新闻纵贯线 The Beijing Hour updated 20:00 2015/07/07(在线收听

 The Beijing HourEvening EditionSpencer Musick you this Tuesday July 7th, 2015.

Welcome to the Beijing Hour, live from the Chinese capital...
Coming up on the program this evening...
China holding various activities to commemorate victory in the Chinese People's War of Resistance against Japanese Aggression.
China and Russia vowing to further advance cooperation during the two upcoming international summits later this week...
And Greece presenting controversial new bailout terms to the IMF...
Business.... Oil prices taking a nosedive today amid ongoing uncertainty on global markets...
In Sports.... Federer and Simon through at Wimbledon...
In Entertainment.... updates from the latest Chinese box office figures show Jurrasic World slumping as Chinese features shine...
Top70th Anniversary of Victory over Japan CommemoratedAnchor:
China is holding various activities to commemorate the 78th anniversary of the July 7 Incident and the 70th anniversary of the victory of the Chinese People's War of Resistance against Japanese Aggression.
CRI's Min Rui has more.
An exhibition entitled "Great Victories and Historic Contributions" was launched on Tuesday in Beijing.
Member of the Standing Committee of the Political Bureau of the CPC Central Committee Liu Yunshan says the exhibition will be a reminder of history.
"We should make good use of this exhibition for the general public to get nourishment from the hardships and glories of history."The exhibition tells the history of the Chinese people's fight against Japan's aggression in the 14 years from 1931 to 1945.
More than 1,100 pictures and over 2,800 war relics are displayed.
Deputy curator of Museum of the Chinese People's War of Resistance against Japanese Aggression Li Zongyuan says many of the exhibits are being shown for the first time.
"We added a great number of the historic photos about of battles led by the Communist Party of China, and conducted by the Northeast Anti-Japanese united forces, the Eighth Route Army, the New Fourth Army, and South China guerrilla column. So these historic photos, historical relics, and precious videos are entirely fresh and new to the audience."China-Japan relations have long been affected as Japan fails to atone for the atrocities committed during its occupation of parts of China.
To urge the Japanese government to face up to history, a number of organizations in Hong Kong marched on Tuesday.
Frankie Ngan, chairman of Young Democratic Alliance for Betterment of Hong Kong says Japan should take the responsibility of their aggression and halt its current alarming military expansion.
"People all over the world will never forget the history of Japan's aggression against China. We hope the Japanese government will shoulder such mistakes as the revival of Japanese militarism, especially the deletion and alteration of their history textbooks. They should let the history known to the Japanese residents, students and people all over the world."The Chinese People's War of Resistance against Japanese Aggression was an important part of the world's anti-fascist war.
Incomplete statistics show that more than 35 million Chinese soldiers and civilians lost their lives in the war.
For CRI, I'm Min Rui.
New evidence on Tokyo Trial ReleasedAnchor:
Today is the 78th anniversary of the July 7 Incident of 1937, which marks the beginning of China's War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression.
Evidence from the Tokyo Trial held by the International Military Tribunal for the Far East nearly 70 years ago has recently been published by Shanghai Jiaotong University.
As CRI's Sophie Williams reports, the collection once again serves as historical evidence of the atrocities committed by Japan during the Second World War.
The Tokyo Trial, running from 1946 to 1948, charged 28 Japanese military and political leaders with Class A war crimes.
However, mainly due to political reasons, China had almost no academic books focused on this period of history.
Meanwhile, for the past a few decades, many right-wing Japanese politicians and historians doubt the justice of the trial and thus distort the reality, and even try their best to reverse the verdicts, since they think the Tokyo Trial represents a blow to the country's national confidence.
Liu Tong, a professor of the Center for the Tokyo Trial Studies of Shanghai Jiaotong University, explains that relevant files on Tokyo Trial have been brought to light out of a sense of a historian's responsibility to uncover the truth in past events.
"Currently, the Japanese right-wing groups are making aggressive comments, while we've hardly done anything academically on the basic research of Tokyo Trial. Thus, bearing a historian's responsibility, we founded the Center for the Tokyo Trial Studies. After that, the first step is to carry out basic research, and specifically collect original documents."Liu adds that they have gone through a series of hardships, since many Japanese military officers have tried their best to destroy the relevant documents concerning their war crimes, thus those original files are difficult to come by.
The collection of the Tokyo Trial's evidence includes 50 volumes in Japanese and 3 volumes of indexes in Chinese.
