新闻纵贯线 The Beijing Hour updated 08:00 2015/05/19(在线收听

 The Beijing Hour Morning EditionPaul James with you on this Tuesday, May 19, 2015.

Welcome to the Beijing Hour, coming to you live from the Chinese Capital.
Coming up on our program this morning...
Chinese Premier Li Keqiang has arrived in Brazil for the first leg of his 4-nation Latin American tour.
The Chinese government is standing behind its decision to temporarily ban fishing in the South China Sea.
170 people are being held by authorities in Texas following a fatal shootout involving rival biker gangs.
In Business.... Provincial authorities in Jiangsu have become the first to auction off local government bonds this year.
In Sports.... Chelsea's massive unbeaten streak in the English Premier League comes to a surprising end.
In entertainment... the Chinese director behind the hit "Lost in Thailand" is shifting focus to India.
All of that coming up in the next hour.
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Top NewsChinese premier arrives in Brazil for official visitChinese Premier Li Keqiang has arrived in Brazil, the first top of his four-nation Latin American tour.
It's expected finance, technology, aerospace, and infrastructure will top the premier's agenda in Brazil.
Enrique García, head of the Development Bank of Latin America, says China's increased role in Latin America is helping the region's economic transformation.
"First of all, Latin America's exports to China are mainly focused on raw materials, while its main imports are manufactured goods. We are eager to promote balanced development of bilateral trade by changing the export format. Secondly, China's investment on Latin America's financial sector is too focused. Venezuela, Brazil and Argentina account for 80% of the China's overall financial investment. We sincerely hope that China's investment could be more diversified in Latin America."Chinese Premier Li Keqiang is expected to oversee the signing of a number of agreements in Brazil ranging from Brazilian beef exports to space technology.
The two countries are also working on a feasibility study connected to the possible construction of a railway connecting the Brazilian Atlantic coast with the Peruvian Pacific coast.
Around 200 Chinese business leaders are also part of the Chinese delegation.
For more on the trip, CRI's John Artman spoke earlier with Ann Lee, professor of economics and finance at New York University.
Back AnchorAnn Lee, professor of economics and finance at New York University, speaking with CRI's John Artman.
China-made Train to Serve Olympic Games in BrazilAnchorChinese Premier Li Keqiang's visit to Latin America is expected to see the signing of a number of economic agreements.
One Chinese company which has already established a foot-hold in the region is Chinese train-maker CNR, which is currently helping in the construction of the subway system in Rio for next year's Olympic Games.
CRI's Xyee has more.
ReporterCurrently 64 trains made by China's CNR are operating in Rio de Janeiro, transporting some 680 thousand people per day.
Last year, the Chinese EMU trains were proved reliable after safely transporting 11 million people during the 32-day Brazil World Cup.
EMU trains or electric multiple units are a new type of intercity high-speed train.
Zhao Yao is the project manager in charge of CNR's EMU export contracts to Brazil.
She recalled that the first step was very difficult, and that requirements in the first contract almost drove her team members crazy.
"At first we were unsure, because we had never produced trains like that before. The weight of a typical train made for the domestic market is only 120 tons. But the Brazilian contract requires a train weighing 363 tons. It also requires air-conditioning units with large capacity due to high temperatures in the South America. "Starting from the end of 2009, Zhao Yao and her team spent more than one year producing a subway train that meets all of the requirements of the Brazilian side.
The train is equipped with China's first single air-conditioning unit that has a refrigerating capacity of 50 kilowatts, which allows the train to operate in temperatures as high as 56 degrees Celsius.
Zhao Yao said their effort proved to be worthwhile.
"We invested a lot in the first contract. And then the second one became much easier. As for the third contract adding 10 more trains, they abandoned international bid procedure and directly placed an order to us. "So far, China's CNR has signed export contracts with Brazil to produce 34 subway trains as well as 100 EMU trains for its capital city.
The total number of trains will account for over 80 percent of the overall rail transit capacity in Rio.
Pedro Augustro is in charge of subway line four in the city, which links the Olympic village to the Copacabana game center.
Pedro said he is satisfied with the performance of the Chinese trains.
"We are satisfied with the cooperation with China. These are excellent trains. They have enhanced the transportation capacity in Rio. We are very satisfied with them in terms of either economy or comfort. "For CRI, I am Xyee.
