新闻纵贯线 The Beijing Hour updated 08:00 2015/06/17(在线收听

 The Beijing HourMorning EditionShane Bigham with you on this Wednesday, June 17th, 2015.

Welcome to the Beijing Hour, coming to you live from the Chinese Capital.
Coming up on our program this morning...
The long awaited Free Trade Agreement between China and Australia is expected to be signed this week...
Security has been stepped up at the Legislative Council in Hong Kong, with an electoral reform plan to be submitted by the government today...
And the Russian president has announced a modernization drive for the country's armed forces...
In Business...Bank of China can now participate in gold auctions that help set international prices for the commodity...
In China thrashes Bhutan during a World Cup qualifier...
In entertainment...Cirque du Soleil is to launch its first ever permanent show here in China by 2018.
Top NewsChina, Australia to sign FTAChina and Australia are expected to sign a long-awaited Free Trade Agreement this week.
Australian media says the FTA will be signed later today in Canberra by Australian Trade Minister Andrew Robb and Chinese Commerce Minister Gao Hucheng.
The agreement will ensure 85 per cent of all Australian exports enter China tariff-free, rising to 93 per cent within four years and 95 per cent when the deal is in full force.
Australia will eventually reduce tariffs to zero on all goods imported from China.
The FTA also includes opening-up of numerous service sectors, a simplified review procedure for investments, most-favored-nation treatment, favorable market access rules and market transparency.
China is Australia's top trading partner, with the two-way flow of goods and services exceeding 160 billion US dollars last year.
Negotiations on the FTA started in 2005 and concluded in November last year.
For more on the story, CRI's Brian Kopczynski earlier spoke with Alan Oxley, Chairman of the APEC Study Center at the Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology, and Principal of Australian consultancy ITS Global.
Back anchor: That was Alan Oxley, Chairman of the APEC Study Center at the Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology, and Principal of Australian consultancy ITS Global.
Land Reclamation on Some Nansha Islands to be Finished SoonAnchorChinese authorities say some of the land reclamation work on the Nansha Islands in the South China Sea will be completed soon, as planned.
CRI's Guo Yan reports.
reporterIn a press release, Foreign Ministry spokesman Lu Kang noted that the main purpose of the construction activities was to meet various civilian demands and better carry out China's international obligations and responsibilities.
He stressed that the construction activities fall within the scope of China's sovereignty so that they are "lawful, reasonable and justified".
He said the activities are not targeted at any other country and do not affect the freedom of navigation and overflight enjoyed by all countries in accordance with international law.
Lu added that the projects didn't and will not cause damage to the marine ecological system and environment in the area.
Wu Shicun, a Chinese expert on South China Sea issues, says the activities are proportionate to China's status.
"As the largest economy in East Asia and the largest country on the shore of the South China Sea, China has obligations, responsibilities and also capabilities to provide services in the fields of maritime search and rescue, disaster prevention and mitigation, marine scientific research, meteorological observation, ecological environment conservation, navigation safety as well as fishery production, which will not only benefit China, but also the countries around the South China Sea and any vessels passing by."Wu Shicun says the current dispute over the South China Sea involves more parties than any other dispute elsewhere in the world, but it should not hamper the joint efforts for development.
"Before there is a solution, it's better for relevant countries to put aside the dispute while working together for the cooperation and development in the South China Sea. There is no change in China's strategy and foreign policies that are defensive in nature and pursuant to peaceful development and friendship with neighboring countries."Lu Kang confirmed that after the land reclamation is complete, China will start building facilities to meet relevant functional requirements.
He notes that China will continue to uphold peace and stability in the South China Sea.
According to his comments, China will continue to dedicate itself to resolving relevant disputes with relevant states through negotiation and consultation on the basis of respecting historical facts.
He added that China will work with the ASEAN countries to push forward actively consultation on a "Code of Conduct in the South China Sea" within the framework of fully and effectively implementing the Declaration on the Conduct of Parties in the South China Sea.
For CRI, I'm Guo Yan.
Security measures enforced at Legco ahead of political reform voteAnchorSecurity measures have been stepped up at the Legislative Council in Hong Kong after an alert was issued.
