新闻纵贯线 The Beijing Hour updated 08:00 2015/06/28(在线收听

 The Beijing HourMorning EditionSpencer Musick with you on this Sunday June 28th 2015.

Welcome to the Beijing Hour, live from the Chinese capital.
Coming up on our program this morning...
Several hundred people being reported injured in a recreational park fire in Taiwan....
The number of British nationals reported dead in the terrorist attack in Tunisia rising to 15....
And Eurozone finance ministers rejecting a one-month extension of Greece's bailout...
In our weekly sci-tech feature...Chinese and US researchers developing accurate hydrographic printing for 3D objects..
In Sports... an historic pick of a Chinese hockey player in the NHL draft...
In Entertainment...the Golden Melody Awards being held in Taiwan...
Top News228 injured in Taiwan park fireAt least 228 people were injured after a fire occurred in a recreational park in New Taipei city, Taiwan, on Saturday.
The fire was suspected to have resulted from explosion of a large amount of an unknown flammable powder.
The injured, including 96 seriously hurt, have been rushed to dozens of hospitals in New Taipei city and nearby cities of Taipei and Taoyuan.
The fire broke out at the centre of the stage when up to one thousand people were having a color play party.
This is the worst incident of mass injury in the history of New Taipei city.
China cuts reserve ratio, interest rates to support growthAnchor:
China's central bank has cut both the requirement reserve ratio, the amount of reserves banks required to hold, and benchmark interest rates.
As CRI's Wang Wei reports, the policy aims to better support the real economy and promote economic restructuring.
This is the third RRR reduction in nearly five months, and the fourth round of interest rate cuts in nearly seven months.
According to the People's Bank of China or PBOC, the latest move aims to further lower borrowing costs and boost the economy through restructuring.
Yao Yudong, director for the PBOC's Finance Research Institute, explains the reasons behind the adjustments.
"First, this is to further support restructuring. The purpose of the RRR reduction is to boost financial institutes' abilities to support farmers, rural and agricultural development as well as small and micro businesses. It also aims to improve the key areas and weak links in the national economy and is conducive for financial institutes to support mass entrepreneurship and innovation."The central bank has cut the RRR for the second time this year for commercial banks financing the agricultural sector , along with small and micro businesses.
The targeted RRR cut, carried out instead of a general reduction, will help to improve the economic structure and support weak sectors, while also preventing flush liquidity.
Yao continues to explain that it is unnecessary to lower the RRR in a wider range because of the current adequate liquidity.
"Adequate liquidity is one of the reasons for the targeted RRR cut. The targeted cut will increase liquidity to some extent and this is necessary considering that there will be certain scale of RMB consumption during July and August, for example, the profit sharing by major financial institutions, so the adjustment is proactive and preventive."Some experts point out that it is not usual to see the "double cuts" at the same time. However, against the backdrop of "new normal" of slower but more sustainable growth, the central bank's move has been expected, with its main target to further stabilize economic growth.
Moreover, Yao suggests that the cutting of RRR and key interest rates does not mean a change of the country's prudent monetary policy.
"It can be regarded as a fine-tuning without affecting the monetary policy's consistency and steadiness. Its prudent monetary policy remains unchanged, and still focuses on supporting real economy and structural adjustment. This fine-tuning is an active move to adapt to the new normal of economic development, and sustains a neutral monetary and financial environment."Experts say the rare easing step of cutting the RRR and the benchmark interest rates will make the monetary policy adjustment more targeted and effective to support the real economy.
For CRI, I'm Wang Wei.
World Peace Forum Kicks off in BeijingAnchor:
The two-day World Peace Forum is being held in Beijing this weekend.
As CRI's Min Rui reports, the conference has gathered many former foreign leaders and scholars to discuss key issues on peace resolutions.
This is the 4th annual World Peace Forum hosted by Tsinghua University. This year's theme is overcoming difficulties: understanding, consultation and reciprocity.
Chinese Vice President Li Yuanchao attended the opening ceremony this morning at Beijing's Tsinghua University.
He says peace and security are the prerequisite for common development of mankind.
He also stressed that disagreements and differences between countries can be resolved through consultation.
Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono, former president of Indonesia, speaks highly of Li's proposal and is calling to build mutual understanding through solving challenges together.
"Building peace and security should start by knowing and identifying our challenges. Most importantly, knowing how to overcome those challenges. The next important step is finding and creating opportunities for a stronger and durable peace. Only then would we be able to build a framework and architecture for a comprehensive regional security cooperation."Other key topics of the forum include security cooperation in the Asia-Pacific region, European and global security cooperation, ASEAN and South Asian regional security cooperation.