China defends its fishing suspension in South China Sea: FMChinese authorities are defending the decision to temporarily suspend fishing in the South China Sea this year.
Foreign Ministry spokesperson Hong Lei says the decision is based on scientific analysis.
"China's perspective on the South China Sea issue has been consistent and clear. China has carried out fishing suspension in the area during hot seasons for many years. It's not only a normal administrative measure to protect maritime resources, but also a sign of China's fulfilling international responsibilities and obligations."The Vietnamese government is objecting to the Chinese call, saying it violates Vietnam's sovereignty and administration.
The fishing suspension, which began this weekend, will last until August 1st.
Nepal Starts Renovation of Damaged Heritage SitesRenovation work on a popular Buddhist shrine damaged by recent earthquakes has begun in Nepal's capital, Kathmandu.
A special ceremony to kick-off the renovation has been held, with monks and devotees paying homage to the site.
Ceremony organizer Sampurna Lama says the restoration of the shrine should help people feel more at ease.
"People are still scared of the earthquake. After the puja (ceremony) is over, we will begin to install the bamboo scaffolding. Hopefully there will be no more earthquakes and we believe that those types of earthquakes will no longer take place after this ceremony."Nepalese authorities have determined that of the 581 heritage sites in the country, 137 were devastated in the recent earthquakes.
444 sustained partial or minor damage.
The restoration of the heritage sites is part of a long-term plan being worked on to help rebuild Nepal.
The government is requesting 1.8-billion US dollars in international assistance to help with the reconstruction process.
Chinese Rescue Team Continues Work in NepalChinese medical teams on the ground in Nepal say the number of people requiring medical treatment is starting to ease up.
Ren Hao with the Red Cross Society of China says while the numbers are slowing down, the medical teams are still dealing with a lot of challenges.
"When we first arrived, we treated 150 to 200 villagers a day. Now we have about 100 patients a day...The temperature is as high as 40 degrees Celsius in our tent. Our medical workers have to suffer a lot to treat those patients."One of the Chinese medical teams is currently working in the Salyantar area, which is about 20 kilometers away from the epicenter of the original quake last month.
Ren Hao says getting the team there was a difficult task.
"We arrived in the quake affected area quite soon. We saw a lot of villages and houses toppled on our way. The mountain road was tough and dangerous. There were rocks rolling down from mountain slopes and aftershocks. We had to be very careful for possible landslides."On top of the over 9-thousand killed in the earthquakes in Nepal, more than 20-thousand others were hurt.
Mudslide Sweeps away Homes, Many Killed in ColombiaAt least 49 people are dead following a massive mudslide triggered by heavy rains in western Colombia.
The town of Salgar, some 100 kilometers southwest of the city of Medellin, has been virtually wiped out by the slide.
The slide came down around 3 in the morning.
"It caught me asleep. My daughter woke me up saying 'Mum, run, something terrible is coming'. I woke up and went out by the stairs and we were already surrounded, we threw ourselves off the balcony."Columbian authorities are warning the death toll may continue to rise, as the search for more of the missing continues.
Flooding has also destroyed the town's aqueduct.
Utilities have also been knocked out.
Police to Charge 170 People after Deadly Biker Shootout170 people have been detained following a shootout among rival motorcycle gangs in Texas which left 9 people dead.
The incident took place in Waco, Texas has left 18 others hurt.
Sergeant Patrick Swanton with the Waco Police Department says the incident began as rival gangs gathered for a sit-down.
"A disturbance erupted inside the restaurant. It started in the restroom, quickly escalated to the outdoor patio bar area, shots were fired inside the restaurant by rival biker gang members at each other. We had wounded inside, we had people stabbed, we had people shot and we had people beat. That disturbance moved into the parking lot very quickly. Our officers responded very quickly and appropriately."Authorities say capital murder charges are expected.
At least five rival gangs had gathered at a meeting focusing on turf and recruitment.
Police in Waco remain on high-alert, as threats are said to be circulating among the various biker groups involved.
Obama to Demilitarize US CopsUS President Barack Obama is moving to limit local law enforcement's access to military equipment.