It comes ahead of the debate and vote on an electoral reform plan due to be submitted by the government later on today.
CRI's Hong Kong correspondent Li Jing has the story.
ReporterJasper Tsang, Chairman of The Legislative Council in Hong Kong, says tightened security arrangements for the complex are in place to prevent clashes.
"The latest risk assessment by the Police indicates that there is a likelihood of the Legislative Council Complex being stormed by radical groups in the next couple of days. At the same time, it has been brought to the attention of our Secretariat that there will be large numbers of people coming from opposing political camps gathering in the precincts of the Complex."Earlier this week, Hong Kong police uncovered an alleged bomb plot and arrested 10 people ahead of this week's Legislative Council vote on a universal suffrage package.
Following the arrest, Chief Executive CY Leung stresses that no illegal activities will be tolerated.
"I shall reiterate a position which I take, which everyone in Hong Kong should take too, and this is we don't tolerate any kind or any form of illegal activities, whether it is violent or non-violent. And we definitely should not legitimize illegal activities, whether they are non-violent or violent."Lawmakers will begin a debate and vote starting from Wednesday on the government's electoral reforms in 2017.
Some lawmakers have repeatedly said they will veto it because they believe the reform package doesn't offer what they call "genuine democracy".
However, a recent public opinion poll shows that nearly 60 percent of respondents want the government's reform package to be passed.
It requires two thirds of the votes at the Legislative Council.
The convener of the Silent Majority of Hong Kong Robert Chow hopes lawmakers will follow the mainstream public opinion not to veto the plan.
"It is universal and obvious that over 50 percent represents the mainstream opinion in any democratic systems. If it is not majority, what is it?"The Hong Kong government have spent the past two years trying to garner enough support from the public and lawmakers to realize universal suffrage in the next chief executive election in 2017, which means 5 million eligible voters in Hong Kong will be able to choose their leader through "one person, one vote" from among the hopefuls nominated by a nominating committee.
For CRI, this is Li Jing in Hong Kong.
Antibody Targeting MERS emergesChinese and American scientists claim to have jointly developed a new antibody targeting the Middle East Respiratory Syndrome (MERS) virus.
A research team of Fudan University in Shanghai worked with their counterparts from the U.S. National Institute of Health to develop the antibody, and say tests on animals have seen "very effective" results.
Jiang Shibo who leads the Chinese research team says more study is needed before a new drug can be put into clinical use.
"It needs to go through further clinical trials, like fulfilling its safety efficacy tests, animal safety efficacy tests and Phase I clinical trials. So there is still a long process."The m336 antibody treatment has proved more effective when coupled with a specific type of polypeptide.
Germany Reports First Death from MERSA 65-year-old MERS patient has died in hospital in Germany, the first death in that country from the MERS virus.
The man is believed to have been infected with the virus during a trip to the Arabian Peninsula in February.
Dr Reinold Gross is the head virologist with the hospital where the patient had been treated.
"The patient who was treated in this clinic had a lot of the virus, which was shown during the tests, but did not infect any of the people who were in close contact with him. That is noteworthy and we have looked into this very closely. Everyone who was in contact with the patient - including family, and people who were involved in his medical care - no one was infected."The local health ministry tested 200 people and all of them were negative for the virus.
The Czech Republic has reported its first patient suspected of being infected with the MERS virus.
The 25-year-old man is now hospitalized after returning from a hiking trip to South Korea in late May.
The results of the young man's test should be known later this morning.
Meanwhile in South Korea, the number of deaths has climbed to 19 while the number of confirmed cases has surged to 154.
Putin Announces Rearmament PlanRussian President Vladimir Putin has announced a modernization drive for the country's armed forces - with a goal of at least 70 percent modern armament by 2020.
Under the plan, over 40 intercontinental ballistic missiles, four missile regiments for combat duty, and a strategic nuclear submarine will come into service this year.
During a meeting with his Finnish counterpart after the announcement, Putin underlined that Russia will respond to any threat posed to its territory.
"If someone puts our territories under threat then we will have to aim our armed forces and modern striking facilities at the territories where the threat comes from, accordingly."This plan is said to strengthen Russia's defense capability as NATO's military build-up near the country's borders is accelerating.