Regarding the South China Sea issue, Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi said at the meeting that some foreign politicians are enthusiastic about playing with the issue for their own political motivations. However parties concerned should all view this in a cool headed and objective way.
"We have full commitment and sufficient ability to solve this issue, we will continue to uphold our legitimate rights and interests in Nansha in reasonable and justified means. And we will continue the cooperation with the ASEAN countries to safeguard the peace and stability of the South China Sea and we will work with all countries on the basis of respect and international law."Some 500 former foreign leaders and scholars participated in the plenary meeting and panels on different issues.
The forum was first launched in 2012, and is China's top level non-governmental seminar focusing on international security.
For CRI, I'm Min Rui.
Ambassador on China-EU TiesJust ahead of the China-EU leaders' meeting in Brussels, a senior Chinese diplomat says the China-EU relationship has become one of the world's most important, constructive and influential partnerships.
Ambassador Yang Yanyi, head of the Chinese Mission to the EU, made the remarks at a recent seminar on China-EU ties.
"Through concerted efforts and cooperation, China-EU relations have evolved and matured from trade to now cover a wide spectrum of political security, economic, social, cultural cooperation, culminating in their elevation to a comprehensive strategic partnership featuring peace, reform, growth and civilization."Yang adds that China is ready to work with the EU to further improve bilateral ties.
"We stand ready to join hands with EU to deepen mutual understanding and political trust through regular meetings particularly the three pillars under the China-EU summit. We are ready to bring China-EU relationship to its full strategic potential by implementing in earnest the China-EU 2020 Strategic Agenda for Cooperation with renewed ambition and vigor. "Chinese Premier Li Keqiang is to depart for Brussels later today.
During his visit, the Chinese premier will hold talks with top EU leaders, address the opening ceremony of a China-EU business summit and attending a forum on China-EU urbanization partnerships.
The two sides will also issue a document to outline their future cooperation priorities and a statement on climate change, along with the signing of cooperation deals on regional policies, intellectual property rights, customs, and technological innovation.
Lawmakers Considering Harsher Punishment for Child BuyerAnchor:
China's top lawmakers are considering tougher punishments for all parties involved in human trafficking, including those who buy abducted children.
CRI's Luo Wen reports.
The ninth draft amendment to the Criminal Law was submitted to the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress earlier this week.
It comes amid continuing discussions on China's social media outlets about whether or not child traffickers should be sentenced to death.
The amendment advocates "light punishment" for buyers who don't harm abducted children or hinder police rescue of the victimized children.
At present, such buyers would likely be exempt from punishment.
He Youlin, a member of the NPC Standing Committee, says this indeed gives a free reign to the act of children trafficking.
"Those who buy children can get lesser punishment or even an exemption only because they don't ill-treat the abducted children or appear cooperative in rescue operations. But will it embolden those possible buyers? We should take it seriously."Child trafficking has been rampant for a long time in rural China, especially in poverty-stricken southwestern regions. Some pregnant women have been found to have sold their own children.
The traditional preference of boys over girls, especially in the countryside, has also been blamed for boosting the trade.
Some rural residents who don't have a boy would like to buy one, which many law experts say fuels demand.
Jiang Zhuangde is also taking part in the discussion of the amendment. He backs harsher punishments for child buyers.
"The effort to crack down on child buyers is obviously not enough. The current penalties are too light to deter the offenders. The huge demand is another major reason why child trafficking becomes rampant. Those who buy children should face criminal penalties or harsher punishment at least."According to the Supreme People's Court, nearly 13,000 people involved in trafficking were punished between 2010 and 2014 with over half receiving sentences ranging from at least five years in prison to the death penalty.
Under the current law, child traffickers can be sentenced to a maximum of 10 years in prison. If more than three victims are involved or if there are casualties, the punishments can rise to life in prison or death.
A recent poll on showed over 92 percent of the more than 21,000 respondents recommended that the same punishment imposed on child traffickers should also be applied to buyers.
For CRI, I'm Luo Wen.
China's Oil Futures May Start Trading in SeptChina's futures exchange authority has said the country may launch its International Oil Futures Platform at the end of September.
Song Anping, Chair of the Shanghai Futures Exchange, says the platform will be fully open.
"Crude oil futures may be able to trade in three months. It will be a fully open platform and all overseas investors and brokerage agencies can trade crude oil futures through our platform."Song made the remarks at Lujiazui Forum in Shanghai.
China is now the world's largest importer and consumer of crude oil.
Song says the launch of the crude oil futures can improve China's bargaining power in global crude oil trading.
