访谈录 美国国务卿约翰克里骑自行车摔断腿(在线收听

 secretary of state john carry kerry back on us soil this morning after breaking  his leg overseas.Kerry was flown back overnight on a military plane and will undergo surgery this morning.ABC John Karl is at the white house with the latest .Good morning,Robin, this is the serious injury and it come the just Kerry was in the midst intense negotiations over abounds nuclear program and also over the battle against ISIS. State department official say he is continuing to work the phones even form his bedside,talking to the Spanish foreign ministry yesterday and other European leaders this morning.Kerry himself is promising a rapid recovery,but Robin the injury like this would keep him form traveling for weeks.And people want to know ,i know you said he was making a call not even taking the day off, they want to would the accident impact the important foreign policy negotiations,specially of course the ongoing talks over Iran nuclear programs. that is the big question the deadline for the Iran talks is the end of the month, Kerry is insisting in the sate department is insisting that he will be there for the finally round of the talks. But that is very ambitious schedule for recovery.