"We've seen how militarized gear can sometimes give people the feeling like there's an occupying force, as opposed to a force that's part of the community that's protecting them and serving them; can alienate and intimidate local residents and send the wrong message. So we're going to prohibit some equipment made for the battlefield that is not appropriate for local police departments."The move is in response to suggestions US law enforcement has become too militarized.
Plans include banning local police departments from using tracked armored vehicles, bayonets, grenade launchers and large-caliber firearms.
Under current provisions in the law, local law enforcement can procure used military equipment with minimal justification.
Civil advocacy groups contend local law enforcement has become too militarized, leading to an increase of officer-related shootings.
Iranian Defence Minister Makes Surprise Visit to IraqIran's Defense Minister has made an unannounced visit to Iraq.
Hossein Dehghan has met with Iraqi Defense Minister Khaled al-Obeidi, with the two discussing their join effort to battle Islamic State forces.
The meeting comes amid the fall of the city of Ramadi to Islamic State forces.
Ramadi, located just 160-kilometers west of Baghdad, is the hub of Sunni power in Iraq.
The Shiite-led administrations in Tehran and Baghdad are concerned the taking of Ramadi may bolster Islamic State forces.
Fighting between Shi'ite and IS militants in Ramadi RenewedAround 3-thousand Shi'ite militia fighters arrived at a military base near Ramadi.
The Shiite militia has moved into the region to help counter the Islamic State, which has gained control of Ramadi after Iraqi troops were forced to withdraw amid a heavy surge by the group.
More Islamic State fighters are said to be advancing in armored vehicles toward the base in an effort to hold the Shiite milita at bay.
Warplanes from the US-led air coalition have launched around 20 different strikes near Ramadi over the past 72-hours.
The United Nations estimates around 25-thousand people have fled the city.
Most are headed toward Baghdad.
EU authorizes military operations to stem migrant waveThe European Union has approved plans for a naval operations to try to limit the flood of refugees from north Africa.
Military force has been authorized to target those attempting to smuggle people into European territory.
At the same time, the emergency meeting in Luxembourg has also approved an increase of search and rescue patrols in the Mediterranean.
EU foreign policy chief Federica Mogherini is also calling on Libyan authorities to do more to bring down the human trafficking rings.
"We are looking for partnership in this because there is a responsibility that the European Union can take, but there is first of all a responsibility that the Libyans themselves have to take on their territory, on their borders, be they land borders or sea borders. So we are looking for partnership. "An estimated 18-hundred people have died already this year attempting to sail from north Africa into European territory.
Warmer temperatures and more favorable sea conditions are believed to be spurring the massive influx of people attempting to make it into Europe as refugees.
WHO under Fire for Slow Response to Ebola EpidemicThe World Health Organization has announced the establishment of a new fund to deal with future pandemics.
WHO Director-General Margaret Chan says the ebola outbreak in West Africa has taught them a valuable lesson.
"With the support of Member States, I am establishing a $100 million dollar contingency fund, financed by flexible voluntary contributions, to ensure we have the necessary resources available to immediately mount an initial response."The World Health Organization is also setting up a new program to deal specifically with pandemic-related emergencies.
The organization has been criticized for a relatively slow response to the ebola outbreak in West Africa.
The virus first began spreading in Guinea in December 2013.
However, it wasn't declared an international public health emergency until the following August.
It's estimated some 12-thousand people have died from the ebola outbreak in Guinea, Liberia and Sierra Leone.
Kerry confirms U.S.-S. Korea alliance against NKoreaU.S. Secretary of State John Kerry is suggesting more sanctions may be leveled against North Korea.
He's made the suggestion following meetings with South Korean officials in Seoul.
"The United States continues to offer Pyongyang an improved bilateral relationship if and only if, and when, it demonstrates a genuine willingness to fulfill its denuclearisation obligations and commitments, and when it shows a willingness to address other important concerns shared by the international community."Discussions around increased sanctions on North Korea follow an announcement by Pyongyang last week that it successfully test-fired a ballistic missile from a submarine.
While many analysts are suggesting the launch may have been fabricated, Kerry says North Korea is showing "reckless abandonment" of its obligations under UN resolutions.
Kerry's time in South Korea comes on the heels of meetings with leading Chinese officials this past weekend, including President Xi Jinping and Premier Li Keqiang.
