新闻纵贯线 The Beijing Hour updated 20:00 2015/05/13(在线收听

 The Beijing Hour (Monday-Friday)Evening EditionIt's Shane Bigham with you on this Wednesday, May 13th, 2015.

Welcome to the Beijing Hour, live from the Chinese capital...
Coming up on the program this evening...
Nepal struggles after yesterday's earthquake, the second in under three weeks...
The Indian prime minister has spoken to Chinese media in Delhi ahead of a visit that will take him to Xi'an, Beijing, and Shanghai...
And Chinese authorities have expressed concern regarding comments from the US about sending military ships and planes to the South China Sea...
Business: Shenzhen's GDP inches ever closer to the numbers achieved in Hong Kong...
In Sports: Lebron James is on the brink of another conference finals appearance...
In Entertainment: Avengers II sets some box office records in China...
All of that coming up in just a moment, but first, just a reminder there are several ways to reach out to us here on the Beijing Hour.
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TopNepal struggles with fresh earthquakeAnchor:
Kathmandu residents are assessing the damage from yesterday's earthquake, which killed at least 83 people.
The fresh quake struck Nepal not three weeks after the April 25th earthquake that killed more than 8,000 people.
Our reporter Guo Yan has the details.
Tuesday's quake brought down buildings already weakened by the devastating quake last month, and destroyed swaths of housing in the district of Dolakha east of the capital, Kathmandu.
Suraj Gamaj, a resident of Kathmandu, says children were trapped when a building collapsed.
"Inside the cyber café, three or four children were playing games when suddenly the earthquake struck and some of these children could not get out. One of the children managed to run out of the cafe and he said there are more children inside. We managed to get one child out but could not get the other children out."Tuesday's earthquake destroyed Narayan Prasad Subedi's house.
"Yesterday's earthquake destroyed my house. It has collapsed. It is very painful, I can't say anything more. Food, shelter or clothing, nothing is there - it is very painful,"Most of the reported fatalities were in villages and towns east of Kathmandu, only just beginning to pick up the pieces from the previous quake.
Numerous aftershocks have been felt. Xu Zhicheng, a member of China's Blue Sky rescue team, witnessed the quake and the tremors that have come later.
"Some strong aftershocks occurred earlier this morning. We were wakened by the quake and rushed out of our tents. Houses were collapsing around us. The aftershocks were every strong. We rushed to the street and it looked like "the end of the world"Xu says relief goods are urgently needed. He and his colleagues are working on setting up makeshift shelters for local residents.
"Now we are mainly focusing on making tents for the displaced people, as temperature changes sharply from day to night and there are a lot of mosquitos at night."Xu adds that they are short of helping hands as many rescue teams left Nepal last week.
"Rescue workers' numbers have dropped. Under such circumstance, many local volunteer workers have offered to help. "As Nepal struggles to recover from devastating earthquakes, another potential disaster is brewing.
The annual monsoon season is approaching and scientists worry that the torrential rains could trigger landslides and put more lives in peril.
For CRI, I'm Guo Yan.
India expects tangible cooperation with China: ModiIndian Prime Minister Narendra Modi has met with the Chinese media in Delhi ahead of his visit to China this week.
Modi says he wants to focus on how India and China can work together for the betterment of global society.
"Both India and China have a responsibility in assisting the third world countries. A reduction in disease and poverty in these countries will have a huge impact on the whole world. We all acknowledge that the 21st century is an Asian century. I believe a closer India-China relationship will send a strong signal of peace and stability to the world."An estimated 10-billion US dollars worth of economic agreements are due to be signed as part of Modi's time in China.
India's ambassador to China, Ashok Kantha, says he expects the "Belt and Road" initiative will also be a significant topic of discussion.
"Both sides recognize that the relations between India and China, two large countries, cannot just be conducted from New Delhi and Beijing. So we're developing the team of the sub-regional, sub-national cooperation involving states and provinces and cities. That's a major focus of this visit. And you'll see new initiatives ranging from yoga to outer space to skill development to several other areas."Modi is set to arrive in China on Thursday.
He's due to make a stop in Xi'an before heading to Beijing and Shanghai.
Preview on Indian PM's Visit: Trade and Commerce will continue to Top the AgendaAnchor:
The Indian Prime Minister is departing today on a three-nation tour, and China is the first stop. CRI's correspondent in India has talked with Dr. B. R Deepak, a scholar on Chinese studies, regarding Modi's visit.
Our correspondent Sun Yang.
This would be Modi's first state visit to China as Prime Minister. During his three-day tour in China, he is scheduled to meet with Chinese leaders and participate in a series of cultural and business events.
