
   Washington is dysfunctional today largely because people can't find anything they work together on

  华盛顿今天之所以功能失调 很大程度上是因为他们没法找到任何一件能一起为之奋斗的事情
  They think our difference is more important than what we are in common.
  Wait for the next election maybe you get the power
  就等着下回选举了 说不定你们能获胜当选呢
  And I say that, because everyone of us has to make a decision like that everyday
  我之所以这么说 是因为我们每个人每天都将面对这样的选择
  You can't live in a world that is interdependent where the walls come down and borders look more like nets
  除非大多数人相信我们身上所具备的共同点 远比那些有趣的差异更值得关注
  You can't keep every bad thing out anywhere unless most people believe that what we have in common is more important than our interesting differences
  否则你不可能在一个围墙已经倒下 国界更像网一样的相互依存的世界中生存 不可能阻止一切不好的事情发生
  Turns out, there is not only a religious spaces for this and all fates
  实际上 不仅在宗教领域是如此 更适用于所有领域
  The Koran said that Allah put different people on the earth not that they might despise one another but that they might know one another and learn from one another
  古兰经说阿拉让这世上存在不同的人 不是要让人们互相轻视 而是要让他们互相了解 互相学习
  The Torah says that he who turns aside from a stranger might as well turn aside from the most high God
  摩西五书里讲到 一个对陌生人不闻不问的人 很可能也会对至高的神不管不顾
  The Christian Bible says that you should love your neighbor as yourself,
  And it is the second most important command after Loving God
  The domapada of the Buddhist says that you are not truly human unless when you see the arrow piercing your neighbor's body you feel it as if it had pierced yours
  佛经里说 除非当你看到你的邻居受到伤害的时候 你能够感同身受 否则你就不是一个真正的人