Wildlife wardens take to the skies to protect elephantsAnchorWildlife wardens in Africa are taking to the skies with the hope of protecting the elephant population.
It's hoped the use of drones will help keep the elephant population away from human contact.
CRI's Qian Shanming has more.
ReporterSoaring above Tanzania's Tarangire National Park, the drones, with their bee-like sound, are ushering the increasingly-threatened mammals away from human encroachment.
A growing number of elephants in Africa are being killed by poachers.
But at the same time, game wardens - who are charged with protecting the animals - are increasingly being forced to bring down the animals if they're found raiding crops or wandering into local communities.
Drone technology is being adopted as a new technique for protecting elephants in Africa's national parks and nature reserves.
Nadia De Souza from the group Biodiversity and Wildlife Solutions says initial trials of the drones appear to be working.
"So far they seem to be responding really well, I mean, all of the trials that we've done so far, they've moved away from the drones really quickly whether they were in the fields or whether they were just out of the crops, so it's been pretty positive so far but we still need a lot more data to collect and be certain of the statistics."However, Biologist David Olson says he believes it's only a matter of time before the elephants become accustomed to the drone's bee-like sound.
As such, park rangers are being trained to fly drones carrying chili powder - an efficient elephant deterrent.
"I think elephants are smart enough to know that at night when they're in the crops, feeding on water melons and corn that bees aren't swarming, I think pretty quickly they'll get used to it and that's why we are exploring the use of dropping very light covers of chili powder in the air to alert them."Rangers taking part in the trials say the unique solution appears to be effective in moving wild elephants in a pre-determined direction.
Technical expert Jonathan Konuche says the rangers are excited about the new technology.
"It is helping a lot and the rangers are very excited about this, it's a new technology and they think it's the safest and easiest way of handling or herding elephants away from crops."Tanzania's Mara Elephant Project, an elephant protection and conservation project, currently has 12 trained UAV pilots.
For CRI, I'm Qian Shanming.
Fuzhou launches activities to review the voyage and relics of silk roadAnchorA cultural and trade expo is underway in Fujian's capital, Fuzhou, which is meant to try to promote the Chinese government's "belt and road" initiative.
Here's CRI's Wang Ling.
ReporterThe exposition kicked off on Sunday.
Foreign merchants from countries on the route of Silk Road showcase their goods in a bid to take advantage of the business opportunities in China.
Afghanistan's lapis lazuli, Iran's carpet, and Kyrgyzstan's onyx are all among the items to attract visitors.
Hari Shankar is a Nepali merchant, who brought his country's silk to the exposition. He says as such a large portion of the world's population live along the route, opportunities will abound.
"If you calculate the population, maybe fourty to fifty percent of world population lives on the route, and you don't have to go to the market like Europe, America or Australia, because they have very little population."Historically, China and other Silk Road countries were rich both in trade and exchange. Bronze mirrors, copper coins, incense, porcelain, silk, and spices were all traded.
Zhang Huanxin is in charge of the photo part of the exposition. He says the photos are meant to compliment the trade fair.
"Those trade goods act as the best carrier of culture, artistic, commercial and even religious concepts of different countries. It's also great publicity for Chinese and foreign exhibitors."At the same time of the exposition is being held, a fleet of vehicles began their journey from Fuzhou to retrace the route of the ancient Silk Road.
The fleet is made up of 23 SUVs, and it plans to spend two months passing through 16 countries on the silk road, then later to join the world expo in Milan, Italy.
Zuo Zisheng is a chief manager of the trip's sponsor, Southeast Motors. He says that the belt and road initiative signifies opportunities for trade and technological advancement.
"The long journey is supposed to be pain-staking, while also testing the quality of our self-developed vehicles. We hope that under the "belt and road" initiative, national enterprises can find more opportunities for trade and for improving technology."The exposition will close on Tuesday.
Back anchorCRI's Wang Ling reporting.
5 dead, 6 unaccounted for as heavy rain lashes SW ChinaFive people are dead, and 6 others missing, amid heavy storms in Guangxi.
A massive storm system has been rolling over China's southwest, with thundershowers producing heavy flooding.
22 different counties in Guangxi have been innondated.
Around 66-hundred people in the region have been forced from their homes.
Across southern China, a total of 15 people have been killed amid the heavy storms, which began nearly a week ago.
