新闻纵贯线 The Beijing Hour updated 20:00 2015/05/21(在线收听

 The Beijing Hour (Monday-Friday)Evening EditionIt's Shane Bigham with you on this Thursday, May 21st, 2015.

Welcome to the Beijing Hour, live from the Chinese capital...
Coming up on the program this evening...
The Chinese premier has announced plans in Brazil to help that country improve its infrastructure...
Japan is sending 3000 tourism delegates to China for a three-day visit...
Chinese authorities again defend construction in the South China Sea from criticism leveled by US leaders...
Business: a new Russian smartphone is now on sale in China...
In Sports: Lebron James has another big outing as Cleveland beats Atlanta in game one of the NBA's eastern final...
In Entertainment: the Chinese film Mountains May Depart has been screened at Cannes...
All of that coming up in just a moment, but first, just a reminder there are several ways to reach out to us here on the Beijing Hour.
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TopCooperation in industrial capacity would help Brazil and China achieve win-win results: Chinese PremierAnchor:
Chinese Premier Li Keqiang has announced plans to set up new Chinese-backed infrastructure in Brazil to produce trains for the Rio de Janeiro metro.
The announcement has been made on the last day of his stay in the country.
CRI's Qi Zhi has more details.
Premier Li Keqiang has made the announcement at the opening of an exhibition dislpaying 3 Chinese-manufactured trains purchased by the city of Rio de Janeiro.
The trains are specifically designed for the city's new metro line, which is due to open ahead of next year's Olympic Games.
In delivering the pledge, Li Keqiang says China wants to do more than just export to Brazil, saying the creation of infrastructure to produce and maintain the metro carriages will help benefit Rio over the long-term.
"I took a ride on a china-made railway with Rio's Governor before I came here. I've heard that people In Rio seem to like it. I've made it clear to the Chinese companies involved in the project they have to keep up constant maintenance of the railways to maintain the comfort level. We are willing to help in this regard by building maintenance and production bases where we can train local workers. This will help drive local employment."Rio's State Transport Secretary, Carlos Osorio, says more Chinese investment in local mass-transit will be welcomed.
"Rio de Janeiro hopes for more investment and partnerships from this visit. China is a big partner of Rio de Janeiro. We want to attract Chinese investments to build the new Rio-Vitoria railway line, which they've already shown an interest to. Also to build a Chinese train factory and manufacture centre to respond to demand from across South America."At the same time, Li Keqiang notes both the Chinese and Brazilian governments have also agreed to increase cooperation in industrial capacity.
This is the term being used to describe Chinese investment in existing Brazilian industrial firms.
"China is willing to cooperate with Brazil in areas such as the manufacturing of automobiles, shipping, steel and building materials. We don't want to just export our equipment. We want to help build factories and assembly lines in Rio to increase local employment. We promise Chinese companies will also fulfill their social responsibilities. The cooperation in industrial capacity, with an eye on the environment, can only produce mutual benefits."Premier Li Keqiang arrived in Rio after signing a series of trade agreements with Brazilian President Dilma Rousseff in Brasilia worth some 27 billion U.S. dollars.
A joint fund will be set up for industrial capacity cooperation to finance bilateral projects in infrastructure construction.
Li Keqiang's Latin America tour also includes stops in Colombia, Peru and Chile.
For CRI, I'm Qi Zhi.
Li Keqiang vows to boost Brazil's manufacturing capacity in a bid to host a "made in Brazil" Olympics.
A special exhibition for Chinese Equipment Manufacturing has kicked off in Rio de Janeiro, as Premier Li Keqiang vows to help Brazil enhance its manufacturing capacity with more investment and technology transfer from China.
CRI's Poornima Weerasekara reportsReporter:
When Chinese premier Li Keqiang met with top business leaders in Brazil on Wednesday, on a "made-in China" ferry that connects Rio to the main Olympic venue in Niteroi, his message was clear; China wants to boost Brazil's manufacturing capacity, especially in manufacturing heavy equipment.
Premier Li also visited an exhibition in Rio de Janeiro for Equipment Manufacturers on his final day in Brazil.
30 Chinese companies from different sectors including energy, telecommunication, and construction participated in the exhibition.
The list includes top brands like BYD, China's largest electric car manufacturer that recently sealed a deal with a bus company in Brazil to launch a green bus service as early as July. BYD also plans to start a manufacturing plant in the country next year.
Chinese telecom giant Huawei is also at the event.
