澳洲新闻 (ABC新闻快递) 2015-07-14(在线收听


Virgin and Jetstar start to fly thousands of stranded passengers out of Bali after the safety threat from the volcanic ash cloud eased. Both airlines are putting on extra services and would use large aircrafts to help clear the back XXX.
“I can’t speak for the carriers, but we work to safety at absolute first priority. We would be putting on another two wide body aircrafts, each about 300 seats each, to get our customers back from Bali in the next 36, 48 hours”
An Australian woman has been jailed in the United Arab Emirates for writing bad words on social media. Jody Magi was arrested and jailed in Abu Dhabi after a court found her guilty in the offence. She was charged after allegedly taking a photograph of a car park in the disable parking bay and posing it on Facebook.
“No one is talking to me nor telling me what’s going on. I had been driving around, I think it is about 4 hours and put me in a male lock-up, and then they turned me away and no one knows what to do to me.”
“How were you feeling?”
“Am, pretty scared.” Jody Magi there
European stocks have soared after Greece's agree to exchange XXX use austerity measures in return for the third bailout. The deal requires Greece to approve tax risers, pension cuts and changes to employment laws by Wednesday. Greek Prime Minister Alex Zipper says the austerity measures will be tough.
“The deal is difficult” He says “But we've avoided financial afisiation??? and the collapse of financial system. We fought as hard as we could."