"Through the Chinese crude oil market, Chinese investors will bring China's supply and demand information to the global market, and the global information to the Chinese market. In this way, the oil pricing can be called a global system."Song Anping notes that China is not pursuing a replacement of the current crude oil pricing system.
He also reveals policies have been worked out to clear way for overseas investors to invest in China's crude oil futures.
China's New Media Rapidly Developing, Wechat becomes Major PlatformAnchorAn annual report on New Media in China says China has entered its "flying development period" as rapid integration of traditional industries and online platforms is underway.
The report also points out that Wechat has become a major way of distributing information, but faces problems related to the spreading of rumours and other false information.
CRI's Liu Xiangwei reports.
ReporterAccording to the report, the internet is now a must for many Chinese people seeking information, communicating, shopping, and paying for various products and services.
Li Peilin, vice president of the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, says the service industry has used mobile networks widely since last year.
"China's new media development is embracing unprecedented opportunities. New media is increasingly becoming an integrated service platform for Chinese people especially young citizens in urban area. Different kinds of online services are springing up such as online shopping, e-payment, online taxi booking, online education and even online medical treatment.
Li Peilin adds that China's new media is faced with problems, including Internet information security, supervision over internet finance, as well as the spread of rumors online.
According to the report, China's micro blogging platform Sina Weibo is still the largest platform for spreading information, though more and more people are starting to communicate with the instant messaging service Wechat.
Tang Xujin, chief editor of the report, says information spreading via Wechat is increasing sharply.
Even though Weibo users' dropped 11.4 percent compared with the year before, active users ended up adding 48 million mobile client. Meanwhile, by the end of last year, Wechat had more than 600million users and the average reading of each user is 5.9 articles every day.
According to the report, nearly 60 percent of fake news items in 2014 originated on Sina Weibo, while rumors on WeChat, although only accounting for 7 percent, were more difficult to dispel because it is a closed system.
Compared with Weibo, where different stories often contradict each other, WeChat users are reluctant to point out rumors posted by their friends and families.
Tang Xujin says there are some common topics among the fake stories..
There is a subject report concentrating on wechat rumors. According to the report, the top seven topics for wechat rumors are food security, human security, disease, health regimes, fraud, finance and parenting techniques. Wechat rumors typically involve exaggeration of details, like figures. The writing seems to be reasonable and easy to believe while the information is highly uncertain. All the above makes people easily fooled."This year marks the sixth year for the CASS to release the "Annual Report on Development of New Media in China."For CRI, I'm Liu Xiangwei.
British Tourists Evacuated from TunisiaThe number of Britons confirmed to have died in an attack on a Tunisian beach hotel has risen to 15.
Junior Foreign Office Minister Tobias Ellwood says the death toll could rise further.
"Sadly, I can confirm that at least 15 British nationals were killed in yesterday's atrocity, but I should stress that the number may well rise, for several more have been seriously injured in this horrific attack."A total of 39 people were killed in the attack claimed by the Islamic State. German and Belgian tourists were also among the dead.
Ellwood said it was the "most significant" attack on British people since bombings on the London transport system on July 7, 2005. Meanwhile, British travel agencies are evacuating thousands of holiday-makers from Tunisia.
Leading holiday brands Thomson and First Choice said they had about 6,400 customers across Tunisia when the attack took place in the seaside resort of Sousse.  The tour operators have sent 10 planes to evacuate tourists and said 1,000 had already been repatriated. They would also cancel all their holiday packages to Tunisia for at least the next week.  Peter Long, from Thomson and First Choice's parent group, says the company was devastated by the incident.   "I am deeply, deeply shocked in terms of the events that we have seen over the last 20 hours in Tunisia and our whole organisation is reeling with pain to see the suffering that has taken place in Tunisia with our customers."   Tunisia is planning to close down 80 mosques that remained outside state control within a week.
It was the second big attack in Tunisia this year following the Islamist militant assault on the Bardo Museum in the capital in March, when left 22 dead.
Germany Confirms Victims in Tunisia AttackGerman foreign minister Frank-Walter Steinmeier has confirmed that one German citizen was killed and another wounded in the attack in Tunisia.
"We now have the sad certainty that, in the attack in Sousse, at least one German was killed and another German citizen was wounded. We have now been able to clear up many cases of missing people, but we cannot at this point entirely rule out a few more Germans being among the victims."The incident happened on Friday when a gunman opened fire on a crowd of tourists at a resort in Sousse.
Earlier reports said that among the 39 dead were tourists from Britain, Germany and Belgium.
People Pay Tribute to Attack Victim in FranceIn France, people are paying tribute after a man was beheaded at a factory near Lyon by a suspected Islamist employee.
