
   They might look like prop from Blade Runner, Total Recall or The Fifth Element, but these space-age-looking cars are actually completely road-worthy. Ordinary road models given an extraterrestrial twist, they represent the work and creativity of custom car designer Michael Vetter, from Florida, USA.

  He takes 'donor cars' from paying customers, and makes a series of modifications to create his extraterrestrial vehicles - or 'ETVs' as he calls them. And the result is, more often than not, out of this world.
  The 42-year-old family-man, who owns custom garage The Car Factory in Micco, came up with the idea after the birth of his daughter, when he was unable to squeeze her car-seat into his sports car.
  Michael said: "My wife Shannon and I had our baby girl. We had driven and owned many two-seater sports cars as this is what we do for fun and work."We do not drink or smoke, so our social time was mostly cars."Once we had our little girl we could no longer drive a two-seater and be together."
  "At this point I started drawing up sports cars with a back seat for the baby seat," Michael continued."These cars ended up looking too weird to consider a sports car so I went completely off the deep-end and decided futuristic could work. I used a Chevrolet Aveo when building the first ETV."
  Michael's wacky-looking creations are always road-worthy and can hit speeds of up to 100mph. He started building the ETVs in 1998 as his sole source of income. Now he has converted everything from a Toyota Prius to a Porsche Boxster into one of his futuristic models, which have sold from as much as $75,000 (?47,000) to a staggering $250,000 (?157,000)