新闻纵贯线 The Beijing Hour updated 08:00 2015/06/23(在线收听


The Beijing HourMorning EditionShane Bigham with you on this Tuesday, June 23rd, 2015.
Welcome to the Beijing Hour, coming to you live from the Chinese Capital.
Coming up on our program this morning...
the latest edition of the annual China-US Economic and Strategic Dialogue gets underway today in Washington...
Typhoon Kujira makes landfall in southern China...
Greece and its creditors report progress in the negotiations designed to keep the country from defaulting on its debt...
In Business...the company that runs the Hong Kong stock exchange celebrates 15 years and 40-fold success...
In Sports...a decent finish for the Chinese-French team at the Volvo Ocean Race...
In entertainment...some new stars are being added to the Hollywood Walk of Fame...
Top NewsChina, U.S. to hold annual S&ED talksThe latest China-U.S. Strategic and Economic Dialogue will begin in Washington D.C. on Tuesday.
The two-day annual talks feature comprehensive and in-depth exchanges between high-level delegations from both sides.
Zhu Guangyao, China's Vice Finance Minister, says the talk has one special purpose this year.
"The core purpose of the U.S. -China Strategic and Economic Dialogue is to create an atmosphere for the important dialogue between both countries' top leaders in September. The talks prepare for the meeting and extract useful information."The talks, held at a time when the bilateral ties are strained over China's land reclamation in the South China Sea and the U.S. allegation of China's hacking of U.S. federal computer networks, are expected to ease the tensions to create a positive atmosphere for President Xi Jinping's visit to the U.S. in fall.
In the eyes of many political and diplomatic analysts, this coming September will be the highlight of China-U.S. interactions for the whole year, as President Xi will be paying his first state visit to the US.
Another highlight of the talks involves the progress made on an investment treaty between China and US.
During the Strategic & Economic Dialogue, both sides will exchange negative lists, a key step in the negotiations.
Once the treaty is signed, China will be able to expand investment in the US, while the United States will create more job opportunities.
The talks will also focus on how both countries will jointly deal with climate change as well as topics such as the South China Sea and cyber security.
Alongside the Dialogue, the 6th China-U.S. High-Level Consultation on People-to-People Exchange is also set to kick off in Washington.
For more on the upcoming talks, CRI's Liu Kun earlier spoke with Shen Dingli, vice director of Institute of International Studies at Fudan University.
Back anchorThat was Shen Dingli, vice director of Institute of International Studies at Fudan University speaking with CRI's Liu Kun.
Highlights of this year's U.S.- China Consultation on People-to-People ExchangeAnchorAs part of the talks in Washington, China and the United States are expected to announce more than 100 new exchange programs in areas including education, public health and sports.
CRI's Tu Yun has the details.
ReporterChinese Vice Premier Liu Yandong will join U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry in kicking off this year's U.S.- China Consultation on People-to-People Exchanges.
Kristie Kenny, US Assistant Secretary of State for East Asian and Pacific Affairs, says there are some new growth points for cooperation this year.
"When we look at our world and we've seen issues like Ebola, too important it is for American and Chinese experts to talk about health care."Before discussions begin, Vice Premier Liu Yandong paid a visit to Houston, Texas over the weekend.
She toured a university and a medical center and also stopped at the Houston Rockets home court Toyota Center, where Liu cheered a group of Chinese and American high school basketball players.
The Chinese Vice Premier admits she's a fan of the Rockets.
The Houston Rockets are providing basketball training to high school basketball players of Tsinghua High School. That is the high school attached to Tsinghua University in Beijing.
Meanwhile, the team's former center Yao Ming is in the city for some basketball-themed activities.
As a sport fan, Ambassador Kenny expresses her excitement over Yao Ming's joining the NBA.
"When Yao Ming arrived and played in the NBA, it was such a 'Wow' moment. It reminded us that our two countries share a love of basketball, and there's Yao Ming, this incredible Chinese basketball star traveling to America and playing with us."The two sides are also planning to strengthen cooperation in the areas of women's leadership development and educational exchanges.
Ambassador Kenny believes the American side is willing to expand bilateral exchange with the Chinese side.
"There is no way you could stop these dialogues. I'm really sure whoever becomes president in 2016 will find this such a useful and productive way for the United States and China to talk about everything."China and the United States have been holding the annual talks yearly since 2009.
