新闻纵贯线 The Beijing Hour updated 08:00 2015/05/08(在线收听

 The Beijing HourMorning EditionPaul James with you on this Friday, May 8, 2015.

Welcome to the Beijing Hour, coming to you live from the Chinese Capital.
Coming up on our program this morning...
Chinese President Xi Jinping has met with his Kazakh counterpart as part of the first leg of his current 3-nation visit abroad.
The Chinese government is refuting reports it plans to set up an Air Defense Identification Zone in the South China Sea.
Exit polling is suggesting David Cameron's Conservatives may be poised to narrowly hold power in the UK parliament, provided its coalition partner earns enough seats.
In Business.... construction of a next-generation Chinese nuclear power plant is underway in Fujian.
In Sports.... Spain is this weekend's stop on the F1 circuit.
In entertainment... dozens of animated shows are being pulled off the internet in China amid a morality crackdown.
All of that coming up in just a moment, but first, just a reminder there are several ways to reach out to us here on the Beijing Hour.
You can follow us on our weibo account at, or email us directly at [email protected].
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topChina, Kazakhstan to align development strategies for common prosperityChinese President Xi Jinping has met with Kazakh President Nursultan Nazarbayev as part of his current trip to Kazakhstan.
Meeting in the capital, Astana, the two say they want to align their countries' development strategies.
This is Xi Jinping's first visit to Kazakhstan since September of 2013 when he proposed the Silk Road Economic Belt initiative to Kazakh leaders.
Speaking with Nazarbayev on this current trip, Xi Jinping says the two countries have more room to cooperate in areas such as infrastructure, energy, finance, security and culture.
For his part, Nazarbayev says Kazakhstan is prepared to be an important partner in the Silk Road Economic Belt initiative.
Kazakhstan is the first leg of Xi Jinping's current 3-nation tour.
He's also due to make stops in Russia and Belarus.
Chinese President on state visit to Kazakhstan, Russia and BelarusAnchor:
For more on President Xi Jinping's current trip abroad, CRI's Zheng Chenguang spoke earlier with Yu Bin, Professor of Political Science with Wittenberg University in the US state of Ohio.
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Yu Bin, Professor of Political Science with Wittenberg University in the US state of Ohio, speaking with CRI's Zheng Chenguang.
China gains popularity among Kazakh peopleAnchor:
New reports are suggesting China is increasingly becoming a more popular place for people from Kazakhstan to work and study.
CRI's Yun Feng has more.
Media reports show China has become, as of last year, the second largest overseas study destination for Kazakhstan.
"Some of my classmates went to China. My brother and sister are also in China. I know people can get a good education there. There are a lot of people and ethnic groups. It's a beautiful country."More and more Kazakh students are learning Chinese, especially after the founding of the first Confucius Institute in Kazakhstan nine years ago.
"There is a Confucius Institute in my college, which gives me easy access to learn Chinese. The institute not only teaches us the language, but also provides opportunities to study in China."In 2013, Chinese President Xi Jinping gave a speech on the Silk Road Economic Belt to students at Nazarbayev University. It was the first time the Chinese President proposed the initiative. The project aims to bring together Asia and Europe with closer trade and cultural ties. It involves 24 cities and eight countries.
As the cooperation on this project goes on, local people are excited about the opportunities it brings.
Galym Baithimbetov is a student at Nazarbayev University.
"We college students are very privileged to be able to be part of the building of the Silk Road Economic Belt. As an engineer, I'm not sure what I can do at the moment, but I have a lot of friends who have studied Chinese, gone to China and come back to Kazakhstan. I think they have better opportunities."China and Kazakhstan established diplomatic relations in 1992 and have been engaged in cooperation in all fields, including energy, infrastructure construction, agriculture and housing.
For CRI,this is Yunfeng.
China pledges continued help as Nepal rebuildsThe Chinese government has confirmed its preparing to hold talks with authorities in Nepal about long-term support for the reconstruction of the country following last month's earthquake.
Chinese Assistant Foreign Minister Liu Jianchao says the negotiations involve hundreds of millions of US dollars in potential assistance.