The first stop of Modi's visit will be the ancient city of Xi'an, capital of northwest China's Shaanxi Province. It is also the home city of Chinese President Xi Jinping. Modi will also visit Beijing and Shanghai.
B. R Deepak, a professor of Chinese Studies at the Center of Chinese and Southeast Asian Studies in Jawaharlal Nehru University, says the arrangement has historic symbolism.
"I think first, President Xi would like to reciprocate (you know) the kind of hospitality he got from Modi in his hometown Gujarat. Modi has told President Xi that scholar monk Xuanzang has been to his hometown. It was from Xi'an, Xuanzang started off. So I think it is a connection between the two. Another symbolism is the 'Belt and Road' initiative. The Silk Road Economic Belt in fact starts from there."Modi's trip to China follows a visit by President Xi Jinping to India last September, where the two leaders emphasized cooperation and business deals, including the building of industrial parks and funding for railways.
Doctor Deepak says eight months after the two leaders last met, India and China are working on how to move forward with economic cooperation, and trade and investment will continue to top the agenda during the latest meeting between the two leaders.
"The investment parks which were signed during President Xi are going on. India and China are exploring the investment opportunities in high speed railway, and modernization of India's railway stations. The Chinese team has already conducted feasible studies of the line between Delhi and Channai. Maybe during PM Modi's China visit, we will see more agreements, especially on trade and commerce, economic cooperation. I think that will going to be the primary agenda of PM Modi's China visit."Doctor Deepak added that the issues related to people to people contact, security cooperation, as well as the boundary question would also be put on the board.
On regional economic cooperation, the professor said the BCIM Economic Corridor and the "Belt and Road" initiative are expected to be discussed in Modi's meetings in China.
"As a matter of fact, India is on board as far as Silk Economic Belt and Road concerned. The BCIM corridor is an important corridor from Indian point of view and also from the Chinese point of view. The Silk Road Economic Belt as well as the 21st Century Maritime Silk Road are extremely import for India's security as well as economic development. So I hope sooner or later, or during this visit, we may hear something positive about Belt and Road initiative."For CRI. This is Sun Yang in New Delhi.
China seeks to cash in on Modi's vision to modernize India's rail networkAnchor:
China is seeking to cash in on the Indian prime minister's vision for modernizing his country's creaking rail network, used by 25 million people daily. Cooperation on High-speed rail projects is one of the top items on the agenda when the countries' leaders meet this week.
CRI's Poornima Weerasekara has moreReporterTwo issues are expected to dominate the discussion during Narendra Modi's first visit to Beijing.
The long-drawn border dispute between the two countries will feature at the top of the agenda along with ways to boost economic cooperation between the two countries.
Many experts say that the Asian giants are putting economic ties ahead of regional rivalries.
Deals worth $10 billion US dollars are expected to be signed during Modi's three-day visit.
But Professor Jiang Jingkui, director of the center for South Asian Studies at Peking University, says cooperation in High-speed rail projects will benefit most.
"China has a very strong competitive edge when it comes to developing high-speed rail networks. Although Japan's capabilities in this sector cannot be ignored, they are behind when it comes to price competitiveness when compared to China. China also has the world's largest and fastest high-speed rail network."India is seeking investment of up to 137 billion US dollars over the next five years to revamp its ailing rail-network.
Beijing is keen to accelerate work on a multi-billion dollar railway line running across the length of India, connecting New Delhi to the southern city of Chennai.
China is currently conducting a feasibility study for this $36 billion rail project.
The two sides have also agreed to speed up implementation of a shorter high-speed rail corridor connecting Chennai with India's Technology capital, Bangalore.
But Chinese companies are facing tough competition from Japan and France, as both eye investment in the world's fourth largest railway system.
Modi's upcoming visit to Beijing is expected to help smoothen out some of the obstacles that Chinese companies face when bidding for large rail sector projects in India.
But Professor Jiang points out that Modi's visit is not only about resolving tough business and political issues. He is also on a charm-offensive to win the hearts of ordinary Chinese citizens.
"Prime Minister Modi has joined China's main microblogging service Weibo and is hoping to create greater understanding of India especially among Chinese youth. He is not only trying to express his friendship but also project himself as someone who wants to listen and explain India to the Chinese people. This will help enhance India's soft power in China.
The social-media savvy Indian Prime minister managed to attract more than 20,000 curious followers in the first five hours after opening his Weibo account.
As China eyes a greater share of India's 2 trillion dollar economy, such direct, candid communication becomes more important for both sides.