For CRI, I'm Tu Yun.
Typhoon Kujira makes landfall in south ChinaTyphoon Kujira, the eighth typhoon of 2015, made landfall in south China's Hainan Province on Monday evening, bringing heavy rain to the drought-hit island.
The storm landed in the coastal city of Wanning at 6:50 p.m., packing winds of up to 90 kilometers per hour.
Kujira weakened into a tropical storm about one hour after its landfall in Hainan. It is moving northwest and is expected to reach the Beibu Gulf this morning.
The island province has evacuated more than 40,000 people, and over 20,000 fishing boats have been called back to harbor.
63 flights have been canceled at the Meilan International Airport in the provincial capital, Haikou.
The Sanya Phoenix International Airport has canceled 99 flights, affecting the travel plans of 11,000 passengers.
Shipping services and passenger trains on the Qiongzhou Strait, which connects Hainan and Guangdong, were suspended on Monday.
High-speed trains between Haikou and Sanya were also halted.
South China's Guangdong province is also preparing for the coming of Kujira.
Feng Zhaojie is with the local Fishery Administration.
"We have asked the fishermen to land. Our boats are ready for any emergencies. "Kujira is the first typhoon to hit China this year. It formed in the South China Sea on Sunday.
The National Meteorological Center on Monday afternoon issued a yellow alert for Typhoon Kujira.
Police Bust Paid Protest in ShandongAnchorPolice in east China's Shandong Province have busted a group that allegedly organized multiple mass protests in order to misguide public opinion and influence court sentences.
CRI's Guo Yan reports.
ReporterIn a statement released late Sunday, the Ministry of Public Security accused the so-called protestors of demonstrating in the name of protecting the rights of petitioners and assisting lawyers advocating their rights.
Among the detained is Zhai Yanmin who paid people to stage protests, and Liu Jianjun, a lawyer acting as a link between Zhai and parties that hoped to influence judges.
Authorities say the group operated under a top-down management structure.
"The group was close-knit. Every time, the organizers would make a plan and prepare banners in advance, with each member having a specific assignment such as holding a banner, shouting slogans or taking photos. The photos would be uploaded online in a bid to hype up the incident."Investigations show that Zhai staged nine so-called "mass incidents" last year and organized five protests after a high-profile fatal shooting at a railway station in northeast China's Heilongjiang Province in May.
Their latest gathering took place on June 15 outside the Intermediate People's Court of Weifang, a city in Shandong.
Police inquiries reveal the protestors "employed" by Zhai came from eight provinces.
Zhai was arrested on the same day in Beijing. He confessed he saw the illegal activities as a kind of business.
"I had run several businesses, but they all failed. Then I met some petitioners and won their praises by helping them. I felt proud once again, and came up with the idea of doing favor for petitioners to make money and build reputation."The case is under further investigation.
Both Zhai and Liu are now facing the charge of staging illegal gatherings to disrupt social order.
Police say the protests were mainly funded via the Internet and partially supported by some lawyer groups.
The Chinese offices of international organizations, embassies, government departments and courts were among their frequented locations.
TV commentator Wang Jian suggests multiple efforts are needed to deal with paid protests.
"A country with an adequate legal system should not tolerate such protests. Efforts should be made to push ahead with the rule of law and ensure the handling of every case is fair and square so as to make the public more confident of laws and eliminate the breeding ground for such 'professional protesters'."Wang also calls on the public to avoid giving credence to unverified information.
For CRI, I'm Guo Yan.
China Opens a New Route for India Pilgrims to TibetChina has opened a new route along the Nathu La pass in the Himalayas for Indian pilgrims to travel to southwest China's Tibet Autonomous Region.
The first group of 43 Indian pilgrims entered Tibet via the pass on Monday morning, starting a pilgrimage to the sacred religious sites of Mount Kangrinboqe and Mapam Yumco Lake in Ngari Prefecture.
Le Yucheng, the Chinese ambassador to India, says the new route will help bring the people of the two countries closer.
"This new route brings more convenience to pilgrims and tens of thousands of Indians will come to Tibet. It will promote friendship and mutual understandings, and especially enhance people-to-people exchanges"Indian pilgrims have traditionally climbed over the Qang La pass, which sits over 5,000 meters above sea level on the China-India-Nepal border to reach their destination. The road is steep and usually covered by snow.