"Nepal is trying to calculate the losses caused by the quake and is seeking 1.8 billion dollars in aid. In the next step, China will negotiate with the Nepalese government over the issue."At the same time, the Chinese government says its emergency assistance will not stop.
Qian Keming with the Chinese Ministry of Commerce says more Chinese aid continues to flow into Nepal.
"so far, we have provided Nepal with two rounds of emergency assistance worth 60 million yuan. The first round focused on the relocation of the affected people and the second round of assistance is to address reconstruction."Nepalese authorities say the death toll from the earthquake nearly two weeks ago has jumped to more than 84-hundred.
China briefs latest disaster relief work in quake-hit TibetThe Chinese government has established a new resettlement site for people in Tibet affected by last month's earthquake in neighboring Nepal.
Kelsang Tsering, vice-chair of the Tibetan regional government, says the new site in Lhasa County is one of dozens they've set up in different parts of southern Tibet.
"The government of the Tibet Autonomous Region has set up 156 settlements in its ten counties and districts. A total of 63,989 evacuees are properly accommodated."At the same time, the Tibet Military Area Command is working to help make life easier for the nearly 64-thousand people forced to live in the temporary shelter areas.
Zhang Li with the Command's logistics department says mobile shower units are now making the rounds.
"Each vehicle can provide service for eight people at the same time. We estimate that each displaced person can have a shower every two days."The quake in Nepal two Saturdays ago leveled thousands of homes across the Chinese side of the border, leaving 26 dead and close to 900 others hurt.
Chinese Premier Encourages Entrepreneurship and InnovationChinese premier Li Keqiang is promising the government is going to provide more favorable policies to encourage start-ups.
On a tour of Zhongguancun - a technology hub in Beijing dubbed China's Silicon Valley - Li Keqiang has told a group of entrepreneurs business start-ups and innovation are China's basis for sustainable growth.
"People like you know what the society needs. It is every individual in the society that knows the needs of the society, the needs of the masses. "Although China's broader economy is slowing down, the government has been promoting programs to try to help young people launch start-up businesses.
The latest data shows the number of newly registered firms in China through the first quarter is up nearly 40-percent from the same period last year.
China slams reported plan on ADIZ in South China SeaThe Chinese government is refuting reports of Chinese plans to establish an Air Defense Identification Zone in the South China Sea.
But in rebuffing the reports, Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesperson Hua Chunying says establishing an Air Defense Identification Zone within a country's territory is within their internationally-recognized rights.
"We believe the current situation in South China Sea is stable. China has good relations with the Association of Southeast Asian Nations. Both parties are dedicated to improving cooperation and protecting the South China Sea area's peace and stability. Given such circumstances, the hype over China possibly setting ADIZ in South China Sea obviously has ulterior motives."The Chinese government established an Air Defense Identification Zone in the East China Sea in 2013.
An ADIZ requires aircraft entering into the space to provide its identification to air traffic coordinators.
It also forces commercial airlines travelling through that space to give pre-advance notice before travelling through.
Exit poll suggests Conservatives to be UK's biggest party in parliamentExit polling is suggesting UK Prime Minister David Cameron's Conservatives appear poised to maintain their hold as the largest party in Parliament.
However, much like the last election, the Conservatives appear to be coming up just short of a majority.
Surveys of voters suggest the Tories are going to end up with 316 members of parliament.
Ed Miliband's opposition Labour Party is poised to fill 239 seats in the House of Commons.
The same polling also shows the Scottish National Party will secure 58 seats, while the centrist Liberal Democrats will secure 10 seats in the 650-seat parliament.
Provided the numbers play out the way the polling suggests, a combined total of 326 seats for Conservatives and Liberal Democrats, who have governed in coalition since 2010, should just be enough to allow David Cameron to maintain his residence at 10 Downing Street.
Professor Tim Besley with the London School of Economics and Political Science says this is suggesting a vote for "no change.""If the ex-poll proves to be accurate, it means we are in for a very stability in a way, because effectively it's telling us David Cameron may be the Prime Minister. He may or may not to draw on the support of the Liberal Democrats, but essentially it's almost a vote for no change."Besley also says the polling may suggests the Tories may be in a position to form a government alone, without a coalition partner.
