新闻纵贯线 The Beijing Hour updated 08:00 2015/05/10(在线收听

The Beijing Hour (Saturday-Sunday)Morning EditionIt's Spencer Musick with you on this Sunday, May 10th 2015.
Welcome to the Beijing Hour, live from the Chinese capital.
Coming up on our program this morning...
Chinese President Xi Jinping joining in Victory day commemorations at a parade on Moscow's Red Square...
The second economic fugitive being returned here to China as the country's anti-corruption campaign continues to make great strides...
And epidemic prevention and control work entering into a crucial period following the quake in Nepal...
In our weekly sci-tech feature...a new type of nuclear power plant in the works here in China...
In Sports... the latest action from the Chinese Super league including a match up between the two Shanghai teams...
In Entertainment... China film day being held in Morocco...
Top NewsVictory Day Parade Held at Moscow's Red SquareAnchor:
A massive military parade marking the 70th anniversary of victory in the Great Patriotic War has been staged on Red Square in Moscow.
Russian President Vladimir Putin and Chinese President Xi Jinping, together with twenty other leaders of nations and international organizations, attended the event.
CRI's Luo Wen reports.
Among the many celebrations held in Russia commemorating the Great Patriotic War, the Red Square military parade is the most eye-catching event.
Saturday's event was the biggest one held in Russia in decades, with over 16-thousand soldiers taking part in the procession and around 200 units of military weaponry and equipment on display.
War World Two veterans watched the procession from the grandstand as they saluted the soldiers.
Russian President Vladimir Putin says the history of WWII is still appeals to people's minds and vigilance.
"In the 1930s, the enlightened Europe did not see a deadly threat from the Nazi ideology from the very beginning. And now, 70 years after, the history is again appealing to our minds and our vigilance. We should not forget that the ideas of racial superiority and exclusiveness led to the bloodiest war."As the famous Russian song "Katyusha" played in the background, China's honour guard marched in strict formation.
The team includes 112 uniformed soldiers from the three services of the Chinese People's Liberation Army (PLA).
It is the first time for Chinese soldiers to participate in Russian Victory Day parades.
Military units from nine other countries, all in 70-strong formations, also joined the procession.
The troops were followed by the mechanized column, showcasing the legendary T-34 medium tank and the Su-100 self-propelled gun.
The flyover wrapped up the parade with 143 aircraft from 12 military airports flying over Red Square.
For CRI, this is Luo Wen.
Chinese President's attendance at Russia military parade 'significant': researchersAnchor:
Many Russian researchers have spoken highly of Chinese President Xi Jinping's attendance at the military parade in Moscow.
CRI's Sophie Williams reports.
Vladimir Petrovsky, principal researcher at the Institute of Far Eastern Studies at the Russian Academy of Sciences, says President Xi's attendance is of great significance.
"Xi's trip to the parade in Russia has crucial symbolic and practical meanings. His arrival could remind people all over the world not to forget the important role China played during World War II. China and the former Soviet Union were allies in WWII, both countries had made great sacrifices and contributions for the victory of that war."He adds that celebrations for the victory of the Second World War could greatly help educate the youth of the two countries to learn from and remember history.
Sergey Lukanin, acting director of the Institute of Far Eastern Studies, says the Victory Day Parade is not meant to be targeted at any other country.
"It's not some kind of 'muscle show', and it's not against any country. China and Russia want to show that they both have the ability to guard their national interests."The military parade is part of the commemoration events held in Russia for the victory of Russia's war against the Nazis during the World War Two.
After the parade, President Xi walked with other leaders to the nearby Tomb of the Unknown Soldier to lay red flowers in salute to the soldiers who sacrificed their lives in the war.
In the meantime, around 300 thousand people marched through central Moscow on Saturday, carrying portraits of relatives who fought in the Second World War.
The 'Immortal Regiment' march, held right after the military parade on Red Square.
For CRI, I'm Sophie Williams.
Chinese President Honors Russian VeteransAnchor:
As the two main battlefields in the fight against fascism in World War II, China and Russia each suffered heavy casualties.
Seventy years on, a Russia veteran recalls his experience of mutual cooperation with the Chinese people in the fight against Japanese aggression.
CRI's Luo Bin has more.
88-year-old veteran Schudlo Taras Georgievich is one of the over 1.5 million the Soviet troops who assisted China during World War II.
Georgievich recalls that Chinese people's selflessness really motivated them.