Huawei has already setup two cloud computing facilities in Brazil in a bid to improve education and research infrastructure in the country.
Yang Guanglin, the head of public and government affairs for Huawei in Brazil, says the country also serves as a gateway to promote "made in China" Technology in Latin America.
"During the Rio carnival this year, the state police used Huawei's proprietary eLTE multimedia broadband cluster solution to provide real-time security for the entire event. The technology allowed Rio police to respond quickly and effectively to any incident despite the heavy crowds. It also enabled them to quickly identify trouble hot spots quickly and focus their resources there."China is also working closely with the Brazilian government to help the country tap into its vast oil reserves.
China has already delivered five off-shore oil-rigs to Petrobras, Brazil's national oil company as the country tries to double its oil production capacity by 2020.
According to Gao Shan, Spokesperson for China International Marine Containers Group, trade in high-tech maritime equipment is a fast growing sector as more than 85 percent of Brazil's oil reserves are found off-shore.
"According to data from Brazil's national oil company the two oil platform that we delivered in 2014 have achieved a high efficiency level of 95% and 96%. This is quite high compared to the operational efficiency of other oil-rigs built in cooperation with other international partners."In the automobile sector, Chinese cars like Cherry and Gelee have already flooded the Brazilian market.
As two of the world's largest developing economies, both China and Brazil face similar challenges.
Close south-south cooperation between these two emerging giants could help create a double-engine of growth for the global economy.
For CRI I'm Poornima WeerasekaraAnalysis on Japan Tourism DelegationJapan will send a 3,000-strong tourism delegation to China later this week for a three-day visit.
The delegation comprises over 3,000 members from all over Japan and includes local governors, lawmakers and representatives from tourism and economic industries.
On the significance of the visit, our Zhou Jingnan earlier spoke with Lin Shaowen, senior political analyst.
Back anchor: that was Lin Shaowen, CRI's senior political analyst, speaking with our reporter Zhou JingnanChina's capital outflow is under control : forex authorityAnchor:
China's capital flow has hit a record high, exceeding 80 billion US dollars in the first quarter.
The country's foreign exchange authority says the recent capital movements are controllable and China is capable of coping with the flow as the country accelerates its financial reforms.
Our reporter Guo Yan has the details.
The State Administration of Foreign Exchange says the capital outflow in the first quarter was expected and the capital flight is not illegal.
Guan Tao is the head of the Balance of Payments Department of the Forex administration and says the situation has been influenced by various elements.
"The country's economy is facing huge domestic downward pressure. The global economy is going through dramatic re-adjustment. And the US dollar is maintaining strong momentum. Affected by these factors, domestic companies and individuals follow last year's financial policy, increasing their purchases of foreign assets and de-leveraging their debt, leading to less settlement and more purchases of foreign exchange."He adds that the current capital outflow is within expectation and cannot be easily classified as covert capital fight.
Experts say the current balance of payments deficit is partly affected by undesirable economic figures in the first quarter.
Liu Sheng jun is a senior economist from Lujiazui Institute of International Finance in ShanghaiHe says fears management risks are mounting as economic growth is not ideal.
"One reason is China's economic data, especially the figure from the first quarter, is not satisfactory. Worries over business risk is increasing. Another factor is the yuan is being pushed to appreciate with the dollar."Experts say capital is expected to move towards countries along the route of the "One Belt, One Road" initiative.
The Forex administration says China's capital flow will undergo fluctuations and difficulties will be felt long-term.
But the trade surplus and ample forex reserves provide a strong cushion for China to resist market shock.
Also, the Renminbi exchange rate has become more resilient.
Liu says the chronic balance of payments deficit is hard to crack and the country needs to accelerate its financial reform.
"it's hard to reverse the trend in a short time, because we are undergoing a long-term economic difficulty which is also known as the 'new normal'. To change the situation, one solution is to change the pricing strategy of the renminbi and turn to the monetary policy of "a basket of currencies".
Experts suggest some areas are more open to foreign capitals.
They believe that confidence in China's economy will increase as foreign capital moves into the country.
For CRI, I'm Guo Yan.
China defends construction work in South China Sea: FMChina is defending its construction in the South China Sea.
The statements come as a U.S. official says China's reclaiming land from the sea will trigger regional tensions and instabilities.
Foreign Ministry spokesperson Hong Lei says the comments are entirely groundless.
