2015-06-24 BBC:巨石阵行动:被埋藏的秘密-1(在线收听

 The megaliths of Stonehenge are Briton’s most investigated monument. Yet despite  centuries of scrutiny, excavations and theories, the big question remain. What were its origins? How did it evolve over thousands of years and which forces of nature and humanity inspired its creators? Now a group of experts are taking a high-tech approach to unlock the Stonehenge secrets. The sort like Stonehenge can only be understood by looking at the monuments around it and how landscapes evolved. For the first time, we’re not just seeing little islands activity but we get, say, the big picture. A new data, supported by wider archaeological evidence, has thrown fresh light on 10,000 years’ of human progress. It’s quite a achievement when you think people excavating this. We are using stone and bone tools. Its ancient people rolld a meticulous plan. This is really quite a big feature. It’s clearly man made. Profoundly believe it. They had very peculiar rituals, peel flesh of men’s, cutting off of the heads, and fearlessly warriors. When things come to a boiling point, the violence that does break out could be very fatal, just killing everything in front of you.