"It's a very interesting questing whether that would happen. If the poll again, is accurate, 316 seats may be enough for the Conservatives to think they can form a government without Liberal Democratic. It has been a number of very high-profile liberal democratic ministers who are very respective, I think wins table, as business secretary, as being a prime example. We are interested in Conservatives to bring those ministers back. Or will they say we can manage it alone. I think it's a very interesting judgment for the Conservative Party to decide whether or not they do wish to work alone or with the Liberal Democratic."The final results are due out later on this Friday.
Polling Starts for the 2015 UK General ElectionAnchor:
Votes are now being tallied in what is being described as the tightest UK election in decades, with the Conservatives likely to form government in the hung parliament.
CRI's London Correspondent Duan Xuelian was out at polling stations to get a sense of how the vote went off.
About 50 million people registered to vote for this year's UK general election. In a polling station in north west London's West Hampstead, polling staffer Mary Mackie has welcomed a steady stream of locals.
"We seems to be very busy as people are dropping by before they go to work. Excuse me Sir have you got your poll card? "The poll stations opened at 7 am and will close at 10 pm. The last election, in 2010, saw a remarkably low turnout of 65%. So this time round, to encourage people to vote, the Electoral Committee has introduced an online register. For Londoner Louise Harland, voting is an important way of voicing her concerns as a citizen, and Labour is her choice.
"I think they have a fairer approach to give everyone a chance. And I also think it is important that we stay in the European Union. So I decided to vote for a party that wasn't going to have referendum."And for fellow citizen Steven Garford, Conservative seems to be the only realistic choice to lead the UK towards a better future. But he is uncertain of how the result will influence the UK's political system as the race between the Conservative and Labour parties is too close to call. He is not too optimistic about the prospect of a minority government.
"I think it will be awful. Everybody will be doing deals over this or that. And I share the widely held opinion that the Scottish National Party are not a responsible organization because they are only interested in scaming as much money out of London as they can."According to the BBC, voting results from several constituencies will be declared with the final result expected on Friday afternoon.
For CRI, I'm Duan Xuelian reporting from London.
U.S. court says NSA phone record collection illegalA US federal court has ruled a National Security Agency program that collects millions of Americans' phone records is illegal.
In making the ruling, a circuit court in New York has ruled the Patriot Act, signed into law after 9/11, doesn't authorize the NSA to conduct the collection of bulk data.
The NSA's vast surveillance program was disclosed in documents leaked by former NSA contractor Edward Snowden.
The ruling is part of a lawsuit filed by the American Civil Liberties Union against both the NSA and Federal Bureau of Investigation.
But in making the ruling, the Federal Court is allowing the NSA program to continue as it exists.
The ruling does suggest Congress should be in-charge of defining where the boundaries exist.
In her recent defense of the program, new US Attorney General Loretta Lynch has insisted NSA data collection is a "vital tool" in the interest of US national security.
The metadata collected through the programs includes the numbers called, the times and other information, including text data.
However, US officials insist it does not record the content of conversations.
Civil liberties advocates argue the program is a massive intrusion of privacy.
UN Shows Concern to Burundi CrisisThe United Nations says its growing increasingly concerned about the political unrest in the African nation of Burundi.
Days of deadly protests have been taking place in the country, with protesters demanding President Pierre Nkurunziza to withdraw his bid for a third term in power.
The UN estimates some 35-thousands refugees have already fled into Rwanda, Tanzania and Democratic Republic of Congo.
Valerie Guarnieri with the World Food Programme says they're coping with the situation at present, but suggests more help will be needed.
"We started yesterday distributing one-month food rations for the refugees. There are nutritional centers that have been set up to make sure that children who are screened for malnutrition receive the support that they need. And we're going to need the support of the world to make sure we can do this over the next months."Burundi has been in a state of recovery following the end of a bitter 12-year civil war in 2005.
Critics have been suggesting Nkurunziza's attempt to secure a 3rd term as President may plunge the country back into a state of war, despite his pledge not to seek a 4th term in office.
The Presidental elections in Burundi have been set for late next month.
Al Qaeda claims U.S. strike kills its senior leaderAl-Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula has released a new video, announcing one of its senior leaders has been killed in a US strike in Yemen.
