新闻纵贯线 The Beijing Hour updated 08:00 2015/05/20(在线收听

 The Beijing Hour Morning EditionPaul James with you on this Wednesday, May 20, 2015.

Welcome to the Beijing Hour, coming to you live from the Chinese Capital.
Coming up on our program this morning...
Chinese Premier Li Keqiang has overseen the signing of a number of business and economic agreements as part of his current trip to Brazil.
The Chinese government has laid out a new set of goals to make this country a world-leader in manufacturing by the time the PRC turns 100.
Israel's Prime Minister has infuriated Palestinian officials with new comments about the fate of the city of Jerusalem.
In Business.... Chinese food giant COFCO denying reports of an impending consolidation among its subsidiaries.
In Sports.... new reports say rising Liverpool talent Raheem Sterling is going to demand a transfer.
In entertainment... the latest film in The Avengers franchise takes over atop the Chinese box office.
All of that coming up in the next hour.
A reminder as always there are several ways to reach out to us here on the Beijing Hour.
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You can also visit for the latest news and information from China Radio International. Top NewsInvestment, infrastructure deals highlight Premier's Brazil visitAnchorThe Chinese and Brazilian governments have signed a raft of new deals as part of Chinese Premier Li Keqiang's visit to country, including a long-discussed plan to build a railroad over the Andes to the Pacific.
CRI's Qi Zhi has the details.
ReporterA total of 35 agreements have been signed following talks between Premier Li Keqiang and Brazilian President Dilma Rousseff in Brasilia.
The deals center around trade, finance and investment in energy, mining, aviation and an upgrade of Brazil's dilapidated infrastructure.
Li Keqiang is lauding the deals as a win-win for both sides.
"President Rousseff and I have just witnessed the signing of a series of cooperative deals worth a total of 27 billion US dollars. The President is very familiar with the projects and can even name the Chinese companies involved. This shows our two governments highly value China-Brazil economic cooperation. We're ready to push for even more cooperation between companies from our two countries."The deals range from the purchase of passenger jets made by Brazilian aircraft maker Embraer to the lifting of an import ban on Brazilian beef.
However, the big deal is an agreement to start feasibility studies on a railroad which would cross the Andes and link Brazil's Atlantic coast to Pacific ports in Peru.
This would allow Brazilian exports to China to avoid the Panama Canal.
Dilma Rousseff says the massive project would have obvious benefits.
"We have invited the Chinese companies to take part in this important project. A new route to Asia will be open for Brazil, reducing distances and costs. A route that will take us directly to the Pacific Ocean and to the ports of Peru and China."The project itself is still on the drawing board.
Meanwhile, another highlight among the deals signed is an agreement to increase cooperation in industrial capacity.
Industrial capacity is a term being used to describe the upgrading of existing industrial facilities and equipment to make them more efficient.
Premier Li Keqiang says China's experience and competitiveness in this area will help Brazil speed up its infrastructure construction.
"Brazil and China are promoting the construction of infrastructure and this takes equipment. Through a lot of work, China has accumulated a lot of experience in this area. We also have high quality equipment and look to work with Brazil to reduce the cost of building infrastructure in Brazil and to create jobs for the local population."As part of a China-Brazil business summit, Li Keqiang has also announced the establishment of a 30-billion-U.S.-dollar fund for promoting China-Latin America cooperation in production capacity and equipment manufacturing.
The premier's time in Brazil will also see him travel to Rio de Janeiro.
His first trip to Latin America since becoming premier will also include stops in Colombia, Peru and Chile.
For CRI, I'm Qi Zhi.
China, Latin America Cooperation to Fully UpgradeAnchorLatin American observers are suggesting Chinese Premier Li Keqiang's time in the region should be used as an opportunity for countries there to redefine their priorities when it comes to trade with China.
CRI's Xie Cheng has more.
ReporterAccording to statistics from China's Customs last year, trade volume between China and Latin America has surpassed 260 billion U.S. dollars.
A Spokesperson for the Ministry of Commerce Shen Danyang especially highlights the great successes achieved as a result of China's bilateral trade with Chile and Peru.
"China has signed bilateral free trade agreements with Chile and Peru, injecting great energy to bilateral trade and promoting the two countries' exports of untraditional products to China. The Sino-Chile free trade agreement has been implemented for a decade, and completed the period of tariff concession. The tariff consisting of 97% of the whole tax volume is canceled. The free trade agreement between China and Peru is also being implemented well, meaning a mutual benefit and win-win situation has been reached."Many experts have spoken highly of Premier Li Keqiang's current visit to Latin America, where he will witness the signing of a series of cooperation agreements concerning fields such as infrastructure, manufacture, agriculture, science, technology and communications.