The book is the second published by Shanghai Jiaotong University after its previous work 'The Proceedings of International Military Tribunal for the Far East' was published two years ago.
Liu Tong says that the two books complement each other.
"You couldn't try and sentence without any evidence. However, most of this evidence might not be listed in the trial records, or might have mentioned just a few words after being submitted. Thus, the 80-volume of trial records and the 50-volume evidence collection are both irreplaceable historical files for research into the Tokyo Trial. "The two books have both been regarded as precious basic files for researchers who are looking for dependable evidence of Japan's war crimes.
For CRI, this is Sophie Williams.
China, Russia set to further advance cooperationAnchor:
China and Russia have vowed to further advance cooperation during the two upcoming international summits in Russia's Ufa later this week.
CRI's Yu Yang reports.
Chinese President Xi Jinping is set to attend the 7th BRICS summit scheduled for Wednesday and Thursday and 15th meeting of the Council of Shanghai Cooperation Organization Heads of State for Thursday and Friday in Ufa, Russia.
President Xi and his Russian counterpart Vladimir Putin will discuss coordinating the two countries' plans to increase regional trade and infrastructure, bilateral cooperation within multilateral frameworks including the BRICS and SCO, and coordination and cooperation on global and regional issues.
Xie Ping, a Russian journalist working in China, says this will definitely enhance Sino-Russian relations in many important areas.
"There are gonna be a lot of documents to be signed staring from investment, economic cooperation to political field, everything. In the current Sino-Russian relations, what matters a lot is joining the two projects of the Economic Belt and Silk Road and the Rurasian Economic Union. As the leaders of our two countries have said, SCO would be the basis of integrating these two huge projects."Broadening the membership of the SCO is also one important topic to be discussed during the upcoming summit.
Leaders of the SCO will make a political decision on India and Pakistan's accession to the organization.
Xie Ping says India and Pakistan's admission to the SCO would play an important role in the SCO's development.
"The big thing would be broadening the membership of the organization. As we know, it is expected that on this upcoming SCO summit, India and Pakistan would join in the organization. And when we talk about India and Pakistan, we are talking about 1.5 billion people, two huge economies, two serious economies, two major players in the region."As for BRICS, Xie Ping says BRICS is working to find a basket of currencies to stabilize the world economy.
"The most important thing about BRICS right now is creating the alternative to the dollar-based global economy. We are trying to find the basket of currencies to serve the world economy. BRICS is going to sign some agreements on currency exchanges. What BRICS is trying to do right now is to try to stabilize the global economy and try to be less independent on one currency."Xie Ping adds that investment cooperation is playing an increasingly important role in Sino-Russian ties.
"Nowadays the economic cooperation between China and Russia is changing really quick. China is investing a lot in Russia. The latest and most famous project is building the high-speed railway back in Russia, which will make inter people exchanges faster and more convenient. When we talk about investment cooperation, what matters a lot actually is the mutual trust. To enhance that mutual trust, we are holding a lot of cultural projects."It's the third time that President Xi will attend the BRICS summit.
During his stay there, President Xi Jinping will have a bilateral meeting with President Putin.
It's the second meeting between the two heads of state this year and the fifth over the past two years.
For CRI, I'm Yu Yang.
Q&A following Russian reportFor more on this, CRI's Tu Yun earlier spoke with Jia Xiudong, Senior Research Fellow at the China Institute of International Studies.
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Jia Xiudong, Senior Research Fellow from China Institute of International Studies speaking with CRI's Tu Yun.
Summit Host City Ready for Global DebutAnchor:
The Shanghai Cooperation Organization Summit and the BRICS Summit will take place in Russia later this week, as the host city of Ufa is ready for its global debut.
CRI's Tu Yun reports.
Starting Wednesday, Ufa, the capital of the Russian Republic of Bashkir, will receive top leaders from across the world, including Chinese President Xi Jinping.
Located southwest of the Ural Mountain Range, Ufa is one of Russia's industrial centers and a key transportation hub.
This is the first time for the city to host two major international events back to back.
Rustem Zakievich Khamitov, President of Bashkir, is looking forward to the opening of the summits.
"Preparations began three years ago after President Vladimir Putin designated Ufa as the host city. Today's Ufa is a beautiful, modern city and it will become much better in the future. Hosting the events brings both honor and responsibility. The city will be the focus of the world in coming days."Khamitov says cooperation with China is a priority in Bashkir's foreign policies and that China's experience in dealing with development problems is helpful for his state.