Nasser bin Ali al-Ansi has appeared in several of the group's videos, including one taking responsibility for the Charlie Hebdo attack in Paris.
He also issued a call for so-called "lone wolf" attacks in different countries around the world.
The video itself has not been independently verified.
The US presence in Yemen has been significantly reduced ever since the Houthi rebels began taking over large swaths of the country.
However, its believed the US military is still maintaining its operations in Yemen to help battle al-Qaeda forces, who still maintain control of certain pockets of southern Yemen.
Fierce fighting continues in Baiji to control refineryIraqi forces, backed by US-led air strikes, are now claiming majority control of the country's largest oil refinery from the Islamic State.
The coalition has carried out close to 50 air strikes in the Baiji area the past 9-days.
The Iraqi military has deployed reinforcements to secure the facility.
Members of the Shiite militia are also involved in the fighting.
"The Islamic State set the Baiji refinery on fire. But our forces are still advancing. Every day we gain 700 to 800 meters. God willing we will continue and they will run away."Efforts to completely clear the refinery are still ongoing.
The refinery, which is around 200-kilometres north of Baghdad, once produced some 300-thousand barrels of refined oil products per day, meeting half the country's needs.
Islamic State fighters have been making attempts over the past 10 months to fully capture the Baiji refinery.
US starts training 'moderate' Syrian rebelsThe US military has begun training "moderate" Syrian rebels in Jordan to prepare to fight the Islamic State.
US and Jordanian officials have confirmed the program is finally going ahead, after months of delays.
The training in basic military skills is going to be extended to sites in Turkey, Saudi Arabia and Qatar.
US Defense Secretary Ashton Carter says they've been spending months trying to select and screen the fighters to be trained to ensure no extremists slip through.
"These trainees are recruited. They are vetted. And only then are they put into training. So, they've been in the program for quite awhile. And then the -- then the training takes some time, and then they would be inserted into operations, and the trainees behind them, and to get back to the previous question, we hope this to be an ever-expanding program once it proves itself, which I think it will."Of the nearly 38-hundred Syrians who have already volunteered for the training, around 400 are said to have completed the "pre-screening" process.
The US Congress has earmarked 500-million US dollars to train some 5-thousand Syrian fighters in a year's time.
Around a thousand US troops are involved in the training.
Dongfeng Racing Team arrives first in Newport, Rhode IslandAnchor:
The Dongfeng Racing Team, part of the current Volvo Round-the-World Ocean Race, has become the first to reach Newport, Rhode Island.
The Chinese boat's arrival yesterday has concluded the 6th leg of the race.
Dongfeng's arrival in Newport follws an arduous journey during the last leg that saw the team lose its mast on the journey from New Zealand to Brazil.
For more on how the Chinese-backed squad is faring, CRI's Bejan Siavoshy spoke earlier with Dongfeng Race Team skipper Charles Caudrelier.
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Charles Caudrelier, skipper of China's Dongfeng Racing Team in the Volvo World Ocean race, speaking with CRI's Bejan Siavoshy.
weatherBeijing will have showers today with a high of 20 degrees Celsius.
Overnight it will be overcast and temperatures will drop to 11.
Shanghai will also see showers with a high of 23 and it will have slight rain tonight with a low of 17.
In Chongqing it will see clouds in the daytime with a high of 28 and still cloudy tonight with the lowest temperature of 21.
Over to North America,New York will see clouds with a high of 26 degrees.
Washington will be partly cloudy with a high of 29 degrees.
Honolulu, windy, 28.
Toronto, Canada, will be cloudy with a high of 27 degrees.
Finally, on to South America,Buenos Aires will be partly cloudy with a high of 20.
And Rio de Janeiro will have scattered showers with a high of 24 degrees Celsius.
Headline newsChina, Kazakhstan to align development strategies for common prosperityChinese President Xi Jinping has met with Kazakh President Nursultan Nazarbayev as part of his current trip to Kazakhstan.
Meeting in the capital, Astana, the two say they want to align their countries' development strategies.
This is Xi Jinping's first visit to Kazakhstan since September of 2013 when he proposed the Silk Road Economic Belt initiative to Kazakh leaders.