For Cri I'm Poornima WeerasekaraPremier Li's Visit to Give Momentum to Sino-S. American TiesAnchor:
Chinese Premier Li Keqiang is about to start his first official visit to Latin America.
Chinese officials say the visit will greatly improve ties and diversify trade between China and the countries in the region.
XYee has more.
Premier Li Keqiang will travel to Brazil, Colombia, Peru and Chile during a nearly two week-long trip starting from May 17.
Vice Foreign Minister Wang Chao says the visit will inject new momentum into China's ties with the region.
"The Premier's visit will be of great significance to improving mutual trust, boosting all-round cooperation and partnership and enhancing cultural exchange."The visit comes at a time when speculations rise over China's effort to boost its influence in a region long dominated by the United States.
In response, the Vice Minister says China is willing to see the US build up ties with countries in the region based on mutual respect.
Assistant Commerce Minister Tong Daochi expects the Premier's visit to further promote trade cooperation.
"All of the four countries are China's key trade partners. During Premier's visit, we will mainly discuss important issues like industrial cooperation, infrastructure, free trade zones, economic and technical cooperation, training and financial support."Tong adds that China is willing to work with Latin American countries to upgrade and diversify economic cooperation, and import more value-added products from the continent instead of just raw materials.
"Latin American countries abound in natural resources and produce various agricultural products, both of which China lacks. We also want to import more value-added products from the continent. We hope that Latin American countries, particularly these four, can develop the Chinese market more, and export more products which suit Chinese consumers."Trade between China and Latin American countries exceeded 260 billion US dollars in 2014.
As the world's second largest economy, China has invested a total of more than 100 billion US dollars in the region by the end of last year, with oil, copper and soybeans its major imports from there.
Meanwhile, Peru and Chile also both have free trade deals with China.
During the first China-CELAC ministerial forum in January, Chinese President Xi Jinping pledged $250 billion in investment in Latin America over the next 10 years.
Tong Daochi says China expects that through further deepening cooperation, China and Latin America will join hands to promote global prosperity and recovery.
For CRI, I'm XYee.
China "seriously concerned" about U.S. military move in South China SeaChina has voiced serious concern toward a plan from the United States to send military aircraft and ships to the South China Sea.
Foreign Ministry spokesperson Hua Chunying has urged the US side to clarify its remarks.
A US official said on Tuesday that the Pentagon is considering sending U.S. military aircraft and ships to "assert freedom of navigation" around Chinese-made artificial islands in the South China Sea.
Hua emphasized that freedom of navigation does not give one country's military aircraft and ships free access to another country's territorial waters and airspace.
Hua says China has always advocated freedom of navigation in the South China Sea, adding that the country will resolutely safeguard its territorial sovereignty.
Cross-Strait forum scheduled for JuneThe 7th Cross-Strait Forum between the Chinese mainland and Taiwan is scheduled to be held next month in east China's Fujian Province.
The forum is set to cover youth exchanges and trade cooperation, and aims to boost ties between ordinary people across the straits.
Fan Liqing, spokeswoman for the State Council Taiwan Affairs Office.
"These activities will combine current focuses of social attention at both sides of the Taiwan Strait, including 'Belt and Road,' construction of free trade zones, Internet Plus and ecological civilization, and will promote exchanges between people of the same business."The week-long forum will start on June 13.
China Again Warns against Taiwan IndependenceFan Liqing also reiterated that the mainland opposes any activities related to "Taiwan independence.""The key to maintaining peaceful development of mainland-Taiwan relations, as well as peace and stability across the Taiwan Strait, is to maintain the 1992 Consensus and the political basis of the opposition to 'Taiwan independence'. We firmly oppose any forms of 'Taiwan independence' separatist activities conducted by anyone among the international community,"Fan made the remarks when commenting on a visit to the United States planned by Tsai Ingwen, chair of Taiwan's opposition Democratic Progressive Party.
The 1992 Consensus is an agreement with a core of acknowledgment that the Chinese mainland and Taiwan belong to one and the same China.
Gunmen Kills 43 People aboard a Bus in Southern PakistanGunmen killed 43 people aboard a bus in southern Pakistan today.
The bus was en route to a community centre for Ismaili Shiite Muslims.
Ghulam Haider Jamali is the Provincial Police Chief,"We have initial information from the hospital that 43 people have died and some 13 are injured. Secondly, six terrorists were riding three motorcycles. The got down from the motorcycles and entered the bus and fired indiscriminately. "The attackers then fled the scene on three motorcycles.
A splinter group of the Pakistani Taliban called Jundullah, or Amy of God, claimed responsibility.
