新闻纵贯线 The Beijing Hour updated 08:00 2015/05/18(在线收听

 The Beijing Hour Morning EditionPaul James with you on this Monday, May 18, 2015.

Welcome to the Beijing Hour, coming to you live from the Chinese Capital.
Coming up on our program this morning...
Chinese President Xi Jinping has met with US Secretary of State John Kerry to discuss, among other things, his trip to the US later on this year.
Chinese Premier Li Keqiang has made a stop in Ireland ahead of his 4-nation Latin American tour.
The US military has confirmed its killed one of the leading members of the Islamic State.
In Business.... Chinese officials say the BRICS development bank may be operational before year's end.
In Sports.... Liu Xiang officially says goodbye to competitive track at an event in Shanghai.
In entertainment... a new prize specifically for Chinese film makers has been announced at the Cannes Film Festival.
All of that coming up in the next hour.
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Top NewsXi expects "candid, in-depth" talks with Obama in SeptemberChinese President Xi Jinping says he is looking forward to having "candid and in-depth" talks with US President Barack Obama during his planned visit to the US in September.
Xi Jinping has made the suggestion while meeting with US Secretary of State John Kerry in Beijing this weekend.
"During President Obama's visit to China last November, we had in-depth talks and reached important consensus on developing the China-US relationship. I'm looking forward to my visit to the US in September at the invitation of President Obama and I'm ready to continue to work with President Obama to push for new development in building a new model of major-country relationship between China and the United States."Xi Jinping is also calling on the two sides to properly manage, control and handle their disputes.
Kerry's visit comes amid lingering tensions in the South China Sea.
Washington has been expressing concern over Chinese land reclamation projects in the South China Sea.
The Chinese government says its alarmed by a possible US plan to send military aircraft and ships into the area.
Speaking with Xi Jinping, John Kerry notes the US and China have already shown they are able to deal with major international and regional issues.
The two have also discussed the forthcoming China-US Strategic and Economic Dialogue set for Washington in June.
Premier Li stops in Ireland before Latin America tourChinese Premier Li Keqiang has made a brief stop-over in Ireland ahead of his four-nation tour in Latin America.
As part of his time in Ireland, Li Keqiang has met with Irish Prime Minister Enda Kenny.
CRI reporter Zhai Lei, who is traveling with the premier, says the two have discussed a wide-range of issues.
"During the meeting, Premier Li Keqiang called for closer cooperation in agriculture, biomedicine, information technology and other areas, and more people-to-people exchanges in such fields as education, culture and tourism."Li Keqiang has also overseen the signing of a number of deals connected to agricultural cooperation.
China has become Ireland's fastest-growing agro-product export market.
The Chinese premier is scheduled to leave Ireland later on this Monday for Brazil, Columbia, Peru and Chile.
China-Russia joint drill enters active phaseThe combined military drills between China and Russia have entered the active phase.
Naval forces from the two countries have arrived at the exercise area in the eastern Mediterranean.
Drills will kick off later today.
Three Chinese ships and six Russian naval vessels will be divided into four groups to carry out a series of exercises.
Jiang Guoping, Chinese Fleet Commander, says their drills will involve a variety of different tasks.
"This phase of drill will last from May 18 to 21, and will focus on maritime defense, replenishment, escorting, joint action to ensure shipping safety and use of weapons. Both China and Russia aim to safeguard maritime safety by conducting the exercise and this is also the major part of the whole drill."The joint military drill was launched in the Black Sea on May 11.
Nepali PM appeals for more quake aidAnchorThe Nepalese government is issuing an appeal to the international community for more help in the wake of the devastating earthquakes which have rattled the country.
CRI's Niu Honglin has more details.
ReporterThe Nepali government is calling on the international community for 1.8 billion US dollars to help with the reconstruction process.
Prime Minister Sushil Koirala says they'll be looking for the donor community as well as the private sector to make the necessary contribution.
The financial appeal comes as Nepal attempts to cope with the deaths of over 9-thousand people.
And with another 20-thousand hurt, Koirala admits his country has an uphill task, but says they can recover, provided they get some help.
"At this difficult hour, we are very much encouraged by the gesture of goodwill and support from our neighbours, development partners, friends and well-wishers in the international community. We are confident of receiving support at an enhanced level from the international community as we begin the phase of rehabilitation and reconstruction."Meanwhile, Koirala has also confirmed the deaths of 6 US servicemen and two Nepalese soldiers who disappeared last week while on a humanitarian mission.