Kazakhstan is the first leg of Xi Jinping's current 3-nation tour.
He's also due to make stops in Russia and Belarus.
China sends record military personnel numbers to NepalThe Chinese military says 11-hundred military personnel and members of the Chinese Armed Police Forces are now in Nepal to help with the earthquake relief efforts.
This is the biggest military contingent China has sent to foreign soil for humanitarian aid missions since 1949.
The Chinese Air Force also has 8 transport planes and 3 helicopters taking part in disaster relief.
Nepal quake jeopardizes education for 1 million children: UNICEFThe United Nations children's agency UNICEF is warning close to a million children in Nepal will not be able to return to school at all this year unless urgent action is taken.
UNICEF estimates some 24-thousand classrooms across the country have been damaged or destroyed in the quake.
Schools in Nepal had been due to re-open on May 15th.
China opens permanent mission to AUChina's permanent mission to the African Union headquarters in the Ethiopian capital, Addis Ababa, has officially opened.
With it, China has become the first country to have a fully-dedicated official mission to the AU.
Chinese ambassadors to Ethiopia have been acting as representatives to the AU since 2005.
The establishment of the mission was announced during Premier Li Keqiang's visit to the AU headquarters last year.
Exit poll suggests Conservatives to be UK's biggest party in parliamentExit polling is suggesting UK Prime Minister David Cameron's Conservatives appear poised to maintain their hold as the largest party in Parliament.
However, they appear to be coming up just short of a majority.
If the polling proves to be accurate, a combined total of 326 seats for Conservatives and Liberal Democrats, who have governed in coalition since 2010, should just be enough to allow Cameron to maintain his residence at 10 Downing Street.
The final results are due out later on this Friday.
Pentagon audit finds government credit cards used for gambling, prostitutes: reportA new Pentagon audit has reportedly found that several Defense Department employees have used government credit cards for gambling and sex.
US political news website Politico is quoting Pentagon sources saying a number of both civilian and military employees have been found using their government credit cards at casinos and for escort services in Las Vegas and Atlantic City.
Pentagon sources say they believe most were using the government cards to "shield the charges from spouses."The findings of the new audit are expected to be released in the coming weeks.
biz reportsFirst, a quick check on the closing numbers across North America and Europe.
U.S. stocks rebounded after losses from the previous two sessions, amid positive sentiment following the latest US jobless claims data.
The weekly jobless-claims report shows layoffs remain at 15-year lows.
This also set the tone for the Friday's much-anticipated nonfarm-payrolls report.
At the close,The Dow Jones gained 0.5 percent.
The S&P 500 edged up 0.4 percent.
The Nasdaq added 0.5 percent.
Over in Europe, European markets finished mixed on Thursday.
The FTSE in the UK finished down as investors await the results of the UK election.
However, British pound jumped to its highest level in a week, with exit polling suggests the conservatives may hold on to power.
At Close,The UK's FTSE 100 down 0.7 percent.
Germany's DAX gained 0.5 percent.
And France's CAC 40 decreased 0.3 percent.
China Starts Building Hualong One Pilot Nuclear Power ProjectConstruction has begun on a new nuclear power project in the southeast Chinese province of Fujian.
'Hualong One' is domestically-developed third generation reactor technology.
Xing Ji, general designer of 'Hualong One,' says their design includes safety components to thwart potential terrorist acts.
"We've applied an APC, an Airplane Crash Shell, around the nuclear power unit. It will protect the unit from any malicious crash of a large commercial plane. At the same time, we can secure a safe shutdown of the reactor and ensure its safety functions after a plane crash, as we've placed shut-down systems on either side of the reactor building."China's National Energy Administration approved construction of two reactors in Fujian last year.
The one currently being built is in the city of Fuqing.
Chinese authorities are eventually hoping to sell the 'Hualong' nuclear technology to other countries.
Alibaba names new CEO, a major management reshuffleAlibaba has named Daniel Zhang as its new Chief Executive Officer.
Zhang, currently the Cheif Operating Officer, will relace Johnathan Lu.
Lu took over from Alibaba founder Jack Ma in 2013.
Daniel Zhang used to be the Chief Financial Officer of Taobao.