"Transportation was the most difficult thing then. So was the supply of water and food. What I want to say is local Chinese people helped us a lot. It's fair to say that they were supporting us with marvelous devotion. They were actually very poor at the time, and would eat corns or sorghums only. "Georgievich has been invited many times to China in the past years due to his deep friendship with Chinese people.
His room is housing many souvenirs from China, including a TV set as a gift from Chinese leaders in 2005, the 60th anniversary of victory in the world anti-fascist war.
Georgievich says he and his veteran buddies want to do what they can for the friendship between China and Russia.
"Nowadays, we veterans are still doing our utmost to tell Russian people about the development of China, to let them know the actual China, Chinese soldiers, normal Chinese people, and the Communist Party of China."During his visit to Russia, Chinese President Xi Jinping has chaired a special event to thank for the contribution of the Russian veterans who helped China in fighting against Japanese invaders in the 1930s and 40s.
Xi Jinping spoke highly of the veteran's contribution to China and to the global fight against fascism.
"Upon the 70th anniversary of the victories in China's War of against Japanese Invasion and the war against fascism, I really feel excited to meet you here in Moscow. Many of you once participated in the battles to help liberate Chinese cities like Changchun, Shenyang, Mudanjiang and Dalian, making a great contribution to the victory of the Chinese people in the Sino-Japanese war."China and Russia suffered the biggest number of casualties among their nationals of all countries involved in the World War II, respectively over 35 million and 27 million.
For CRI, this is Luo Bin.
Interview with Belaruian President ahead of Xi's VisitBelarusian President says his country is ready to become a hub for the China-initiated Silk Road Economic Belt project.
Alexander Lukashenko made the comment ahead of Chinese President's state visit.
"We are modernizing the railways, highways and other infrastructures with China's help. Nowadays, transportation is very convenient in Belarus, which is an important guarantee for building the Silk Road Economic Belt. But more importantly, our country can be the hub for the economic belt which passes through Kazakhstan and Russia. So it needs a logistics platform, and Belarus can play this role. We can build this platform together."The Silk Road Economic Belt was proposed by China in 2013, aiming to bring together Asia and Europe with closer trade and cultural ties.
The Belarusian President also applauded China's upcoming commemoration this September of the 70th anniversary of the end of its war against Japan.
Xi Jinping is schedued to start a two-day visit to Belarus later on today.
Second Wanted Economic Fugitive Returned to ChinaAnchor:
Another suspect on China's "100 most wanted economic fugitives" list has been repatriated from Singapore to China.
Analysts say the case is likely to set a precedent for future cases of repatriation and assets confiscation for criminals fleeing abroad.
CRI's Xie Cheng explains why.
"Running away to a foreign country is really a bad experience. I can't have any inner peace. I often wake up in the night, worrying about being captured by police. It's awful. I feel relieved to come back. I'll cooperate and confess to my crimes."Li Huabo is the first on a recent list of 100 wanted economic fugitives to be repatriated from abroad.
A former local official in east China's Jiangxi Province, Li was suspected of embezzling 94 million yuan, around some 15 million US dollars.
He also funnelled 29 million yuan through Singaporean banks before fleeing to the country in 2011.
In the following year, he was sentenced to 15 months behind bars by a Singaporean court for "dishonestly accepting stolen property" and then was repatriated after serving most of the sentence.
Media reports suggest that Chinese anti-graft officials were attending the trial as witness.
Besides coordinated law enforcement, China and Singapore have also been jointly working on the confiscation of Li's illegal assets.
Chinese anti-graft authorities have also begun to confiscate his illegal gains in abstention.
Huang Feng is the director of research institute of international crime law at Beijing Normal University.
He says the move is an unprecedented practice.
"Previous cases involving the seizure of illegal gains mainly direct at defendants who are dead. This is the first case to seize fugitives' illegal gains transferred overseas."The money includes 5 million Singapore dollars in assets, which has already been frozen by the Singaporean government.
Meanwhile Singapore has already returned a total of 182,000 Singapore dollars of Li's assets directly to the county government that Li used to work for.
Huang Feng says it is highly possible that the all the money can be returned to China in the end.
"I think there's a high possibility for the Singaporean procuratorial organs to acknowledge China's decision, especially when Chinese officials initiated the confiscation procedure, they have fully considered the conditions and terms required by relevant Singaporean law ."The expert says if successful, it'll set a very meaningful precedent for the confiscation of illegal gains transferred overseas.
Without an official number, Chinese economic fugitives have been accused of transferring hundreds of millions of dollars in illegal gains overseas.
The confiscation of the transferred assets has been highlighted as a priority for the government's current anti-graft campaign.