The Nathu La pass sits at over 4,500 meters above sea level. It is the shortest land pass for trade between China and India.
The pass is the result of a consensus reached by both Chinese and Indian leaders last September when Chinese President Xi Jinping visited India.
Around 20,000 Indian nationals make the pilgrimage to Tibet every year.
Greece debt crisis talks making progressTalks between Greece and its creditors have made progress as the country has offered new proposals for dealing with its tough financial situation.
European Union President Donald Tusk gives a tentative endorsement to the new proposals, which were offered at a Eurogroup meeting on Monday.
"And the latest Greek proposals are the first real proposals in many weeks. Although they still need, it's obvious to me, the assessment of the institutions and further work, of course. But, you know, the most important thing is that the leaders take full responsibility for the political process to avoid the worst case scenario, which means uncontrollable, chaotic 'Graccident'."French President Francois Hollande echoes that the Greek government "has assumed their responsibilities".
"Progress has been achieved in the last few days, and even in the last few hours. The Greek government has put new proposals forward, more precise ones, stronger ones. They have put a lot of effort into this, and there has already been a lot of compromise. The Greek government wants to get out of this crisis and has assumed their responsibilities."Hollande says though more work together with institutions is needed., it will open the way to an agreement as quick as possible.
Greece requires financial aid before June 30, when the country is due to pay about 1.6 billion euros to the International Monetary Fund.
The failure to unlock further financial aid will lead to Greece's default and even its exit from the euro zone.
The Monday Eurogroup meeting was widely seen as the last opportunity for Greece and its international creditors to bridge the gaps over debt talks.
UN Report: Both Israeli and Palestinians May Have Committed 'War Crimes'
AnchorThe United Nations Human Rights Council has published a report on last year's Gaza war, saying both Israel and Palestinian militant groups may have committed war crimes.
CRI's Xie Cheng has more.
ReporterThe commission of inquiry on the 2014 Gaza conflict says it found "substantial information" and "credible allegations" from both sides of the conflict that war crimes had been committed.
More than 2,100 Palestinians and over 70 Israelis were killed in the 51-day conflict.
The report has decried the "unprecedented" devastation and human suffering in Gaza.
It has condemned Israel's failure to revise its practice of air-strikes after the dire effects of the bombings on civilians became apparent, and decried Gazan militants' "indiscriminate" firing of thousands of rockets and mortars at Israel.
Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has condemned the report as biased.
"The report in hand was commissioned by a notoriously biased institution. It was given an obviously biased mandate. The United Nations Human Rights Council has a singular obsession with Israel. So, Israel treats this report as flawed and biased, and it urges all fair-minded observers to do the same."Netanyahu says the Israeli military acted, and continues to act, according to the highest international standards in defending itself.
"Israel is a democracy committed to the rule of law. Time and again it is forced to defend itself against Palestinian terrorists who commit a double war crime: They deliberately target civilians while deliberately hiding behind Palestinian civilians."On the Palestinian side, a senior Hamas official insists that Hamas rockets and mortars were aimed at Israeli military sites, not at civilians.
Palestinian official Ashraf Khatib says Israel always neglects and discredits reports from the UN and the international community.
"Israel always feels that they are a country above the law. It's the international community and the United Nations' responsibility to respond to these allegations from Israel, and such actions by Israel should be stopped, or the international community will continue to grant Israel further impunity which allows and encourages them to commit crimes against people in Palestine."Some believe the Palestinian Authority will make use of the UN report when it submits war crimes complaints against Israel to the International Criminal Court, but Khatib says decisions on that will be made after a thorough study of the report.
"We are always being calling the international community, for the international law to intervene in Israel's violations against Palestinians. We welcome the report that came out from the United Nations. We have to look at the details of the report, and then we will have to weigh our options."For CRI, I'm Xie Cheng.
Iranian FM Meets with European Union CounterpartsIran's chief nuclear negotiator has reiterated that the country prefers a "good" deal on its nuclear program despite the approach of the June 30 deadline.
Iranian Foreign Minister Mohammad-Javad Zarif says Iran is not bound by the self-imposed deadline while seeking a "good" comprehensive deal with the world powers.
