2015-07-03 BBC:巨石阵行动:被埋藏的秘密-4(在线收听

  Recently at a site only two kilomtres to the southeast, archaeologists have unearthed the first traces of people living in the same period. It's a find that may finally answer why stonehenges located where it is.

   Here is the section through one of the most interesting trenches dug in modern history. In fact we had all of the modern history in it. We've got a soil profile here which captures the very modern, this chalk layer from the 1960s dump from the road to go to the stonehenges.Underneath that we have a couple of platform surface which is post-medieval.We've got  some soil built here, but it's this lower bit that is really fascinating and interesting.It's sealed by a cobbled surface almost certainly put in by men sometime in history. That's brilliant because it's kept fourteen centimeters of intact ?archaeology full of work and bone, and I  actually can see there's a nice piece here. Yeah, that's a very nice piece. I think it's a little blade.
  The big question is what is so special about this place that people settling here, living here for a long time.
  The rich array of artifacts excavated from this site are striking clues as to what compelledthese ancient people to camp here.