In response, NATO Secretary-General Jens Stoltenberg claims the move will destabilize regional peace.
"And this nuclear sabre-rattling of Russia is unjustified, it's destabilising and it's dangerous. And this is something which we are addressing and it's also one of the reasons why we now are increasing the readiness and the preparedness of our forces."Over 5,000 troops from 17 NATO and partner countries are participating in Baltic Operations maneuvers being held throughout the Baltic Sea.
Meanwhile, U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry has expressed his concern over Putin's reminder of the nation's nuclear capabilities.
Kerry warns nobody wants to see US-Russia relations go back to "cold war status".
Talks over Ukraine Crisis Held in MinskRepresentatives of Ukraine, Russia and the Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe have gathered in Minsk, the Belarusian capital, for a regular meeting on the implementation of the ceasefire agreement designed to stop the violence in Ukraine.
Heidi Tagliavini of the security watchdog OSCE says the meetings have been constructive.
"After the end of the working groups (meetings), as usual, the meetings of the trilateral contact group took place in order to discuss the agenda of the next meeting with coordinators and to discuss further issues concerning organization of our work in the future."However, not all the envoys agreed.
Vladislav Deinego, representative of the self-proclaimed Luhansk People's Republic, says the meetings have been blocked.
"Unfortunately, because of complete neglect of some issues by Ukraine, absence of any, absolutely any proposals for discussion from them, absence of reaction to projects we've offered, including changes to the constitution and election bill, unfortunately, due to these reasons this time we have practically not moved forward in these directions."Tagliavini also confirmed that she will step down as the OSCE representative in talks regarding the Ukraine crisis.
Violence has intensified in recent weeks despite a ceasefire deal signed in Minsk in mid-February.
UN envoy meets Yemen rebels at Geneva peace talksThe United Nations special envoy on Yemen has held talks in Geneva with Houthi rebels, to seek an end to the civil war in Yemen.
Ismail Ould Cheikh Ahmed says the road ahead will be difficult, but he insists getting both sides of the conflict to Geneva is a great achievement.
"It is an important start towards the return to a political process. Let us be realistic - it will be a difficult path. But the important issue is that we start addressing the crisis, in all its dimensions, with determination and willingness, and that we start doing this now, here in Geneva."The UN envoy is also warning nothing will be resolved unless the rebels and the government agree to sit down together.
The sides have agreed to so-called proximity talks, in which mediators meet separately with the various factions - with the hope of eventually getting everyone to sit around the same table.
Houthi delegate Ghaleb Mutlak says they are trying to achieve a truce for the holy month of Ramadan that starts later this week.
"Discussions are taking place about a ceasefire and starting a truce for a period of a month or so. During this truce, the political dialogue would continue, because there are humanitarian issues that we all have to deal with, the humanitarian crisis in Yemen."So far neither side has shown desire to compromise in the talks.
Meanwhile, fighting in Yemen is still raging, with dozens reported killed on Tuesday in the southern city of Aden.
EU Nations Divided over Migrants IssueEuropean interior ministers have failed to reach agreement over an emergency plan to share the burden of the thousands of refugees crossing the Mediterranean.
Italy and Greece claim that new refugees arriving in the two southern nations should be split up equitably among the 28-nation bloc.
The ministers disagreed over this issue at talks in Luxembourg. But they all agreed that a shared approach was crucial to tackle the issue.
Angelino Alfano, Italian Interior Minister says migrants having no right to asylum must be repatriated.
"We've always followed the rules and will continue to do so. We think about the future working together with France, even further strengthening the police cooperation at the border in order to avoid what happened in Ventimiglia from happening again. In the meantime, those who have the right to asylum will be allowed to stay in Italy, Europe is working towards redistribution in other European countries, the essential point is that those who do not have a right to asylum must be repatriated, this is the basis of the system. "So far about 100,000 migrants have entered Europe this year, with around 2,000 dead or missing in the dangerous trip across the Mediterranean Sea.
Donald Trump Is Running for 2016AnchorFor years, Donald Trump, a well-established real estate developer and television reality show star, has talked about his ambition to run for the White House. But this time, he is serious, announcing on Tuesday that he is officially in the running for 2016. But will the voters take him seriously? Here is our Washington chief correspondent Xiaohong with the story.