"The US helicopter that was deployed for rescue and relief has crashed. All eight servicemen on board have been killed. I offer my deepest condolence to them and their bereaved families."One of the major concerns now is the impending monsoon season in Nepal.
The Red Cross says more tents are needed to shelter those left homeless.
"We've received much help after the earthquake, but in fact we are still in need of more tents for the evacuees, because there are too many of them and it's terrible should there be an outbreak of epidemic."Meanwhile, on the Chinese side of the border, crews have now managed to re-open the road linking the border crossing at Zham in Tibet with Kathmandu.
That stretch of road is a vital link, not only for the movement of relief materials, but also for cross-border trade, which is the livelyhood of many people living in the border area between China and Nepal.
For CRI, I'm Niu Honglin.
China to expand three-tier health care systemAnchorThe State Council, China's cabinet, has rolled out new guidelines for this country's so-called three-tier health care system.
CRI's Yu Yang with more on what the three-tiered system means.
ReporterUnder the new program, patients with minor ailments are to be directed to primary hospitals, which usually consists of small, outpatient clinics.
Patients with more serious illnesses will be sent to second-tier or secondary hospitals.
Only the most seriously ill will be sent to third-tier or tertiary hospitals.
Jiao Yahui with the National Health and Family Planning Commission says the three-tier system is critical in reducing wait-times.
"Without a tiered system in place, we will never be able to address overcrowding in tertiary hospitals."The new guidelines are also calling for a more integrated health care network.
Large and small hospitals are going to have to share resources and expertise to save money.
Feng Guosheng, head of the Beijing Municipal Administration of Hospitals, says the new design will fully utilize the resources available at all of China's medical institutions.
"For instance, patients including those who have gone through surgery and those who are recovering from critical illnesses, will be transferred to lower-tier or community hospitals. These hospitals are better at tending to recovering patients. Through this, we will be able to fully utilize the resources at all medical institutions."At the same time, authorities have also laid out plans for infrastructure upgrades at medical facilities in China's smaller cities and rural areas.
Broader-based medical insurance plans are also being worked on.
Liu Guoen with the State Council's Health Care Advisory Committee says they believe the new system is going to be much more efficient.
"We have made the tiered system the center of China's healthcare reform. The core of the system is that medical services, technologies, funds and all the hardware and software should be decentralized. That is the key."One of the other goals of the plan is to reduce hospitals' reliance on drug sales to supplement their income.
Hospitals are being told to create a more reasonable drug pricing system, as well as retune their recruitment and salary policies.
Under the new program, health insurance should cover most people's medical expenses, with individuals not paying more than 30 percent of their medical bills on their own by 2017.
The new reforms are expected to cover all of the country's 68-hundred public hospitals by 2017.
For CRI, I'm Yu Yang.
National Disabled Day Focuses on Autistic ChildrenAnchorThis year's "National Day for the Disabled" here in China is focusing on autistic children.
CRI's Qian Shanming has the details.
ReporterFive-year-old Rongrong is receiving rehabilitation therapy at a treatment center in Beijing.
She is one of some 2-million children in China under the age of 14 that have been diagnosed with autism.
The China Disabled Persons Federation estimates over 600-thousand pre-school children in China are autistic, and says that figure is increasing.
Only one-in-ten of these children are receiving any sort of treatment.
There is currently no cure for autism.
As such, the best the medical community can do right now is try to help autistic children better adjust to their symptoms.
Doctor Wu Weihong with Beijing Boai Hospital says they have a number of therapies which have been effective.
"For example, the kids are taught to communicate, using language to express their needs. They learn the skills they need to interact with their families, friends and average people. At the same time, we're helping them eliminate the behavior which is commonly associated with autism."Li Jianjun, Director of China Rehabilitation Research Center, says a more standardized approach to treating autism is needed.
"In China, treating autistic children is difficult, largely due to a lack of a national standard. As such, we're trying to formulate a standard for people to follow, so they have a better idea of what methods are effective and what are not. The standard is based on practical studies and is reliable."The Chinese government is paying more attention to the situation.
A growing number of rehab centers in China are starting to provide more extensive monitoring and treatment for autistic children.
More government grants are also being offered to help ease the financial burden for the families who have autistic children.