For CRI, I'm Xie Cheng.
Keeping Safe on Road is for EveryoneAnchor:
China's Ministry of Public Security has urged drivers against road rage, releasing data showing a rise of nearly 4 percent in road-rage related incidents so far this year.
The caution comes on the backdrop of a recent case which saw an outraged male driver in the southwestern city of Chengdu beat another driver, claiming that her sudden lane change forced him to brake suddenly and frightened his one-year-old child in the back seat.
CRI's Zhang Wan reports.
A video that shows the owner of a red Volkswagen dragging a female out of a red Hyundai sedan, before throwing her to the ground and kicking her face repeatedly has shocked everyone who watched it.
After being detained, the violent driver surnamed Zhang, told the police that he assaulted the woman after she changed lanes abruptly scaring his baby in the car. The baby's head hit the window during the incident.
Zhou Wenhui is an expert with the Road Traffic Safety Research Center of China's Ministry of Public Security.
"The father might have not used safety seat because a safety seat could fasten securely the baby's head and both shoulders. Compared with an adult, a baby has his or her head much heavier. Thus encountering an emergent brake might not be a big problem for an adult passenger but would severely injure baby's head."In fact, the rate of child restraint use is extremely low in Chinese cities.
According to a 2013 report from China's Maternal and Child Mortality Surveillance System, injuries, including road traffic accidents, are now the third most important cause of death in children under five after newborn and infectious causes in China.
To prevent tragedies among children at pedestrian crossings, Greg Smith, a road safety engineer with the International Road Assessment Program, explains the benefits of erecting speed humps for running vehicles.
"To be honestly, in Europe is same situation that can occur as well. Even if vehicles commonly stop at pedestrian crossings, there will be time when drivers make mistakes. So the idea is that they physically build a speed hump at the crossing, if the vehicle does have that point, it must do so as slow speed."Greg Smith now works with the Ministry of Transport research institute of highways to establish a road assessment program in China.
Based on his experience of working in China, Greg Smith proposed strong enforcements of traffic rules and laws.
"This is where some of the challenges particular to China and some of the Asian countries coming in. China has very good legislation about using the pedestrian crossings. Vehicles must yield to pedestrians when they using them. Unfortunately that doesn't always happen. So this is where the overlap between the Ministry of Public Security and Ministry of Transport becomes very important. You get the enforcement and infrastructure design working together to make a safer situation for children."He made the statement at a UNNICEF-launched salon in Beijing this week, calling attention to be paid to improving safety for children to reduce road accidents related death.
CRI's Zhang Wan reporting.
First British-Chinese Elected to UK Parliament 2'32Anchor:
History has been made as Britain saw its first ethnic Chinese member of parliament.
31-year-old Alan Mak, a Cambridge-educated lawyer, was elected to the House of Commons in Thursday's general election.
CRI's reporter Tu Yun earlier spoke to Alex Yip, Vice Chair of the British Chinese Project, an organization seeking to raise the presence of the UK Chinese community in the British political arena.
BACK ANCHOR: That was Alex Yip, Vice Chair of the British Chinese Project, talking to CRI's Tu Yun.
Epidemic prevention and reconstruction in NepalAnchor:
Two weeks into the aftermath of the devastating earthquake which hit Nepal on April 25, epidemic prevention and control work has entered into a crucial period.
CRI's Min Rui has more.
Medical experts say up till now, no epidemic disease has been detected, but there is still a high possibility of epidemic outbreaks.
The Chinese medical team has conducted sample surveys in Kathmandu on food and drinks as well as risk assessment to prevent and control possible epidemic outbreaks.
Head of the Chinese medical team Lu Lin says drinking water is a major problem and more disinfection work is still needed.
"Drinking water is a major problem as its safety has not been guaranteed. According to our detection, more disinfection work is still needed in many respects to ensure that water is safe to drink."In a joint effort with Nepalese Health Ministry, Chinese medical workers have completed more than 130 water sample analyses, and conducted surveys in 33 key affected areas.
Nepalese people spoke highly of Chinese medical team as they have provided food and tents in addition to medical services to many displaced residents.
Some local Nepalese also volunteered to assist in the work of the Chinese medical team.
"We are volunteers here. We took the Chinese medical team to the most-affected and smelly area, where many bodies were found. Local residents appreciated the help provided by Chinese people and thanked the team for conducting epidemic prevention work there."As for what will happen next, head of the Chinese medical team Lu Lin introduces the three different phases of quake relief work.