"It's going to be a very intense few days in the next - I don't know how many days it will take to finish this. There is a political commitment on the part of everybody to move forward and I believe and we have said this many times that if there is political will to accept the realities and move forward based on what we agreed in Lausanne then there is a good possibility that we can finish this by the deadline or a few days after the deadline."Zarif made the remarks in Luxembourg after meeting with his European Union counterparts.
French Foreign Minister Laurent Fabius says he wants a "robust" agreement with Iran.
"What does a robust agreement mean? It means an agreement that puts limits on the length of research and production of nuclear capacity. It also means a verification regime, including, if necessary, of military sites, and it also means that we must be able to put into place the automatic return of sanctions if Iran violates any of its commitments. All of this is important, both for regional security and in terms of acting against the proliferation of nuclear arms."Earlier this year, negotiators set June 30 as a deadline for reaching a final deal that curbs Iran's nuclear program in return for the lifting of economic sanctions.
Russian FM condemns extension of sanctionsThe Russian Foreign Ministry has slammed a move by the European Union to extend economic sanctions against Russia for another half a year.
The sanctions have been extended to keep pressure on Moscow over the conflict in eastern Ukraine and have drawn a warning of retaliation from Russian officials.
Foreign Ministry spokesman Alexander Lukashevich expresses disappointment at the decision.
"We are deeply disappointed again that the opinion of the Russophobic lobby again prevails in the European Union which literally dragged through the decision to extend the illegal restrictions. With that Brussels keeps deliberately silent that this will certainly lead to the loss by hundreds of thousands and, according to some estimates, by millions of Europeans of their working places. "The sanctions include limits to access on some financial markets, a ban on certain technologies, and restricted exchanges between the bloc and Russia in the energy and defence sectors.
The expiry date for the one-year-old sanctions has been extended to the end of next January.
In response, Russia is expected to extend its ban on the import of many agricultural products from the EU.
Long Way to Go for Earthquake Survivors' Recovery in NepalAnchorThe Nepalese government is speeding up the post-disaster reconstruction about two months after a first massive earthquake hit the nation.
The earthquakes in April and May killed more than 87-hundred people and injured 22-thousand others.
Many survivors who suffered broken bones, lost limbs, and other injuries are still struggling to recover.
We have more details from CRI's Huang Shan.
ReporterThe Nepalese government has offered free surgery and basic medical care to the injured. But many earthquake victims discharged from hospital hardly receive any rehabilitation or after-care, vital for a full recovery.
Aurelie Viard, a project manager at a non-profit organization that helps the injured victims with physical therapy, equipment and treatment, says only the bigger hospitals in Nepal have facilities and experts to carry out physical therapy.
"Since the earthquake there have been facilities for primary health care but there is really a lack of rehabilitation facilities for the injuries. Basically people get treated and stay a few days or a few weeks in the hospital and in the health care centres and then they get discharged."He is urging Nepal's government to do more for the treatment for the injured to ensure recovery in the long run.
"They don't do proper follow up which means basically the injury can bring like really long term impairments and if they don't get proper treatment and proper physical treatment then they will not be able to get back to their daily activities as they used to do before the earthquakes."In addition, local medical experts say for many injured victims, who are poor and uneducated, survival rather than rehabilitation, is uppermost in their minds.
Sedar Tamang, a victim who lost his left leg in the earthquake, says the thing he cares about the most is how to make a living after being discharged from hospital.
"We have no where to go. Our village is not safe. I have three children and no idea how I am going to earn a living to feed them."In order to seek more financial help, the Nepalese government is set to hold an international donor meeting later this month.
For CRI, I'm Huang Shan.
WeatherBeijing will see thundershowers with a high of 31 degrees Celsius.
Overnight temperatures should drop down to 22.
Shanghai will have showers with a high of 28 and a low of 25.
In Chongqing, moderate rain with a high of 34 and a low of 25.
Elsewhere in Asia,Kathmandu, slight rain, 29.
Islamabad will see slight rain with a high of 35.
Kabul will have slight rain with a high of 25.
In North America,New York will see moderate rain with a high of 35 degrees.
Washington, overcast with a high of 36 degrees.
Honolulu, slight rain, 27.
Toronto will be cloudy with a high of 24 degrees.
In South America,Buenos Aires will be cloudy with a high of 10.