29 Children Saved after Rainstorm Traps School BusTwenty-nine school children had to be rescued after their school bus became trapped in a tunnel by rainstorms yesterday in Jiangxi.
The bus, loaded with kindergarten children, stalled after becoming partially submerged.
Traffic police officers had to pluck the children out of the bus one-by-one.
No one was hurt.
WeatherBeijing will be sunny today with a high of 28 degrees Celsius.
Overnight temperatures should drop down to 14.
Shanghai will be sunny with a high of 26 and a low of 18.
In Chongqing, it will be sunny during the daytime with a high of 34 and lows of 22.
Elsewhere in the world, staying here in Asia,Kathmandu, Scattered Thunderstorms, 28.
Islamabad will be sunny with a high of 36.
Kabul will be sunny with a high of 28.
Over to North America,New York will see thunderstorms with a high of 23 degrees.
Washington, cloudy with a high of 31 degrees.
Honolulu, cloudy, 28.
Toronto will be cloudy with a high of 17 degrees.
Finally, on to South America,Buenos Aires will be cloudy with a high of 27.
And Rio de Janeiro will see showers with a high of 26 degrees Celsius.
Headline newsChinese premier arrives in Brazil for official visitChinese Premier Li Keqiang has arrived in Brazil for the start of his four-nation Latin American tour.
During his time in Brazil, Li Keqiang is due to hold talks with President Dilma Rousseff and other Brazilian lawmakers.
The two sides are expected to sign a number of deals connected to areas including politics, trade, finance, technology and agriculture.
Li Keqiang's time in the region is his first trip to Latin America since becoming Premier.
His tour is also taking him to Colombia, Peru and Chile.
China sends more relief equipment, staff to NepalThe Chinese military is sending more medical equipment and a team of senior medics to Nepal.
Two mobile hospitals have been dispatched from Chinese military garrisons in Tibet.
The Chinese teams are going to provide technical support and help train local medical staff.
More than 40 Chinese helicopters and airplanes have already shipped some 650 tons of relief supplies to Nepal.
The combined death toll from the earthquakes which have rattled Nepal has surpassed 9-thousand, with some 20-thousand others injured.
Two killed as wind brings down wall in LanzhouTwo people have been killed after high winds toppled a wall in Gansu's capital, Lanzhou.
Seven others are in hospital.
Three are said to be in critical condition.
Northwest China is frequented by high winds this time of year.
Passengers sue Amtrak over train derailment as full rail service resumesLawsuits have now been filed by at least 4 passengers on the train that derailed last week in the US city of Philadelphia.
The lawsuit against state-funded Amtrak is citing "serious and disabling" injuries from the derailment.
Lawyers involved in the case are alleging Amtrak is liable, as it didn't install the safety technology which could have prevented the train from derailing.
Investigators have determined the train was travelling at twice the maximum speed allowed for the curve on-which the train jumped the tracks.
The focus of the investigation is so-far pointing toward the conductor of the train.
Meanwhile, full service has now resumed on the northeast corridor of the Amtrak system.
Obama moves to demilitarize US copsUS President Barack Obama is moving to limit police access to military equipment.
The move is in response to suggestions US law enforcement has become too militarized.
Plans include banning local police departments from using tracked armored vehicles, bayonets, grenade launchers and large-caliber firearms.
Under current provisions in the law, local law enforcement can procure used military equipment with minimal justification.
Civil advocacy groups contend local law enforcement has become too militarized, leading to an increase of officer-related shootings.
Biz ReportsFirst, a quick check on the closing numbers across North America and Europe.
Our reporter Niu Honglin.
ReporterU.S. stocks rallied on Monday as investors bet the Federal Reserve will delay planned interest rate increases due amid recent weak economic data.
U.S. builder confidence in the market for newly built, single-family homes in May has declined by 2 points.
This is well below expectations of a slight gain.
Investors are now keeping a close eye on the minutes of the Federal Reserve's Open Market Committee meeting, which are due out on Wednesday.
On corporate front, Apple's shares rose 1.1 percent after activist investor Carl Icahn issued a statement, saying the shares are "still dramatically undervalued".
At the close,The Dow Jones rose 0.1 percent.
The S&P 500 gained 0.3 percent.
The Nasdaq increased 0.6 percent.
