美联社新闻一分钟 AP 2015-07-05(在线收听

 This is AP news minute.

1. An African-American Church burned in South Carolina. Authorities don't know if the fire was deliberately set or a severe storm caused it. 
2. 12 staff members have been suspended from the New York State prison where 2 killers recently escaped. The prison superintendent and his security chief were among those placed on leave while authority investigated what happened. 
3. Long lines formed around ATM in Greece again after the government ordered the bank to reopen, so elderly people could get money from pension. Greece failed to make payment on bailout loan, missing the deadline on Tuesday. 
4. And the U.S woman soccer team is going to the Woman's cup final. The team beat German team in the semi-final 2:0 on Tuesday, setting up a showdown against either England or Japan. 
Sandy Kozel, the Associated Press, with AP News Minute.