95-percent of Alibaba's executives were born after 1970.
Corporate News of the Week with Doug YoungAnchor:
Let's check out some of the main events taking place on the corporate front in China this week.
Joining me on the line now is Doug Young, associate professor at Fudan University and former China company news chief at Reuters.
Story 1:
Chinese Carpooling App Dida Pinche secures 100-million US dollars in private funding.
China's Dida Pinche carpooling app says it has completed Series C funding of 100 million US dollars led by China Renaissance Capital Investment, automotive website firm Bitauto, and IDG Capital.
This is the highest funding raised within the country's growing carpooling market.
Founded last year, the Beijing-based tech firm has previously received two rounds of investment with 10 and 20 million US dollars respectively.
The app currently covers 13 cities and has more than 4 million customers.
1)More and more car-pooling apps have been set up in China right now. Also, Tencent-backed Didi dache has launched its own car-pooling service recently. How Dida Pinche could remain its competitiveness in China's growing carpooling market? Is it more lucrative for Dida Pinche to gain support from an internet giant or should it maintain its independence in this field?
2)Speaking of consumers'rights, will the rising car-pooling industry have difficulties in protecting riders'safety since sharing a ride has much more uncertainties than hailing a taxi? How could the industry be better regulated in future?
Story 2:
Qihoo, Coolpad Unveil Joint Smartphone Brand "QiKU"; Open JV to crowd-funding.
Chinese internet firm Qihoo 360 and domestic smartphone company Coolpad in December.
CEO Zhou Hongyi says all apps in the new smartphone "Qiku" could be unloaded.
Meanwhile, all individuals could have a chance to become share-holders of the JV through crowd-funding.
However, the product has not yet made public, and it is still being tested.
1) This week, both new comers like Letv and Qihoo as well as smartphone giant Xiaomi have introduced their latest products, heating up China's smartphone market. How could newcomers like Qihoo 360 gain profits facing traditional players like Xiaomi and Huawei? Does price strategy matter?
2) Seen from a global picture, Apple still has a favorable position, followed by Samsung. Why are Chinese smartphone makers still lagging behind its foreign rivals?
Back Anchor:
Doug Young, associate professor at Fudan University and former China company news chief at Reuters.
Fosun forms strategic partnership with France's Ingenico GroupFrench payment firm Ingenico has announced a strategic partnership with Chinese investment firm Fosun.
Ingenico says its teaming up with Fosun to help the company's growth in the electronic payment market in China.
Fosun is hoping the tie-up will help its financial capabilities through the use of Ingenico's payment technology.
Under the deal, a fund managed by Fosun will take a 20-percent stake in Ingenico's Hong Kong-based holding.
The new agreement follows reports Fosun is planning a nearly 2-billion US dollar merger with US insurer Ironshore to try to bolster its presence in the insurance industry.
Ukraine considers having new transport plane built in ChinaUkrainian aircraft manufacturer Antonov has signed a letter-of-intent with Beijing-based A-Star Airspace and Technology to produce a new transport aircraft in China.
The prospective agreement may also see A-Star purchase a pair of the Ukrainian-built An-178 aircraft its planning to help manufacture.
The An-178 is a medium-sized transport aircraft capable of performing takeoffs and landings on unpaved runways.
Unlike its much larger Antonov cousins, the An-178 can only carry around 18 tonnes of cargo.
Siemens to further cut 4,500 jobs around the worldGerman firm Siemens has announced plans to cut another 45-hundred jobs worldwide, as the company struggles with sluggish global economic growth and weaker energy demand.
About half of the job cuts will come from its operations in GermanyThe announcement comes after Siemens announced plans to cut over 7-thousand jobs last year.
Siemens has reported a 5-percent drop in its first-quarter profits.
SportsNBA Playoff PreviewTipping things off with action from the National Basketball Association Playoffs:
At 8 a.m., Beijing Time:
The Cleveland Cavaliers take on the Chicago Bulls for game three of their series.
The Cavs came back in their last meeting to even the scales out at one win apiece.
Then, later this morning:
The Houston Rockets head into game three against the Los Angeles Clippers.
Houston eked out a close 115-109 win to make it 1-1 in the series.