"After receiving treatment for three years, my kid is now able to stand up and eat food by himself. The increased subsidies have reduced our financial burden and makes us more confident about one-day finding a cure."Autism itself affects how the brain processes information.
Causes for Autism aren't widely known, though its believed a combination of genetic and environmental factors may be involved.
In China, more than 13 million people suffering from autism, including an estimated 1.8 million children, while worldwide autism has an incidence of between one and two percent worldwide.
While some cases of autism can be completely debilitating, others are less so.
Through therapy, those with more mild forms of autism can go on to lead a healthy and productive life.
For CRI, I'm Qian Shanming.
Former CIA Deputy Comments on Killing IS LeaderA man described as the Islamic State's head of oil operations has been killed in a raid by US Marines.
US officials say Abu Sayyaf was killed during a raid by US commandos in eastern Syria sometime this weekend.
His wife has been captured alive.
It's believed she has key information about hostages the Islamic State has been holding.
Former CIA deputy director Michael Morell says documents discovered in the raid are also shedding light on potential plans the Islamic State may be considering.
"So, two documents in that cache. One is a document about how effective weapons of mass destruction can be against the enemy. That's us. One of those documents talks about how you actually make bubonic plague and how you use that against the enemy. That's us. And the other document talks about the religious justification for using weapons of mass destruction."Abu Sayyaf has been described as the head of the Islamic State's oil operations, which has been key source of revenue for the group.
Syria Regains Control of Surrounding areas of archaeological city of PalmyraThe Syrian army has reportedly regained control of areas surrounding the historic city of Palmyra.
Syrian state TV, citing a military source, is reporting the Syrian military has killed dozens of Islamic State militants to the east of Palmyra.
It's being reported Islamic State fighters have pulled out of northern areas around the city, but are still holding a village to the north of Palmyra.
The head of the Syrian government's antiquities department says they believe the ancient ruins to the southwest of the city have been left unharmed.
The militant group's attack on Palmyra has raised concern that its World Heritage site could meet the same fate as ancient monuments the group has destroyed in Iraq.
Palmyra was first built some 4-thousand years ago during the Neolithic age, and is one of the few remaining ancient communities still standing from that time.
The community later became a hub of trade during the Roman era.
Many traders from the city later established outposts along the Silk Road.
Palmyra is strategically significant because it sits at a crossroads linking it to the cities of Homs and Damascus.
Death Verdict on Morsi Draws Mixed Reax and FearsAnchorFears of more violent retaliation are being raised following the death sentence handed down to former Egyptian President Mohammed Morsi this weekend.
CRI's Zhao Jianfu has more.
ReporterThe Cairo Criminal Court on Saturday handed down death sentences to Morsi and more than 100 other defendants in the "Wadi al-Natron jailbreak."Morsi is accused of escaping prison with the assistance of domestic and foreign militants during the Jan. 25 uprising that ousted Hosni Mubarak in 2011.
The ruling is the first death sentence against an Egyptian leader in modern history.
It is welcome among some Cairo citizens. People want a speedy trial for other Muslim Brotherhood members and hope this will help calm the country's political situation.
"It's good, we want the country to calm down and go back to normal. Those criminals must die.""People need to calm down. And I wish the same to the rest of them, those who are spoiling things for the Egyptian people, we want every one of them to be tried in a speedy trial."But just two hours after the ruling, three judges were shot dead in the restive Sinai Pininsula.
No groups have claimed responsibility for the attack, but it has raised fears that judges will be the new targets for militants, after soldiers and policemen.
Meanwhile, the pro-Morsi National Coalition to Support Legitimacy has urged for "a revolutionary wave that lasts until July 3" - the day on which Morsi was overthrown.
Outside Egypt, the sentence also sparked condemnations.
Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan criticised Egypt for returning to the "old Egypt" by rolling back democracy.
"Egypt is going back to old Egypt. You know what an old Egypt was like, right? You know it from history books, right? (Egypt is) going back there (to those times)."Erdogan also accused western nations of not speaking out against Egyptian President Abdel-Fattah el-Sissi, who ousted Morsi two years ago, or against death sentences to Morsi's Muslim Brotherhood group.
Meanwhile, a spokesman for Hamas has condemned the sentence against Morsi.