Osvaldo Rosales, a UN official, says Premier Li's visit marks another step toward a new type of relationship between China with Latin America and the Caribbean.
He also urges Latin American nations to use this trip to define their specific projects and interests, not only to strengthen ties with China but also to improve the region's own competitiveness and develop inter-regional trade.
Xu Shicheng, a researcher at the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, believes that Premier Li's visit will further promote a deepening of bilateral economic and trade cooperation.
"China's economy is growing slower; the requirement for Latin America's iron ore and oil is dropping. They have to improve the added value on their primary products before exporting. We'll cooperate with the region through industrial capacity in order to improve their manufacturing production level."He also mentions that infrastructure has been an important highlight of China and the region's bilateral cooperation, since it requires several different kinds of equipment and thus will further boost bilateral trade.
This comes as Premier Li is set to witness the signing of a document concerning a transcontinental South American railway liking the Pacific and Atlantic Ocean.
According to China's Ministry of Commerce, Chinese enterprises invested over 12 billion U.S. dollars directly to Latin America in 2014, consisting of 12.5% of China's whole direct investment value abroad.
Earlier this year, the two sides have set a target for bilateral trade volume to reach 500 billion U.S. dollars in the space of one decade.
For CRI, I'm Xie Cheng.
China Unveils 10-year Roadmap for ManufacturingAnchorChina's cabinet has unveiled a new national plan for the country's manufacturing sector.
"Made in China 2025" is part of broader-based initiative to transform China into a leading manufacturing power by the 100th anniversary of the founding of the People's Republic in 2049.
CRI's XYee has more.
ReporterAccording to a notice issued Tuesday by the State Council, Premier Li Keqiang authorized the plan named "Made in China 2025", which is the roadmap for the future of the manufacturing sector in China.
The plan is based on a national research project jointly conducted by the Chinese Academy of Engineering and the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, that began in 2013.
Miao Wei, Minister of Industry and Information Technology says the 10-year action plan is designed to transform China from a manufacturing giant into a world manufacturing power. During the process, information technology will become a driving power for industrial upgrades.
"Industrialization and an emphasis on information in logistics will be deeply integrated to promote the development of the whole manufacturing industry, which was proposed at the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China. This will be a task we must fulfill in implementing the Made-in-China 2025 Plan. It is also a new highland that we must conquer."Miao Wei added "Made in China 2025" is just the first step of a three-step strategy. According to another two plans that followed, China will reach a medium level among the world's best manufacturers by 2035 and rank near the top of the league table by 2045.
Although comparisons have often been made between China's 10-year plan and Germany's "Industry 4.0" that focuses on the development of fully-automated "smart" factories, Miao Wei said China and Germany are in different stages of development.
"Germany is developing from 3.0 to 4.0, while our Chinese industrial enterprises have to make up for the 2.0 to 3.0 and then step up to 4.0. So we are in different stages. Therefore, we must pay attention to China's actual conditions and Chinese enterprises' reality. This will help us choose a right path of development and embark upon a better, faster and healthier road of development."The plan defines ten key areas where breakthroughs should be made, including new information technology, digital controlled tools and robotics.
Miao Wei particularly stressed the importance of Internet technologies.
"The best and biggest opportunity lies in the application of Internet technology in manufacturing. It will become the biggest catalyst and engine to accelerate this round of development. It will promote the manufacturing from being electrification-based directly to being intelligence-based."For CRI, I'm XYee.
Chinese peacekeepers, medical team set off for Lebanon with missionA new group of Chinese peacekeepers, along with a 30-member medical team, is headed for Lebanon.
The group of 180 PLA soldiers and officers are set to relieve another Chinese team which has been in Lebanon for the last 8-months.
Company commander Sun Zhi says their main duties will involve mine-sweeping and search-and-rescue.
"Among the soldiers and officers, 89 have participated peacekeeping missions and mine-sweeping training in foreign countries. 31 of them have carried out rescue operations in earthquakes. We have organized specific training based on the situations in the Middle East."China has had peacekeeping troops in Lebanon since 2006.
The conflict in neighboring Syria has made the situation in Lebanon more dangerous in recent years.
Numerous incidents, including bombings and other sectarian attack, have been taking place in Lebanon among supporters and opponents of the Bashar al-Assad government in Syria.