Football: Weekend PreviewIn football:
First, in the Chinese Super League:
On Saturday:
Leaders Shanghai SIPG will meet City Rivals Shanghai Shenhua.
No. 2 Guangzhou Evergrande will battle lowly Shanghai Shenxin.
Then, on SundayThird-place Beijing Guo'an will face Changchun YataiAnd Guanggzhou R&F take on Jiangsu.
In the Premiere League this weekend:
While Chelsea took the league title, it's still a close battle for runners-up.
Manchester City are looking to make their second-place hold definitive when they meet QPR.
But they have to content with Arsenal, who are even with Man City on points and face Swansea on Monday.
Manchester United will meet Crystal Palace.
And Liverpool will meet leaders Chelsea.
Over in La Liga:
A threatened strike over TV rights could halt action in the Primera Division if an agreement is not reached by May 16.
But until then, the race for the league's numero uno position continues;Leaders Barcelona will face Real Sociedad on Saturday.
Hot on Barca's heals in second place are Real Madrid, who will meet Valencia on the pitch the same day.
Tennis: Madrid Open RecapIn tennis action from Madrid:
On the women's side of things--Maria Sharapova needed three sets to defeat Caroline Wozniacki in the quarter-finals of the Madrid Open on Thursday.
In a back-and-fouth match, Sharapovia settled things with a break in the eighth game to serve out the match and win 6-1, 3-6, 6-3. She will face compatriot Svetlana Kuznetsova in the semi-finals.
Serena Williams had far less trouble with home hope Carla Suarez Navarro, downing the home-country favorite 6-1, 6-3.
Williams says she's happy to get this far, after having doubted her recent prowess on clay:
"I didn't really feel I was playing the best that I have in the last couple of years on the clay. Actually, I still don't but I feel like I'm kind of just playing myself into the tournament and now I'm in the semi-finals so it's good."She will next meet fourth-seed Petra Kvitova.
In men's action:
After the biggest win of his career over world no. 2 Roger Federer yesterday, Aussie Nick Kyrgios went down to American John Isner 3-6, 7-6, 6-4.
Second-seed Andy Murray came out on top, trouncing Spain's Marcel Granollers 6-2, 6-0.
Rafael Nadal ousted Italy's Simone Bolelli in straight sets.
Fourth-seed Kei Nishikori also took a straight-set win over no. 14 Roberto Bautista Agut.
Tenth-seeded Bulgarian Grigor Dimitrov beat no. 8 Stan Wawrink 7-6, 3-6, 6-3.
Also through are no. 7 David Ferrer, six-seed Tomas Berdych and no. 6 Milos Raonic.
F1: Spanish Grand Prix PreviewThe Formula One World Championship heads to Barcelona this weekend for the Spanish Grand Prix.
Defending champion and Mercedes driver, Lewis Hamilton, will again be the man to beat at in Barcelona.
But fellow Mercedes driver German driver Nico Rosberg is looking to eclipse his team-mate.
Rosberg, last year's runner-up behind Hamilton, finished top in just one of his past 15 races and has failed to take pole position in four races this season.
Trailing Hamilton in second by 27 points, Rosberg says now is the time to pull ahead:
"It's just a matter of maximising the weekends now, it's not really come together until now. Parts have gone well, then other parts not so well. So I need to put it all together, of course I'll try to do that from here onwards."This year's championship is more open, with Sebastian Vettel confirming Ferrari's return to form and shaping up as a genuine title contender.
However, the four-time world champion needs to improve on his performance in Bahrain, where he finished fifth after sustaining a front wing problem.
Golf Live RecapIn Golf:
And at the Player's Championship in Florida:
At the European Tour's Mauritius Open:
It's a three-way tie for first at 6 under 65 between Denmark's Thorbjorn Olesen, South Korea's Jeunghun Wang and Spaniard Carlos Pigem at the end of the first round.
NHL Playoffs PreviewOver in the National Hockey League Playoffs:
Tampa Bay are one win away from sweeping the Montreal Canadiens, as both teams are on ice right now for game four of their series.
And later this morning:
The Chicago Blackhawks need just one win to advance, as they lead their series against the Minnesota Wild three games to none.