And Rio de Janeiro will have some rain with a high of 26 degrees Celsius.
Headline newsChina, U.S. to hold annual S&ED talksChina and the United States are holding their annual high-level talks in Washington to discuss deepening cooperation on strategic and economic issues as well as people-to-people exchange.
The Strategic and Economic Dialogue is expected to pave the way for President Xi Jinping’s visit to the US in September.
Another highlight of the talks involves the progress made on an investment treaty between the two countries.
US Secretary of State John Kerry and Treasury Secretary Jack Lew will host State Councilor Yang Jiechi and Vice-Premier Wang Yang at the two-day talks.
Alongside the Dialogue, the annual China-U.S. High-Level Consultation on People-to-People Exchange is also set to kick off in Washington.
Typhoon Kujira makes landfall in south ChinaTyphoon Kujira has made landfall in south China's Hainan Province, bringing heavy rain to the drought-hit island.
The storm weakened into a tropical storm about one hour after its landfall in Hainan. It is moving northwest and is expected to reach the Beibu Gulf this morning.
The island province has evacuated more than 40,000 people, and over 20,000 fishing boats have been called back to harbor.
More than a hundred flights have been canceled while shipping and high-speed rail services were also suspended.
Kujira is the first typhoon to hit China this year.
Death toll of east China car crash rises to 5Police have detained a driver who lost control of his car and killed 5 people in the eastern Chinese city of Wuxi.
10 others were also injured after the car crashed into over a dozen electric bicycles.
The case is still being investigated.
Obama says U.S. not cured of racismU.S. President Barack Obama says racism is still embedded in the United States.
He made the remarks in response to last week's church shooting in South Carolina that left 9 African Americans dead.
In a media interview, Obama said the US has not been cured of racism, as what happened hundreds of years ago cannot be erased completely overnight.
A 21-year-old white man has been arrested for the shooting and charged with nine counts of murder.
Authorities have been investigating the case as a hate crime.
200 die from heatstroke in PakistanMore than 200 people have died from heatstroke in southern Pakistan's Karachi in the last two days.
Most of the victims were elderly and sick people.
Karachi has been in the grip of a rare heat wave, with temperatures soaring to 45 degrees Celsius.
The arrival of thunderstorms in the coming days should bring relief to the heat wave.
Biz reportsAnchorFirst, a quick check on the closing numbers across North America and Europe.
Our reporter Sophie Williams.
ReporterU.S. stocks posted sizable gains on Monday, with the Nasdaq setting its fifth closing record for the year, boosted by the improvement in the Greek debt situation.
Both the Dow Jones and the S&P 500 increased 0.6 percent.
The Nasdaq gained 0.7 percent.
Expectations of a positive outcome in negotiations between the Greek government and Greece's creditors during Monday evening's Euro zone summit in Brussels were once again dashed.
However, European interlocutors shared optimism that a debt deal could be made later this week in time to avert a Greek financial meltdown and possible exit.
Over in Europe, equities soared on Greece hopes.
The British benchmark FTSE 100 surged 1.7 percent.
Topping the gainers of the day is Severn Trent, which increased nearly 6 percent.
In Germany, the DAX raised 3.8 percent, extending gains in morning trade.
In France, the CAC 40 advanced 3.8 percent, with 39 of the 40 selected companies gaining an advance.
The only company whose stock dropped on Monday was Technip, down 0.5 percent.
The top gainer on Monday was Bouygues, up 13 percent.
In corporate movers, shares of Altice surged 12.6 percent after the Luxemburg telecom company said it has offered to buy Bouygues telecom. A deal could create France's largest operator by subscribers.
Growing HKEx turns 15Hong Kong Exchanges and Clearing has celebrated its 15th anniversary of listing, with its boss noting the value has risen more than 40 times over the years.
Chairman Chow Chung-kong says shares of the exchange closed Monday at 40 times higher than the opening price of 7 Hong Kong dollars back in 2000.
He says the current vision for HKEx is to "reshape the global market landscape and connect China with the world."It seeks to build a robust and sustainable offshore yuan ecosystem, eventually developing Hong Kong into China's premier offshore wealth management center.
Chow also points out the long-waited Shenzhen-Hong Kong Stock Connect will be launched in the second half of the year, denying any delay.
Preparations for the link will be finished by July.