"Bashkir sees cooperation with China an opportunity for its development. We have established a cooperation project with Chinese regions in the middle and upper reaches of Yangtze River, while collaboration with Jiangxi and Sichuan provinces and Chongqing municipality has seen great progress. We will also encourage our enterprise to set up more cooperation in China's agriculture, construction, tourism and retail sectors."During the summits, a total of 10,000 people are expected to swarm into the city that has a population of one million.
Security checkpoints have already been set up on roads leading to the summit venue.
Some 400 residents, most of them college students, will be working as volunteers.
In the following days, the city will witness the signing of important deals and agreements, and local residents hope their city can become famous internationally through hosting the summits.
For CRI, I'm Tu Yun.
Beijing Reiterates Opposition to Arbitration over S. China SeaBeijing has reiterated its opposition to the arbitration case brought up by the Philippines against China in the South China Sea dispute.
Foreign Ministry spokesperson Hua Chunying says China opposes any actions by the Philippines to bring up and push forward the arbitration process.
"China has said many times it would not accept and would not engage into the arbitration case that was unilaterally brought up by the Philippines who violates the consensus that has been repeatedly reached with China and violates the promise made in the Declaration on the Code of Conduct on the South China Sea."Earlier, Chinese ambassador to Manila Zhao Jianhua urged the resumption of a bilateral negotiation over the dispute.
Zhao also denounced criticisms that China is militarizing the waters.
The Philippines filed the arbitration case to a UN tribunal in the Hague in early 2013.
Greece to present new bailout proposals at crucial EU summitAnchor:
Greek Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras is expected to present new proposals at a Eurozone emergency summit later today on his country's growing debt crisis.
The plan is said to include a demand for Greece's debt to be cut by up to 30%, after voters rejected the terms of an international bailout on Sunday.
CRI's Poornima Weerasekara reports.
Eurozone finance ministers will be faced with a real dilemma when they meet in Brussels later on Tuesday. They will be pondering whether to soften their demands on tough austerity measures after the resounding NO vote from the Greek public earlier this week.
Emboldened by the results of Sunday's referendum, Greek Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras and his new finance minister Euclid Tsakalotos are expected to negotiate hard.
But observers say the new set of proposals from Athens may attempt to strike a more conciliatory note with creditors as Greek banks face collapse.
All eyes are now on a separate European leaders' meeting that would decide on Greece's future in the European Union and whether it would be allowed to use the euro currency.
The European Commission is trying to play down the No vote, with its President Jean-Claude Juncker saying that it is nothing more than a "signal" because the poll was "neither legally nor factually correct".
"The European Commission, anyway, with all respect to what the Greeks have expressed (no vote), want to know what this vote means. This isn't a 'no' against Europe, one tells me. This isn't a 'no' against the euro, one tells me. It can't be a 'no' to the proposals from the institution as they're no longer on the table. So I would like a vote explanation from the Greek prime minister. It's abundantly clear that the ball is in the court of the Greek government. Today in Brussels, the Greek government must declare how it thinks to move forward in this confused situation."Greece now risks defaulting on its 323 billion Euro debt owed to European lenders.
They already missed a 1.6 billion Euro loan repayment to the International Monetary Fund that was due on June 30.
The European Central Bank (ECB) is now demanding more security for existing emergency loans and has refused to lend any more money.
Greek banks may run dry in just two days without an extension of the bailout from Europe.
Banks in Greece have been closed for over a week now and are expected to remain closed until Wednesday.
One Greek pensioner says the situation has now become unbearable"Since those abroad decided to shut down the stream of money, banks have gone bankrupt. The entire Greece has also gone bankrupt. This guy from the ECB, (Mario) Draghi, must reopen the stream of money but, for this to happen, we must implement our programs, the bailout proposal."Global markets are anxiously waiting for the outcome of Tuesday's summit. But European leaders seem to be split. One group led by France is willing to give Greece more space to maneuver. Another group led by Germany insists on further spending cuts.
The outcome of this crucial meeting will not only determine the future of Greece but also set the tone for how Europe deals with other struggling Eurozone members like Spain and Portugal.
For CRI I'm Poornima Weerasekara.
Ministers arrive as talks on Iran deal continueChinese foreign minister Wang Yi and his Russian counterpart Sergey Lavrov have arrived in Vienna as talks continue on Iran's nuclear program.