"Quake relief work usually comes in three phases - the first phase is emergency medical rescue; the second phase is disease prevention and control; and the third one is restoration and reconstruction. Our work has entered into a crucial period to prevent epidemic outbreaks after the earthquake."On Friday, Nepal's Prime Minister Sushil Koirala vowed to restore and reconstruct all damages within two years.
He also said the government would provide soft loans up to 25 thousand U.S. dollars for the reconstruction of private homes.
For CRI, I'm Min Rui.
Liberia declared Ebola-freeThe UN health agency has declared Liberia Ebola-free, hailing the "monumental" achievement in the West African country where the virus has killed more than 47-hundered people.
It comes in the wake of the successful achievement of the 42 consecutive days required by the WHO for no new cases to be reported if a country is to be declared free from Ebola.
The government of Liberia is expected to commemorate the declaration by the WHO that Liberia as Ebola free on Monday.
Foreign dignitaries who stood by with the government and people of Liberia during the turmoil are expected to attend the celebration.
Ellen Johnson Sirleaf, President of the Republic of Liberia, says they should still remain careful and cautious.
"Let's celebrate but let's remain ever mindful and vigilant to make sure that the joy that we have will not be interrupted. That it'll last and enable us to get to the business of bringing development to our people, which we are all committed to."In the meantime, the World Health Organizations warned that because Ebola outbreaks were continuing in neighboring Guinea and Sierra Leone, the risk remained high that infected people could re-enter the country.
5 policemen killed in Macedonian operation against armed groupFive Macedonian policemen have confirmed dead in a major operation against an armed militant group.
More than 30 others were injured.
The operation was conducted in the town of Kumanovo, an ethnic Albanian area of northern Macedonia.
Police intelligence implied that the gunmen entered Macedonia illegally from its neighboring Kosovo region.
According to the Macedonian Interior Ministry, the group was armed with heavy weapons and planned to attack government facilities.
Over 44 Killed in Jail Break in IraqAt least 33 inmates and 11 policemen have been killed in a prison riot in Iraq's eastern province of Diyala.
17 more guards are reported to be wounded.
Up to 43 inmates escaped, including 9 convicted terrorists.
The prison held more than 150 detainees.
It is the jail of the police headquarters in the city of Khalis, about 65 km northeast of the capital Baghdad.
A curfew has been put in place in the city.
Prison-breaks frequently occurr in Iraq.
Hundreds of inmates escaped in the prison break of Abu Ghraib prison in 2013, including the mass break out of some 500 al-Qaida militants.
Most terrorism cases in the country are linked to Islamist militants, including those associated with the Islamic State insurgency.
Hosni Mubarak Sentenced to 3 Years in Prison without the possibility of paroleFormer Egyptian president Hosni Mubarak and his two sons have been sentenced to three years in prison without parole and a fine in a retrial on corruption charges they faced earlier.
The punishment was announced by a court in Cairo on Saturday.
"The court sentences Mohamed Hosni El Sayed Mubarak and Gamal Mohamed Hosni El Sayed Mubarak and Alaa Mohamed Hosni El Sayed Mubarak to three years in prison without parole on the charges they faced."The verdict included a 16.3 million US dollar fine to be paid by the three men, as well as the return of 2.7 million USD that they had embezzled.
WeatherBeijing will have rain today with a high of 13 degrees Celsius.
Overnight it be overcast and temperatures will drop to 10.
Shanghai will be cloudy with a high of 24 and rainy tonight with a low of 17.
In Chongqing it will be cloudy in the daytime with a high of 31 and overnight it will have thunderstorm with the lowest temperature of 18.
Elsewhere in the world, staying here in Asia,Islamabad will have slight rain today with a high of 38.
Kabul will also be rainy with a high of 21.
Over to North America,New York will be overcast with a high of 26 degrees.
Washington also overcast with a high of 27 degrees.
Honolulu, rainy, 26.
Toronto, Canada, will be rainy with a high of 24 degrees.
Finally, on to South America,Buenos Aires will be cloudy with a high of 20.
And Rio de Janeiro will be rainy with a high of 27 degrees Celsius.
Headline newsChinese president meets Russian PMChinese President Xi Jinping has met with Russian Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev in Moscow.
They met after attending the Victory Day parade marking the 70th anniversary of the victory of the Great Patriotic War.
Xi Jinping said the parade demonstrated Russian people's new achievements in building their country and also showed the world Russia's faith in safeguarding world peace.
The Chinese president also urged both sides to further tap the potential of bilateral cooperation, so as to bring more benefits to both peoples.
