访谈录 苹果CEO库克:员工多元化是苹果的未来(在线收听

 Of the more than 5,000 people who will hear CEO Tim Cook's keyhole speech, Cook is especially happy to welcome one group, 350 young scholarship winners part of Apple's commitment to develop a more inclusive workforce, Cook sat down for an exclusive interview to explain why.The more people you get, thinking about something that come at things from a different point of view, the why you wind up with a much better product that way.

Some of the students and developers have already hand created apps, a chess game for example, and this game called Color Five. H is a senior at * mission San Jose, she developed an app to access stories from the school paper, she can't wait to network and to attend workshops in the days ahead.
Meeting new people is definitely a big part of it, I'm not going to be afraid of asking questions and seeming stupid, because I think that's the point of being here.
Cook was especially impressed by one young woman.
We just met some of these *, they've already had two apps in the app store, i mean this is pretty amazing.
Kira C is 12 and has been coding since she was 9, she doesn't perceive any barriers holding her back.
Everyone I meet is always really encouraging, and nobody has ever said you can't do it because you're a girl.
The organizations Apple supporting to get more women at tech believing inclusion is critical.
If you look at all the groups that are largely left out of technology, out of the technology workforce, it's about 70% of the population, women, under represented minorities and people with disabilities.
Is there so much escially you want to *
I mean Tim Cook he would be pretty exciting.
Tim Cook is a rock star to these ambitious students, he made a surprise visit at an orientation session, and was quickly surrounded by sefie seekers, he expects some of them to be future leaders at Apple.
If you look at things over a 5 or 10 year period, I think there could be a sea change in that kind of time frame, I really did.
In San Francisco, David Lewis, ABC Seven News.