
   Ever wonder what would happen if you stopped working out? A new study on identical twins published in th< journal Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise explores exactly that, and the results are dramatic.

  In the study, Finnish researchers looked at 10 pairs of identical twin men. Each set of twins was in the ir mid-30s, and each had been brought up in the same household. Since they were identical, they also shar ed the same DNA. The only difference was that though they had maintained the same level of physical act ity for most of their lives, one twin had cut way back on exercising in the past few years due to work or family pressure; on average, the active twin worked out at least twice a week, while the less active twi n exercised less than twice a week. The research team put each twin through a host of medical tests to ge t a sense of their overall health.
  茌研究中,芬兰研究人员选择了10对同卵双胞胎。每对双胞胎都是30多岁,每对双胞胎的日常起居都泪同。当然,因为是同卵,所以他们也拥有完全相同的DNA。仅有的不同是,虽然他们在大多数时候进行相同等级的锻炼 ,但其中一个双胞胎在过去几年里因工作和家庭压力削减了运动;平均来说,常运动的双胞胎每周至少运动两次.同时,少运动的双胞胎每周运动不到两次。研究团队对每名双胞胎都进行了多项药理检查,以获得他们全部的健康状况。
  The results revealed big differences between each twin. While the more active twins had lower body fat percentage (20.7 versus 24), better endurance levels, and normal insulin sensitivity, the sedentary twins had about seven more pounds of body fat, worse endurance, and insulin sensitivity that showed signs of early metabolic disease. Not only were their bodies different; their brains diverged as well. The athletic twins had more gray matter (the information processing part of the brain), particularly in areas that controlled balance and motor function.
  The study was small, but the takeaway is clear: Quitting your fitness routine can trigger body and brain changes that mess with your cardio fitness and strength and set you up for chronic conditions such as di abetes, says Jordan Metzl, M.D., sports medicine physician and author of The Exercise Cure. (Metzl was no t part of the study.) And considering that the less active twins in the study had only recently become co uch potatoes, these changes can sneak up on you a lot sooner than you'd think. "Muscles begin to atroph> after just a few days of being sedentary," says Metzl. "Organ damage and changes in overall functioning w ill follow."
  运动医学专家和运动治疗机构负责人乔丹吉米麦特奏(他并没有参与这项研究)说,这个研究规模较小,但结论却很淸晰:退出健身计划会触发身体和大脑的改变,弱化心肺的功能,还会导致一些慢性病,比如糖尿病。考虑到少运动双胞胎只在最近才变得懒散,这些改变可能比你想象得更早已发生在你身上。” “缺乏运动只要几天就会导致肌肉萎缩,”吉米麦特奏说,“而器官总体功苜獅员伤与改变随后就会开始。”