Medvedev, on his part, thanked Xi Jinping for attending the events.
Medvedev said the Russian side is willing to join hands with China to deepen cooperation in various fields.
China opposes U.S. annual report on Chinese militaryChina is expressing firm opposition to a Pentagon report on China's military development and national security.
A Defense Ministry spokesperson says the report falsely played up a so-called "Chinese military threat" in disregard of facts.
The spokesperson went onto say that the US report made groundless accusations against China's military building for defensive purposes.
The spokesperson also blamed the report for distorting China's peaceful development strategies and its justified moves to uphold its sovereignty in the East China Sea and South China Sea.
The annual report was released by U.S. Department of Defense on Saturday.
Over 44 Killed in Jail Break in IraqAt least 33 inmates and 11 policemen have been killed in a prison riot in Iraq's eastern province of Diyala.
17 more guards are reportedly wounded.
43 inmates escaped, including 9 convicted terrorists.
The prison held more than 150 detainees.
It is the jail of the police headquarters in Khalis city, about 65 km northeast of the capital Baghdad.
Hosni Mubarak Sentenced to 3 Years in Prison without the possibility of paroleFormer Egyptian president Hosni Mubarak and his two sons have been sentenced to three years in prison without parole.
The verdict included a 16.3 million US dollar fine, as well as the return of 2.7 million USD that they had embezzled.
Mubarak and his two sons were charged of embezzling millions of dollars' worth of state funds over the course of a decade.
Mubarak had originally been sentenced to three years in the case, and his sons to four, but he later appealed, sparking the retrial.
Sci&Tech (Sunday)Weekly Sci-TechAnchor:
Turning now to the news and events in science and technology from the past week.
A new kind of nuclear power plant is under construction in southeast China. A group of Chinese and American scientists claim they may have found the answer to the aging problem that besets human beings. And the United Arab Emirates is planning to send a probe to Mars.
Let's catch all the latest with CRI's Wenjie.
China has begun building a nuclear power station in Fujian province using a domestically-developed third-generation reactor design.
Xing Ji, general designer of Hualong One, says the project has new technologies to ensure the safety and efficiency of the plant.
"We've applied an airplane crash shell on the nuclear power unit, which will protect the unit from any malicious crash from large commercial planes. Meanwhile, we can secure a safe shutdown of the reactor and ensure its safety function after a plane crash since we've placed a nuclear safety system on each side of the reactor building."The nuclear project also features an advanced fuel management system to increase power generation by 5-10 percent.
Xing Ji said the homegrown facility will grant China more competitiveness in the global market for nuclear energy and technology.
"The technology has passed the nuclear safety assessment by the IAEA, which will improve our influence on the international nuclear market and the recognition from more potential users. Next, we will continue to enlarge our market internationally, and further exploit the market. We plan to introduce Hualong One technology to developed countries."Hualong One reactor technology has been jointly designed by two nuclear power giants, China General Nuclear Power Group and China National Nuclear Corporation.
Construction will be completed by the end of 2020.
////////////////////Some exciting news from the life-science field.
A group of Chinese and US researchers may have found the answer to the aging process in human beings.
Scientists say the disorganization of heterochromatin, a tightly packed DNA type, is a key driving force of human stem cell aging.
The findings could lead to methods of preventing and treating age-related diseases such as cancer, diabetes and Alzheimer's disease.
Aging is mainly caused by damage to DNA, which is difficult to reverse.
However the new findings suggest reversing the damage is possible.
Scientists are now working to delve into a compound to interrupt the human aging process and reduce cases of geriatric diseases.
////////////////////A group of Chinese and British researchers have developed a self-cleaning paint that can withstand contact with substances such as oil, even after being scratched or scuffed with sandpaper.
The new coating was made from titanium dioxide nanoparticles and can be applied to clothes, paper, glass and steel.
When combined with adhesives, its self-cleaning properties persist even after surface damage.
The coating was devised by University College London researcher Yao Lu and his supervisor Claire Carmalt.
Yao Lu said he got inspiration from the water-resistant properties of plants.
"I am quite interested in self-cleaning coatings in nature, such as those found in some plants species. We put water on superhydrophobic plants, and they don't get wet. Instead the water will form drops and then roll off or just bounce away and leave the surface dry and clean."The researchers say that having completely water-resilient surfaces allows water to roll over the surface, acting like miniature vacuum cleaners, picking up dirt, viruses and bacteria.
The biggest challenge for the widespread application of this new coating is to make it tough enough to withstand everyday damage.
