访谈录 杰布·布什:我是美国总统最佳人选(在线收听

 On the executive experience you said this week there is no substitute for executive experience, taking aim at the current president you said as our whole nation has learned since 2008, executive experiences another term for preparation, it's something some of the candidates in the field including senator Marco Rubio do not have, you have mentored him but i want to ask you here today, do you think you're more experienced, more qualified than senator Rubio for the presidency?

I think i'm more experienced and qualified than anybody running, i wouldn't be doing it if i didn't think that i have the skills to fix these things and to lead our country, i think the experience of president Obama is a good one for us to reflect on, here is a guy gifted in my ways, eloquent beyond belief, charismatic, uniquely historical in his candidacy, but there was nothing in his past that would suggest that he could make a tough decision or that he could unite the country, or that he could solve problems, or he had practical experience, and i think that's a factors, it's not the only factor, but it's an important one, and i think i will feel well in that assessment when voters make up their minds.
When it comes to senator Rubio, he is a good friend of yours, as i said you have mentored him, but no question you believe you're the more experienced candidate.
There is no question of that at all, that's not disparaging my good friend who i think is a real talent