Taliban splinter groups have bombed several sites belonging to religious minorities this year.
US Train Derails, Killing at Least 5An Amtrak passenger train heading to New York derailed in north Philadelphia on Tuesday night, killing at least five people.
Michael Nutter is Mayor of Philadelphia,"Early this evening, rather, Amtrak train number 188, which originated from Washington DC, northbound to New York City, derailed."According to Amtrak, the train was carrying 238 passengers and five crew members. More than 140 people were hospitalised, six of them in critical condition.
Jesse Wilson, Philadelphia's Deputy Fire Commissioner, describes what he saw,"I've never seen anything so devastating. They're in pretty bad shape. You can see that they've completely completely derailed from the track. They've been destroyed completely. The aluminium shell has been destroyed. And they've been overturned completely. Again, I don't want to speculate on the cause, but it is a devastating scene down there."Amtrak service has been suspended between New York City and Philadelphia.
The cause of the accident is still unknown.
South Korea Defence Ministry Reacts to Reservist AttackThe South Korean Defence Ministry has expressed its condolences to the victims of an attack in Seoul.
Early today, a South Korean reservist killed a fellow soldier and injured three others before killing himself.
Kim Min-seok, South Korean National Defence Ministry spokesman, sent the ministry's condolences to the families of those who killed or injured during the attack.
"Our military will conduct a thorough investigation on this shooting incident in a transparent manner, leaving no doubt whatsoever, and we will take follow-up measures in accordance with the results of the investigation to prevent such an incident from recurring."Army officials say the soldier opened fire with a rifle on fellow reservists during mandatory drills at a training site in Seoul.
The soldier committed suicide after the rampage.
All able-bodied South Korean men must serve two years of mandatory military service under the country's conscription system.
US Senate Votes against Obama's Pacific TradeThe proposed Trans-Pacific Partnership agreement has hit a snag in the US Congress.
US Senators have voted to not limit debate on a proposal which would give US President Barack Obama the authority to fast-track the bill without legislative approvals.
The so-called TPP is one of the rare items on which Democratic President and the Republican-controlled Congress have found common ground.
Republican Senator Orin Hatch says the Trans-Pacific Partnership agreement is critical for the economic prosperity of the United States.
"I hope my colleagues on both sides of the aisle will stand with me and President Obama and vote yes so we may update and modernize our trade laws, including TPA to help lay the ground work for a healthy economy for our children and our grandchildren. 95 percent of the world's trade is outside of our country."The White House is opposed on the TPP by left-leaning Democrats, including rising Democratic star, Senator Elizabeth Warren.
Japanese government spokesman says fast track bill indispensable for trade deal.
Japan Chief Cabinet Secretary Yoshihide Suga has called for the early enactment of a bill in the US to fast track the 12-nation Trans Pacific Partnership, a free trade zone covering 40 percent of the world economy.
"Each member nation considers the fast track bill indispensable towards an early agreement on TPP talks.""Japan strongly hopes for an early enactment of the bill in the U.S. and we will be monitoring the progress of this bill carefully"The fast track bill refers to the Trade Promotion Authority, or TPA bill, which would give the US President the authority to fast-track the bill without legislative approvals.
Suga's comment comes after US Senators blocked debate on the fast track bill.
The TPP covers 12 countries across the Asia-Pacific region but not China.
New UN Envoy Arrives in YemenThe United Nation's newly appointed Yemen envoy has arrived in the war-battered country just as a humanitarian ceasefire goes into effect.
Ismail Ould Cheikh Ahmed from Mauritania says his mission is to ensure the smooth delivery of aid into the country.
"We have come to prepare for the humanitarian ceasefire that was announced. There is a team of humanitarian aid agencies from UNICEF and the World Health Organization, and other organisations including the head of the humanitarian coordination team who will be coming."The ceasefire began on Monday, but reports say clashes have persisted in some areas.
Ahmed cautions that Yemen's only path to peace lies in dialogue.
"With regard to our current humanitarian visit (to Yemen) we came convinced that there is no solution except a political solution. Yemen has no choice but to have all the different sides sit at the table to find a solution through Yemeni dialogue."According to the UN, more than 1,500 people have been killed in the conflict, and more than 6,000 have been wounded.
Iran sends ship with aid to YemenA senior Iranian military official has warned the Saudi-led coalition that attacking an Iranian aid ship bound for Yemen will "spark a fire."General Masoud Jazayeri, the Deputy Chief of Staff of the Iranian Armed Forces, delivered the warning in an interview with Iran's al-Alam TV on Tuesday.