"The movement considers this a regrettable, shocking and an invalid decision because it's based on wrong, untrue information, such as accusing some Palestinian martyrs who died before the Egyptian revolution (in 2011) and also accusing some Palestinian prisoners who are in occupation in (Israeli) jails."Hamas is the Palestinian chapter of the Brotherhood and its leaders enjoyed close relations with Morsi during his year in office.
The Jordanian branch of Muslim Brotherhood - The Islamic Action Front Party - criticised Egypt's leadership as "a dictatorship full of sickness.""This ruling tells us we should consider Egypt as living in a real crisis. This crisis is linked to this regime's chokehold on the country. This crisis is strangling the people living in Egypt. It is a bad situation for security, a bad situation for religion, and a bad situation for society."Saturday's verdict is the second against Morsi. He was sentenced last month by the same court to 20 years in jail over ordering the arrest and torture of protesters in 2012.
Morsi is also facing charges in an espionage case that led to death penalties against 16 Muslim Brotherhood leaders.
The death verdict has been referred to the nation's top Muslim theologian, or mufti, for a non-binding opinion.
The final verdict will be announced on June 2.
Morsi's lawyer is vowing to "exert every possible avenue for an appeal."For CRI, I'm Zhao Jianfu.
Jews marking Israeli Jerusalem Day Clash with PalestiniansClashes have erupted between Jews and Palestinians as part of Israeli Jerusalem Day.
Six have been arrested as part of the confrontation, which saw groups of Israeli nationalists march into East Jerusalem.
Ahmad Sub Laban with Arab-Israeli group Ir Amim says the day is terrifying for Arabs living in East Jerusalem.
"They say that day for them feels like a prison, keeping them inside their houses. They are forbidden to go in and out of the Old City. They are also attacked, some of their properties are destroyed. The shopkeepers are forced to close their stores without being given a warrant."Palestinian shop keeper Mohammed Ali says business owners along the route of the march are always left cleaning up a big mess after the event.
"They come while the shops are closed, and of course they empty the city, it's forbidden to enter one's house from here. They empty the city, they start destroying the shops. They break any lamp or glass. They ruin the locks with sticks. They destroy everything."Upward of 40-thousand people are said to have taken part in this year's march, which commemorates the capture of East Jerusalem from Jordan in 1967.
East Jerusalem has been tapped as the future capital of a separate Palestinian state.
Libya detains 400 illegal migrants from Somalia and EthiopiaLibyan authorities have picked up some 400 illegal migrants from Somalia and Ethiopia on outskirts of the capital, Tripoli.
Its believed the group was preparing to try to make the crossing from Libya into Europe.
The Libyan Coast Guard says group is now being held at a holding centre for illegal migrants.
"Around 30 to 40 women of Somali nationality were detained, some of whom were pregnant and others who were sick."Calm seas and warmer temperatures this year has prompted thousands to use Libya as a launching pad for European shores and a shot at a new life.
So far an estimated 51-thousand migrants have made it into Europe by crossing the Mediterranean.
Around 18-hundred have died while attempting the crossing.
The European Union has been working to try to draft a more humane asylum policy.
However, the growing number of anti-immigration parties in Europe is making that more difficult.
Burundi President Pierre Nkurunziza Makes Public AddressBurundi's President has made his first public appearance since a failed coup by one of his leading generals this past week.
Pierre Nkurunziza arrived back in Burundi this weekend after forces loyal to him managed to overpower those attempting to wrest him from power.
Nkurunziza was out of the country at the time.
His attempt to run for a 3rd term in office has met with weeks of almost daily protests, with his opponents saying his plans to remain in-office violate both the country's constitution and the accords which ended the country's 12-year civil war in 2005.
18 people involved in the failed coup have been arrested.
The fate of the General who launched the attempt remains unclear.
Meanwhile, mass demonstrations are planned once-again in Burundi later on this Monday.
France Solar Impulse- The technology behind Solar Impulse 2AnchorThe people behind the around-the-world solar powered plane flight are now preparing for, what's expected to be, the most difficult part of the journey, which is the flight from China to Hawaii.
CRI's Xiao Yi with more on what it takes to make this entire project possible.
ReporterFlying high and not a fossil fuel in sight.
This could be the future of aviation - a cutting-edge solar powered plane.
So far, Solar Impulse's ambitious challenge to navigate the globe powered only by sunlight has been a success.