Christiane Sadin, from the local council, says the attack shows the French people's respolve in the face of fear.
"We are in a democracy which is being touched in its very heart by people whose aim is to spread terror, and the reason for our presence, at least for all the members of the municipal council, is to show that life must go on, and we are here to fight for liberty, and we won't give in in the face of fear."The suspect has been named as Yassin Sahli.
Sahli beheaded his boss and left the body, daubed with Arabic writing, at the site of the gas plant in the town of Saint-Quentin-Fallavier, before trying to blow up the complex.
He later rammed his delivery van into a warehouse containing gas canisters, triggering an initial explosion, and was arrested as he tried to open canisters containing combustible chemicals.
Eurozone Finance Ministers Reject Greek Request for One-Month Bailout Extension as referendum loomsAnchor:
The Eurozone has rejected a Greek request for a one-month extension to its bailout on Saturday, plunging the country into further uncertainty and raising concerns about wider financial fallout when markets open on Monday.
The announcement comes after Greek Prime Minister, Alexis Tsipras, abandoned negotiations and called for a public referendum on the terms of a new deal.
Cri's Poornima Weerasekara reports.
Eurogroup finance ministers shut out their Greek counterpart from a meeting in Brussels on Saturday and issued a statement without him that accused Athens of breaking off negotiations with the EU unilaterally.
Greek Finance minister Yanis Varoufakis had earlier held out hopes of a last-ditch deal with creditors to prevent Greece from defaulting on its 1.6 billion euro loan repayment to the International Monetary Fund (IMF) that is due on June 30.
But then negotiators were blindsided by Greece's surprise move to call on a public referendum on June 5, after the Tuesday deadline to pay up.
The 11th-hour announcement of a referendum has derailed five months of intense talks.
Eurogroup President Jeroen Dijsselbloem, says now they were discussing a "Plan B" – on how to limit the damage of a default and deal with possible aftershocks.
"Well I've always said, and will say that the door is open. It was not the institutions that walked away from the talks last night, it was the representatives of the Greek government that walked away from those talks. It was not us who said the talks have come to an end in a negative way, it was the Greek government who have said that what is on the table now deserves a 'no'. That's all I can say. The process has not ended. It will never end probably. We will continue to work with Greece".
The Greek parliament is due to vote later on whether to ratify the referendum that allows Greek voters to decide on the terms of a new deal.
Ordinary Greeks,however, are now lining up outside banks, to withdraw their savings that could lead to a possible bank run.
Earlier, The European Central Bank (ECB) had given emergency liquidity funding to shore up the Greek banking system, but is now reluctant to throw another life-line.
But Greek Prime Minister Yanis Varoufakis blamed international lenders for making an 'inadequate proposal' that his government just couldn't accept.
"The refusal of the Eurogroup today to endorse our request for an extension of this agreement for a few days, a couple of weeks, so as to allow the Greek people to deliver their verdict on the institutions' proposal, especially given that there is a very high probability that Greeks will go against our recommendation and vote in favour of the institutions' proposal... That refusal will certainly damage the credibility of the Eurogroup as a democratic union of partner member states and I'm very much afraid that that damage will be permanent."Greek's brinkmanship has now pushed Europe's single currency into a stage of rupture for the first time in its 16-year life. If Greece exits the Euro, the financial fallout could send shockwaves across the global economy.
For CRI I'm Poornima Weerasekara.
Negotiators from Iran and the P5+1 group arrive in Vienna for talksNegotiators from Iran and the P5+1 group are arriving at Vienna for another round of talks as the June 30 deadline is looming.
The talks are the latest efforts in a bid to reach a long-term deal to end Tehran's disputed nuclear program.
Iran's Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif on Saturday stressed that the removal of all sanctions is a prerequisite for reaching a deal.
Meanwhile, France's foreign minister Laurent Fabius said on Saturday there were three conditions that Iran still needed to accept to ensure a "solid" agreement.
WeatherBeijing, overcast today with a high of 30 degrees Celsius; rainy tonight with a low of 23.
Shanghai will see heavy rain today with a high of 24 and a low of 22 degrees Celsius.
Chongqing will be cloudy with a high of 38, and tonight will have a low of 29 degrees Celsius.
Lhasa, cloudy in the day with a high of 25, tonight wet a low of 15 degrees Celsius.
Elsewhere in the world, staying here in Asia,Islamabad, sunny, 38.
Kabul will see slight rain, 29.
Over in North America,New York will see moderate rain with a high of 26 degrees Celsius.
Washington DC, slight rain, 27.
Honolulu, also slight rain, 28.
Toronto, also wet, with a high of 24.
In South America,Buenos Aires will be rainy with a high of 19.
