你每天都在刷牙 到底刷对了没?(在线收听

   It's not exactly a newsflash that one of the most important reasons to brush your teeth is to fight off cavities (not to mention prevent bad breath). But what if the way you brush your teeth actually makes you more susceptible to cavities, tooth decay and gum disease? Scary.

  Turns out, there are a host of common mistakes that many of us make morning and night that can damage teeth and turn a healthy smile upside-down. Find out what you're doing wrong -- and how to break these bad habits for better teeth.
  1.You don't brush for long enough.
  Most dentists recommend brushing for two or three minutes, but few people ever make it to that. Next time, check your watch to see how long your routine takes.
  2.You're not watching what you're doing.
  Make a point to look in the mirror while you brush your teeth and see where the brush is actually going. It's easy to miss the area right at the gum line, which is the most important part.
  你每天都在刷牙 到底刷对了没?
  3.Your technique needs a major makeover.
  Hold the brush so the bristles are at a 45-degree angle to the surface of the teeth and brush in small circles. Focus on a few teeth at once, then move on to the next set, continuing around from one side to the other, top and bottom, front and back. It's okay to brush in straight lines on the chewing surfaces. After completing your circles, brush away from the gum line to clear off loosened plaque and bacteria.
  4.You're brushing too hard.
  The chances of enamel breakage are greater when you brush too hard.
  5.You're using the wrong brush.
  Be sure to buy soft or ultrasoft brushes to minimize damage. Electric toothbrushes are great tools if they help you brush longer and get you to the right places.
  6.You have the wrong toothpaste.
  Baking soda toothpastes are good at getting stains out because they are abrasive -- but that also means they're hard on enamel.
  你每天都在刷牙 到底刷对了没?
  7.You're failing at flossing.
  Start with a full foot of floss, twirling the ends around the middle finger on each hand. Use your thumb and forefinger to gently work the floss between two teeth, being careful not to pull it roughly or saw it back and forth, both of which can injure the gum. Wrap the floss around one tooth and wipe up and down to loosen and remove plaque. Then do the same on the next tooth and repeat.
  8.You don't rinse after.
  Effective brushing and flossing unbind bacteria-laden plaque from the surface of teeth. Rinsing afterward is a key step to make sure that bacteria leave your mouth for good.