Progress has been slow but steady, as expected, and the team have since landed in India, Myanmar and China.
But the next leg is the most dangerous yet as the aircraft will attempt a daring five day trip over the Pacific.
Raymond Clerc, Solar Impulse Mission Director says they have even been looking to NASA to help with research.
"Let's say that this is a mini Houston Centre. We were looking at how things are done in space industry, we even have advisers from NASA who work for us, like astronaut Claude Nicollier who was several times in a space shuttle and who is our security advisor who also provided us with lot of advice on working methods."Bertrand Piccard and Andre Borschberg are the two pioneers, pilots and founders of the project.
They aim to show to the world that there is an alternative to fossil fuels but for their daring experiment they need an impressive logistical team.
The pilots might be taking the risks in the air, but Clerc says they are well supported.
"We are in permanent contact via satellite, like using a phone, we also receive technical data from the plane via another channel, also by satellite connection. We receive hundreds of parameters from the aircraft with the delay of two to three seconds."During the next leg, the pilot could be in the air for as long as 120 hours. It's possible for him to sleep, but also vital that the team on the ground can wake them up at a moment's notice in the event of an emergency.
The biggest challenge for the Solar Impulse mission is the weather - needless to say, a solar-powered aircraft needs plenty of sun to turn its propellers.
After the aircraft successfully lands in Hawaii it still has a long way to go before achieving its goal.
Solar Impulse will then cross the US, to New York, before making the dangerous route over the Atlantic to Europe, then to Africa before landing in Abu Dhabi where it begun on March 9.
But no date has been set for when that will be, with the uncertainties of weather it is impossible for the team to have an accurate time schedule.
For CRI, I'm XYee.
WeatherBeijing will be sunny today with a high of 29 degrees Celsius.
Overnight temperatures should drop down to 16.
Shanghai will see rainy with a high of 23 and a low of 18.
In Chongqing, it will be cloudy during the daytime with a high of 28 and lows of 20.
Elsewhere in the world, staying here in Asia,Kathmandu, thundershowers, 27.
Islamabad will be sunny with a high of 34.
Kabul will be sunny with a high of 28.
Over to North America,New York will be cloudy with a high of 19 degrees.
Washington, thunderstorms with a high of 31 degrees.
Honolulu, sunny, 28.
Toronto will have thunderstorms with a high of 27 degrees.
Finally, on to South America,Buenos Aires will be cloudy with a high of 25.
And Rio de Janeiro will be partly cloudy with a high of 26 degrees Celsius.
Headline newsPresident Xi Meets with KerryChinese President Xi Jinping has met U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry in Beijing.
Xi Jinping says he is looking forward to having "candid and in-depth" talks with US President Barack Obama during his planned visit to the US in September.
Kerry was in China to advance U.S. priorities ahead of the China-US Strategic and Economic dialogue in Washington later this year and President Xi's visit to Washington in September.
He has also met with Chinese Premier Li Keqiang and Foreign Minister Wang Yi.
Premier Li stops in Ireland before Latin America tourChinese Premier Li Keqiang has made a brief stop-over in Ireland ahead of his four-nation tour in Latin America.
He has met with Irish Prime Minister Enda Kenny and both leaders agred to expand cooperation in trade, clean energy, education and many other areas.
Li Keqiang has also overseen the signing of a number of deals connected to agricultural cooperation.
The Chinese premier is scheduled to leave Ireland later on this Monday for Brazil, Columbia, Peru and Chile.
China, Vietnam conclude high-level border meetingAuthorities from China and Vietnam have concluded a high-level, three-day meeting to discuss their border issues.
Chinese Defense Minister Chang Wanquan and his Vietnamese counterpart have chaired the meetings in the city of Mengzi in Yunnan.
The two sides have agreed on specific measures to strengthen military ties and border cooperation.
Meanwhile, Chinese and Vietnamese troops have also conducted a joint patrol in a border area, targeting smuggling, drug trafficking and illegal migration.
China probes traffic accident that killed 35China's State Council has dispatched a team to investigate a fatal bus accident in Shaanxi which has left 35 people dead.
A bus carrying 46 people fell into a ravine in Chunhua County near the city of Xianyang on Friday afternoon.
25 people were killed instantly in the crash, while 10 others later died in hospital.
Most of the victims are elderly.
The bus itself was on a two-day sight-seeing and shopping tour organized by a company out of Xi'an.