The study also involved researchers from Dalian University of Technology in China and Imperial College London in the UK.
///////////////////Engineers in central China's Hubei province are working to develop a 3D navigation system based on the country's Beidou Navigation Satellite System.
A number of vehicles have been travelling the streets of Wuhan to collect 3D data.
Xu Yefeng, an engineer with the programme, says the future of the application is very promising.
"Currently the cars are using two-dimensional navigation. But in the future it will move towards three-dimensional nav. The navigation will become real-view. When you use it, you feel like you are driving on the road. I think this is the most promising future of three-dimensional maps and mobile measuring tech applications."The engineers will process all the information including coordinates and images before putting them into mobile data terminals.
The terminals could also be designated to different groups according to their demands.
/////////////////Chinese computer anti-virus firm Qihoo 360 is suggesting market differences are the main reason behind the firm being censured by three different testing organizations for allegedly cheating on some of its international evaluations.
Three separate labs in Austria, Germany and the UK have stripped Qihoo of all its international certifications and rankings for this year.
This comes after the labs discovered Qihoo sent them different software programs which aren't available to consumers.
Qihoo vice-President Qu Xiaodong says the company's antivirus software is based on multi-engine architecture, meaning it works differently in overseas markets compared to China.
"We use different engines for 360 security products in various markets. 360 is an antivirus software with multi- engines. In the Chinese market, we are using the QVM engine based on cloud technology which is more suitable given the market rules."In admonishing Qihoo, the three labs say they're also going to increase their scrutiny of the company in any future testing.
Qihoo 360 is a Beijing-based antivirus software producer.
It reported revenues of 1.4-billion U.S. dollars in 2014.
/////////////////////The United Arab Emirates is planning to send an unmanned probe to Mars in 2020 to study the atmosphere of the Red Planet.
Sheikh Mohammed, Vice President and Prime Minister of UAE, says the mission will provide inspiration to Arabic countries facing conflicts.
"This mission to Mars is really for the hope of the Arab world and sending them a message to say you can be better. You can improve your country. You can reach where you want."Sarah Amiri, lead engineer on the project, says the main scientific mission is to collect data on Mars' climate and atmosphere.
"Our project also aims towards sending a probe there. That is actually very significant to the science community. It provides the first holistic picture of the Martian atmosphere with all of the dynamics and all of the layers that happen over there. It also studies the rates of hydrogen and oxygen escape and the reasons for that into space. This is a significant contribution and this is the first time that such data is available to the wider science community and the wider Mars community."The probe is expected to arrive by 2021 to coincide with the 50th anniversary of UAE's foundation.
Nearly 100 scientists attended the event and will be working on the project.
But officials have not said how much it will cost.
///////////////////And that brings us to the end of this week's Sci & Tech report, I'm Wenjie, thank you for listening, see you next week.
SportsChinese Super League: SIPG thrash Shenhua 5-0 in city derbyStarting things off with action from last night's Chinese Super League,Shanghai SIPG thrashed Shanghai Shenhua 5-0 in a city derby that was filled with tension.
Shenhua's Tim Cahill received the first yellow card just two minutes into the game.
They received three more red cards and were reduced to nine men before the second half.
SIPG took advantage of the 9-men Shenhua and led by four goals, including one from Dario Conca, Tobias Hysen and Wu Lei.
Shenhua defender Avraam Papadopoulos gifted them one more with an own goal.
Shenhua were one more man down after Li Jianbin traded two yellow cards for a red over disputes with the referee.
Tobias Hysen then put in the final kill with a header.
Shanghai SIPG are leading the league standing with 21 points after nine games.
In other action,Liaoning Hongyun edged Tianjin Teda 3-2,Hangzhou Greentown beat Guizhou Renhe 1-0,Shijiazhuang Ever Bright downed Chongqing Lifan 2-0.
Petra Kvitova wins Madrid Open; Nadal, Murray to meet in men's finalIn tennis,Petra Kvitova eased to her second Madrid Open title when she beat Svetlana Kuznetsova 6-1, 6-2.
The two earned their spots in the final after knocking out Serena Williams and Maria Sharapova respectively.
Kvitova led the match 6-1 4-0 with a nine-game streak.
Kuznetsova never threatened a comeback even if she held her next two service games.
Kvitova reached the title with just 66 minutes on court. She updated her win-loss record in the WTA finals to 16-5.
Kvitova said she played aggressively and well which helped her to the win.