Other foreign ministers from the P5+1 group and Iran are hoping to reach a deal on Tuesday, setting a decade of restrictions on the program and granting Iran relief from international sanctions.
But all sides say the differences remain.
Diplomats had sought agreement by June 30th, after missing previous deadlines in last July and last November.
Britain Marks Anniversary of London AttackBritish Prime Minister David Cameron has led sombre tributes on Tuesday as Britain commemorates the 10th anniversary of the July 7th bombings in London.
Cameron says it is a time to reflect on the incident.
"It's a day when we recall the incredible resolve and resolution of Londoners and the United Kingdom. A day when we remember the threat that we still face. But above all it's a day when we think about the grace and the dignity of the victims' families."The suicide bombings a decade ago was the first of the kind attack by Islamist militants in western Europe.
In the early hours of July 7, 2005, four young British Muslims travelled to London where they detonated home-made bombs hidden in rucksacks on three underground trains and a bus during the morning rush-hour.
Inspired by al Qaeda, they killed themselves and 52 other people and wounded around 700 others.
Citizens from Poland, Israel, Australia, France, Italy, Afghanistan, Nigeria, New Zealand and a Vietnamese-American were among the victims.
Financial Innovation Boosts Development in QianhaiAnchor:
Amid China's shift towards financial innovation, the Qianhai Area in the southern city of Shenzhen has become a magnet for businesses, offering convenient cross-border RMB loans.
CRI's Luo Wen reports.
Established five years ago, the Qianhai Shenzhen-Hong Kong Modern Service Industrial Cooperation Area has developed into a strategic platform for China's new round of reforms that gives high priority to financial innovation.
Boasting a unique geographic advantage, it also plays a key role in promoting cooperation between the mainland and Hong Kong.
As of this May, about 30,000 enterprises have been registered in the area. More than half of them provide financial services.
He Longde with the management of Qianhai Area points out that preferential policies and convenient cross-border RMB loans have made the place a magnet for businesses both from the mainland, and abroad.
"Hong Kong is currently the largest off-shore RMB center. Companies registered in Qianhai can lend RMB directly from Hong Kong-based banks. It indeed sets up a channel for the free flow of RMB, which can help increase willingness among overseas investors to hold more yuan assets."Huang Meizhi with China's leading logistics company, Shunfeng Express, acknowledges that the low financing costs here are attractive.
"Here, we can enjoy broader financing channels and low interest rate of cross-border RMB loans. So far, we have gained about 100 million yuan in credits from five banks."Qianhai is the first place on the Chinese mainland to provide cross-border yuan lending.
Over the past three years, cross-border RMB loans in the area have amounted to over 100 billion yuan.
Meanwhile, overseas banks including HSBC and Hang Seng have set up branches here.
In the latest step in its innovation effort, the area's regulator is trying to issue RMB bonds abroad.
Wang Jinxia, spokesperson for the Qianhai Area administration.
"This year, two firms registered in Qianhai Area have been approved to issue 3 billion yuan and one billion yuan of bonds in Hong Kong, which have been popular with local investors. Foreign companies or their subordinates registered in Qianhai are allowed to transfer their money raised through selling bonds on the mainland abroad."At present, besides traditional financial businesses, companies providing innovative internet finance services and micro loans are emerging in the area.
The area's management says it aims to build Qianhai into a financial hub and portal of the 21st-century Maritime Silk Road.
For CRI, I'm Luo Wen.
Pishan Earthquake Most Destructive to Hit Xinjiang in DecadeLocal authorities have started reconstruction work following the 6.5-magnitude earthquake in Pishan County in China's Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region.
Meanwhile, efforts to prevent an epidemic outbreak have become a top priority.
Local officials say the high temperature has made hygiene and epidemic prevention work highly challenging.
More than 100 medical workers have been sent for the disinfection work at 15 temporary settlements.
The Xinjiang government has earmarked a 20 million yuan disaster relief fund to the earthquake-affected areas.
The earthquake has left three dead and 214 injured as of now.
It has also damaged some 48-thousand six hundred fifty five houses and affected about 225-thousand seven hundred ninety residents.
WeatherBeijing is cloudy tonight with a low of 22 degrees Celsius; tomorrow cloudy with a high of 34.
Shanghai, light rain tonight with a low of 20, tomorrow light rain to overcast with a high of 25.
Chongqing, clear tonight with a low of 21, sunny tomorrow with a high of 34.