Netanyahu Reiterates Jerusalem Not to Be DividedAnchorPalestinian officials are lashing out at new statements from Israel's Prime Minister, who has suggested Jerusalem will not return to being a -quote- "divided and wounded" city.
CRI's Niu Honglin has more.
ReporterIsraeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, addressing his cabinet, says Jerusalem will not be divided.
"We do not wish to go backwards and those speak with nostalgia about those days apparently do not live here. We will not go back to a divided city, a torn city, a city with barbed wire fences and snipers on the walls. This will not happen and we will see to it that it does not happen."His comments have been made at a special cabinet meeting commemorating Jerusalem Day.
This day marks the establishment of Israeli control over the entire city of Jerusalem in the aftermath of the 1967 Six-Day War.
Like many of the Jerusalem Days in the past, this year's event on Sunday was also marred by violence, with Israeli nationalists marching through Old Jerusalem, setting off fights with the local Arab population in the city.
Netanyahu's cabinet has also approved a series of economic development and infrastructure plans for Jerusalem in the next five years.
The cabinet is also working on preparations to mark the 50th Jerusalem Day in 2017.
This has set off anger among the Palestinians, as East Jerusalem is supposed to be the capital of a stand-alone Palestinian state.
Palestinian official Ashraf Khatib says while they're angry with the position the Israeli side is taking, they're not surprised by Netanyahu's comments.
"Obviously Netanyahu has proved again that the only agenda of this government and previous government is the continuation of its violation to the international law, and the continuation of the longest occupation ever in the world. These words and the actions Netanyahu is attempting to do are only ingredients to destroy the chance for the two-state solution."But at the same time, Netanyahu has also said he will make every effort to bring about an agreement with the Palestinians that will maintain Israeli security, echoing his words last week that he would like the peace process to resume soon.
Ashraf Khatib says Israel only uses the prospect of peace talks as a smoke screen.
"It's a big joke when Netanyahu speaks about resumption of peace talks while he's doing not only the opposite, but he's doing every single thing that violates the rules and the laws. There's no room for negotiation and peace talks while there is continuation of settlement construction. There's no room for peace talks when Israel destroys Palestinian homes and forces people out from their homes. The world should not be fooled again with anything that Netanyahu speaks."Previous efforts in the past few years to create an Israeli-Palestinian peace accord have met with little success.
Israeli settlement plans in the West Bank and Palestinian moves to gain international recognition without negotiating with Israel first continue to drive the two sides apart.
For CRI, I'm Niu Honglin.
Iraqi forces, IS ready for battle of RamadiIraqi forces have deployed tanks and artillery around the city of Ramadi to confront Islamic State fighters.
The city, capital of the country's largest province of Anbar, fell to the militants on Sunday.
It's being reported Islamic State fighters have set up defensive positions, including landmines, around the city.
Meanwhile, the White House says a U.S.-led air campaign will be backing Iraqi forces in their attempt to regain Ramadi.
Iraqi officials estimate some 500 people have been killed in the fighting for Ramadi in recent days.
The Iraqi government has also activated 5-thousand members of the Shiite militia for the fight, despite concerns of a sectarian blow-back in Ramadi, which is the hub of Sunni Islam in Iraq.
Yemen's capital under heavy airstrikesGulf coalition forces have launched a series of airstrikes on Houthi targets in the Yemeni capital, said to be the heaviest since the expiration of a five-day humanitarian truce with Yemen's Shiite rebels.
The strikes have been targeting rebel-held military depots on the outskirts of Sana'a, where missiles, tanks and artillery are thought to be stored.
The five-day humanitarian pause was launched last week to enable the UN to deliver humanitarian aid.
Clashes between Houthi fighters and forces loyal to exiled President Abd Rabbu Mansour Hadi did continue to take place during the pause, with both sides accusing one-another of breaking the truce.
It's believed around 14-hundred people have been killed since Sunni-backed forces from the Gulf Arab nations began bombing Houthi rebel targets in Yemen in an attempt to hold them from taking control of the entire country.
Despite the Gulf coalition controlling the air, the Shiite Houthis, said to be backed by Iran, still maintain control of much of Yemen.
Yingluck denies all charges in rice scheme caseFormer Thai Prime Minister Yingluck Shinawatra has made her first court appearance in connection with her controversial rice-subsidy scheme which led to her downfall in-office.
Speaking to her supporters outside the court, Yingluck has proclaimed her innocense.