Meanwhile in Europe,European market ended mostly higher on Monday as well.
Sentiment has rebounded in Europe following word the Greek government intends to meet all its financial obligations in the coming weeks.
As a result, Greece's Athex Composite gained shot-up 1.6-percent.
At close,The UK's FTSE 100 up 0.1 percent.
Germany's DAX advanced 1.3 percent.
and France's CAC 40 added 0.4 percent.
Jiangsu auctions the first local government bonds this yearJiangsu has become the first province in China to auction local government bonds this year.
The bonds are worth 52.2 billion yuan, or around 8.3 billion U.S. dollars.
30 billion yuan worth of the money generated is going to pay debts that are due this year.
The central government has activated 1-trillion yuan debt-for-bonds swap program.
It is designed to cut local government's interest payments and extend debt maturity.
China sets economic reform priorities for 2015The State Council, China's cabinet, has officially released this year's priorities for economic reform.
The plans, much of which have already been announced, include streamlining the administration, devolving powers to lower administrative levels and allowing more convertibility of the renminbi.
Reforms of the state-owned enterprises system are also being highlighted, with key industries poised for consolidation.
One of the other priorities listed is the establishment of a stock-connect system between Shenzhen and Hong Kong.
China's yuan strengthens to 15-month high against USDAnchorThe renminbi has hit its highest level in some 15 months against the U.S. dollar.
The rise in the value of the Chinese currency is due largely to the depreciation of the US dollar.
Currency traders have been avoiding the greenback amid lingering questions about when the US Federal Reserve will raise interest rates.
The renminbi is currently trading at 6.11 to the US dollar.
For more on where currencies are headed, we're joined on the line by Gao Shang, analyst with Guantong Futures.
Talking points:
1, What are the future prospects for the yuan given these recent developments?
2, China's Cabinent on Monday unveiled a package of economic reforms that highlight the yuan's convertibility under capital accounts. Will this have a direct impact on exchange rates?
3, What impact will the addition of the renminbi to the IMF's basket of currencies have on the value of the renminbi?
Back anchor:
Gao Shang, analyst with Guantong Futures.
China home prices fall, top-tier cities warm upThe latest stats show the housing market in China remains anemic.
The National Bureau of Statistics is reporting 48 of the 70 cities it surveys have seen new home prices dip in April from the previous month.
However, prices in the country's four first-tier cities have risen slightly.
Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou and Shenzhen saw prices inch up from March, with the average home price increasing 1-percent in April.
For existing homes, 34 cities saw price declines in April.
China slashes tax of green vehicles, shipsThe Chinese government is cutting producers of new-energy vehicles a break.
Authorities have announced both car and ship manufacturers who produce electric, hybrid or fuel-cell-driven vehicles are going to be exempted from production taxes.
At the same time, the purchase taxes for new-energy cars and ships is being cut in half.
The Chinese government has been pushing to try to get more new-energy vehicles on the market.
Transport authorities say they hope to have 300-thousand new-energy vehicles on the road by 2020.
Manufacturers in China pumped out some 25-thousand new-energy vehicles through the first-quarter of this year.
However, sales of new-energy vehicles in China have remained sluggish.
CNR shares to be delisted, stocks swapped with CSRChinese train makers CNR and CSR are poised to become a single traded entity as of tomorrow.
CNR shares are going to be de-listed from both the A-share market in Shanghai, as well as the Hong Kong Stock Exchange, as of tomorrow.
Under the previous agreement, a stock swap will take place, seeing one CNR share exchanged for 1.1 shares of CSR.
The combined firm will then be relisted as CRRC Corporation.
Members of the new companies board have already been established at a shareholders' meeting on Monday. teams up with Software firm has purchased a stake in Hong Kong-listed Kingdee International Software Group. is paying 170-million US dollars for 10-percent of the company.
Kingdee says the collaboration will help develop its business software capabilities.
The deal itself is due to close before the end of the current quarter.
This comes just weeks after announced plans for the purchase of 350-million US dollars worth of shares in Nasdaq-listed online travel site
SportsChelsea's Unbeaten Streak Ends After 3-0 Loss to West BromIn football:
From the English Premiere League--West Brom Albion are riding high after trouncing league champs Chelsea 3-0.