Lhasa has moderate rain tonight with a low of 11, tomorrow light rain with a high of 19.
Elsewhere in Asia,Islamabad, rainy tomorrow, 35.
Kabul, cloudy, 34.
Down in the Southern Hemisphere.
Sydney, light rain with a high of 15.
Brisbane, cloudy with a high of 18.
Perth, cloudy, 14.
And finally Auckland, New Zealand will have light rain with a high of 10 degrees Celsius.
Headline NewsCommemorations for the 70th anniversary of the WWII victory kicked off in BeijingChina has formally kicked off its commemorations for the 70th anniversary of the WWII victory on Tuesday with the unveiling of a new exhibition.
Tuesday is also the 78th anniversary of the July 7 Incident, which is commonly considered as the start of the War of Resistance against Japanese Aggression.
The new exhibition, called "Great Victory, Historical Contribution", is located at a war museum next to the Marco Polo Bridge in Beijing, the place of the outbreak of the July 7 Incident.
Chinese President to attend 7th BRICS summitChina's Foreign Ministry has revealed more details concerning Chinese President Xi Jinping's visit to Russia this week for two international summits.
The seventh BRICS summit is scheduled for Wednesday and Thursday and the 15th meeting of the Council of Shanghai Cooperation Organization Heads of State for Thursday and Friday in Ufa, Russia.
It's the third time that President Xi has attended the BRICS summit.
At the SCO summit, a decision on starting the procedures for India and Pakistan to join the organization is scheduled to be adopted.
Chinese Armed Police Carries out Overseas ExerciseChinese armed police forces have conducted their first joint exercise abroad in Sri Lanka.
The operation is regarded as the second phase of Exercise Silk Road Cooperation 2015.
Soldiers from both the Chinese armed police force and the Sri Lankan army took part in the drill.
The drill includes VIP protection, indoor shooting, search in forests and cable-assisted landing.
The first phase of the joint exercise was held in China this March.
China completes the first high-speed train for exporting to MacedoniaChina has completed the manufacturing of its first high-speed train for export to Macedonia on Tuesday.
The high-speed train has been independently researched and developed by engineers in Hunan province.
It is designed with for speed of 160 kilometers per hour, and equipped with the energy absorbing system against possible collision to ensure the security of passengers.
The train will be reportedly delivered to Macedonia soon and used in the country's busiest railway line.
Biz ReportsStocksAnchor:
Turning now to business news.
First a look at the numbers from across the Asian markets to close out this Tuesday evening.
Joining me on the desk is CRI's Luo Bin.
Thank you SpencerChinese stocks took another tumble as traders cut margin trading by a new record.
Latest data shows traders cut a record of about 93 billion yuan or some 15 billion U.S. dollars worth of shareholdings purchased with margin debt on the Shanghai exchange on Monday.
Analysts say the plunge may be understated, considering an increasing number of trading suspensions.
Data compiled by Bloomberg shows almost two hundred companies halted trading after the close on Monday.
The suspensions have locked up 1.4 trillion U.S. dollars worth of equity, or 21 percent of China's stock market value.
About 1,600 stocks dipped to a daily halt on Tuesday, led by real estate, aerospace and non-ferrous metals sectors.
At close,The benchmark Shanghai Composite Index lost 1.3 percent.
The Shenzhen Component Index tumbled 5.8 percent.
In Hong Kong, the benchmark Hang Seng Index finished one percent lower.
Elsewhere in Asia,Japanese stocks rebounded firmly following steep declines the previous day.
However, gains were limited amid a sense of unease over Greece's ongoing debt crisis.
The benchmark Nikkei climbed 1.3 percent.
South Korea's Kospi slipped 0.6 percent.
Singapore's benchmark Straits Times Index edged up 0.2 percent.
Finally, Australia's ASX 200 rose nearly two percent.
Back to you Spencer.
China sets trading limit on stock index futuresA daily trading limit for the CSI 500 index will be effective from Tuesday, the latest action by China's financial regulators to prevent more losses.
China Financial Futures Exchange said Monday night that it would limit investors' daily purchases of CSI 500 index futures to 1,200 lots for rise and fall.
Officials at the exchange added that efforts to investigate illegal market activities are to be stepped up.
Chinese stocks showed signs of stabilization on Monday.
The benchmark Shanghai Composite Index advanced 2.4 percent on the day.
