公众人物毕业演讲 第138期:2012年Michael Lewis普林斯顿大学(2)(在线收听

   Sort of. I'm going to explain briefly, how that happened

  对吧 算是吧 我将简短的描述 我是如何飞黄腾达的
  I want you to understand just how mysterious careers can be before you go out and have one yourself
  我希望你们在走出校门追寻自己的事业前 能够明白事业发展本身是多么神秘
  So I graduated from Princeton without having published a word of anything, anywhere
  我从普林斯顿毕业的时候 从来没有在任何地方任何时间发表任何东西
  I didn't write for the Prince or for anyone else
  我没有为the Prince刊物 或任何人写过任何文章
  But at Princeton, studying art history
  然而在普林斯顿大学 作为艺术史系的学生
  I felt the first twinge of literary ambition
  It happened while working on my senior thesis
  My adviser was a really gifted man professor named William Childs
  我的导师是个超有天分的人 William Childs教授
  The thesis I wrote for him... I tried to explain how the Italian sculptor
  我毕业论文的题目是 研究意大利雕塑家Donatello
  Donatello used Greek and Roman sources that's actually totally beside the point but I've always wanted to tell someone
  如何借鉴了希腊和罗马资源 其实这跟今天的题目半毛钱关系都没有 只是我一直喜欢让别人知道
  God knows what Professor Childs actually thought of it but he helped me to become engrossed
  神知道Childs教授是怎么看待这个题目的 但他却帮助我全心投入
  Actually more than engrossed, totally obsessed
  不只是全心投入 根本就是痴迷
  When I handed it in I knew what I wanted to do for the rest of my life
  当我交上论文的那刻我知道了 我这一生想要从事的事业
  I want to write senior theses. Or, to put it differently, to write books
  写高级论文 或者说 写书
  Then I went to my thesis defense
  It was just a few yards from here, in McCormick Hall
  地方离这不远 就在McCormick厅
  I listened and waited for Professor Childs to say how well written my thesis was
  我等待着希望听到Childs教授告诉我 我的论文写得多么好
  He didn't. And so after about 45 minutes I finally said
  但他没有 于是等了45分钟后 我终于问
  So. What did you think of the writing?
  Put it this way, he said. Never try to make a living at it
  这么说吧 他说 千万不要靠这个谋生
  And I didn't, not really
  所以我放弃了 其实不是
  I did what everyone does who has no idea what to do with themselves
  I get out of the college and went to graduate school