英文摇滚歌曲:意大利后摇乐队Giardini di miro - Cold Perfection(在线收听

Giardini di miro是一个来自意大利的后摇乐队,也被誉为是意大利最优秀的纯音乐post-rock乐队。他们的名字翻译过来,意为“米罗的花园”,很有意境,主唱的嗓音也很好听。这首Cold Pefection选自07年的专辑Dividing Opinions。

Have you seen
the show beside us
today I guess they've heard
Trying to lose
We didn't follow
We didn't follow
the show beside us
Forget me singing
Forever and ever
Fall down
with senses crushed and dying
But not a sense of perfection or reflection
not a reflection
just cold perfection