Local media reported that September 14 and September 21 are the most likely launching dates.
Chinese shares in biggest weekly drop since 2008Trading on Chinese mainland stock markets will resume today.
Last week, Chinese markets suffered the worst weekly performance since the financial crisis, due to a flurry of initial public offerings (IPOs) and concerns about stricter trading rules.
Analysts at IG market said a record 1.1 trillion U.S. dollars worth of funds are locked up for subscription to IPOs.
The major Shanghai Composite index dived by 13 percent from the previous week, in the biggest weekly drop in seven years.
Nearly one thousand shares on the two bourses slumped by the daily limit of 10 percent.
For more on this, CRI's Zhao Yang earlier spoke with Einar Tangen, Former Chairman of the State of Wisconsin's International Trade Council.
Back anchor:
That was Einar Tangen, Former Chairman of the State of Wisconsin's International Trade Council, speaking with CRI's Zhao Yang.
Alibaba sees business potential in RussiaChina's e-commerce giant Alibaba is making a move in Russia to develop an online trading market.
Founder and chairman of the company Jack Ma says although they have only one employee working in Russia, Ali Express managed to become the No.1 most-visited e-commerce website in the country.
Launched in 2010, Ali Express allows smaller buyers around the world to buy small quantities of goods at wholesale prices.
Ali Express' rapid expansion in Russia proves the huge potential and consumer demand for e-commerce in the country.
The company is planning to invest more in human resources and technology in order to expand businesses in Russia, and help Russian enterprises to sell their products to China and other parts of the world.
Last week, Ma was in Russia to attend the St. Petersburg International Economic Forum.
He also met with Russian officials on different issues concerning e-commerce.
Int'l education earns Australia 17.6 bln AU dollars in 2014Australia's international education services sector earned a record high 13.6 billion U.S. dollars last year.
The latest data from the Australian Bureau of Statistics shows the total export income increased 14 percent from the previous year.
The figures eclipsed the previous peak in 2009.
Of the total figure, more than 13 billion came from 600 thousand enrollments by full fee-paying international students in Australia.
The remaining 5 million U.S. dollars were generated from a range of international education services delivered by Australian providers offshore.
International students in the higher education sector generated 9 billion in export income.
These figures confirm international education as Australia's largest services export and its fourth largest export overall after iron ore, coal and natural gas.
International education is also a major employer, supporting around 130,000 jobs across Australia.
European bank seeks to combine strength with AIIBThe European Bank for Reconstruction and Development is eyeing opportunities to work with the Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank.
The EBRD is looking to offer advice to the AIIB as it grows and to jointly fund infrastructure projects.
The European bank is looking forward to start a potential partnership between the two banks that combine the strengths of both and to take on much larger projects.
SportsAbu Dhabi wins Volvo Ocean Race, Dongfeng 3rdThe offshore portions of the 12th edition of the Volvo Ocean Race has concluded in Gothenberg, Sweden, with Team Alvimedica winning the final leg.
Abu Dhabi Ocean Racing, skippered by double Olympic medalist Ian Walker, claimed the overall victory.
China's Dongfeng Race Team, joining the world's premier offshore challenge for the first time, finished third overall behind Team Brunel.
The French-Chinese crew had won two legs, suffered a broken mast and retired, and been penalized for breaking rules during the near 40-thousand nautical mile sail spanning nine months.
For more on the Chinese boat's global journey, CRI's Niu Honglin earlier spoke with Charles Caudrelier, skipper of Dongfeng Race Team.
That was Dongfeng's skipper Charles Caudrelier speaking with CRI's Niu Honglin.
The Volvo Ocean Race will officially finish with an in-port race in Gothenberg this Saturday.
Maradona to run for FIFA presidencyArgentina's football legend Diego Maradona has decided to run for the FIFA presidency.
Maradona informed his friend, journalist and author Victor Hugo Morales, and authorized him to make the announcement.
Morales had posted the message on Twitter.
Fifty-four-year-old Maradona has long been criticizing Sepp Blatter on his alleged corruption and said he had made the football world an anarchy.
"It is time for a change, and it is so because even his colleagues should actually advise him to leave. He has done a lot of damage to football since he has been there. It's time for him to step aside and let us, who are coming in with a lot of energy, rebuild football, which is getting weaker and more corrupt."Other candidates vying for the candidacy include Brazilian great Zico, and Liberia Football Association Chairman Musa Bility.