And Rio de Janeiro will be cloudy, with a high of 23 degrees Celsius.
Headline news228 injured in Taiwan park fireAt least 228 people were injured after a fire occurred in a recreational park in New Taipei city, Taiwan, on Saturday.
The fire was suspected to have resulted from explosion of a large amount of an unknown flammable powder.
The injured, including 96 seriously hurt, have been rushed to dozens of hospitals in New Taipei city and nearby cities of Taipei and Taoyuan.
The fire broke out at the centre of the stage when up to one thousand people were having a color play party.
This is the worst incident of mass injury in the history of New Taipei city.
Deaths of British nationals in Friday's attack in Tunisia rise to 15: FCOThe British Foreign and Commonwealth Office has confirmed that at least 15 British nationals have been killed in Friday's attack in Tunisia.
Minister for the Middle East and North Africa Tobias Ellwood said the number may well rise as several more have been seriously injured in the attack.
The identities of the British victims have not been officially released so far.
Friday's deadly attack in Tunisia's sea resorts of Sousse has left 39 killed and 39 injured.
It is this year's second major terrorist attack in Tunisia following the March attack on the Bardo museum in Tunis that killed 23 people.
Torrential rains inundate cities in JiangsuDays of torrential rain has inundated the urban areas of Nanjing, capital city of east China's Jiangsu Province, with rainfalls surpassing the historical record for June.
The provincial government has initiated an emergency response to the continuous rainstorms hitting Nanjing for 24 hours.
The city of Changzhou is now in top level response mode as the water levels in the Beijing-Hangzhou Grand Canal passing through the city has topped historical high.
Meanwhile in Huzhou city, authorities have shut water gates to prevent water influx from neighboring Taihu lake.
Taihu Lake has no direct passage to the East China Sea. With flood water in nearby plains flowing into the lake, the water level has continued to rise.
Also on Saturday, the first flood peak of the Yangtze River passed through the city of Chongqing in southwest China without causing any trouble.
Chinese taxi-hailing app Didi-Kuaidi raising 2 bln USDChina's biggest taxi-hailing app Didi-Kuaidi is now raising a new round of 2 billion US dollars investment from ventures.
A group of investors including Alibaba, Tencent and Hill House Capital are now bidding to increase their shareholding in the taxi-hailing app.
Currently, Didi-Kuadi has received over 1.5 billion USD of investment.
Sci&TechIt's time for our weekly Science & Technology feature.
Chinese and US researchers developing accurate hydrographic printing for 3D objects.
China is developing laser radar to help cities combat smog.
And a Hong Kong-based company using fish embryos to detect toxins in cosmetics and food.
Let's catch up on all the latest with CRI's Wenjie.
Chinese, US researchers develop accurate hydrographic printing for 3D objectsChinese and U.S. researchers have jointly developed a new technique that can color the surface of manufactured 3D objects with a thin film.
Researchers from China's Zhejiang University and Columbia University in the U.S. call the new method "computational hydrographic printing."Using the hydrographic process, a PVA film with printed color patterns will be placed on top of a container of water, and sprayed with an activator chemical.
Then the object will be dipped onto the film which wraps the surface of it.
Zhou Kun is the lead researcher and director of the State Key Lab of CAD& CG at Zhejiang University.
"First, we print a surface color pattern with an inkjet printer and then use it to create a film for hydrographic printing. During the process, the film wraps the surface of a 3D object. That's how it shows our 3D design concept."A 3D vision system will measure the location and orientation of the object with respect to the film during the computational process.
The computational model can be used to predict color film distortion during hydrographic immersion and guide the object onto the film.
Researchers have also introduced a multi-immersion design to avoid severe film distortion and film tearing.
Zhou says the hydrographic printing is relatively inexpensive and can be applied to various materials including metal, plastic, wood, porcelain and rubber.
However, one of the biggest benefits of the new technique is that it can color the surface of 3D objects with the most precise alignment.
The research will be presented at the 42nd International Conference and Exhibition on Computer Graphics and Interactive Techniques in August in Los Angeles.
Laser radar to help cities combat smogChinese engineers are developing laser radar equipment to monitor air pollution.
The advanced equipment can be used to monitor airflow and particulate matter and other air pollutants such as PM2.5.
Leaders at Beijing Huahang Radio Measurement Institute have decided to utilize their radar expertise to help cities fight smog, one of their biggest concerns.
Song Yubin is a radar expert at the Institute.
He says the laser radar can conduct three-dimensional, omnidirectional scans from the surface to the planetary boundary layer, so it can monitor almost everything in the air that affects our health.