Oil Prices Plunge amid Greek WorriesAnchor:
Oil prices suffered their biggest selloff in five months on Monday, falling as much as 8 percent, as Greece rejected debt bailout terms.
Adding to the pressure on oil, Iran and global powers were trying to meet a July 7 deadline on a nuclear deal, which could bring more supply to the market if sanctions on Tehran are eased.
A slump that began last week gathered pace through the session, taking four-day losses to more than 10 percent.
August crude fell 7.7 percent to about 53 U.S. dollars a barrel as oil futures fell to their lowest settlement in almost three months.
For more on the oil prices, CRI's Zhao Yang earlier spoke with Liu Baocheng, Professor at University of International Business and Economics.
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That was Liu Baocheng, Professor at University of International Business and Economics, speaking with CRI's Zhao Yang.
China Cuts Retail Prices of Gasoline and DieselChina's top economic regulator has announced a new round of fuel prices adjustment.
From Wednesday, the retail price of gasoline will be cut by 95 yuan or 15 U.S. dollars per ton.
While the retail price of diesel will be lowered by 90 yuan or 14 U.S. dollars per ton.
Under current mechanism, retail prices of gasoline and diesel will be adjusted every 10 working days except when the adjustment is less than 50 yuan per ton.
Central bank injects 50 bln into marketChina's central bank has injected 50 billion yuan or 8.2 billion U.S. dollars into the money market through open market operations.
This is the fourth consecutive cash injection through the central bank's regular reverse repurchase agreement (repo) on Tuesdays and Thursdays since June 25.
The yield for the latest seven-day reverse repo stood at 2.5 percent.
The latest cash injection will offset another 50 billion yuan of reverse repo agreements due on Tuesday.
This means net cash injection on Tuesday is zero.
Meanwhile, another 35 billion yuan of reverse repo agreements are due on Thursday.
The central bank has resorted to reverse repo operations and medium-term lending facilities (MLF) to inject liquidity to the market since June.
China sees more exports, investment along Belt and RoadOfficial data shows China's exports and investment along the Belt and Road increased steadily in the first five months of this year.
Exports to the Belt and Road nations rose two percent year on year to 244 billion U.S. dollars in the period.
That growth outpaced China's overall export increase of 0.8 percent in the same period.
However, imports from the Belt and Road nations dropped 23.2 percent.
The drop brought China's total bilateral trade with those countries down 9.5 percent year on year to about 398 billion U.S. dollars.
Meanwhile, Chinese enterprises invested more than 4.8 billion U.S. dollars in 48 nations and regions along the Belt and Road, up 3.7 percent year on year.
The Belt and Road network passes through more than 60 countries and regions, with a total population of 4.4 billion.
Those areas accounted for more than a quarter of China's total exports and about a fifth of its outbound direct investment in the first five months of this year.
China, South Africa agree to yuan clearing arrangementChina's central bank has signed a cooperation agreement with the South African central bank to establish a yuan clearing business in the country.
So far no further details have been released.
The move aims to facilitate trade and investment between companies and financial institutions of both sides using the Chinese currency.
This is the first yuan clearing arrangement in Africa.
Yuan clearing abroad has become an important way to promote the currency's globalization.
SportsFederer and Simon through, but Djokovic and Anderson will have to waitIn tennis action from Wimbledon,Roger Federer and Gilles Simon booked their places in the last eight at Wimbledon on Monday, but Novak Djokovic and Kevin Anderson will have to wait until later on today to conclude their match.
It was six years ago in Australia when Gilles Simon reached the last eight of a grand slam tournament for the first time.
Simon says his performance is beyond what he expected.
"Really good. This is not what I expected. The last match was going the other way and I had a good feeling, I mean from the start. I felt he was struggling also to put his game in place, and I was really good on keeping him in this grey area. I felt he didn't know what to do anymore on the court and for me, it was really clear. So, I was just so happy that it lasted all the match."Now the 30 year-old Frenchman will be playing in the Wimbledon quarter-finals after the number 12 seed beat the 2010 runner-up Tomas Berdych 6-3, 6-3, 6-2 in the fourth round on Monday, known as 'Manic Monday'.
Simon's opponent for a place in the semis will be Roger Federer.
The seven-time Wimbledon champion cruised past 20th-seeded Roberta Bautista Agut of Spain 6-2, 6-2, 6-3, putting him in the last eight at Wimbledon for the 13th time.