AnnDonald Trump is serious.
"I am officially running for president of the United States, and we are going to make our country great again."He criticized President Obama on a wide range of issues, from Obamacare to trade deals, saying "the American dream is dead"!
He also humiliated some of his Republican competitors, saying they came to him asking for financial support for their campaigns but could not produce any plans to make the country great again.
He believes he has the skills of a great deal-maker and will bring great trade deals for Americans.
"I will be the greatest jobs president God ever created. I tell you that."The successful businessman is not shy about his wealth, telling the crowd that he is really rich with a net worth of close to 9 billion U.S. dollars.
He stressed that it's time to get rid of the old mindset that a successful person cannot run for public office.
Trump's 2016 bid has created a lot of buzz in the media and on social networks. However, TV pundits say Trump's 2016 bid will only turn the presidential race into a reality show. And just two weeks ago, Jimmy Fallon, host of NBC's Late Night show, compared Trump's presidential bid to FIFA's World Cup that happens every four years and no one in America cares.
Trump is currently among the top 10 Republican candidates and will appear on a Fox News debate in August. But NBC has told him that he will no longer host his TV reality show "the apprentice" because NBC believes they may not be able to provide equal platforms for other presidential candidates.
Xiaohong, CRI, Washington DC.
Beijing Exhibits Regional cultural heritagesAnchorThe Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei Intangible Cultural Heritage Exhibition is now open here in the Chinese capital.
As our reporter Chi Huiguang tells us the showcases display the stunning range of arts and crafts that have been passed down in the region.
ReporterAmong over 130 intangible cultural heritage works are being shown at the exhibition, the most eye-catching piece is the miniature replica of the Hall of Prayer for Good Harvests in the Temple of Heaven, which is made in rosewood by an artist team from China Red Sandalwood Museum.
Traditional lacquer art is another highlight.
Chinese lacquerware carving skills were created more than 12 hundred years ago during the Tang dynasty and has been developed in Beijing since about 6 hundred years ago at the beginning of the Ming dynasty.
Yin Xiuyun, a lacquerware carver in Beijing, says the artists carve on a thickly-lacquered surface after painting over it many times.
"The procedure of painting the lacquer is pretty long. Not like carving skills on jade or other matereials, on which the artists carve directly on the materials."Yangliuqing New Year's pictures, which first appeared in the late Ming Dynasty, were included on the intangible world heritage list in 2006, the first of fine arts.
Huo Qingshun is the inheritor of Yangliuqing New Year's picture in Tianjin.
"We are here to let the public know and appreciate the New Year's picture. The key point is to teach the visitors to produce some pictures on their own."Chinese paper-cut from Weixian and Yishui ink slabs are both examples of intangible heritage in Hebei province.
At the booth of paper-cut, several children are studying the cutting skills with the artists.
Zou Hongli is the inheritor of the Yishui ink slab producing skills.
He says that besides showcasing the traditional Chinese cultures, there is another important aspect of the exhibition:
"There are a lot of intangible cultural heritages in Beijing, Tianjin and Hebei province. Though we are in different artistic styles, actually they still have much in common. Plus, we are able to communicate with each other here during the exhibition period."A special area is also designated to invite craftsmen to present their techniques on the spot. This provides visitors with a rare chance to appreciate the cultural heritages as close as possible.
For CRI,I am Chi Huiguang.
WeatherBeijing will see thundershowers with a high of 31 degrees Celsius.
Overnight temperatures should drop down to 20.
Shanghai will see moderate rain with a high of 23 and a low of 20.
In Chongqing, it will have showers during the daytime with a high of 25 and lows of 22.
Elsewhere in the world, staying here in Asia,Kathmandu, slight rain, 29.
Islamabad will be cloudy with a high of 39.
Kabul will be cloudy with a high of 28.
Over to North America,New York will be cloudy with a high of 28 degrees.
Washington, rain with a high of 28 degrees.
Honolulu, slight rain, 27.
Toronto will be cloudy with a high of 22 degrees.
Finally, on to South America,Buenos Aires will be sunny with a high of 13.