"Yes, I'm feeling confident to present, so we hope that everything will be followed by due process and the rule of law. Thank you."Yingluck is facing dereliction of duty charges in connection with a rice-subsity scheme which ended up costing the Thai government billions of dollars in lost tax revenuesIf found guilty, Yingluck could face upto 10 years in jail.
The controversy surrounding the charges against her led to daily protests in Bangkok last year which eventually spurred the Thai military to take control in a coup.
62 Killed in Colombia's deadly landslideThe death toll from a massive mudslide in northwest Colombia has risen to 62.
The massive wall of mud and debris, set off by heavy rains in the region, has virtually destroyed the town of Salgar early Monday morning, wiping out entire families in the process.
"We never thought this could happen to my whole family. This has been horrible, we couldn't sleep, thinking where is he, where will we find him, will we even find him."Around 40 others managed to survive.
Columbian officials have begun moving the survivors to temporary shelters while the clean-up continues.
The mountainous areas of Columbia are prone to landslides brought on by heavy rains this time of year.
35 New Ebola Cases in Guinea and Sierra LeoneHealth officials say 35 new ebola cases have been reported with in Guinea and Sierra Leone in the past two weeks.
This is 4-times the figures seen just weeks before.
World Health Organization Director-General Margaret Chan says the new stats are a reminder the virus will not go quietly.
"Our objective is: get to zero, maintain zero and early recovery of essential health services.""The virus, in this case, Ebola, has shown us time and time again how easy it is for a single, cross-border traveller or a single unsafe burial to re-ignite transmission chains again"Liberia, which was also inundated with Ebola cases over the past year, remains ebola-free after the last cases were cleared earlier this month.
The WHO this week has announced the establishment of a 100 million dollar of contingency fund to deal with future pandemics.
Waco Police Appeals for "Peace" from Motorcycle GangsPolice in the city of Waco, Texas are appealing for calm among rival biker gangs.
This comes amid reported threats among the rival groups following a bloody mele this weekend in the city which left 9 people dead and 18 others in hospital.
Waco Police Sergeant Patrick Swanson admits they are anticipating more violence.
"I will tell you that in the gang world and in the biker world that violence usually condones more violence. Is this over? Most likely not. We would like it to be. We would ask there to be some type of truce between whatever motorcycle gangs are involved. We would encourage them to try to be a little peaceful and let the bloodshed stop."A meeting among several rival biker gangs at a restaurant in Waco on Sunday turned violent after a fist-fight in the restroom spilled into the restaurant and the parking lot.
170 people are facing charges in connection with the massive brawl, which saw the rival gangs attack one-another with guns, knives, brass knuckles, clubs and chains.
U.S. court tries Chinese woman for immigration fraud, money launderingA Chinese woman has made her first court appearance in the US city of Los Angeles on charges of immigration fraud and money laundering.
Zhao Shilan is the ex-wife of a wanted former Chinese official who remains at-large.
Her husband, Qiao Jianjun is also facing immigration and money laundering charges in Los Angeles.
US prosecutors say the pair laundered money from China to buy properties in Seattle.
"When they trace the money, they will probably start on both ends of transaction. They will be looking at what happed in China, try to get records from companies or businesses involved there. They will look at how the money mad its way to the United States whether by wire, by cheque, or by whatever means. And then they'll look at all the records in the United States. So they'll look at emails, text messages, phone records. They'll look at documents and interview people involved in real estate transaction to figure out how this supposedly happened."Qiao Jianjun currently sits number-3 on the list of 100 wanted Chinese fugitives still abroad.
He's accused of fleeing to the United States after embezzling some 300 million yuan from a state grainer operation.
Charity featuring eye health in XinjiangAnchorA charity campaign is underway in Xinjiang to help provide special care to young people in the northwest Chinese region suffering from eye problems.
CRI's Liu Xiangwei has more.
reporter11-year-old Mai Di Nai is a Uighur girl. She just had an eye surgery in Urumqi, the capital of northwest China's Xinjiang Uighur Autonomous Region that allows her to see. Now, sitting in her bed with flowers and gifts around, she is eager to share her happiness.
"I am happy, very happy. I dreamed of seeing the brightness of the world. Now I can see it. It means I can now walk independently everywhere. Now I can even step downstairs all by myself. Before, I dared not take a step without others telling me it's OK."Born with eye disease, Mai Di Nai could only sense light, but couldn't see the actual world, until a few days ago.
As part of a charity campaign to protect children's eyesight initiated by automaker Jaguar and Land Rover, doctors and nurses went to Mai Di Nai's school and examined the eyes of all her schoolmates. Mai Di Nai was singled out for treatment first, and received surgery immediately.
