趣味青春英语 第15期:Light at the end of tunnel(在线收听


  Light at the end of tunnel ( hope )
  Hit the book:
  后卫: Back
  前卫: Midfielder
  前锋: Forward
  中锋: Striker
  守门员: Goalkeeper, Goalie
  开球: Kick-off
  角球: corner ball, corner
  球门球: goal kick
  手触球: hand ball
  头球: header
  点球: penalty kick
  罚点球: spot kick
  罚任意球: free kick
  红牌: red card
  黄牌 : yellow card
  筑人墙: set a wall
  越位战术: off-side trap
  判罚出场: send a player off
  加时赛 : extra-time
  伤停补时: injury time