Four people are being held by police in connection with the crash.
So far it's unclear as to what may have led to the accident.
IS militants take full control of Iraq's RamadiIraqi officials say the Islamic State militant group has taken full control of the city of Ramadi, capital of Anbar province, after government forces abandoned their positions.
The militants have launched a series of attacks on Ramadi since Thursday night.
The city lies only 110 km west of Baghdad.
The IS group has seized most of Iraq's largest province of Anbar.
Their attempts to advance toward Baghdad have been pushed back by security forces and Shiite militias.
Biz reportsAnchorFirst let's get a preview of what we can expect on the markets this week.
Here's CRI's Niu Honglin.
US Housing and inflation data, as well as the minutes from the latest Federal Reserve meeting, are expected to be the highlights of this week's US economic calendar.
Leading off the week is Monday's housing market index.
A report on April housing starts is due out Tuesday.
Information about existing home sales is out on Thursday.
On Wednesday, the Federal Reserve will release the minutes from its April meeting.
At the same time, several Fed officials including Chair Janet Yellen are scheduled to speak this week.
It's hoped the Fed officials may offer insight into the likelihood of a interest rate increase this year.
The US Labor Department will releases its consumer price index data for April on Friday.
Economists expect the CPI will be up on a month-by-month basis.
In Europe, reports scheduled for release this week include the euro-zone trade balance figures, euro-zone CPI and PMI, as well as Germany's GDP figures.
On Corporate Front,Big-Box Retailers will be under the spotlight as a number of them will release their quarterly results this week.
This comes after mixed results last week, with disappointing results Macy's and Nordstrom's, but positive surprises from JC Penney and Kohl's.
Wal-Mart is set to report its first-quarter earnings on Tuesday.
Target and Staples will go on Wednesday.
Best Buy will report on Thursday.
China, UAE sign oilfield development deal, worth 330 mln USDA subsidiary of China National Petroleum Corporation has inked a 330-million-US dollar deal with an onshore petroleum firm in Abu Dhabi to develop an oil field in the UAE.
The deal itself is between the China Petroleum Engineering and Construction Corporation and Abu Dhabi-based Onshore Oil Operations.
Under the deal, the Chinese company will be responsible for building the infrastructure on the oil field, including pipelines.
It's expected to help increase daily crude production at the oil field by an additional 400-thousand barrels per day by 2017.
Luxury brands sue Alibaba in US for counterfeit issueIt's being reported a number of luxury brand designers are suing Alibaba in United States for knowingly allowing the sale of fake goods on its website.
The lawsuit is reportedly being filed in Manhattan federal court by Gucci, Yves Saint Laurent and a number of other companies.
Alibaba is being accused of offering "marketplace advertising and other essential services" for counterfeiters.
Alibaba has denied the accusations, saying it has helped numerous brands protect their intellectual property.
The company has been critised for allowing the sales of fake items on its platforms.
BRICS development bank may open by year endAnchor:
Chinese officials are suggesting the BRICS Development Bank could be operational before year's-end.
Vice-Finance Minister Shi Yaobin also says membership in the bank will not be limited to the group's five member states.
The first meeting of the bank's board of governors has been set for early July during the next BRICS summit in Russia.
Leaders from Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa announced plans to establish the bank last summer.
It has a seed of 100-billion US dollars and is being based out of Shanghai.
For more on this new bank, we're joined on the line by Mike Bastin, director of China Business Center based in London.
Q1: What industries and areas will the bank make its investments/loans in? What sort of an impact will the bank have on emerging economies and the global economy as a whole?
Q2: All five BRICS countries are already members of the Asia Infrastructure Investment Bank (AIIB). Compared with the AIIB, what's different about the BRICS bank from financial and geopolitical perspective?
Q3: Do you think developed economies will be keen to become a part of this institution? What benefits can they get if they decide to join the institution?
Back Anchor:
Mike Bastin, director of the China Business Center based in London.
China's railway revenue down 4.65 pct in 2014The China Railway Corporation is reporting a 4.7 percent decline in revenues through last year.
Revenues from passenger transport have gained nearly 2 percent.
However, revenues from freight are down around 3-percent from a year earlier.
CRC launched an e-commerce site last week to try to promote its freight logistics.
At the same time, the report also notes China Railway Corporation debt has balloned by 70-billion yuan in the first quarter of this year.