And Rio de Janeiro will be cloudy with a high of 26 degrees Celsius.
Headline newsChina, Australia to sign FTAChina and Australia are expected to sign a long-awaited Free Trade Agreement later on today.
The agreement will ensure 85 per cent of all Australian exports enter China tariff-free and 95 per cent when the deal is in full force.
Australia will eventually reduce tariffs to zero on all goods imported from China.
The FTA also includes opening-up of numerous service sectors, a simplified review procedure for investments, most-favored-nation treatment, favorable market access rules and market transparency.
Negotiations on the FTA started in 2005 and concluded in November last year.
Chinese vice premier hails China-CEEC health ministers meeting as "milestone"Visiting Chinese Vice Premier Liu Yandong has attended a health ministers meeting in the Czech Republic between China and central and eastern European countries.
She has hailed the meeting in Prague as a "milestone" in advancing cooperation in the health sector.
She also called on the international community to support a bigger role of the World Health Organization in addressing public health challenges.
Hong Kong police charge 6 with conspiracy to cause explosionAuthorities in Hong Kong have charged five men and one woman with "conspiracy to cause explosion" following the arrest of 10 people.
The group was allegedly plotting to make bombs with explosives days ahead of this week's Legislative Council vote on a universal suffrage package.
The six people who were charged will appear before a court later today.
In the latest operation, police found maps marking major commercial districts and seized explosives in the New Territory.
Under Hong Kong law, manufacturing or conspiring to manufacture explosives carries a maximum penalty of 20 years' imprisonment.
Egypt court gives Morsi life in prison over spying chargesAn Egyptian court has sentenced ousted president Mohamed Morsi to life in prison over spying charges.
Morsi and his fellow defendants have been convicted of kidnapping and killing policemen, attacking police facilities, and breaking out of jail, while acting against then-president Hosni Mubarak.
The court has also confirmed death sentences given to the Muslim Brotherhood's top leader, and other two members of the now outlawed group.
All the defendants have been accused of conspiring with foreign militant groups Hamas and Hezbollah against Egypt's national security.
Balcony collapse kills 6 in BerkeleySix people have been killed after a fifth-floor apartment balcony collapsed in Berkeley, California.
The victims include five Irish students and a young woman from California.
Seven others have been seriously injured and remain in hospital.
The collapse happened during a birthday party.
The cause is being investigated, with some suggesting the balcony may have been overloaded as it was holding 13 people at the time.
Biz reportsAnchorFirst, a quick check on the closing numbers across North America and Europe.
Our reporter Sophie Williams.
ReporterU.S. stocks rebounded after two-day losses, while investors were eagerly awaiting the outcome of a Federal Reserve's policy meeting.
At the close,Both the Dow Jones and the S&P 500 rose 0.6 percent.
The Nasdaq Composite Index added half a percent.
On the economic front, U.S. new home starts in May fell from a record high in the previous month, but applications for building permits continued to increase, a sign of the housing market gaining a steady improvement.
In Europe,British house prices increased by 5.5 percent in the year to April, down from 9.6 percent in the year to March.
Eurozone's first quarter employment rate was up by 0.1 percent. Among the member states, Latvia and Hungary recorded the biggest quarterly increases.
Decreases were registered in Greece, while employment was stable in Germany, France and Italy.
At the close,Germany's DAX ended up slightly.
British FTSE 100 closed flat.
And finally, France's CAC 40 closed with a slight advance of half a percent.
Bank of China Becomes First Chinese Bank to Help Set Gold PriceAnchorBank of China has become the first Chinese bank to participate in the electronic auctions that set London's Gold Price benchmark.
CRI's London Correspondent Duan Xuelian has more.
ReporterBank of China has joined seven other financial institutions to become a direct participant on the electronic platform that sets the gold price in London.
Being the world's largest bullion consumer, China has never directly played a role in global gold pricing before now.
Sun Yu, general manager of Bank of China's London branch says participating in the gold auctions will increase the link between China and international markets.
"Participating directly in the electronic auctions means we will be able to reflect the supply and demand in the Chinese market on a global platform, which can also help the global pricing of gold to be more accurate and comprehensive."Sun adds that it will also help reduce the trading cost of Chinese clients and enable the bank to introduce services based on the global gold price benchmark.