"I bluntly declare that the self-restraint of the Islamic Republic of Iran is not limitless. Both the country of Saudi Arabia and its novice rulers, as well as Americans and others, should be mindful that if they cause trouble for the Islamic Republic with regard to sending humanitarian aid to the regional countries, it will spark a fire, the extinguishing of which would definitely be out of their hands."Iran says the ship, which departed Monday, is carrying food, medicine, tents and blankets, as well as reporters, rescue workers and peace activists.
It says the ship is expected to arrive at Yemen's port city of Hodeida next week.
The US and Saudi Arabia have accused Iran of arming the Yemeni rebels, known as Houthis.
Iran supports the rebels, but both Tehran and the Houthis have denied that weapons have been supplied.
China-U.S. Relations Conference Calls for More Cooperation in Handling Global Infectious DiseasesExperts at the 6th China-U.S. Relations Conference believe China and the United States should join efforts in response to global infectious diseases.
The attendees have exchanged views on preparedness for public health emergencies, and prevention and control of infectious diseases like the Ebola virus.
Neil Bush, brother of former US President George W. Bush, is co-chair of the conference"So where there is no political barrier, we must lean in to the relationship and submit the relationship so that we can be more effective globally in reacting to a potentially terrible disaster like Ebola and other potential threats,"The 6th China-U.S. Relations Conference wraps up today in Houston, Texas.
WeatherBeijing will be overcast tonight with a low of 19, sunny tomorrow with a high of 28.
Shanghai, cloudy with a low of 21, followed by scattered rain and a high of 28.
Chongqing will be overcast with a low of 21, cloudy with a high of 31.
Elsewhere in Asia,Kathmandu will be cloudy with a high of 29,Islamabad, sunny, 43,Kabul, sunny, 28.
In Australia,Sydney will be sunny with a high of 19,Brisbane, sunny, 22,Perth will be sunny with a high of 26 degrees Celsius.
Headline newsDeath toll rises to 65 and quake cuts off China-Nepal highwayThere are now 65 confirmed deaths following the latest earthquake in Nepal, along with two thousand injuries.
Five aftershocks with magnitudes between four and six have been recorded also.
Landslides triggered by the earthquake on Sunday have blocked roads and are hindering the distribution of relief supplies.
Chinese armed police are working now to reopen a section of a China-Nepal highway that was cut off by a slide.
More than eight thousand people died and 17-thousand others were injured in the 7.9 magnitude earthquake in Nepal last month.
China "seriously concerned" about U.S. military move in South China SeaChina has voiced serious concern toward a plan from the United States to send military aircraft and ships to the South China Sea.
Foreign Ministry spokesperson Hua Chunying has urged the US side to clarify its remarks.
A US official said on Tuesday that the Pentagon is considering sending U.S. military aircraft and ships to "assert freedom of navigation" around Chinese-made artificial islands in the South China Sea.
Hua emphasized that freedom of navigation does not give one country's military aircraft and ships free access to another country's territorial waters and airspace.
Hua says China has always advocated freedom of navigation in the South China Sea, adding that the country will resolutely safeguard its territorial sovereignty.
China announces holiday for V-Day celebrationThe Chinese government has announced a national holiday for this year's celebration of the 70th anniversary of the victory in World War II.
The move aims to allow all people nationwide to participate in activities commemorating China's victory in the war against Japanese aggression and the victory in the World Anti-Fascist War on September 3.
China is planning a military parade to mark the event on the day.
It would be the first time for the country to hold a special parade to commemorate the WWII victory.
43 killed in bus attack in Pakistan's KarachiAt least 43 people have died and a dozen others hurt when a group of gunmen opened fire at a passenger bus in Pakistan's southern port city of Karachi.
Police said that the attack happened when attackers sprayed bullets at the bus and fled the scene.
The bus was carrying about 65 people.
Police cordoned off the area around the attack as they investigate. Two police officers have been suspended because of the bus attack.
Britain to announce new laws on Islamic extremismBritish Prime Minister David Cameron is reportedly going to announce a new set of measures to combat Islamic extremism.
This is expected to be part of his first major policy speech since winning a majority in last week's general election.
Cameron's office says new legislation connected to the new policies are going to be introduced in parliament later this month.
The new measures are expected to go further than under the last Cameron-led administration.
Former coalition partners, the Liberal Democrats, blocked a number of the measures.
Cameron's Conservatives took a surprise majority in last week's elections.
Biz ReportsAnchor:
Turning now to our business news, starting with a look at the numbers from the Asian markets on this Wednesday evening.
Joining me on the desk is CRI's Luo Wen.
Chinese stocks closed mixed as the market digested data on industrial output and retail sales.