The Chinese government created the China Railway Corporation out of the ashes of the now-defunct Ministry of Railways.
China to help build light railway in KazakhstanChina Railway Group has reached a framework agreement with an light rail company in Kazakhstan to set up a new transportation system.
The new deal will see some 22 kilometers of light rail built in Kazakhstan's capital, Astana.
China Railway Group is going to provide 19 trains for the project.
The overall value of the project has not been revealed.
China's Internet bank "Webank" releases its first loan productTencent's internet-based "WeBank" has launched its first loan product.
The product, named "Weilidai", offers small credit loans without collateral.
It's unclear at this point how much money people can borrow through "Weilidai."WeBank only has registered capital of around half-a-million US dollars.
The daily interest rates are around 0.05 percent.
"Weilidai" is currently in the testing phase.
SportsChinese Hurdles Star Liu Xiang Officially RetiresChinese track star Liu Xiang officially retired on the sideline of the IAAF Diamond League Shanghai meet on Sunday.
The 2004 Olympic 110-meter hurdles champion and former world record holder had a heartfelt goodbye for his fans:
"Today, in front of all of you who supported me and before the track and hurdles, I want to say that in my career, I had never shrunk, never evaded reality and never been afraid of difficulties, setbacks and opponents. I've tried by best to face the challenge and fight."Liu announced his retirement on April 7 via Weibo; the 31-year-old never stepped back on the track after he pulled his Achilles tendon attempting to clear the first hurdle in the heats at the 2012 London Olympics.
The Shanghai native shot to fame when he won the 110-meter hurdles at the 2004 Athens Olympics, set a new world-record of 12.88 seconds in Lausanne in July 2006. A year later, he won a world championship gold in Osaka, Japan to become the first male hurdler to own Olympic and world titles and the world record at the same time.
Badminton: Li Dan Leads China to 6th-Straight Sudirman Cup TitleStarting things off with Badminton:
Team China clinched the Sudirman Cup title with the 3-0 sweep over Japan on Sunday.
Men's doubles pair Fu Haifeng and Zhang Nan gave China their first win, beating Japanese duo Hiroyuki Endo and Kenichi Hayakawa two games to one.
Reigning Olympic women's singles champion Li Xuerui then made it 2-0 to China when she swept past Akane Yamaguchi 23-21, 21-14.
Men's 2012 London Olympic champion Lin Dan then sealed the title clincher. "Super" Dan beat Takeda Ueda 21-15, 21-13 to give China the 3-0 sweep and the Sudirman title.
The win is also China's 10th Sudirman Cup win overall since the tournament started in 1989.
Football: Barcelona Wins La Liga TitleIn football action:
First, from La Liga:
Barcelona are league champions after beating Atletico Madrid 1-0 on Sunday, thanks to Lionel Messi's second-half game-winner.
Barca coach Luis Enrique on his side's winning season:
"There have been times when it's been obvious that it's been hard for us. But it's always going to be hard for you over such a long season. We've only conceded 19 goals in such a competitive league. We've created so many chances, scored so many goals. I think it's been more than an outstanding season."The win mark's the Catalans' seventh league title in 11 years, and their 23rd overall.
In the Premiere League:
Manchester City remain in second after beating Swansea 4-2.
Arsenal stay in third after drawing with Manchester United 1-1.
In the Chinese Super League:
Shanghai SIPG remain in first after evening out 1-1 with Guangzhou Evergrande.
And Beijing Guo'an shut out Liaoning Whowin 2-0 to stay in third.
Tennis: Djokovic, Sharapova Hoist Titles at Italian OpenIn tennis action:
Roger Federer's quest for his first-ever Internazionali d'Italia trophy was halted at the final hurdle by long-time rival Novak Djokovic on Sunday.
The World no. 1 notched his 22nd-straight win after handling Federer in straight sets.
In women's action:
Maria Sharapova came back from a set down to beat 10th-seeded Spaniard Carla Suarez Navarro 4-6, 7-5, 6-1 on Sunday for the title.
The win is Sharapova's third Italian open title.
The Italian Open was the last clay-court tournament before the coming French Open.
Basketball: Houston Rockets Beat LA Clipeprs 113-100, Make it to Western Conference FinalsIn hoops action from the National Basketball Association playoffs:
The Houston Rockets booked their place in the Western Conference Finals after beating the Los Angeles Clippers 113-100.