China's environmental authorities now mainly use gravimetric analysis or beta ray attenuation instruments to monitor PM2.5 concentration in the air.
The institute is developing a range of radar equipment called SkyLidar that is much smaller and uses less energy.
The devices can be easily mounted on cars, ships, aircraft and even satellites.
It's set to go on sale next year.
China eyes foreign cooperation for deep-sea studiesChina will work with foreign universities to research life in the deepest depths of the sea.
The Rainbowfish Hadal Life Science Research Center in Shanghai is developing a manned submersible that can dive up to 11-thousand meters under water.
The center's director Cui Weicheng, who also served as Jiaolong's deputy chief designer, explains why he's developed the new vehicle.
"The main reason why I developed the Rainbow Fish submersible is in order to fill the gap in the hadal science of our country. The Rainbow Fish will go much faster than the Jiaolong submersible in regards to the speed of rising and diving. The appearance of the new vehicle will also be very different."The center has signed agreements to establish a lab with the UK's University of Aberdeen and Hawaii Pacific University in the U.S.
Cui also stresses that international cooperation is important, because the oceans are so large and the deep-sea environment so complicated that no country can finish a large-scale research project on its own.
The Rainbow Fish vessel will be put into service next year, and be used to collect data and specimens under the world's 26 hadal trenches.
Food and cosmetics safety tested with fish embryosA Hong Kong-based company has developed an innovative way to test food and cosmetics.
Vitagent (International) Biotechnology Limited uses fish embryos to detect toxins in everything from cosmetics and skin care products to cooking oil and milk.
Dr Chen Xue-ping, Co-founder and Chief Technology Officer of the company, explains that the fish used have a DNA structure very similar to humans, meaning that they are susceptible to the same toxins and chemicals.
"Fish respond to toxicants in a similar way as all humans do, that has (been) well proven by scientific fields. So using the fish embryos, (it) is a small, tiny and transparent organism and also in a non-animal stage to do the testing will help us save time and predict or screen what kind of toxicants (are) in the food."In order to test if there are toxicants in the products, researchers place the extracted sample together with fish embryos and leave them for 24 hours.
The technique uses young transgenic zebrafish and medaka fish whose development is altered in specific ways by known toxins such as chemicals, heavy metals and estrogens.
Some of the fish embryos turn fluorescent in the presence of certain toxins, while others develop abnormalities and tumours.
Eric Chen, the founder of the company, claims that its tests can screen for more than 1,000 toxins at one time.
"Compared to the existing testing methods, the chemical analysis can only test five to ten toxics (meaning toxins) at one time, but we can test thousands within 24 hours so it is much faster and much more economical and comprehensive. And compared to the animal testing, this is classified as non-animal testing as well."Chen believes the testing process could speed up product safety checks and help companies identify disease-causing contaminants.
The new technology has won the Grand Prix at the International Exhibition of Inventions of Geneva this month, the world's largest invention exhibition.
Jaguar Land Rover advertise remote controlled carJaguar Land Rover has recently been showing off their latest app that allows the driver to control their car via a smartphone.
The online demonstration has already gone viral and has been met with high expectations across the globe.
When using the app, the car will only be able to travel at speeds of 6 miles per hour and the user must be constantly within 10 meters of the car to maintain connectivity.
The app is designed to be mainly used by the user out-of-car, when moving across rough terrain, parking in a tight spot or maneuvering their car through a narrow area.
The concept of remotely controlling a car seems interesting, but in order for the product to be popular and practical there are certain expectations it is going to have to meet.
Safety measures, strong connectivity, and easy to use controls are among expectations consumers will have for this device.
Jaguar Land Rover stated that they hope the app can hit the market as early as next year.
Samsung invests in virtual reality headsetSamsung has invested in the world's first ever eye-tracking virtual reality headset, by tech firm Fove.
The Fove headset allows users to play computer games, such as first person shooters, by only using their eyes. The firm reached its funding target back in May after a public demonstration but has said it will use the extra funding from Samsung to add extra functionality. It is now believed that Foves' total funding has exceeded 700,000 USD.
Sony have recently been promoting their virtual headsets and with the extra funding Fove has received, it would seem safe to say that virtual reality is going to be the near future for video game enthusiasts.
And that concludes this week's sci&tech report, I'm Wenjie, see you next week!
SportsWomen's World Cup PreviewIn football action from Women's World Cup in Canada,Japan beat Australia 1-nil in their quarter-final match earlier in the morning.
On the pitch now,England are playing hosts Canada for a place in the semi-final at the tournament.
England head coach Mark Sampson has this to say on what he hopes from officials in the match.