Stocks related to media, entertainment, e-business and online games led the gains.
Shares of Beijing Baofeng Technology and Shanghai-listed Chinese Universe Publishing and Media Corporation both surged by the daily limit of 10 percent.
The finance, electricity, environmental protection, software and coal sectors were among the biggest losers.
Analysts say that market sentiment about the banking sector will be encouraged by the 1-trillion-yuan local government debt swap program jointly announced by Chinese financial authorities today.
We will have more on the program shortly.
At close,The benchmark Shanghai Composite Index ended down nearly 0.6 percent.
The Shenzhen Component Index gained 0.7 percent.
In Hong Kong, the benchmark Hang Seng Index sank 0.6 percent.
Elsewhere in Asia,Japanese stocks erased losses in the morning and rebounded higher as sentiment was boosted by optimism over the country's economy and domestic earnings.
The benchmark Nikkei edged up 0.7 percent.
South Korea's Kospi climbed 0.8 percent.
Singapore's Straits Times Index rose 0.3 percent.
And finally, Australia's ASX 200 added 0.7 percent.
Shenzhen Reinvents Itself, Set to Surpass H.K.
The latest stats show the city of Shenzhen has seen its overall GDP rise 7.8-percent through the first-quarter of this year.
Growth has come in at 350-billion yuan, or around 56-billion U.S. dollars.
This has put the city's growth at 90-percent of the rate of neighboring Hong Kong.
Shenzhen, a small fishing village in the 1970's, has been transformed into a major economic hub for the mainland over the past 30-years.
For more on Shenzhen's developent, CRI's Spencer Musick spoke earlier with John Ross, Senior fellow of Chongyang Institute for Financial Studies at Renmin University.
China's 1 trln yuan Local Gov't Debt-swap to Finish by Sept.
China is planning to complete a local government debt swap program by the end of August.
The program is worth one trillion yuan or 164 billion U.S. dollars.
The bonds will be issued through private placement rather than public offering to minimize the impact on liquidity that an influx of local government bond offerings would have.
The local government bonds can not be directly traded in interbank or exchange markets, but repo trades are allowed.
They are also included as a form of collateral for the central bank's liquidity tools such as the standing lending facility (SLF), mid-term lending facility (MLF) and pledged supplementary lending (PSL).
Official data shows local government debt stood at nearly 11 trillion yuan by the end of June 2013.
About 1.8 trillion yuan is due by the end of this year.
State Council Issues Guideline to Boost Foreign TradeThe State Council, China's cabinet, has issued a guideline detailing new goals in the development of foreign trade.
The guideline maps out the country's aim to expand trade relations with more countries and regions as well as to raise the quality and variety of its exports to enhance the country's competitiveness.
It notes that advantages in labor-intensive industries like textiles and furniture should be further consolidated.
The guideline also states that China is to export a combination of products, services, technologies and capital by 2020 instead of mainly goods.
It also highlights efforts to enlarge the imports of advanced equipment and products, which could benefit the country's industrial restructuring and upgrading.
Zhang Jianping, senior researcher with the National Development and Reform Commission, says China needs to nurture new growth points in foreign trade.
"China's foreign trade has grown at a slower pace in recent years. This is mainly due to a lack of new growth points. There is too much focus on commodity trade, not enough on service trade. There aren't enough quality exports especially domestic brand products with advanced technology and high added value. The proportion of processing trade is fairly big. And we rely too much on trade with traditional markets, mainly developed economies. We need to conduct more trade with the emerging economies."The State Council is encouraging closer trade ties with countries and regions along the route of the "One Belt, One Road" initiative, with a focus on exports of manufacturing equipment and related services.
Official data shows total foreign trade posted a 7.3 percent decrease in the first four months of this year, falling to 7.5 trillion yuan.
Exports to emerging markets rose by 5.7 percent in the same period, contributing nearly 170 percent of export increase.
China's April Industrial Output Growth Speeds upOfficial stats show the growth of China's industrial output picked up in April after hitting a six-year low in March.
Industrial output last month grew close to 6 percent year on year, up from 5.6-percent growth in March.
In the first quarter of this year, industrial output grew 6.2 percent year on year, compared to 6.4-percent growth in the January-March period.
Industrial output is used to measure the activity of designated large enterprises with annual turnover of at least 20 million yuan or more than 3.2 million U.S. dollars.
SportsFootball: Barcelona Make Champions League Finals Despite 3-2 Loss to Bayern MunichIn football action from the UEFA Champions League,Barcelona is in the finals after beating Bayern Munich on aggregate, despite losing 3-2 against the Bundesliga champions in leg 2.