The surgery was performed by Ke La La, chief of the local eye hospital. The 55-year-old veteran surgeon is now practicing more medical check-ups in a primary school in Turpan, four hours' drive from Urumqi.
"I'm looking at the ocular fundus and other areas to see whether there's any problem. If necessary, I'll suggest follow-up treatment."Ke La La spends ten months a year on trips covering a large part of the Xinjiang Uighur Autonomous Region, from the northern mountainous area, to the southern desert, to carry out check-ups and operations for children living in the remote areas.
Among China's 300 million children, about 12 million are weak-sighted. In Xinjiang, the situation is especially serious. Frequent sandstorms bring threat to children's eye hygiene. Unhealthy living habits lead to a high rate of eye problems. In many cases, minor diseases are overlooked, which result in more serious ones developing, even the complete loss of eyesight. Lack of medical access makes it even harder to cure them.
Six million yuan, or about one million US dollars will be put into the campaign this year, to check up 30 thousand children in Xinjiang. Three thousand of them will be given high-quality glasses to remediate their refractive errors. 600 will get surgeries or equipment assistance that they need to regain their vision.
Zhou Bingyi is the Vice President of Public Relations and Communications Jaguar and Land Rover China. She says the charity work is helpful in more ways than one.
"Through doing this charity work, we're not only giving help and care to others, but also refreshing our own spirit, learning our own lessons and feeling life in a different way."Last year, the program went to southwest China's Yunnan Province. In the future, similar projects will cover more remote areas such as Guizhou and Sichuan.
For CRI, this is Liu Xiangwei.
WeatherBeijing will be sunny today with a high of 31 degrees Celsius.
Overnight temperatures should drop down to 15.
Shanghai will be partly cloudy with a high of 25 and a low of 15.
In Chongqing, it will be cloudy during the daytime with a high of 31 and lows of 22.
Elsewhere in the world, staying here in Asia,Kathmandu, Thunderstorms, 28.
Islamabad will be sunny with a high of 37.
Kabul will be sunny with a high of 29.
Over to North America,New York will be sunny with a high of 21 degrees.
Washington, sunny with a high of 25 degrees.
Honolulu, cloudy, 28.
Toronto will be cloudy with a high of 17 degrees.
Finally, on to South America,Buenos Aires will be cloudy with a high of 27.
And Rio de Janeiro will see showers with a high of 26 degrees Celsius.
Headline newsInvestment, infrastructure deals highlight Premier's Brazil visitThe Chinese and Brazilian governments have signed a total of 35 cooperative agreements as part of Chinese Premier Li Keqiang's visit to country.
The deals center around trade, finance and investment in energy, mining, aviation and an upgrade of Brazil's infrastructure.
They also include a long-discussed plan to build a railroad over the Andes to the Pacific.
Premier Li Keqiang has also announced the establishment of a 30-billion-U.S.-dollar fund for promoting China-Latin America cooperation in production capacity and equipment manufacturing.
The Premier's first trip to Latin America since becoming premier will also include stops in Colombia, Peru and Chile.
Canada to expand China Transit Program starting from JuneCanadian authorities have announced plans to expand their China Transit Program to allow Chinese travelers to fly to, and transit through Canada visa-free while enroute to and from the United States.
The program is being expanded to three additional airports in Tokyo and Seoul starting next month.
The Chinese cities of Beijing, Hong Kong, Guangzhou and Shanghai are already part of the program.
At the same time, the Canadian government is also trying to simplify the administrative process to allow new airlines to participate in the China Transit Program.
Iraqi forces, IS ready for battle of RamadiIraqi forces have deployed tanks and artillery around the city of Ramadi to confront Islamic State fighters.
The city, capital of the country's largest province of Anbar, fell to the militants on Sunday.
It's being reported Islamic State fighters have set up defensive positions, including landmines, around the city.
Meanwhile, the White House says a U.S.-led air campaign will be backing Iraqi forces in their attempt to regain Ramadi.
Iraqi officials estimate some 500 people have been killed in the fighting for Ramadi in recent days.
Cruise ship originating out of Boston runs aground in BermudaA Norwegian cruise ship originated in Boston has run aground near Bermuda.
The cruise line says the ship temporarily lost power.
More than 3,700 passengers and crew members on board are safe.
US Coast Guard officials say the ship is stable and is being assessed.
Bodies of Germanwings crash identified, can be repatriated: prosecutorFrench authorities say the bodies of those killed in the crash of the Germanwings flight in southern France in March have all been identified and are now able to be repatriated.
