好听的英文歌曲《埃及王子》插曲:When you believe(在线收听

《埃及王子》(Prince Of Egypt, The)向人们讲述了犹太人先知摩西如何带领犹太人走出埃及的故事,与《圣经》所不同的是,这是一个相对完整的故事,带领犹太人的先知摩西不再是80岁的老叟,而是时值壮年的“王子”,影片一改动画片只能够体现喜剧色彩故事的模式,将这部影片拍成了一部彻彻底底的正剧,片中人物形象饱满,绘制精心,充满艺术性,它将普通电影镜头语言和动画片画面语言的特点完美地结合了起来,大场面丝毫不逊色于一些动作大片。

Many nights we’ve prayed

With no proof anyone could hear

And our hearts a hopeful song

We barely understood

Now we are not afraid

Although we know there’s much to fear

We were moving mountains long

Before we know we could

There can be miracles

When you believe

Though hope is frail

It’s hard to kill

Who knows what miracles

You can achieve

When you believe

Somehow you will

You will when you believe

In this time of fear

When prayer so often proves in vain

Hope seems like the summer birds

Too swiftly flown away

And now I am standing here

My heart’s so full I can’t explain

Seeking faith and speaking words

I never thought I’d say

There can be miracles

When you believe (When you believe)

Though hope is frail

It’s hard to kill

Who knows what miracles

You can achieve (You can achieve)

When you believe

Somehow you will

You will when you believe

They don’t always happen when you ask

And it’s easy to give in to your fear

But when you’re blinded by your pain

Can’t see your way safe through the rain

Thought of a still resilient voice

Says love is very near

There can be miracles (miracles)

When you believe (When you believe)

Though hope is frail

It’s hard to kill

Who knows what miracles

You can achieve (You can achieve)

When you believe

Somehow you will

You will when you believe

You will when you believe

You will when you believe

Just believe

You will when you believe
