电影《夏洛特的网》励志片尾曲:Ordinary Miracle 平凡的奇迹(在线收听

Ordinary Miracle是电影《夏洛特的网》片尾曲,中文翻译《平凡的奇迹》,由加拿大著名女歌手Sarah McLachlan演唱。

Ordinary miracle 平凡的奇迹 英语歌词带翻译:

It’s not that unusual when everything is beautiful. 不要怀疑每件事情都很美好
It’s just another ordinary miracle today. 这只是又一个平凡的奇迹

The sky knows when it's time to snow.上天知道何时下雪
You don't need to teach a seed to grow.不需告诉种子如何发芽
It’s just another ordinary miracle today.这只是又一个平凡的奇迹

Life is like a gift they say.他们说生命就像一件礼物
Wrapped up for you everyday. 每天都有惊喜
Open it and find a way.打开它想个办法
To give some of your own.给自己留下一些。

Isn’t it remarkable? 你没有注意吗
Like every time a raindrop falls.像每个落下的雨滴
It is just another ordinary miracle today.这只是又一个平凡的奇迹

Birds are mean to have their fling.鸟儿注定有它们的旅行
And always make it home by spring.而且春天又会回家
It is just another ordinary miracle today. 这只是又一个平凡的奇迹

When you wake up everyday, 清晨醒来的时候
Please don't throw your dreams away.请不要把你的梦丢在脑后
Hold them close your heart.把它们紧紧藏在心中
Cause we are all a part of ordinary miracle因为我们也是奇迹的一部分

Ordinary miracle......平凡的奇迹
Do you want to see a miracle? 你想看到它吗

It seems so exceptional.看起来不同寻常的那些
The things just work out after all.它们最终还是自然发生了
It is just another ordinary miracle today. 这只是又一个平凡的奇迹
Sun comes up and shines so bright.每天太阳升起照耀万物
And disappears again at night.........晚上又会落下

It is just another ordinary miracle today. 这只是又一个平凡的奇迹
It is just another ordinary miracle today. 这只是又一个平凡的奇迹