Golf RecapIn golf:
On the PGA Tour at the Wells Fargo Championships:
On the European Tour:
James Morrison of England shot a final round three-under-par 69 on Sunday to win the Open de Espana in Barcelona by four strokes.
And in the LPGA at the Kingsmill Championship:
The tournament has been delayed by weather, but right now:
American rookie Alison Lee leads the final round at 12 under through the 4th.
NHL: Anaheim Beat Chicago 4-1 in Game One of Western Conference FinalsAnd in the National Hockey League playoffs:
The Anaheim Ducks kick off game 1 of the Western Conference finals with a 4-1 win over the Chicago Blackhawks.
EntertainmentJackie Chan to present new talent prizeChinese superstar Jackie Chan and the Cannes Film Market have created a $165,000 prize for the Chinese filmmakers taking part in the festival's 3rd New Chinese Film Talents Forum.
The money comes from Chan's Project A: Young Filmmaker Development Fund.
It will be invested into the costs of production of the winning director's new project. The forum is in its third year and this year is host to eight young directors.
The eight filmmakers will pitch their projects at a session today at the Olympia Cinema in Cannes, and the winner will be announced at the festival tomorrow.
"Carol" praised by critics at CannesContinuing with the Cannes Film Festival…"Carol" starring Cate Blanchett and Rooney Mara, a film about a lesbian romance in 1950s New York has been widely praised by critics.
Based on a 1952 novel by Patricia Highsmith, "Carol" is winning rave reviews for its lead performances, and has positioned itself among the favorites for a Golden Palm award.
The film, directed by Todd Haynes, is the story of the relationship between a wealthy, married woman played by Blanchett, and an ambitious shop girl, Mara, who meet in a store at Christmas time.
Speaking ahead of the films premiere at the festival, Blanchett noted that in many countries homosexuality is still not accepted.
"There's over seventy countries around the world in which homosexuality is still illegal so you wonder. We're talking about it but it still seems to be an issue.""Carol" is set in the distant past, but the film clearly speaks to current times, where advances in homosexual rights are still being fought for on a place-by-place and law-by-law basis.
"Pitch Perfect 2" tops the North American box officeMusical comedy "Pitch Perfect 2" hit all the right notes at the North American box office this weekend, with a $70.3 million debut.
The movie over took the highly anticipated action movie "Mad Max: Fury Road" to take top spot.
Directed by Elizabeth Banks, the sequel to the 2012 sleeper hit was expected to open in the $50 million range, as the first film only grossed only $65 million domestically across its entire run.
It is believed to be the highest opening weekend for a musical in history.
The comedy, starring Anna Kendrick and Rebel Wilson, follows the fortunes of the Barden Bellas singing team as they chase international success after being banned from the a cappella competitive circuit.
Australian director George Miller's "Mad Max" franchise took second place. The fourth film of the iconic series grossed $44.4 million in its opening three days.
Superhero blockbuster "Avengers: Age of Ultron" was relegated to third spot after dominating the box office for the previous two weekends.
The latest installment of the franchise based on the iconic Marvel comics characters took $38.8 million, as its worldwide earnings surged past the $1 billion mark.
Janet Jackson to release new albumJanet Jackson returned to the stage over the weekend to celebrate her 49th birthday, and surprised fans by announcing she'll release a new album later this year.
The news came via a video Jackson tweeted out with the hash tag #Conversations in a Cafe, the record's presumed title.
She wrote "This year: new music, new world tour, a new movement. I've been listening. Let's keep the conversation going."Speculation that Jackson would release new music in 2015 was circling last week, but was quickly denied by representatives at Atlantic Records, Jackson's label.
Jackson's last studio album was "Discipline" in 2008.
That’s it for this edition of the Beijing Hour.
A quick look at the headlines before we go...
Chinese President Xi Jinping has met with US Secretary of State John Kerry to discuss, among other things, his trip to the US later on this year.
Chinese Premier Li Keqiang has made a stop in Ireland ahead of his 4-nation Latin American tour.
The US military has confirmed its killed one of the leading members of the Islamic State.
In Business.... Chinese officials say the BRICS development bank may be operational before year's end.
On behalf of the Beijing Hour staffers, this is Paul James Beijing hoping you'll join us for our next edition of the Beijing Hour to open a window to the world together.