"Those comments are not only unfavourable for solving disputes but also not helpful to regional peace and stability in the South China Sea, and will only encourage some countries' further provocations. We urge the U.S. side to faithfully observe their principles of not taking sides on South China Sea issue and implement policies helpful for maintaining stability in an objective, fair way."Hong Lei adds that the construction work taking place in the region is within Chinese territory, and the project aims to provide services such as maritime rescue and disaster prevention.
China demands Indonesia's explanation over fishing vessels explosion: FMChina has demanded Indonesia explain the destruction of several fishing vessels.
Foreign Ministry Spokesperson Hong Lei made the statement at a press conference in Beijing.
"China expresses great concerns over the reports and the Indonesian side needs to make a clarification. We are still trying to figure out the case. Fishing is an important part of Sino-Indonesian bilateral cooperation. We urge Indonesia to protect Chinese enterprises' legal rights and promote that cooperation."41 foreign vessels suspected of illegal fishing were blown up by Indonesia yesterday, including ships from China, Vietnam, Thailand and Philippines.
Innovation highlighted in Boao Youth Forum in Hong KongAnchor:
The two-day Boao Youth Forum for Asia has been held in Hong Kong. The event is an in-depth exploration of various issues affecting young people, focusing on innovative solutions.
CRI's Hong Kong correspondent Li Jing has the story.
Under the theme of "Asia in Restructuring: Vision and Action of Youth", young people from all walks of life have discussed a wide range of topics including education, science and technology, and entrepreneurship.
Boao Forum Secretary General Zhou Wenzhong says innovative young people are badly needed in the new era.
"As the second largest economy in the world, China has entered into the "New Normal," which not only refers to a lower growth rate, but also a change in mind. Young people are full of innovation because they are good at breaking stereotypes and coming up with original ideas. So I hope they can become the main force and booster of Asia's future."As young people in Hong Kong are struggling to find ways to excel, head of the Liaison Office of the Central People's Office in Hong Kong Zhang Xiaoming hopes they can be open-minded and grasp opportunities to make progress in the city's political reform.
"It is the common aspiration of the Central government, the Hong Kong government, and the public to realize universal suffrage in 2017. It is a big step forward in Hong Kong's democratization process, as well as an innovative practice of the 'One Country, Two Systems' policy. It will have a profound impact on young people and the generations to come. So from the overall and long-term point of view, we should follow the mainstream public opinion and make it happen in 2017. "Kelvin Fang is the Vice President of a mercantile exchange in Jiangsu Province. His company has participated in the Boao forum in Hainan several times, but this is the first time for him to attend a Youth forum in Hong Kong.
"We have discussed Internet innovation, which is a fast developing field in China. Our company is young and relies on E-commerce, so I am hoping to communicate with peers from other cities and countries and learn from them. This forum also provides a platform for my company to go global. "The annual Boao Forum has convened each April in Hainan Province since 2002, where government, business, and intellectual elites gather to discuss Asia's economic development and integration.
The Youth Forum in Hong Kong is the first branch of the Boao Forum for the young people to exchange ideas and share knowledge. Established in 2009, it has become one of Asia's most influential forums.
For CRI, this is Li Jing in Hong Kong.
Illegal Road Racing Drivers Sentenced in BeijingAnchor:
A court in Beijing has handed down detention sentences to the two drivers involved in a high-profile road race in the city last month.
Tu Yun has more.
Chaoyang District Court sentenced Tang Wentian to five months of detention with a fine of 10,000 yuan, or about 16-hundred US dollars, for dangerous driving.
The other defendant, Yu Muchun, still a high school student, was sentenced to four months in detention and fined 8,000 yuan, for the same charge.
Tang's request for leniency based on his voluntary surrender was rejected.
Both drivers pleaded guilty and stated they do not plan to appeal the verdicts.
The investigation showed that Tang, driving a Lamborghini, was racing with Yu, driving a Ferrari, around 9 pm on April 11.
The two cars collided in the Datun Road Tunnel near Bird's Nest stadium during the race.
The Lamborghini was ruined in the accident and a woman in the vehicle, surnamed Xu, suffered a lumbar spine fracture.
The accident also caused 300-thousand yuan in damages to the tunnel.
Prosecutors said the highest speed reached by the drivers topped out at 180 kilometers per hour. The speed limit in the area is only 60.
Tang and Yu are also facing civil litigation over compensation for Xu.
The crash has caused wide concern among the public, with some saying the two should be charged with other traffic infractions or endangering public safety, charges that carry a heavier penalty than dangerous driving.
But prosecutor Huang Cheng says the current charges are proper.
