澳洲新闻 (ABC新闻快递) 2015-06-25(在线收听

 Leading the news, Boston marathon bomber Dzhokhar Tsarnaev has apologized to the victims and families at the highly charged sentence hearing. The 21-year-old told the court that he was sorry for the lives he’s taken and the damage he’s done. Earlier, some of the victims described the suffering and trauma they have experienced since the 2013 bombings.

“It really does not change anything for me because what he took from me are never gonna be able to regain. Nor what he took from my family, nor for any of us.”
Labor is demanding the Prime Minister explain how classified documents were allowed to be filmed during his visit to ASIO’s headquarters yesterday. Tony Abbott was shown maps of terrorists, including hot sports which were filmed and broadcast on television news services. ASIO has confirmed they were not meant to be public. 
The Senate will sit for as long as it takes today to consider emergency legislation to stay off a legal challenge to offshore processing. The bill was rushed into parliament yesterday and has Labor’s backing.
Opposition Leader Bill Shorten has admitting lying about meeting Kevin Rudd just before he supported Mr. Rudd’s come back. Mr. Shorten told broadcaster Neil Mitch in 2013 that he hadn’t met Mr. Rudd, but that was revealed as a lie during ABC documentary the Killing Season. Mr. Shorten now says he did meet Mr. Rudd but didn’t pledge his support.