The benchmark is widely recognized by producers, consumers and investors in gold trade across the world. It was administered by the Inter Continental Exchange through a twice daily electronic auction platform which replaced the London Gold Fix in March this year.
Finbarr Hutcheson, President of ICE Benchmark Administration welcomes the new Chinese participant, believing it to be a demonstration of market support for the digital gold auction system.
"China is both a huge producer and consumer of gold and so it is a more global process to bringing China to join in the participation here in London. We do expect more interest and more participation from around the globe and from China. Bank of China is the first Chinese participant and it is also a great breakthrough for us."For CRI, I'm Duan Xuelian in LondonMixed-ownership reform of Bank of Communications approvedChina's fifth largest lender, Bank of Communications, has become the country's first state-owned bank to carry out mixed ownership reforms.
China's central bank on Tuesday approved Bank of Communications to go ahead with reform plans, earlier approved by the State Council.
The reforms include the introduction of private shareholders, improving its internal administration system to strengthen risk control, and an employee stock ownership plan.
China has been pushing forward mixed-ownership reform for large state-owned banks, believing the presence of private capital can generate more vitality.
Lawsuit between China's Top Drink Makers UnderwayChina's Supreme Court has concluded a session for the lawsuit between rival herbal drink makers over the packaging of their red-canned beverages.
In July 2012, Guangdong Jiaduobao Drink & Food Corporation and Guangzhou Wanglaoji Pharmaceutical Co sued each other over claims of illegally using the other party's packaging.
The higher court in Guangdong gave a verdict at the end of last year, ordering Jiaduobao to stop using the packaging and compensate Wanglaoji to the tune of 150 million yuan, or about 25 million US dollars.
But Jiaduobao lodged an appeal later to the Supreme Court.
The court didn't give a final verdict.
Jiaduobao was authorized to use Wanglaoji's brand in the 1990s. But the two firms later sparred for years over the right to use the brand until the Wanglaoji Company won a brand case three years ago.
China loans Zambia 29 mln USD for infrastructureThe China Development Bank and the Zambia-China Economic & Trade Cooperation Zone have signed a loan of 29 million U.S. dollars for infrastructure.
The loan will be used to improve Lusaka Park in Zambia, and attract more Chinese companies to invest in Zambia and promote local economic development.
With a previous loan worth 30 million dollars in 2014, Zambia has a total of 59 million U.S. dollars in loans on this project.
CDB has so far provided loans amounting to 410 million dollars to Zambia in areas such as metallurgy, roads, and real estate, which have gone a long way in supporting the African nation's economic development and trade.
China's onshore service outsourcing contracts riseThe value of China's onshore service outsourcing contracts increased 6.3 percent year on year to 42.5 billion U.S. dollars in the first five months.
The Ministry of Commerce attributes the increase to the government's "Internet Plus" strategy which promotes innovation and entrepreneurship through digital technology.
The United States, European Union, Japan and Hong Kong were the major clients of the Chinese mainland's service providers.
However, the contracts declined in value during the period.
Singapore, the South Korea, and Taiwan witnessed the most rapid increase in service outsourcing contracts with the Chinese mainland.
During the same period, Chinese companies also signed onshore service outsourcing contracts worth 5.3 billion U.S. dollars with countries along the Belt and Road, up 20 percent.
China to become largest cross-border e-commerce market by 2020: reportA new report says China will become the largest market for buying and selling products online across international borders by 2020.
The report jointly released by Alibaba and Accenture says the total value of products sold by online retailers to overseas consumers will reach nearly a trillion U.S. dollars in the next five years.
Official statistics from China E-Commerce Research Center shows total cross-border retail rose more than 30 percent last year to 4.2 trillion yuan.
China's commerce ministry predicts this number will climb to 6.5 trillion next year.
Mainland trade association opens Taiwan officeThe mainland-based Association of Economy and Trade across the Taiwan Straits opened an office in Taipei on Tuesday.
The office is the second of its kind to be established on the island by a mainland economic and trade association.