"Suspects charged with traffic offenses should have unintentional motivations and the consequences they cause are more severe than in this case, which usually include casualties. All the evidence we have shows Tang and Yu should not be charged with traffic offenses, though the passenger Xu got injured."Huang also denied that the two committed the crime of endangering public safety through dangerous means, as their misconduct posed a lesser threat than plotting an explosion or a poisoning.
China revised its criminal law four years ago to list dangerous driving as a crime in a bid to curb rampant road violations such as competitive racing and drunk driving.
Wang Bing from traffic department of the Public Security Ministry warns of severe consequence for such road violations.
"Dangerous driving severely disturbs the traffic order, while road racing poses a grievous threat to people's safety and usually cause severe accidents with heavy casualties. Such behaviors should face strict punishments."Wang also vows that traffic police across the country will enhance crackdowns on competitive road racing.
For CRI, I'm Tu Yun.
Chinese Internet celebrity Guo Meimei prosecuted for running casinoChinese Internet celebrity Guo Meimei has been prosecuted in Beijing for allegedly running a casino.
The indictment charges Guo and another suspect, Zhao Xiaolai, with organizing gambling activities.
Guo was arrested in 2014 for allegedly running casino.
She was also accused of hiring professional players to play in hands worth tens of thousands of yuan each.
Chinese Criminal Law stipulates that those who run a casino are subject to detention or jail terms of less than three years.
In case of more serious gambling-related offenses, the culprit may face three to ten years of imprisonment.
Guo gained notoriety in China in 2011, when she claimed to be manager of an organization under the Red Cross Society of China, and openly flaunted her wealth and extravagant lifestyle on social media. The Red Cross Society of China later denied its relationship with Guo.
Iran Denies Rules out Inspectors Interviewing Its Atomic ScientistsIran's supreme leader says world powers will not be permitted to interview the country's atomic scientists.
Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei made the comments on state TV on Wednesday.
"We have said that we will not allow any inspections of (Iranian) military centres by any foreigners to take place. They say we should let them interview our nuclear scientists. This actually means interrogation. We will not allow any insolence to be displayed towards our nuclear scientists, or scientists in any critical or important field."Khamenei, who has the final say for Iran on any deal, last month ruled out any "extraordinary supervision measures" over nuclear activities.
The comments are the latest in a series of forthright statements on inspections in the countdown to a June 30 deadline to resolve a decade-old standoff over Iran's nuclear work.
Venezuela and Palestinian Authority Sign Bilateral AccordsVenezuela and the Palestinian Authority have signed bilateral accords regarding energy, education, and diplomacy.
The agreements were signed on Wednesday in Caracas, Venezuela.
During the signing ceremony, Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro emphasized his support for Palestinian statehood.
"Palestine counts on the full support of the Venezuelan people and sooner rather than later as we know its destiny will be completed and Palestine will be independent, sovereign and happy."Palestinian Authority Foreign Minister Riyad al-Maliki praised the friendship between the two countries.
"This relationship between Venezuela and Palestine is a relation for forever, a relation based not just on agreements, but also based on principles, based on brotherhood, solidarity and mutual support."Venezuela's socialist government has been a long-standing supporter of Palestinian statehood and sharply condemned Israeli strikes on Gaza last year.
FMs Bishop and Yun brief media after talksAustralian Foreign Minister Julie Bishop has commented on North Korea during a meeting on Thursday in Seoul with her South Korean counterpart.
Bishop describes the situation as "dire" and the North Korean response as "unsatisfactory".
"We will continue to work with Korea, United States, Japan, China and others to ensure that any possibility of dialogue is pursued for the last thing that our region need is that ongoing instability that emanates from North Korea and is not only a regional risk but also a global security risk." South Korean Foreign Minister Yun Byung-se says North Korea "has been escalating tensions".
North Korea recently claimed its long-range missiles were now more accurate than before, and that it has miniaturised nuclear warheads to fit on them.
It also claimed to have successfully test-fired a ballistic missile from a submarine.
The Australian Foreign Minister arrived in South Korea on Wednesday for a three day visit.
Abbott Says No to Rohingya MigrantsAustralian Prime Minister Tony Abbott has ruled out resettling any Rohingya refugees in Australia.
His comments come as the International Organisation for Migration says more than 400 migrants who were brought to shore in Indonesia are in very bad shape.
Several thousand Rohingya refugees from Myanmar and Bangladesh have landed on the shores of Southeast Asian countries in the past three weeks, risknig their lives in overcrowded boats.