Saido Berahino opened up scoring for West Brom in the ninth minute to kick off what would be a rough night for Chelsea.
Blues striker Cesc Fabregas was shown the red for kicking the ball at West Brom's Chris Brunt while the game was stopped.
Brunt would get revenge on Fabregas' childish reaction by tripling his side's lead in the 60th.
The loss ends Chelsea's 16-game winning streak.
Taking a look at action in the Italian Serie A:
Napoli's Champions League hopes remain entact after they edged Cesena 3-2.
And Fiorentina downed Parma 3-0; the win is Fiorentina's third-straight and moves them up to fifth place in the league standings.
NBA: Golden State vs. Houston Rockets PreviewIn basketball,Tomorrow, the Western Conference finals of the National Basketball Association playoffs tips off.
And hitting the court in Oakland, California, for game 1, it's the Golden State Warriors and the Houston Rockets.
Golden State are surging after rallying back from being down 2-1 against Memphis in Western Conference semis to oust the Grizzlies in Game 7, which is a return to form for the regular season's best team.
Vegas odds have just been released, and Golden State are Sin City's favorites to win, with odds at 4-7. The Rockets, on the other hand, are the long shot at 12-1.
But Houston are coming off an impressive series win of their own, beating a Los Angeles Clippers team that overthrew the defending champion San Antonio Spurs at the start of the post-season--and the Rockets went on the warpath after trailing the Clips 3-1 to take it in Game 7.
The Rockets will be without defensive ace Patrick Beverly, who has been out since the end of March with a torn ligament in his left wrist.
ESPN reports that Beverly expects to have his cast removed in the coming days, but the team is operating under the assumption that he is not fit for play.
Cricket: Ausssie Brad Haddin Retires from ODI CompetitionAustralia wicketkeeper Brad Haddin announced his retirement from one-day international cricket on Monday as he prepares to fly out for Australia's test tours of the West Indies and Britain.
Haddin's 126-match one-day international career began against Zimbabwe at Hobart in January 2001 and ended with Australia's Cricket World Cup victory over New Zealand at the Melbourne Cricket Ground on March 29.
The cricker says he's had a great ODI run:
"It's been a privilege to play one day cricket for Australia. I've come through in an amazing era. I've been lucky enough to go to three World Cups and I think to finish the way I am, after that great event of the World Cup final at the MCG. It doesn't get any better. You don't often get to write a script in sport but this is as perfect as it can get from my point of view."Haddin scored 3,122 runs at an average of 31.53 with a top score of 110.
Tennis: WTA and ATP RecapOver in Tennis action, as we get closer to the French Open:
In women's actionAt the Strasbroug International:
China's Wang Qiang went down to fourth-seeded frenchwoman Alize Cornet 6-3, 6-3.
Top-seed Madison Keys fared better, ousting fellow American Christina McHale in straight sets.
No. 2 Jelena Jankovic beat American Irina Falconi 7-6, 6-3.
Third-seed Samantha Stosur breezed past Puerto Rico's Monica Puig in straight sets.
and at the Nuremberg Cup:
Home country favorite and top-seed Andrea Petkovic retired in the first set to Russian Yulia Putintseva.
The other seeded Germans had better fates; no. 2 Angelique Kerber earned a straight-set win over Swede Rebecca Peterson.
Third-seed Sabine Lisicki beat Spain's Silvia Soler Espinosa 6-4, 7-5.
And No. 8 Carina Witthoeft beat Belgian Alison Van Uytvanck 6-7, 6-3, 6-3.
NHL Playoffs: New York Rangers Face Tampa Bay for Game 2 of Eastern Conference FinalsAnd finally, in the National Hockey League Playoffs:
Game 2 of the Eastern Conference Finals hits ice at 8 a.m., Beijing time;when the New York Rangers meet the Tampa Bay Lightning.
New York lead the series 1-0 after edging the Bolts 2-1 in their first meeting.
Interesting point, New York are one and six in post-season Game 2s after winning the first game in a series since 2012.
EntertainmentChinese director Xu Zheng is set to direct "Lost in India"Chinese director Xu Zheng is set to direct "Lost in India," after the success of comedy "Lost in Thailand."The film is adapted from Chinese writer Liu Zhenyun's novel, "A sentence in time saves a thousand" which is being dubbed as the Chinese version of "One hundred years of solitude," by Colombian author Gabriel García Márquez.