Bayern opened scoring early, but Barca's two goals before halftime put pressure on the German side, who had to score six goals to advance, after losing leg one 3-0.
Barcelona coach Luis Enrique says he is happy with the result and is looking forward to the final.
"The objective is marvelous, we are very happy, and waiting for the end of the season, because we need a victory in both competition to be the winners."This marks the 8th time that Barcelona has reached the Champions League final.
Barcelona will next meet the winner of tomorrow's semi-final match between their league rivals, Real Madrid, and Serie A giants Juventus in the Berlin Final on June 6.
Cleveland Cavaliers Beat Chicago Bulls 106-101 to Take 3-2 Series LeadIn the NBA Playoffs,LeBron James scored 38 points as the Cleveland Cavaliers beat the Chicago Bulls 106-101 on Tuesday to take a 3-2 lead in their NBA Eastern Conference semifinals.
James also added 12 rebounds, six assists, three steals and three blocks to help Cleveland ensure the win. J.R. Smith and Tristan Thompson finished with 12 points apeice.
Cleveland Cavaliers Forward LeBron James.
"I tried to play my game, be aggressive and anytime you get some shots going early, you feel pretty good. I was able to get my jumper going. I was able to get my post-up game going pretty early, my attack game. So I just tried to feed off of it. I'm just trying to feed off of the rhythm that I had and just tried to stay in the rhythm as long as I could."The Bulls were missing big man Pau Gasol, who sat out his second straight game with a strained left hamstring.
They also played the final ten minutes without Taj Gibson, ejected for kicking Cavaliers' guard Matthew Dellavedova.
Game 6 is Thursday at Chicago.
A win for Cleveland in Game 6 will wrap up the best-of-seven series and the team would advance to the conference finals for the first time since 2009.
In other action,The Houston Rockets dragged their NBA Western Conference semifinals to Game 6 with a season-extending 124-103 victory over Los Angeles Clippers.
Indonesia Beat Denmark 3-2 at the Sudirman CupIn badminton,Indonesia beat Denmark 3-2 to avoid facing China in the Sudirman Cup in Dongguan on Wednesday.
In women's singles,Indonesia's Bellaetrix Manuputty defeated Line Kjaersfeldt of Denmark in straight sets 21-15, 21-18.
On the men's side, World number three Jan O Jorgensen got one back for Denmark as he defeated Firman Abdul Kholik 21-8, 21-10 in men's singles, though Denmark still lost to Indonesia.
Southeast Asia powerhouse Indonesia will next face Germany in the quarter-finals, while Denmark has to challenge nine-time winners China.
Tampa Bay Lightning Beat Montreal Canadiens 4-1 to Reach East FinalIn the NHL Playoffs,The Tampa Bay Lightning defeated the Montreal Canadiens 4-1 on Tuesday to win their series and advance to the Eastern Conference Finals.
Nikita Kucherov scored two goals and tallied an assist for Tampa Bay.
The Lightning played without forward Ryan Callahan, who had an emergency appendectomy on Monday night.
With the victory, the Lightning have won 9 of 11 meetings against the Canadiens this season.
They will face either the New York Rangers or the Washington Capitals in the Eastern Conference final beginning on Saturday.
It will be the Lightning's third trip to the conference final and first since 2011.
Elsewhere,The Anaheim Ducks and the Chicago Blackhawks will face off for the Western Conference final.
Skujins Wins Mountain Stage and Takes Overall LeadIn Cycling,Tom Skujins of the Hincapie Racing Team pedaled to a surprising mountain stage win on the third day of the Tour of California on Tuesday.
Skujins completed the 170-kilometer San Jose road stage in 4 hours, 33 minutes and 10 seconds.
Peter Sagan of Slovakia finished second for the third straight day, 1 minute and 6 seconds behind Skujins.
Julian Alaphilippe of France was third in the same time.
The race continues on Wednesday and Thursday with flat stages for the sprinters before Friday's time trial in the mountains around Big Bear Lake.
The riders will also finish the 1,165-kilometer course in Pasadena on Sunday.
Manny Pacquiao Returns to Manila after Mayweather DefeatIn boxing,Filipino boxer Manny Pacquiao has arrived in Manila, a little over a week after losing to American Floyd Mayweather.
The 36-year-old says he will focus on recovering from his shoulder injury and his duties as congressman and family man.
"I haven't discussed with anyone about my next fight. My focus right now is my shoulder recovery and to make it 100 percent okay, and my focus is on my congress work and family."Pacquiao has said he suffered the shoulder injury during training for the May 2 fight.