All 150 death certificates have now been signed.
The Airbus A320, operated by Lufthansa's budget carrier Germanwings, crashed enroute from Barcelona, Spain to Duesseldorf, Germany.
All 144 passengers and six crew members were killed.
Investigators have determined the German co-pilot, Andreas Lubitz, deliberately crashed the aircraft into the southern French Alps after locking his captain out of the cockpit.
Biz reportsAnchorFirst, a quick check on the closing numbers across North America and Europe.
Our reporter Niu Honglin.
ReporterUS markets ended mixed on Tuesday.
This comes despite April's housing data coming out well above market expectations.
U.S. privately-owned housing starts in April hit their highest level since November 2007.
This is 20-percent above the revised figures for March.
Investor sentiment was also buoyed by comments from an Executive Board member of the European Central Bank, who says plans are being worked on to increase the purchases of euro-area assets for the next few weeks.
However, on corporate front, shares of Wal-Mart dropped over 4 percent after the company reported Q1 revenues which fell short of market expectations.
At the close,The Dow Jones gained 0.1 percent.
The S&P 500 lost 0.1 percent.
The Nasdaq ended down 0.2 percent.
Meanwhile in Europe,The main European markets ended higher following the comments from the ECB.
At the same time, Greece's Finance Minister says his government expects to reach an agreement with its international creditors by next week.
At close,The UK's FTSE 100 added 0.4 percent.
Markets on continental Europe reacted much more positively.
Germany's DAX surged 2.2 percent.
France's CAC 40 added 2 percent.
No Timeline for Consolidation yet: COFCOChina's largest food company COFCO has been forced to issue a statement saying it has no schedule to combine its units at the moment.
This comes after reports suggesting the food industry giant has invited investment banks to submit proposals for a possible group restructuring.
In making the statement, COFCO does admit consolidation is in the cards.
Most stocks from the group's listed subsidiaries hit their daily limit on Friday.
Beijing-based COFCO is a combination of 8 listed companies operating in 140 different countries.
Its combined market value is estimated at 1.4-billion US dollars.
Sinopec, BP create marine fuel joint ventureChinese oil refiner Sinopec and British Petroleum have set up a joint venture to create marine fuel.
The deal has been inked between a Sinopec subsidiary and BP in Singapore, which is a major marine fuel market in Asia.
The bunker fuel joint venture will operate out of Singapore and other ports in China, United Arab Emirates and the Netherlands.
Sinopec controls around one-third of the bunker fuel market in China.
Takata to cause the largest recall in U.S auto historyJapanese airbag maker Takata is now admitting responsibility for faulty airbag inflators which is poised to lead to the largest recall in US automotive history.
In finally admitting responsibility, Takata is now being ordered to participate in the investigation.
U.S. Transport Secretary Anthony Foxx says the recall is likely to affect some 34-million vehicles in the US.
"This recall involves eleven auto manufacturers, many different parts suppliers, not just Takata, and roughly double the number of vehicles built in the United States every year. It's fair to say this is probably the most complex consumer safety recall in U.S. history."Japanese carmakers Honda, Toyota and Nissan have already announced plans to recall millions of their cars because of the faulty airbags.
This will include thousands in China.
The chemical that inflates the air bags can explode with too much force, blowing apart a metal inflator and sending shrapnel into the passenger compartment.
The fault has already led to six deaths and more than 100 injuries worldwide.
US regulators had been battling with Takata for the last year, as the company had refused to deem its products unsafe.
China Recruitment Insider Report ReleasedAnchorA new survey shows human resource managers are seeing rising demand for talent in China.
RMG Recruitment's quarterly survey is suggesting the state-owned enterprise sector is recruiting the most new hires on a sector-by-sector basis.
The machinery, IT and legal sectors are also seeing significant growth in new hiring through the first quarter.
However, the same survey also suggests salary increases aren't as high as was expected.
For more on the survey, CRI's Sophie Williams spoke with Robert Parkinson, CEO & Founder of RMG Selection.
That was Robert Parkinson, CEO & Founder of RMG Selection, speaking with CRI's Sophie Williams.
China Gives Nod to $40 bn of Six Infrastructure ProjectsChina's top economic regulator has approved the construction of 6 new railway projects worth some 250 billion yuan, or around 40-billion U.S. dollars.
The National Development and Reform Commission says the projects include four new high-speed lines in Shandong and Jiangsu, and Liaoning.
Luo Guosan, deputy director of the NDRC's investment department, says the move is an addition to the central government's current infrastructure construction plan.