The first was set up in January of 2013 by the China Chamber of Commerce for Import and Export of Machinery and Electronic Products.
The Taipei branch will promote cross-Straits trade and investment by helping its members to establish relations with Taiwan counterparts and conduct business activities.
The mainland is currently Taiwan's largest trading partner, largest export market, and biggest import source.
SportsChina thrash Bhutan 6-0 in World Cup qualifierStarting with football,China thrashed the host team, Bhutan, 6-0 in Group C at the Asian World Cup qualifiers.
The Chinese team was expecting a win given Bhutan's low FIFA world ranking but it took 45 minutes for them to break the deadlock.
Yang Xu opened it up for China during stoppage time in the first half, although it looked more like an own goal from Bhutan. Yang went on to score two more goals to complete the hat-trick.
Bhutan put up a good fight and threatened a goal several times.
China's mainland national team will next play Hong Kong in September.
Hong Kong beat the Maldives 2-0 in another Group C match-up.
More action from the World Cup qualifiers in Asia,Thailand took out Chinese Taipei 2-0,North Korea beat Uzbekistan 4-2,South Korea downed Myamar 2-0,And it was a goalless draw between Japan and Singapore.
AC Milan replaces Inzaghi with MihajlovicStaying with football,AC Milan has officially announced it has sacked coach Filippo Inzaghi and immediately replaced him with Sinisa Mihajlovic.
The club confirms the new coach has signed a two-year deal with the seven-time European champions.
Inzaghi led AC Milan to finish 10th in the Italian Serie A and failed to qualify for the UEFA Champions League next season.
Inzaghi made his name as a player with Milan and won 10 titles with the club. He admitted to being out of his depth as a coach in an open letter.
Nadal out of Aegon ChampionshipsIn tennis,Rafael Nadal crashed out of the Aegon Championships in London having been defeated by Alexander Dolgopolov in three sets.
Nadal had his chance, leading 4-2 in the deciding set but was broken twice by Dolgopolov who took it 6-4.
In other action,French Open champion Stan Wawrinka and defending champion Grigor Dimitrov all made it through.
Over in Halle, Germany,Kei Nishikori, Thomas Berdych, and Gael Monfils all moved to the second round of the Gerry Weber Open.
England beat China B at Snooker World CupIn snooker,China's B team of Zhou Yuelong and Yan Bingtao lost 3-2 against England at the World Cup in Wuxi.
England is the favorite for the World Cup.
China's A team had earlier swept Singapore 5-0.
Other results from day two,Hong Kong beat Iran 3-2,And the Neil Roberston-led Australia lost 3-2 against Pakistan.
I want to compete and win: WoodsIn golf,Former world number one Tiger Woods says he wants to compete and win the US Open despite his poor form.
Woods says he is still devoted to golf and will be out there for the chance to win.
"You've got to be there. And that's one of the reasons why over the course of my career I've made a few changes here and there in search of becoming a little more consistent to put myself there more often. And we're doing that. This year certainly has been a struggle. But for me to go through what I went through at Torrey and Phoenix, to come back and do what I did at Augusta gave me a lot of confidence going forward."Woods has had some of the worst performances of his career over the past few months, having narrowly made the cut at the Memorial Tournament, only to finish in last place.
He hasn't won a major tournament in seven years and has slipped to 195th place in the world rankings.
He will partner with Rickie Fowler and former Masters champion Louis Oosthuizen in the first two rounds at the US Open.
Final leg of Volvo Ocean Race beginsSeven boats have left France for Sweden on the final leg of the Volvo Ocean Race.
They will complete a near 1,000 nautical mile journey before reaching the race's final destination of Gothenberg Sweden.
Team Brunel led the fleet out of Lorient after completing an in-port section of the leg.
Team SCA and Alvimedica had to serve a restart penalty for jumping the start.
All seven boats are closely packed together with China's Dongfeng Race Team in fourth place.
They will make a short stop at the Hague on the way north and sail out again in the same order and time.
Russia tops medal tally after five days at European GamesRussia dominated the medal tally after five days at the European Games in Azerbaijan with 12 golds and 22 medals in total.
Russian athletes have excelled in artistic gymnastics, synchronized swimming and wrestling.