Earlier, the US said it's willing to take in some refugees as part of international efforts to cope with Southeast Asia's migrant crisis.
Headline NewsCooperation in industrial capacity would help Brazil and China achieve win-win results: Chinese PremierVisiting Chinese Premier Li Keqiang has announced plans to set up new Chinese-backed infrastructure in Brazil to produce trains for the Rio de Janeiro metro.
He made the announcement at the opening of an exhibition dislpaying 3 Chinese-manufactured trains purchased by the city of Rio de Janeiro.
The trains are specifically designed for the city's new metro line, which is due to open ahead of next year's Olympic Games.
Li Keqiang says China wants to do more than just export to Brazil, saying the creation of infrastructure to produce and maintain the metro carriages will help benefit Rio over the long-term.
Premier Li Keqiang arrived in Rio after signing a series of trade agreements with Brazilian President Dilma Rousseff in Brasilia worth some 27 billion U.S. dollars.
Premier Li's visit to boost China-Colombia trade, infrastructure cooperationPremier Li Keqiang is heading to Colombia on Thursday following his visit to Brazil.
Li is scheduled to meet with Columbian President Juan Manuel Santos.
The two leaders will attend a seminar on people-to-people exchanges between China and Latin America.
Also, a joint declaration by the two countries will be issued during the visit.
Colombia is the second leg of Premier Li's Latin America tour.
He will also be making stops in Peru and Chile.
China, Japan to hold finance minister dialogueChinese and Japanese finance ministers are set to hold a dialogue in Beijing on June 6.
Topics expected to be covered include bilateral financial cooperation and global financial cooperation.
This is the fifth Sino-Japanese finance dialogue since 2006.
Body retrieved from collapsed building in southwest ChinaFive bodies has been found in the rubble of a collapsed building in the city of Guiyang.
The nine-story building in southern China collapsed on Wednesday morning.
A total of 114 people lived in that building, of whom 98 are safe, but the whereabouts of the others remain unclear.
People nearby have been evacuated following the accident.
Police say a rain-triggered landslide is believed to have caused the tragedy.
Japanese PM refuses to acknowledge war of aggression ruled by Potsdam ProclamationJapanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe has refused to acknowledge a rule by the Potsdam Proclamation that states the war Japan waged over 70 years ago was a war of aggression.
He also declined to comment on whether the war was right or wrong during a debate in parliament, and claimed he had not noticed statements on aggression in the proclamation.
The Potsdam Proclamation referrs to the historic statement by leaders of the United States, Britain and China on terms for the unconditional surrender of Japan signed in July 1945.
The document accelerated the end of WWII.
S.Korean president names justice minister as new PMSouth Korean President Park Geun-hye has named the country's Justice Minister as the new Prime Minister.
Justice Minister Hwang Kyo-ahn takes over from Lee Wan-koo.
Lee was forced to step down amid a bribery scandal.
He has steadfastly denied the allegations against him.
Biz ReportsAnchor:
Turning now to our business news. Lets have a look at the numbers from across the Asian markets to close out this Thursday evening.
Joining me on the desk is CRI's Luo Wen.
Chinese shares mostly rallied as a preliminary Chinese factory gauge missed estimates, suggesting the need for further government stimulus.
medical equipment and services sectors, broadband, shipping, the reform of state-owned enterprises, and online education and payment were robust.
Shares of Datang Telecom Technology Company and China shipping Container Lines Company both surged by the daily limit of 10 percent.
Analysts expect the bullish performances will probably continue, citing the government's reform policies, including the "Made in China 2025" plan, as the impetus to boost manufacturing and deepen integration of information and industry.
At close,The benchmark Shanghai Composite Index gained 1.9 percent.
The Shenzhen Component Index soared 3.5 percent.
In Hong Kong, the benchmark Hang Seng Index trimmed 0.2 percent.
Elsewhere in Asia,The Japanese Nikkei ended slightly higher as the yen lost its fast depreciation speed in the morning and the forex change impacted the optimism over domestic earnings.
South Korea's Kospi also lost 0.8 percent.
Singapore's benchmark Straits Times Index closed virtually unchanged.
And finally, Australia's ASX 200 climed 0.9 percent.
Q&A with Yota CEO Vlad MartynovAnchor:
Russian-based YotaPhone has launched the newest edition of its smartphone series in Beijing.
The Yotaphone 2 utilizes electronic paper technology.
The phone also has wireless charging as well as the exceptional ability to ration the phone's battery life.