"We will continuously improve the infrastructure construction according to the actual needs and bring some qualified projects into the plan. NDRC has been working with relevant government departments, local authorities and enterprises recently."A pair of rail lines in the cities of Chengdu and Nanning are also part of the new plan.
Canadian firm inks deal to help develop Chinese nuclear reactorsThe French subsidiary of a Canadian company has been awarded the contract for some 35-million US dollars worth of industrial valve sales to China for this country's nuclear power reactors.
The CEO of Velan says the valves will be part of the latest generation reactor designs in China.
He says the valve contract will be used not only for domestic Chinese construction, but also for Chinese export projects.
Zhang Huazhu, chair of the China Nuclear Energy Association, says China's new nuclear technology should be popular on the international market.
"I think compared to foreign technology, the biggest advantage of Chinese nuclear power is the strong market demand, which has rapidly helped promote our research and development. The research activity has the strong support of the Chinese government."Chinese authorities have announced the resumption of nuclear power projects.
Construction of nuclear power projects had been suspended in China following the Fukushima nuclear disaster in Japan in 2011.
SportsFootball: Star Striker Raheem Sterling to Hand Liverpool Transfer Request This WeekLiverpool striker Raheem Sterling will tell manager Brenden Rodgers that he wants to leave the club when the two meet on Friday.
ESPN reports that Sterling's agent Aidy Ward will meet Liverpool's chief executive, Ian Ayre, this week to express his client's desire to move to another club.
Last month, reports emerged that Sterling did not sign a new contract with Liverpool, which would have extended his stay at Anfield from 2017 to 2020 and bumped his salary from about 54-thousand U.S. dollars per week to roughly 155-thousand dollars per week.
Sterling told BBC sport at the time that rejecting the contract did not have anything to do with money, but instead hinged on his desire to "win trophies."Football: Sepp Blatter in Israel Following Palestine Bid to Oust Israel from FIFAFIFA President Sepp Blatter is in Israel on what he calls a "mission of peace" as tensions between the Israeli and Palestinian soccer federations have heightened following Palestine's bid to oust Israel from the world governing body.
Palestinians say Israeli security restrictions are limiting the movements of Palestinian players, visiting teams and soccer equipment and have put forward a proposal to suspend Israel from world soccer at the 209-nation FIFA meeting on May 29.
Blatter opposes the suspension vote, saying Israel has not broken FIFA statutes in a political issue outside of soccer's control.
"We shall take the sport and football, and football is nowadays is such a strong a strong organisation that should go into peace situation and not into fighting situation and football shall connect people and not divide people."Blatter on Tuesday met with Israeli prime minister Benjamin Netanyahu, who praised the FIFA president for "not poiticizing" the sport.
"Sport is a vehicle of goodwill among nations. The thing that could destroy the Football Association is politicising it. You politicise it once with Israel, then you politicise it for everyone, and it will cause the deterioration of a great institution."Blatter suggested that Palestine and Israel hold a friendly exhibition match on neutral ground in Zurich in a gesture of good will between both sides.
The FIFA president is scheduled to meet Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas in Ramallah on Wednesday.
Football: Over 50 Arrested for Widespread Match-fixing in ItalyMore than 50 people were arrested or detained throughout Italy on Tuesday and more than 70 placed under investigation as part of a widespread match-fixing inquiry led by anti-Mafia prosecutors in the southern town of Catanzaro.
The sweep involves "dozens" of fixed matches in Italian football's third and fourth division, police said.
Charges include criminal association aimed at sports fraud, with some linked to Mafia organizations - in particular to the 'ndrangheta organized crime syndicate.
Local prosecutors say they have uncovered a network between soccer players, coaches, club presidents and management members involving more than 30 clubs. At least one police officer was also involved.
Authorities add that the network also had ties in Serbia, Slovenia, Malta, Turkey and Kazakhstan.
NBA: Golden State vs. Houston for Game 1 of Western Conference FinalsIn the National Basketball Association Playoffs:
At 9 a.m., Beijing time--League MVP Stephan Curry and the Golden State Warriors hit the court against MVP runner-up James Harden and the Houston Rockets for game one to determine who's the baddest team in the West.
Tennis RecapOver in tennis action as we close in on the French Open:
At the Strasbourg International:
China's Zheng Saisai was knocked out in straight sets to second-seeded Jelena Jakovic.
American Sloane Stephens downed compatriot and sixth-seed Coco Vandeweghe 6-3, 6-4.
