year. So yes, he is a fantastic beast. And now we know where to find him -- in the Harry Potter spin-off of the same name. Variety reporting now the Oscar winner is in talks to play Newt Scamander, the character of the X of Warner Bros are coming from series based JK Rowling’s book “Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them”. And for those muggles not acquainted with the ministry of magic, Newt Scamander is the alter behind the wizard world guide of magical creatures. He’s also an expert on the subject. The story takes place in 1918, about 70 years before we meet Harry Potter. 

I love that name -- Scamander. 
Yes. He's on a roll. They are saying this is the next major film series to get.
All right.
And it looks like he got it.
And what is this to know? 
And why, you ask? Which I think some of you often ask. This time there is a good reason, everybody. Funny gal Amy Poehler gracing the cover of Fast Company magazine -- annual 100 most creative issue. And the showcase that gift to be editors ask Amy to create some new and useful ideas from everyday items as many as she could. Take a look. 
“This looks like something…this could be a very cool necklace.”
Yeah, you get the idea. For every one that she could do, they will donate $100 to charity. When we reached to ask them about the story, they threw us the challenge. They said if Michael and I could repurpose five or more items in 30 seconds, they'll make a huge donation to a charity that benefits foster care kids.
Are you gonna have the time to do it? 
On the clock, Michael, you go first. You guys are ready? Go. 
Yeah, I’m ready. Tweezers. 
Ok. I'm ready for my landing.
Too bad unless in ten seconds. Keep going. 
All right. Toothpick. 
Um, hello, hello, anybody out there? 
I don't know. What is this? But just work with me. 
One more, one more. 
Garbage can, bam. 
24:72. They did it. 
Mine had actually no use. I feel like I could have done much more -- can I just do an extra? Okay. Let's have a band. I had to justify the -- thank you very much. Thank you to Fast Company.