He underwent successful arthroscopic surgery on his right shoulder last week, just days after his loss to Floyd Mayweather.
Pacquiao also says he will make an announcement when he recovers on whether to continue his career or to retire.
Entertainment'Avengers 2' sets box office records in ChinaHollywood blockbuster "Avengers: Age of Ultron" has arrived in Chinese theaters.
The film grossed nearly 30 million yuan, or five million US dollars, during its midnight opening on Tuesday. It opened in more than 7,500 theatres across the country.
The total is second only to the car-racing action movie "Furious 7".
"Avengers: Age of Ultron" grossed 224 million yuan over the whole of Tuesday, counting the movie's midnight income, again making it the second biggest opening after "Furious 7."However, "Avengers 2" has already set a new weekday record, as it didn't open on a weekend.
Industry observers say the film may attract more moviegoers to cinemas this weekend and set some new records.
Whether it can top "Furious 7" as the biggest grossing film ever in China remains to be seen.
Cannes film festival to kick off in the midnightThe 68th Cannes film festival is to kick off at midnight Beijing time.
This year, 19 films are vying for the Palme d'Or.
Mainland director Jia Zhangke's Mountains May Depart and Taiwan director Hou Hsiao-Hsien's The Assassin are among the films in competition for the award.
Jia's movie is a three-part tale spanning several decades that begins with separated lovers in China and ends up in a futuristic Australia.
The director won Cannes' best screenplay award in 2013 for his A Touch Of Sin.
Hou Hsiao-Hsien is a leader of Taiwan's New Wave cinema movement. His movies have been nominated six times for the Palme d'Or, but he has never won.
However in 1993, he picked up the Cannes Jury Prize for In The Hands Of A Puppet Master.
American actor Jake Gyllenhaal, actress Sienna Miller, French star Sophie Marceau, Mexican filmmaker Guillermo del Toro, and Cannes jury presidents Joel and Ethan Coen are among the 9 juries to decide which film will win the big award.
Cannes: Anne Hathaway to Star in 'Colossal'
Anne Hathaway stars in Colossal, a project that's sure to have one of the biggest curiosity factors at this year's Cannes film market.
Nacho Vigalondo is writing and directing for Voltage Pictures.
In the movie — described as Transformers versus Adaptation and Godzilla meets Being John Malkovich - Hathaway will play Gloria, an ordinary woman who, after losing her job and her fiancé, decides to leave her life in New York to move back to her hometown.
Hathaway is next in theaters this September in Nancy Meyers' The Intern, starring opposite Robert De Niro.
She also reprises her role as the White Queen in Disney's sequel Alice Through the Looking Glass, set to hit theaters May 27, 2016.
Pink honored the 2015 BMI President's AwardAmerican pop star Pink has been honored with the 2015 BMI President's Award for her musical success and songwriting abilities.
Since her debut in 2000, Pink has released seven records and collected Grammys, BMI Awards, Billboard Awards, and many more.
However the President's Award really hit home for her.
"Tonight is really different. Tonight is a songwriter award. Tonight's serious in my family. My dad is a poet and to me I've been scratching in my notebooks since I could write and just for people to be interested in what I have to say and relate to it and find truth in it."Pink's last solo album "The Truth About Love" was released in 2012.
It produced smash hits such as "Just Give Me A Reason".
Her latest collaboration was with folk music duo "You and Me" with a self-titled song release in September 2014.
WeatherBeijing will be overcast tonight with a low of 19, sunny tomorrow with a high of 28.
Shanghai, cloudy with a low of 21, followed by scattered rain and a high of 28.
Chongqing will be overcast with a low of 21, cloudy with a high of 31.
Elsewhere in Asia,Kathmandu will be cloudy with a high of 29,Islamabad, sunny, 43,Kabul, sunny, 28.
In Australia,Sydney will be sunny with a high of 19,Brisbane, sunny, 22,Perth will be sunny with a high of 26 degrees Celsius.
That’s it for this edition of the Beijing Hour...
A quick look at the headlines before we go...
Nepal struggles after yesterday's earthquake, the second in under three weeks...
The Indian prime minister has spoken to Chinese media in Delhi ahead of a visit that will take him to Xi'an, Beijing, and Shanghai...
And Chinese authorities have expressed concern regarding comments from the US about sending military ships and planes to the South China Sea...
Business: Shenzhen's GDP inches ever closer to the numbers achieved in Hong Kong...
On behalf of the Beijing Hour staffers, this is Shane Bigham in Beijing hoping you'll join us for our next edition of the Beijing Hour to open a window to the world together.