"It means a lot for sure. I didn't expect this from the beginning of this week when I played really tough matches from the first two rounds and three sets. So for me, it's been an amazing week for me for sure. I beat the world number one yesterday and beat Svetlana who is a great player on clay, today, so for me it is really special and I am really glad that I was able to do it."On the men's side,Rafael Nadal reached the final by defeating Tomas Berdych 7-6, 6-1.
It is Nadal's seventh appearance in the final and he is chasing his third consecutive Madrid title.
Nadal will face Andy Murray who just overcame Kei Nishikori 6-3, 6-4.
Nico Rosberg takes pole at Spanish GPStaying in Spain,Nico Rosberg denied his Mercedes teammate Lewis Hamilton a 5th straight pole position and will start the Spanish Grand Prix from the top slot.
Rosberg had the fastest time in two of the three practice sessions. He finished qualifying with a best lap of one minute, 24.681 seconds.
It was a much-needed pole for the German, as he had not started from up front since the season-ending Abu Dhabi Grand Prix last year.
"Well of course, I needed it sooner rather than later because it is just one step in the right direction to winning the race here this weekend. Yeah, it was a good day in the office for sure."The Barcelona track is one of the hardest on which to overtake. Eighteen of the past 24 races were won on pole.
Hamilton will share the front row of the starting grid. Ferrari's Sebastian Vettel was third.
Home boy Fernando Alonso will start at 13th place in his first come-back race after a pre-season crash on the same track.
Orica Green-edge win opening TTT at Giro d'ItaliaOrica Green-edge has won the opening stage, a team time trial, at the Giro d'Italia.
The Australian outfit came home in 19 minutes, 26 seconds on the flat 17.6 kilometer course from San Lorenzo al Mare to San Remo.
Six out of nine riders from the squad arrived home together, including Simon Gerrans.
Gerrans is wearing the first leader's pink jersey in this 98th edition of the race.
Alberto Contador's Tinkoff-Saxo team finished second, seven seconds slower than Orica.
Fabio Aru is a further six seconds behind with his Astana team.
Runner-up for the last two years Rigoberto Uran of Etixx-Quick-Step was 19 seconds off the pace.
This year's Giro will take the riders over a course of nearly 3,500 kilomerters across Italy in three weeks.
It finishes in Milan on May 31.
Ryan Fisher, Renee Tomlin win Triathlon World Cup stop in ChengduAustralia's Ryan Fisher and Renee Tomlin of the USA were the winners at the ITU Triathlon World Cup stop in Chengdu.
In men's action,After chasing leaders in the first two legs, Fisher emerged from the field in the running leg and won the sprint finish. His posted the time one hour, 46 minutes and 7 seconds.
Fisher said it had not been an easy course for him.
"To be honest I found the first five k quite hard and I couldn't really find a rhythm and initially running out I felt good but then there were a few surges back and forth by Pete and a few other guys and I was really hurting. But luckily enough in the tail end of it I came good and started to feel much better."In the women's event,Renee Tomlin won with a time of one hour, 58 minutes, 16 seconds in the sweltering Chengdu heat.
MLB: Nationals host Atlanta BravesLooking at some major league baseball action today:
There were several afternoon games played over in the states,The Washington Nationals hosted the Atlanta Braves [update score].
And the Cleveland Indians played host to the Minnesota Twins [update].
[update more live].
EntertainmentChina Film Day takes place in MoroccoChina Film Day has been held in Rabat the capital of Morocco.
The activity was co-hosted by China's State Administration of Press Publication, Radio, Film and Television and Moroccan Ministry of Communications.
Director of the administration Cai Fuchao attended the opening ceremony and said he looked forward to continuing friendship between the two countries through film.
"China and Morocco should strengthen cooperation in film. We hope to continue to write new chapter of friendship between the two countries through cooperation in film."After the ceremony, Wolf Totem, a film co-produced by China and France, telling the coexistence story of wolves and herdsmen on the grasslands of Inner Mongolia in the 1960s and 1970s.
Cai also met Mustapha El Kalfi, Moroccan Minister of Communications.
He also signed a cooperation agreement with Moroccan National Broadcasting Television Company.
U2 perform at Subway station for Tonight with Jimmy FallonRock band U2 caused chaos in New York City performing on the city's subway in disguise for the Tonight with Jimmy Fallon show.
The band performed their mega hit 'I Still Haven't Found What I'm Looking For' before revealing their true identities and causing chaos in Grand Central Station.
The performance was part of their take over for their takeover of The Tonight Show starring Jimmy Fallon which was screened in the US on Friday. Aside from their subway performance, the band also took part in comedy sketches and performed live in the studio.