"It's a tough job being an official and when there's that pressure - home nation expectancy - it's very difficult remain calm and make the right call. The facts are in the group stages Canada have been awarded more fouls than their opponents in every game."England midfielder Karen Carney offered these thoughts on the support the team has got back in England.
"We're trying to inspire a nation back home and get participation rates back up and people enjoying the game. Not just young girls, not just fellow females, everyone really. Football is a sport for everyone and we want to embrace everyone in our nation back home."England are looking to make history as they had never got beyond the quarter-final stage at a Women's World Cup.
Chinese Super League RecapIn men's football action from the Chinese Super League.
Shanghai SIPG edged past Jiangsu Sainty 4-1 last night.
With the victory, Shanghai SIPG climb to top of the league standings with 32 points.
Elsewhere,Liaoning Whowin ended their three-game losing streak by beating Guizhou Renhe 2-1.
Both Derick Ogbu and Jin Taiyan scored for the team.
Six games are on deck tonight, which are kicking off right about now:
Third place Biejing Guo'an will play Chongqing Lifan.
Shanghai Shenxin will play city rivals Shanghai Shenhua.
Changchun Yatai wil play Shandong Luneng.
Tianjin Teda will play Henan Jianye.
Guangzhou R&F will play Hangzhou Greentown.
And league leaders Guangzhou Evergrande will be on the pitch against Shijiazhuang.
China's Song Andong Selected by New York Islanders in 6th Round of NHL DraftIn off-ice NHl news,China's Song Andong has been selected by the New York Islanders in the 6th round of 2015 NHL draft on Saturday, becoming the first ever Chinese player to be selected by the NHL in its nearly one hundred year history.
The 18-year-old once led the Beijing team to victory in the Bell Capital Cup in 2006.
He also helped Beijing win The Chinese National Hockey League Championship this year.
And he played as captain of team China in this year's Ice Hockey U18 World Championship.
Istomin Beats Querrey in Nottingham Open Final to Win First TournamentIn tennis action from the Nottingham Open,Denis Istomin of Uzbekistan beat American Sam Querrey in a straight sets 7-6, 7-6 victory to claim the title on Saturday.
This is the first ATP title for the 28-year-old.
In women's action from the Eastbourne Open,Swiss teenager Belinda Bencic beat Agnieszka Radwanska in the final of the Eastbourne grasscourt tournament to claim her first WTA title.
The 18-year-old Belinda becomes the youngest player to win since Caroline Wozniacki won in New Haven in 2008. She will begin her Wimbledon campaign against Bulgarian Tsvetana Pironkova.
World top tennis players are in England for the 2015 Wimbledon Open.
Rafael Nadal is down to number 10 in the seedings, but says he is feeling confident despite a string of injuries that have plagued his game over the last 12 months.
"Well, I feel good. I won a tournament on grass after five years, a good moment for me and a special one. I am practicing well this week. Let's see if I am able to compete well then later. So just happy to be here, you know. Healthy, that's the most important thing."On women's side,Having already won in Paris and Melbourne, Serena Williams is on course to win her third Grand Slam of the year.
The world number one offered these thoughts on the tournament.
"I think the fact that I lost so early the past couple years definitely makes me motivated. But I think that also gives me a little less pressure because I haven't done well here in the past two years. It makes me feel like, Okay, I'll be fine. I have nothing to lose here. I don't have many points to defend here. So it's just like trying to have fun, go through it.
Williams will have to play significantly better than she did last year if she is to become the first woman since Steffi Graff - and only the third of all time - to win all four major tournaments in a year. USA Defeat Winless Russia 3-1 in World League Pool BIn volleyball,The United States held off Russian 3-1 on Saturday in Pool B of the volleyball World League.
America now remain clear at the top of the group while winless Russia are well adrift in last place.
In other action,Belgium defeated Portugal 3-1.
France came from behind to beat Japan 3-2.
Brazil defeated Australia 3-nil.
In women's action from the FIVB Volleyball Grand Prix,Cuba defeated Algeria 3-nil in Pool N of the Grand Prix after trouncing Algeria 3-nil.
This was their second consecutive victory so far.
They crushed Australia 3-nil in their opener.
Asian champion Zhang Wenxiu wins first title after doping incidentAsian hammer throw champion Zhang Wenxiu claimed her first title since she was cleared of doping when the 29-year-old delivered a 71.91-meter throw at the National Athletics Championships.
Her winning throw was 77.91 meter, nearly six meters shy of her personal best of 77.33 meters.
The 29-year-old won her third consecutive Asian Games title last September in Incheon.
But she was stripped of the gold for failing a pre-competition drug test as her urine sample was found to contain the banned substances Zeranol by the Olympic Council of Asia (OCA).