Ayla Tomlyanovic beat Shelby Rogers of the US 7-6, 3-6, 6-2.
Third-seed Samantha Stosur is through after a walkover.
Over in the Nuremburg Open:
China's Zhang Shuai was beat by Japan's Misaki Doi 1-6, 6-3, 6-1.
Second-seed Angelique Kerber beat Czech Klara Koukalova 6-1, 7-6.
Italian seeds Roberta Vinci and Karin Knapp are also through.
NFL Pushes Extra-Point Kick Back to 15-yard LineNews from the National Football League:
The NFL decided on Tuesday to move back the extra-point kick and allow defenses to score on two-point conversion turnovers .
Starting this season, the ball will be snapped from the 15-yard line for extra-point kicks to make them more challenging. In recent seasons, extra-point balls were snapped from the 2-yard line.
Defenses will be allowed to return an interception or fumble off an offense's 2-point conversion to the other end zone, which will be worth two points to the team on defense.
NHL Playoff PreviewIn the National Hockey League Playoffs:
At 9 a.m., Beijing time,The Chicago Blackhawks hit the ice for game 2 against the Anaheim Ducks.
Ducks lead that series 1-0.
EntertainmentXia Hao wins New Chinese Film Talents Fund Forum at CannesChinese director, Xia Hao has been named as the winner of the New Chinese Film Talents Fund Forum at Cannes Film Festival.
With his directorial project "No. 23," Xia won a $165,000 prize that will be put towards production of the film.
Funding of the prize came from the Cannes Market, Champs Lis and Jackie Chan's Young Filmmaker Development Fund, Project A.
"No. 23" is the story of a color blind art student who falls in love with a female student, who turns to prostitution.
Xia already has an impressive track record working on a number of films including Wang Quan'an's "The White Deer Plain" and Wong Kar-wai's "The Grandmaster."His short film "Confession" was named best micro-film at the first edition of the Silk Road Film Festival.
Cannes Film Festival under fire for "banning" high heelsSome more news from Cannes…The film festival has come under fire after reports women were turned away from the red carpet screening of Cate Blanchett's film "Carol" for not wearing high heels.
Some of the women were said to be older with medical conditions, and were unable to wear heels.
Screen Daily said the festival had confirmed heels were compulsory for women at red carpet screenings.
However the director of the festival said the "rumours" were "unfounded."A note about dress codes on the festival's website says "black tie /evening dress is required for gala screenings," with no mention of high heels.
Screen Daily first reported the story, after a "Cannes regular" told them how a woman wearing Rhinestone-encrusted flat shoes was denied entry.
"Avengers" tops Chinese box office"Avengers: Age of Ultron" has replaced "Furious 7" at the top of the Chinese box office.
According to tracking service Ent Group, "Ultron" took $155 million in just six days, selling a total of 24.5 million tickets.
"Ultron" was so far ahead of the competition that it took over 90% of the nationwide box office.
Second placed went to animation "Chappie," which took $3.46 million for a total of $13.7 million after 10 days.
Third placed, Chinese film "You Are My Sunshine" took $2.85 million to lift its 18 day total to $55.3 million.
Fourth place 'The Left Ear" took $2.06 million.
And fifth place went to "Furious 7" which appears to have been stopped in its tracks, earning $1.49 million to reach $391 million after 36 days.
Final farewell to B.B King takes place on FridayFans of B.B. King will have a chance to say a final farewell to the blues legend, as a public viewing will be held in Las Vegas on Friday.
King died last week at his home in Las Vegas at the age of 89 after a series of small strokes.
The viewing will be held at Palm Mortuary West from 3pm to 7pm where people will be able to pass his open casket.
King's scorching guitar licks and heartfelt vocals made him the idol of generations of musicians and fans while earning him the nickname "King of the Blues."A private family funeral will also be held in Las Vegas before his body is sent to Mississippi and buried on the grounds of the B.B King Museum.
That’s it for this edition of the Beijing Hour.
A quick look at the headlines before we go...
Chinese Premier Li Keqiang has overseen the signing of a number of business and economic agreements as part of his current trip to Brazil.
The Chinese government has laid out a new set of goals to make this country a world-leader in manufacturing by the time the PRC turns 100.
Israel's Prime Minister has infuriated Palestinian officials with new comments about the fate of the city of Jerusalem.
In Business.... Chinese food giant COFCO denying reports of an impending consolidation among its subsidiaries.
On behalf of the Beijing Hour staffers, this is Paul James Beijing hoping you'll join us for our next edition of the Beijing Hour to open a window to the world together.