Chelsea captain Terry on ScolariChelsea captain John Terry has visited the southern Chinese city of Guangzhou where he was appointed the "ambassador of football culture".
The former England captain, who had played under Guangzhou Evergrande's new coach Luiz Felipe Scolari, says the Brazilian world cup winning coach will be a great help in China.
"Yeah with Scolari, Yes. Well having played under him, he is firstly a great manager, and a very nice person as well. So I had the pleasure to work with him and I am not surprised that people from Europe and managers and players will eventually be coming more and more to China. It is up and coming with the football and the development, and when it is going to attract the ones like Scolari, obviously he can then attract better players and players will arrive for sure."Terry also acknowledged that Chinese football is gaining momentum but says he will not play in China and will end his career at Chelsea.
EntertainmentNew additions to Hollywood Walk of Fame announcedBradley Cooper,Quentin Tarantino, Kevin Hart and Michael Keaton are among the inductees that will receive stars on the Hollywood Walk of Fame next year.
The motion picture category also includes Steve Carell and Kurt Russell.
In the recording and musicians category, Adam Levine, Cyndi Lauper and Bruno Mars will also be given their own stars on Hollywood Boulevard.
The new additions were announced at a press conference on Monday by the Walk of Fame Selection Committee and the Hollywood Chamber of Commerce.
The Hollywood Walk of Fame comprises of more than 2,500 brass stars along the sidewalks of 15 blocks of Hollywood Boulevard and three blocks of Vine Street in Hollywood, California.
Stars of Terminator Genysis attend premiereThe stars of Terminator Genysis came out to attend the film's European premiere in Berlin Sunday night.
Arnold Schwarzenegger, Emilia Clarke, Jason Clarke and Jai Courtney signed autographs for fans and smiled for the cameras.
It's Schwarzenegger's first Terminator film in more than a decade.
Jason Clarke plays John Connor, the son of Sarah Connor in the new action installment of the franchise.
"You know, it hurts, long hours, big shoot, massive stunt consequences, a lot of pressure. John Connor is a great character, he is the heart and soul of what's going on here. This man and machine, and we create the machine and the machine will destroy us.""Terminator Genisys" premieres in North American theaters on Wednesday.
Taylor Swift elated at Apple's change of mindTaylor Swift says she is elated and relieved at Apple's change of mind on artist payments during Apple Music free trial.
Earlier on this week Swift said she would not make her latest album 1989 available on the service because Apple planned to pay no royalties to artists, writers and producers during the three month trial period.
Speaking to Billboard magazine, Apple's iTunes chief Eddy Cue said Taylor's open letter signalled that there needed to be a change and therefore Apple were happy to be paying artists for their work.
Swift has come under criticism from photographers who argue that the star is just as bad as Apple. They urged her to change her stance on image rights to enable professional photographers who photograph her concerts for publicaion to use the images more than once.
Kanye West opens up about Beck Grammy incidentKanye West has opened up about the incident at the Grammy Awards where he pretended to interrupt Beck's acceptance speech.
The incident which caused a social media frenzy in February occurred when Beck accepted the award for Best Album with West following the musician on stage and then returning to his seat. Later on in the evening he claimed the award should have gone to Beyonce and that Beck should respect artistry.
In an interview with The Sunday Times, the rapper retracted his statements.
He said that he still thought that Beyonce's album was the best but he was inaccurate with the fact that Beck's album was not artistry especially as he plays 14 instruments on the album which won the award.
However if you thought Kanye West might be calming down, he later went on in the interview to compare himself to Leonardo Da Vinci and a chair.
The rapper is due to headline Glastonbury music festival in the UK next weekend.
That’s it for this edition of the Beijing Hour.
the latest edition of the annual China-US Economic and Strategic Dialogue gets underway today in Washington...
Typhoon Kujira makes landfall in southern China...
Greece and its creditors report progress in the negotiations designed to keep the country from defaulting on its debt...
In Business...the company that runs the Hong Kong stock exchange celebrates 15 years and 40-fold success...
On behalf of the Beijing Hour staffers, this is Shane Bigham in Beijing hoping you'll join us for our next edition of the Beijing Hour to open a window to the world together