电影《赌徒故事》英文插曲:The Gambler人生是一场牌局(在线收听

六十年代美国着名乡村音乐歌手Kenny Rogers在电影《赌徒故事》(The Gambler)里,演唱过一首曾经风靡一时的有关德州扑克的歌曲《赌徒故事》。

On a warm summer's evening 一个炎热的夏夜
on a train bound for nowhere 在一列不知开往何方的列车上

I met up with the gambler 我遇见了一个赌徒
We were both too tired to sleep 我们都烦闷得睡不着

So we took turns a staring 于是我们轮流凝视着
out the window at the darkness车窗外的黑暗

When boredom overtook us 当厌倦袭来
he began to speak 他开始说话

He said:Son 他说:孩子
I 've made a life 我一辈子
out of reading people's faces 能察言观色

Knowing what the cards were 他们手中握着什么牌
by the way they held their eyes 能从人们的眼中看出

So if you don't mind my saying 如果你不介意我所说的
I can see you're out of aces 同样,我也能看出你没有王牌

For a taste of your whiskey 让我喝一口你的威士忌
I'll give you some advice 我将给你一些忠告

So I handed him my bottle and 于是我递过酒瓶
he drank down my last swallow 他喝下了最后一口酒

Then he bummed a cigarette 然后,他要了一支烟
 and asked me for a light 向我借了个火儿

And the night got deathly quiet 夜变得死一般寂静
and his face lost all expression 而他也面无表情

He said:"If you're gonna play the game 他说:如果你打算玩这个游戏
you gotta learn to play it right 你必须学会如何玩好它

You've got to know when to hold them 你得知道什么时候叫牌
know when to fold them 什么时候扣牌

Know when to walk away 什么时候走开
know when to run 什么时候继续来

You never count your money 你决不能数钱
when you're sitting at the table 就在你坐在赌桌边的时候

There'll be time enough for counting 有足够的时间点钞票
when the dealing's done 在赌局结束后
Every gambler knows that 每个赌徒都知道
the secret to surviving 求生的秘诀

Is knowing what to throw away 那就是什么该丢
 and what to keep 什么该留

'Cause every hand's a winner 因为每一手牌可能赢
and every hand's a loser 也可能输

And the best that you can hope for is 而你最好的愿望
 to die in your sleep 不过是到你死在梦中

And when he finished speaking 当说完话后
he turned back toward the window 他又转向了车窗

Crushed out his cigarette 掐灭了香烟
and faded off to sleep 渐渐睡去

And somewhere in the darkness 在黑暗的某个地方
the gambler he broke even 这个赌徒赌了个平局

And in his final words I found 在他的最后一句话中
an ace that I could keep 我找到了一张自己能掌握的王牌

You've got to know when to hold them 你得知道什么时候叫牌
know when to fold them 什么时候扣牌

Know when to walk away 什么时候走开
know when to run 什么时候继续来

You never count your money 你决不能数钱
when you're sitting at the table 就在你坐在赌桌边的时候

There'll be time enough for counting 有足够的时间点钞票
when the dealing's done 在赌局结束后