Zhang then filed an appeal with the Court of Arbitration for Sport and successfully had OCA's decision overturned.
EntertainmentTaiwan's pop singer Jolin Tsai won best album at the Golden Melody AwardsCelebrities and musicians attended the ceremony for the 26th Golden Melody Awards- Taiwan's equivalent of the Grammy Awards -Saturday in Taipei.
Pop singer Jolin Tsai won the Best Album with her album "Play".
Jolin Tsai dominates the awards with 7 nominations from her album "Play".
But the pop-diva won't be going home with the Best Female Mandarin Singer as the award went to A-mei.
And it's the third time that the female singer won the award.
The Best Male Singer went to Eason Chan who had won the Best Male Singer and Best Album Awards in 2003, and again the Best Album Award in 2009.
The Hong Kong star performed a medley of hits from the '90s with an 18-member orchestra band during the ceremony.
The Golden Melody Award has been held for 26 years and is one of the most prestigious music award for Asian singers.
131 works compete in 26 categories at this years ceremony.
"Hollywood Adventures" Takes in 55 Mln yuan on Opening DayAction comedy "Hollywood Adventures" has made a grand opening with a taking of 55 million yuan, close to one million US dollars, at the Chinese box office.
Directed by Timothy Kendall, the film stars Zhao Wei, Huang Xiaoming and Tong Dawei.
The film follows the story of three Chinese tourists in Hollywood caught in a drug trafficking case because of a bag of rhinoceros horn powder.
Despite the big box office opening, the film has received mixed reviews with ratings of five out of ten on two major Chinese movie review sites.
A total of ten movies opened in Chinese mainland theatres on Friday, including Oscar-nominated "Begin Again" and Taiwan movie "Hear Me" which opened six years after its premiere.
Starring Mark Ruffalo, Keira Knightley and Adam Levine, "Begin Again" took only 800-thousand yuan at the box office.
The rom-com musical grossed 63-million US dollars globally.
Dinosaur blockbuster "Jurassic World" continues to draw big with an additional 22 million yuan added to its overall revenue.
"Jurassic World" has earned nearly 1.2 billion yuan in China alone, making it the seventh biggest film in Chinese box office history.
Mary J Blige, more perform at GlastonburyMary J Blige and Mark Ronson were some of the stars that took over the Pyramid stage at Glastonbury Music Festival in Britain.
Other stars included Boy George, The Libertines, Rudimental and James Bay.
Kanye West and Pharrell Williams are set to perform on the main stage on Saturday.
Other stars to open up the Pyramid stage for them will include Paloma Faith and George Ezra.
On Sunday, The Who and Lionel Richie are the big headliners.
Penn & Teller on doing a Broadway stint in JulyThe magician duo of Penn and Teller spoke about their upcoming Broadway run in New York.
The pair have played the great white way before, but have set up shop in Las Vegas for the past 14 years.
Penn Jillette talked about their performance.
"For the Broadway show, we went back the full 40 years we've been working together and kind of cherry-picked stuff we wanted to do. We wanted this to be the definitive Penn and Teller show."Jillette added that it means they had to make some adjustments.
While it sounds dangerous, Jillette said it's always safety first.
"Well, magic itself is difficult, you can never get rote doing tricks. The stuff we do has to 100% safe, and in order to make it 100% safe, we have to be careful. We have to do stuff right. We don't ever - I don't like the kind of magic that pretends there's real human danger. But in order to make sure there is no human danger we have to be very careful. And also we love doing the show, so we don't have to do any tricks to keep ourselves amused. Doing tricks for the audience is quite enough."Jillette feels there's no substitute for being careful.
Penn and Teller begin a six-week run at Broadway's Marquis Theater on July 7.
Documentary on Pink Floyd's Founding Member to Be Released This SummerA new documentary film centering on late Pink Floyd member Syd Barrett is to be released later this summer.
Barrett, who died in 2006, founded the rock band with bass guitarist Roger Waters, drummer Nick Mason and keyboardist Rick Wright in 1965.
However, Barrett stayed in the band for only three years.
Titled "Have You Got It?", the film was directed by Roddy Bogawa and included interviews with the surviving members of the band.
The film is set to explain the singer and guitarist's life and his short musical career.
This year also marks the 50th anniversary of the founding of Pink Floyd.
That’s it for this weekend edition of the Beijing Hour.
A recap of your headlines:
Several hundered people being reported injured in a recreational park fire in Taiwan....
On behalf of the Beijing Hour staffers, Spencer Musick in Beijing hoping you'll join us for our next edition of the Beijing Hour to open a window to the world together.  