2015-03-25 BBC:星光七纪元-19(在线收听

Arcturus is a red giant star, very easy to find, the tail of the *, the tail of the big bear, you follow that and you reach the star Arcturus, so it is a way following the big bear as a bear taker which is what Arcturus means.

Surprisingly Arcturus's striking colour is not because it's hotter, but because it's cooler, as the balance between the opposing forces of gravity and nuclear fusion breaks down, the size of the star changes, red giants expand, their fiery energy spreading over a large area which makes their temperature drop, they fall from blue or white hot to red hot, but because they are so large, these stars are still some of the brightest in the sky.

That is Arcturus, when we see red stars like Arcturus in the sky, no doubt in many many civilizations in the past, they had some associations with the stars and something that happens.

Each star has its own distinct personality as it creates effects according to its character, when Arcturus rises it is nearly always accompanied by a terrible hail storm.