The novel centers on the lives of normal people including a bean curd seller, a donkey dealer, a hairdresser, and a butcher, focusing on their solitude and the significance of life.
Xu Zheng's directorial debut is the "Lost" series, in which he co-stars with Wang Baoqiang and Huang Bo. The franchise also includes upcoming movie "Lost in Hong Kong."The newest film, "Lost in India" will be filmed this November.
Al Pacino on "Danny Collins"American actor Al Pacino is in London for the premiere of his latest movie "Danny Collins," a tale of a missed opportunity, a change of focus and a shot at redemption.
Danny Collins, is a musician who sells out, then years later he receives a lost letter from John Lennon, telling him to stay true to his music, but it's too little too late.
At the premiere of the movie Pacino spoke of the one time met the legendary rock star.
"I ran into John Lennon, but it wasn't a run in as we were like ships in the night, we passed each other and he looked at me and smiled and I smiled back and we both waved. It was a moment that I will never forget."Danny Collins is loosely based on English folk singer-songwriter Steve Tilston who did a magazine interview acknowledging a fear that wealth and fame may negatively affect his songwriting.
That statement inspired John Lennon to write the letter to Tilston in 1971.
75-year-old Pacino has three films set for release in the near future and will soon return to Broadway.
"Danny Collins" is currently playing in limited release in the U.S.
Fundamental Films and Europa Corp expand film distribution dealShanghai-based Fundamental Films has agreed to a five-year extension to its distribution output deal with French director Luc Besson's EuropaCorp.
It will also take on co-production duties on a number of upcoming titles including the Besson's latest movie "Valerian."Fundamental, headed by Mark Gao, said it will invest up to $50 million in "Valerian," an adaptation of a graphic novel, which will begin shooting in December and stars Dane DeHaan and Cara Delevingne.
Other French-Chinese co-productions to be developed and distributed under the deal include a revival of "Transporter," and "Warrior's Gate."The two companies previously had a three-year agreement, which has seen Fundamental oversee the China distribution of "Brick Mansions," "Lucy" and "Taken 3."Jude Law to play Pope in new miniseriesBritish actor Jude Law has been cast to play the fictional Pope Pius XIII in an upcoming miniseries "The Young Pope," directed by Italian filmmaker Paolo Sorrentino.
The series which will be a co-production of HBO, Sky and France's Canal Plus, was announced at this year's Cannes Film Festival, where Sorrentino's film "Youth" is competing for the Palme d'Or prize.
Law will play Lenny Belardo, who is thrust into the role of pope and must grapple with his faith and the powerful structures of the church.
Sorrentino, who will co-write the eight-part series, he said it would explore "the inner struggle between the huge responsibility of the Head of the Catholic Church and the simple man that fate chose as pontiff."Filming of "The Young Pope" is due to begin this summer.
Chris Browm and Nicki Minaj leading BET Awards nominationsNicki Minaj and Chris Brown are leading the pack of the Black Entertainment Television Awards nominations.
The complete list of nominees was released by BET last night, and Minaj and Brown both have six nominations each.
Brown is nominated for awards including Best Male R&B/Pop Artist and the Coca-Cola Viewers' Choice Award.
Minaj is nominated for Best Collaboration, Best Female Hip Hop Artist, Video of the Year, two nominations for Coca-Cola Viewers' Choice Award and Best Group as a member of Young Money.
Beyoncé and Lil Wayne round it out with four nominations each.
This year also marks a special milestone for the BET Awards as it celebrates its fifteenth anniversary live from the Nokia Theatre on June 28.
That’s it for this edition of the Beijing Hour.
A quick look at the headlines before we go...
Chinese Premier Li Keqiang has arrived in Brazil for the first leg of his 4-nation Latin American tour.
The Chinese government is standing behind its decision to temporarily ban fishing in the South China Sea.
170 people are being held by authorities in Texas following a fatal shootout involving rival biker gangs.
In Business.... Provincial authorities in Jiangsu have become the first to auction off local government bonds this year.
On behalf of the Beijing Hour staffers, this is Paul James Beijing hoping you'll join us for our next edition of the Beijing Hour to open a window to the world together.