It is scheduled to hit the broader Chinese market next month on the 16th, using China Unicom's network.
Yota CEO Vlad Martynov says the YotaPhone 2 is the only smartphone in the world to use a secondary E-ink screen.
The phone has already made waves in China after Russian President Vladimir Putin gave the first Yotaphone to President Xi Jinping as a gift at the APEC meeting in November in Beijing.
For more on the new device, CRI's Sam Duckett earlier spoke with Yota CEO Vlad Martynov.
Back Anchor:
That was Yota CEO Vlad Martynov speaking with CRI's Sam Duckett.
China's manufacturing activity contracts in May: surveyAn HSBC survey shows China's manufacturing activity continued to contract in May.
The HSBC flash manufacturing purchasing managers' index (PMI) stood at 49.1 in May, slightly improved from the 48.9 reading in April.
But the reading is still below the 50-point mark that distinguishes expansion from contraction.
The survey also shows that outputs contracted at the strongest rate in over a year, with the sub-index at a 13-month low of 48.4.
Meanwhile, the HSBC report notes that deflationary pressure remains relatively strong, leaving plenty of room for authorities to implement further stimulus measures if required.
New Company to Offer Helping Hand to Invest OverseasChina's top economic regulator has announced the establishment of a new investment company.
The company will help domestic enterprises invest abroad and encourage the export of the country's advanced industry.
It has been approved by the central government as a subsidiary of state-owned China Investment Corp and has started operations.
The company has initial capital of 5 billion U.S. dollars and is likely to out value the Silk Road Fund.
The country has already created several other investment companies including the China-Africa Development Fund and China-ASEAN Investment Corporation Fund to back the scheme.
The NDRC also reveals that China is now negotiating with Kazakhstan to develop an industrial cooperation fund worth 6 billion U.S. dollars between the two.
China's nuclear power capacity to reach 30 mln kilowatts by year endThe China Nuclear Energy Association says the country will have 30 million kilowatts (KW) of nuclear power capacity by the end of this year.
Currently there are 23 nuclear power units operating in China, with a combined capacity of some 21 million kilowatts.
Twenty-nine units are being built or planned.
The government plans to increase China's total nuclear power capacity to 58 million kilowatts by 2020, a rise of 170 percent over the current level.
The goal is expected to require 100 billion yuan or over 16 billion U.S. dollars of investment every year.
Beijing Opens Service Sector Wider to Spur VitalityBeijing is carrying out a three-year pilot scheme to open its service industry wider to foreign investment, with the goal of injecting more market vitality.
Under the plan, Beijing will start with six key service areas that are comparatively mature and hold potential.
These areas are science and technology, Internet and information services, culture and education, business and travel, financial services, health and medical services.
Beijing's GDP last year rose 7.3 percent to reach over 2 trillion yuan or 340 billion U.S. dollars,The service industry accounts for nearly 78 percent of the GDP.
Alibaba, FTZ to Sell Parallel Import CarsAlibaba has teamed up with the Shanghai free trade zone to sell parallel import cars under a pilot program.
Parallel imports are foreign-built models of cars that are also assembled in China.
Alibaba's retail site Tmall will tie up with Shanghai Waigaoqiao Automobile Exchange, one of the 17 government-authorized import-car dealers, to sell imported cars.
Tmall will open a special store by the end of this month for consumers to collect their vehicles.
Shanghai Waigaoqiao Automobile Exchange will offer after-sales service including guarantees for repairs, replacement or refund of faulty products, among other issues.
Both companies target customers of mid- and high-end imported vehicles priced from 200-thousand yuan, or over 32,200 U.S. dollars, to 1 million yuan.
SportsAtlanta Hawks Lose 97-89 to Cleveland CavaliersIn the NBA Playoffs,The Cleveland Cavaliers rolled past the Atlanta Hawks 97-89 in Game 1 of the Eastern Conference Finals on Wednesday in Atlanta.
LeBron James scored 31 points and J.R. Smith sank eight 3-pointers for Cleveland.
Cavaliers' forward James says his teammates have been great.
"You get a guy like J.R. Smith who is able to just shoot the ball and have the extreme confidence that every time they let it go, that it's going in. And I've been blessed to play with guys like that. When you have guys like that, you have to utilize them."For Cleveland, this was the first game-one playoff road win in franchise history.
Game 2 is in Atlanta on Friday.
In other NBA news,Golden State Warriors guard Stephen Curry has been fined 5,000 US dollars by the NBA for violating the league's anti-flopping rules. The infraction happened against the Houston Rockets in Game 1 of the Western Conference finals.