Jimmy Fallon also interviewed Bono about his bike accident last year which left him needing emergency surgery and forced the band to cancel television appearances.
U2 aren't strangers to surprise performances with the band making regular performances in their home town in Dublin, Ireland every Christmas to raise money for charity.
CBS network orders adaptations of Rush Hour and LimitlessCBS network has ordered adaptations of Rush Hour and Limitless.
The network has ordered five dramas and two comedies for next season.
Rush Hour, produced by Warner Bros television is based on the film trilogy of the same name. The series is focused around a police officer from Hong Kong who is assigned to a case in Los Angeles where he has to work with an over confident LAPD officer.
Limitless is also based on its film of the same name and follows Brian Sinclair as he finds the powers of a mysterious drug and uses his new drug enhanced abilities to solve cases for the FBI. Bradley Cooper is expected to make a cameo in the series.
CBS is home to hits including The Big Bang Theory and the NCIS franchise and will finish the 2014-2015 season as the most watched network for the twelfth time in thirteen seasons.
Pitch Perfect 2 returns with more musical numbersThe Barden Bellas are back for another round of a capella competition in upcoming movie Pitch Perfect 2.
Actress Elizabeth Banks makes her directorial in the sequel which finds the college singers attempting to rebuild their reputation after an embarrassing performance for the president.
Banks, along with stars Anna Kendrick, Rebel Wilson and Brittany Snow attended the film's world premiere in Los Angeles on Friday.
Actress Shelley Regner boasted bigger musical numbers and more challenging choreography.
"There were so many new ones. You know for the first film, the Bellas only had one number and then the finale number. For this movie we have about four different numbers. So it was definitely a challenge They wanted to challenge us with hip-hop, they wanted to challenge us with classical moves, they wanted to challenge us with partner work. ""Pitch Perfect 2" also stars Hailee Steinfeld, Anna Camp and Skylar Astin and hits U.S. and U.K. theaters May 15th.
Huayi Brothers chairman buys Picasso paintingChinese movie mogul Wang Zhongjun has paid almost $30 million for a Picasso painting at Southeby's auction house in New York.
The painting named Woman with a Hairbun on a Sofa was painted by Picasso in 1948 and belonged to Hollywood film producer Samuel Goldwyn.
In a press release after the auction, Wang was quoted as saying that he fell in love with the painting and its story. He said he could not only see Picasso's genius but also Goldwyn's creative vision.
Wang is chairman of the Huayi Brothers Media Group which has produced several movie blockbusters.
The chairman isn't a stranger to Sotheby's auction house with his last purchase being a Vincent van Gough painting which he acquired for just under $62 million last September.
Woman charged for breaking into Chris Brown's houseA woman has been charged after breaking into singer Chris Brown's house and damaging his property.
The woman allegedly broke into the singer's house, lived there for several days and vandalized his home and cars. Brown returned home to find the intruder in his house and called the police.
Amira Kodcia Ayeb was charged with first degree burglary, stalking and vandalism. She pleaded not guilty.
If she is convicted she faces more than seven years in prison.
WeatherBeijing will have rain today with a high of 13 degrees Celsius.
Overnight it be overcast and temperatures will drop to 10.
Shanghai will be cloudy with a high of 24 and rainy tonight with a low of 17.
In Chongqing it will be cloudy in the daytime with a high of 31 and overnight it will have thunderstorm with the lowest temperature of 18.
Elsewhere in the world, staying here in Asia,Islamabad will have slight rain today with a high of 38.
Kabul will also be rainy with a high of 21.
Over to North America,New York will be overcast with a high of 26 degrees.
Washington also overcast with a high of 27 degrees.
Honolulu, rainy, 26.
Toronto, Canada, will be rainy with a high of 24 degrees.
Finally, on to South America,Buenos Aires will be cloudy with a high of 20.
And Rio de Janeiro will be rainy with a high of 27 degrees Celsius.
That’s it for this weekend edition of the Beijing Hour.
A quick look at the headlines before we go...
Chinese President Xi Jinping joining in Victory day commemorations at a parade on Moscow's Red Square...
The second economic fugitive being returned here to China as the country's anti-corruption campaign continues to make great strides...
And epidemic prevention and control work entering into a crucial period following the quake in Nepal...
In our weekly sci-tech feature...a new type of nuclear power plant in the works here in China...
On behalf of the Beijing Hour staffers, this is Spencer Musick in Beijing hoping you'll join us for our next edition of the Beijing Hour to open a window to the world together.