Hosts Azerbaijan have 19 medals, eight of them gold, and are second on the tally.
Thailand overall winners at SEA GamesThe curtains fell at the 28th Southeast Asian Games in Singapore last night.
Thailand finished at the top of the medal tally with 95 golds and 247 medals in total. It was their 15th overall title at the games.
Hosts Singapore were second with 84 golds.
Singapore swimmer Joseph Schooling was the highlight of the event, having grabbed nine gold medals.
On the women's side, Vietnamese swimmer Nguyen Thi Anh Vien was the biggest winner with eight golds.
The biennial event will next be held in Malaysia.
EntertainmentCirque du Soleil to set open office in ChinaCirque du Soleil is set to open an office here in China and launch its first ever permanent show here by 2018.
The move follows the acquisition of Cirque earlier this year by financier TPG and Fosun, the Chinese conglomerate that is rapidly expanding its entertainment portfolio.
Cirque du Soleil will open their China office in Shanghai later this year. The permanent show will be based in Hangzhou and be part of a joint development with Hangzhou industrial.
'Toruk – The First Flight' a show influenced by James Cameron's Avatar is set to tour China in 2017 after several stops in the US.
Cirque du Soleil, a Canadian company is the largest theatrical producer in the world. Each performance is a blend of circus styles from around the world with its own theme and storyline.
Last week's China Box Office figuresThe figures for last week's China Box Office have been released with Jurassic World storming in to China with a massive $99 million opening pushing San Andreas into second place.
Jurassic World opened here in China on June 10.
San Andreas earned just under $30 million for a $82 million total.
In third place was Japanese cartoon 'Stand by me Doraemon' which took $8 million last week for a total of $83 million.
And in fourth place was Indian comedy drama PK which added $2 million bringing its 18 day total to $19 million.
And finally Avengers: Age of Ultron still hung on to a space in the box office taking $1.5 million with a total so far of $240 million.
Stage Musical Based on Beatles to be MadeA stage musical based on The Beatles' album recording sessions at Abbey Road Studios in London is set to be made.
A replica of the building's iconic studios will be made at London's Royal Albert Hall of the musical which is set to open in April.
The production aims to show how the band's famous albums including Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band were made at the studio.
According to The Times who spoke with the musical's producer Stig Edgren, the production will be a musical documentary giving a respectful and accurate representation of how music history was made.
The actors will not impersonate the band.
Anna Kendrick and Rebel Wilson to return for Pitch Perfect 3Anna Kendrick and Rebel Wilson will officially return for the third installment in the Pitch Perfect series.
Pitch Perfect 2, directed by Elizabeth Banks opened in May taking $260 million worldwide to date. The first installment only earned $115 million worldwide.
The series stars Anna Kendrick, Rebel Wilson and Brittany Snow.
According to The Hollywood Reporter, Kay Cannon who wrote the first two installments is in talks to write the third film. It's currently unclear whether Elizabeth Banks will return to direct however she will definitely be producing the film.
Pitch Perfect 3 is penned for release on July 21 2017.
New Host for BBC's Top Gear chosenTelevision and radio presenter Chris Evans will host motoring show Top Gear, replacing Jeremy Clarkson who was dropped in March after he physically attacked a producer, the BBC announced on Tuesday.
Evans has signed a three year deal and will begin filming in a few weeks time without Clarkson's co-hosts Richard Hammond and James May.
Evans, a car enthusiast said he was thrilled to get the job working for his favourite programme of all time.
BBC's Top Gear is shown in more than 200 countries and is watched by 350 million viewers worldwide with overseas sales reaching around $80 million a year.
That’s it for this edition of the Beijing Hour.
A quick look at the headlines before we go...
The long awaited Free Trade Agreement between China and Australia is expected to be signed this week...
Security has been stepped up at the Legislative Council in Hong Kong, with a controversial reform plan to be submitted by the government today...
And the Russian president has announced a modernization drive for the country's armed forces...
In Business...Bank of China can now participate in gold auctions that help set international prices for the commodity...
On behalf of the Beijing Hour staffers, this is Shane Bigham in Beijing hoping you'll join us for our next edition of the Beijing Hour to open a window to the world together.