The 27-year-old says he was 'shocked' when he got the call from the league.
"Yeah, I didn't even think about that. You never know how they determine what's a flop and what's not and all that stuff. They didn't even talk to me about the play at all, so I figured they'd call and ask what you were doing or what you saw during the play, kind of get my side of it, and not just what footage they were looking at. But it's all right."Golden State will host Houston for Game 2.
Tampa Bay Lightning Beat New York Rangers 6-5 in Game 3In the NHL Playoffs,The Tampa Bay Lightning earned a 6-5 victory over the New York Rangers in Game 3 of the Eastern Conference Finals in Florida on Wednesday.
The Lightning Center Tyler Johnson says the game was tough.
"A little unfortunate that we were able to get the lead, and then they come back and especially get that late goal with two minutes left. That kind of deflates you. But I think the guys rallied behind each other and we kept going, and then Kuch (Nikita Kucherov) was able to finish it off in overtime."Tampa Bay now enjoys a 2-1 advantage in the series.
Game 4 is Friday at Tampa Bay.
In off-ice NHL news,St. Louis Blues general manager Doug Armstrong announced Wednesday that former NHL goaltender Martin Brodeur has signed a three-year contract to become the team's assistant general manager.
The 43-year-old Brodeur played seven games for St. Louis last season.
He retired on Jan. 29 to become a senior adviser to Armstrong.
Brodeur played 21 seasons for New Jersey, leading the Devils to three Stanley Cup titles and winning the Vezina Trophy four times as the NHL's top goalie.
China to Face India at Day Two of Women's Volleyball ChampionshipIn volleyball,The preliminary round of the 2015 Asian Women's Volleyball Championship is underway in Tianjin.
Chinese Taipei clinched its first win of the event with a 3-0 victory over Sri Lanka on Thursday.
The Chinese women are currently on the court against India.
India suffered a 3-1 defeat to Iran on Wednesday.
They will be eliminated from this year's championship should they lose to China.
China Bids for 2019 Military World GamesChina's military delegation made a presentation in Kuwait city on Wednesday to bid for the 2019 Military World Games.
Wuhan, the capital of Hubei province, will be the host city if China win the bid.
Head of the Chinese military delegation Ma Kaiping said China is capable of making the military games a success as China has a rich experience in holding major global sporting events.
Ma added that the Chinese government and its military strongly support the development of the world's military sports.
The host country will be decided later today.
Rio Olympicx Rings Unveilled in Madureira ParkA set of large Olympic rings was inaugurated in a Park in Rio de Janeiro on Wednesday.
The four-tone structure, measuring 82 feet by 12 meters, was donated by the United Kingdom.
Nawal El Moutawakel, head of the International Olympic Committee's evaluation commission, says the rings represent the values of the Olympics.
"These Olympic Rings represent friendship, represent unity, solidarity and these are the true values of our Olympic movement. So may these Olympic Rings shine here tonight and forever."Crowds gathered to watch fireworks exploding above the symbolic Rings.
Mayor of Rio de Janeiro Eduardo Paes says next year's Games will have an impact in his city for years to come.
The 2016 Olympic Games will officially start on August 5 next year.
Roger Bannister's 4-minute Mile Shoes Run for SaleThe running shoes used by former British athlete Roger Bannister to break the four-minute mile 62 years ago will go on sale on September 10 at Christie's auction house in London.
Bannister was the first runner to break the four-minute barrier in the men's 1500-meter race when he clocked 3 minutes, 59.4 seconds at track in Oxford in 1954.
The shoes are expected to fetch between 47,000 dollars and 78,000 dollars.
It's reported that Bannister plans to give the proceeds to a medical charity he supports.
Bannister is now 86 and lives in Oxford with his wife.
He was diagnosed with Parkinson's disease in 2011.
F1: Nico Rosberg Looking to Put Further Pressure on Hamilton at Monaco GPIn racing:
Mercedes driver Nico Rosberg would love to take the spotlight away from teammate Lewis Hamilton at this weekend's Monaco Grand Prix with a third successive win on his favourite track. Rosberg will return to Monaco - where he grew up - full of confidence after his victory at the Spanish Grand Prix. It was amid the heat and sharp bends of last year's Monaco GP where relations between Rosberg and Hamilton started turning frosty, with Hamilton infuriated by what he perceived as Rosberg's deliberate attempt to thwart him in qualifying. But following the announcement of his new three-year deal with Mercedes, Hamilton says he's still happy with the team:
"I joined this team and we've had amazing success. I'm very, very happy with the package and the group of people that I have within this team. So it was a very easy decision to make and it's also great that the team wanted to continue working with me." Another win for Rosberg - who is 20 points behind Hamilton in the drivers' standings - would start to turn the pressure back on.
