
   'Twerking', the provocative dance move made popular by Miley Cyrus, has been added to the Oxford English Dictionary.

  Despite its more frequent use in recent years, the word can be traced back to as early as 1820s to describe a 'twisting jerking movement'.
  The word is one of 500 new entries, including 'twitterati' (describing users of the social media service), and 'fo' shizzle' (meaning 'for sure'), added to the dictionary.
  该词是新入选牛津英语词典的500个词条之一。其它词条还包括:“twitterati”(推特达人)以及“fo' shizzle”(指对某种说法的肯定)。
  Twerking, which the dictionary describes as dancing 'in a sexually provocative manner, using thrusting movements of the bottom and hips while in a low, squatting stance', has its roots in the early 1990s New Orleans 'bounce' music scene.
  Research by the Oxford English Dictionary has found the term was first used in 1820 as a noun spelt 'twirk', meaning a 'twisting jerking movement' or 'twitch'. It then emerged as a verb by 1848 and the modern spelling was adopted by 1901.
  Miss Cyrus, 22, caused a furore when she performed the move on stage at an awards ceremony in 2013 wearing very little clothing.
  Twerk is one of 500 new entries in the OED. Others include 'twitterati', describing users of social networking site Twitter, e-cigarette, the devices containing a nicotine-based liquid that is vaporized and inhaled, and FLOTUS, the acronym for First Lady of the United States which is now Michelle Obama's official twitter username.
  “电臀舞”是新入选牛津词典的500个词条之一。其它词条包括:“twitterati”(推特达人)、“e-cigarette”(电子烟,盛有尼古丁溶液,可雾化供用户吸入)以及“FLOTUS”(词组First Lady of the United States的缩写,即,美国第一夫人,现为米歇尔·奥巴马的官方推特用户名)。
  The Oxford English Dictionary records the meaning and development of the English language. For a word to qualify, it must have been in popular use for at least 10 years in both novels and newspapers.
  Commenting on twerking, Fiona McPherson, senior editor of Oxford English Dictionary, said: 'We are confident that it is the same origins as the dance. There has been constant use up into the present day to mean that same thing.
  'I think it's quite spectacular, the early origins for it. We were quite surprised.'
  The word first entered the onlineOxforddictionary, which recognises popular usage of words, in 2013.
  'Meh', an interjection expressing lack of enthusiasm, has also been included in the latest Oxford English Dictionary.
  The word is believed to have been first used in 1992, before being popularised by cult TV cartoon The Simpsons.
  Ms McPherson said the new entries had 'earned their place' in the history of the English language.