EntertainmentAnimations in China go offline after banMany animation shows in China have gone offline after ban against unsuitable content was announced.
As many as 62 animated series have either been or are likely to be removed from online channels, following the order issued by China's Ministry of Culture.
These productions contain scenes that the ministry believes "glamorizes violence, salacity and terrorism activities" and "threaten social morals."Some 19 video websites, including Tudou, Youku and iQiyi, have been asked to remove identified series. was named in the ministry's official statement as a platform that had streamed a dozen such productions with more than one million views.
IPCN to produce "China's Next Top Model"Hit reality show "China's Next Top Model" is to be produced by rights and formats broker IPCN.
The recently refinanced company was commissioned by ChongQing Satellite Television.
The 12-part show will feature 30 aspiring models selected from 50,000 applicants.
"China's Next Top Model" is being shot in Shanghai and Chongqing, with the final taking place in London.
Celebrity judges include Lynn Hung, one of China's most successful fashion models, and top male model Sean Zhang.
The series is commissioned by Liu Xuewei, vice director of CQTV and executive produced by IPCN's CEO Rebecca Yang.
Sam Smith to Undergo Surgery to Repair Vocal CordsBritish singer Sam Smith will undergo surgery to repair his vocal cords, prompting the cancelation of even more concerts.
The 22-year-old "Stay With Me" singer announced last week that he had had to cancel his Australia tour after a "small hemorrhage" was discovered on his vocal cords.
He took to Instagram on Thursday to give fans an update about his ailment, saying he hasn't yet recovered and is going to need surgery.
He then went on to say how gutted he was to be missing all the shows and events he was meant to be playing at.
Doctors say he will be back in 6-8 weeks.
Smith's website shows that he is still scheduled to perform in July and August.
New Sherlock Holmes movie trailer releasedA new trailer has been released for the forthcoming Sherlock Holmes movie "Mr. Holmes.""Lord of the Rings" and "X-Men" star Ian McKellen plays a more mature version of Sir Arthur Conan Doyle's legendary detective.
In the movie Sherlock is now 93 years old and struggling to enjoy his retirement.
The aging detective lives in a remote Sussex farmhouse and teams up with his housekeeper's son to work on an unsolved case.
Directed by Bill Condon, the film is based on the novel "Slight Trick of the Mind" that puts a twist on Sir Arthur Conan Doyle's fictional character.
"Mr. Holmes" is set for a release in the UK on June 19.
Auction of Stephen Colbert's desk helps raise $800K for schoolsComedian Stephen Colbert has auctioned his desk from hit U.S. show "The Colbert Report," and donated the money to help thousands of school kids in his native South Carolina.
Colbert announced that, along with donations from Share Fair Nation and ScanSource, $800,000 was raised.
The money will fund every classroom project that South Carolina teachers listed on the website
weatherBeijing will have showers today with a high of 20 degrees Celsius.
Overnight it will be overcast and temperatures will drop to 11.
Shanghai will also see showers with a high of 23 and it will have slight rain tonight with a low of 17.
In Chongqing it will see clouds in the daytime with a high of 28 and still cloudy tonight with the lowest temperature of 21.
Elsewhere in the world, staying here in Asia,Islamabad will have some clouds today with a high of 42.
Kabul will be cloudy with a high of 28.
Over to North America,New York will see clouds with a high of 26 degrees.
Washington will be partly cloudy with a high of 29 degrees.
Honolulu, windy, 28.
Toronto, Canada, will be cloudy with a high of 27 degrees.
Finally, on to South America,Buenos Aires will be partly cloudy with a high of 20.
And Rio de Janeiro will have scattered showers with a high of 24 degrees Celsius.
That’s it for this edition of the Beijing Hour.
A quick look at the headlines before we go...
Chinese President Xi Jinping has met with his Kazakh counterpart as part of the first leg of his current 3-nation swing abroad.
Exit polling is suggesting David Cameron's Conservatives may be poised to narrowly hold power in the UK parliament, provided its coalition partner earns enough seats.
On behalf of the Beijing Hour staffers, this is Paul James Beijing hoping you'll join us for our next edition of the Beijing Hour to open a window to the world together.