Entertainment'Mountains May Depart' screened at CannesChinese director Jia Zhangke's latest film 'Mountains May Depart' has been screened at the 68th Cannes Film Festival.
The movie tells a story from China to Australia about a family's lives, loves, hopes and disillusions over two generations in a society changing at breakneck speed.
There are 3 time frames in the movie representing the past, present and future.
For Jia, the movie is about human affections and how time can change them.
This is Jia's fourth time competing for the Palme d'Or, the top award at the Cannes Film Festival.
He won the Best Screenplay Award at the 2013 event and served as a jury member last year.
Chinese pianist presented with honorary doctor degreeChinese pianist Lang Lang has been presented with an honorary doctorate from New York University, during the school's 183rd commencement.
He was presented with the degree due to his contribution in promoting classical music, charities, and education.
The school's president, John Sexton, says Lang Lang is a popular and charming pianist and has aroused interests in classical music among millions of people around the world.
He adds that the pianist has built a bridge between Eastern and Western music.
For his part, Lang Lang says he feels honored to be presented with such a degree and hopes he'll make further progress.
Wu Bai to hold a gig in Beijing next monthTaiwan pop singer Wu Bai is going to hold a performance in Beijing on June 20.
The announcement came yesterday at a press conference by Wu and his band China Blue in the capital.
Wu says he will only perform his classic songs during the whole 2-hour-and-a-half gig, so the audience can sing along from start to finish.
But he adds that those old songs will be readapted in order to sound more innovative, or even full of surprise.
'Stand by Me Doraemon' to be screened in Chinese MainlandJapanese cartoon movie 'Stand by Me Doraemon' is going to be officially screened on the Chinese Mainland next Thursday.
The movie will be screened in many different versions, in 3D and 2D, and even dubbed in Chinese.
Earlier today, the film's new trailer dubbed in Chinese was released together with its original poster.
The movie tells a story about a robotic cat from the 22nd century named Doraemon helping a young school boy called Nobi.
Doraemon will be dubbed by famous CCTV host Liu Chunyan, who has already dubbed the character when the cartoon was broadcast during the 1990s.
Many netizens believe that it'll be a marvelous opportunity to recall childhood memories, since Doraemon has been popular for several decades.
2015 Hong Kong Youth Music Festival to kick off next monthThis year's Hong Kong Youth Music Festival is going to kick off on June 6 at the city's Convention and Exhibition Center.
Kenny Bee, Vincy Chan and South Korea's Kim Jong Kook are among the stars performing.
Many young singers from Hong Kong and the Chinese Mainland will be invited to take part in a singing contest during the festival.
This year's festival will be free of charge and will be dedicated to cultural interaction in Asia and spreading optimism.
The event last year, with a theme of 'light young dreams in May,' attracted more than 10 thousand spectator.
Turkey TV talent show contestant shot injuredA Turkish singer rehearsing at her home for a talent show on national TV has been shot in the head.
19-year-old Mutlu Kaya is still in critical condition.
Media outlets say that the region the victim lives is quite conservative, and Kaya has reportedly received death threats for taking part in the show.
A suspected gunman has reportedly been detained.
WeatherBeijing will be clear tonight with a low of 16, then sunny with a high of 32.
Shanghai, clear overnight with a low of 17, then cloudy with a high of 25.
Chongqing will see some rain overnight and tomorrow with a low of 22, a high of 25.
Elsewhere in Asia,Islamabad, sunny, 46,Kabul, cloudy, 29.
In Australia,Sydney will see thundershowers with a high of 17,Brisbane, cloudy, 21,Perth will be cloudy with a high of 22 degrees Celsius.
That’s it for this edition of the Beijing Hour...
A quick look at the headlines before we go...
The Chinese premier has announced plans in Brazil to help that country improve its infrastructure...
Japan is sending 3000 tourism delegates to China for a three-day visit...
Chinese authorities again defend construction in the South China Sea from criticism leveled by US leaders...
Business: a new Russian smartphone is now on sale in China...
On behalf of the Beijing Hour staffers, this is Shane Bigham in Beijing hoping you'll join us for our next edition of the Beijing Hour to open a window to the world together...