Federer, who lost in last year's final to Novak Djokovic, needs one more Wimbledon title to break the record he holds with Pete Sampras and nineteenth-century player Willie Renshaw.
In stark contrast, defending champion and top seed Novak Djokovic had to dig deep in his match with South Africa's Kevin Anderson.
Anderson, seeded 14 this year, took a two-set lead after taking two tiebreaks by the same score, 8 points to 6.
Djokovic staged a recovery though, speeding through the third set 6-1 before breaking the Anderson serve in the third game of the fourth and closing out to level the match at two sets all.
By this point the match was suspended because of the fading light.
Djokovic and Anderson will come back on Tuesday to conclude their match.
In other action,Andy Murray beat Ivo Karlovic 7-6, 6-4, 5-7, 6-4,Vasek Pospisil took out Viktor Troicki 4-6, 6-7, 6-4, 6-3, 6-3,Richard Gasquet downed Nick Kyrgios in four sets.
And Stan Wawrinka and Marin Cilic both made it through.
Some results of the women's side,Chinese player Zheng Jie's Wimbledon journey came to an end as she and her Finnish partner Henri Kontinen were knocked out of action in mixed doubles.
The pair was defeated 6-4, 6-2 in the second round.
Serena Williams beat her sister Venus 6-4, 6-3 to reach the quarter-finals to take on Victoria Azarenka.
Maria Sharapova and Timea Bacsinszky both made it through.
But Caroline Wozniacki was stopped in the fourth round by Garbine Muguruza.
Major crash on third stage of Tour de France, won by Rodriguez, Froome takes yellow jerseyIn cycling,A big crash marred stage three of the Tour de France on Monday, which was won by 36-year-old Spaniard Joacquim Rodriguez.
Chris Froome was second, as the 2013 champion took the race leaders yellow jersey.
The 99-mile stage was interrupted by a big crash with just under 37 miles to go when William Bonnet came off his bike.
The FDJ rider abandoned the race, as did three other cyclists as a result.
Minnesota Twins beat Baltimore Orioles 4-2In baseball,Brian Dozier's two-run homer with one out in the 10th lifted the Minnesota Twins to a 4-2 victory over the Baltimore Orioles.
After the 4-2 defeat by Minnesota, Baltimore's star Chinese pitcher, Chen Wei Yin of Taiwan, says he was not very confident in the first few innings.
"In the first couple of innings I think I was over thinking it, so I couldn't like quite concentrate on my pitching. So I was kind of lacking in confidence out there. That's why I think what happened in the first few innings."The Orioles struck first when Manny Machado drove Phil Hughes' second pitch of the game into the seats in right-center for his fourth leadoff home run of the season and 18th overall.
Torii Hunter answered with a 411-foot blast off Chen in the bottom of the first to tie the score.
With two men aboard, Chen induced Trevor Plouffe to hit into a 6-4-3 inning-ending double play in the third.
Chen threw out Danny Santana on a bunt back to the mound on his way to a scoreless frame in the fifth inning.
In other action,St. Louis Cardinals thrashed Chicago 6-0 for their third straight win,Cincinnati Reds beat Washington Nationals 3-2,And the New York Mets blanked San Francisco Giants 3-0,Ghana Black Stars captain Asamoah Gyan to sign with Shanghai SIPGSome off-pitch football news from here in China,Ghana Black Stars captain Asamoah Gyan is expected to finalize a deal this week with Chinese top-flight soccer side Shanghai SIPG.
Gyan is reportedly set to agree to terms and pen the deal on Wednesday.
It's said the transfer will give Gyan weekly earnings of 250,000 U.S. dollars.
The reports indicated that the Shanghai-based club wants to strengthen its team, especially as city rivals the Greenland have acquired former Chelsea forward Demba Ba and former Everton midfielder Tim Cahill.
Gyan has bagged 95 goals in 83 league matches in his four seasons for Al Ain in the United Arab Emirates.
Hungary's parliament supports Budapest's Olympic bidHungary's parliament has voted to support Budapest's forthcoming bid to host the 2024 Olympic Games and Paralympic Games.
The vote was 151 in favor, 33 opposed and 4 abstentions.
It included "yes" votes by the government, the far right, and independents, and "no" by the socialists and greens.
Parliament resolved that it would support the move of the Budapest Municipal Assembly, the Hungarian Olympic Committee and the Hungarian Paralympic Committee, which is to bid to host the 2024 games.
At the same time, parliament called on the Budapest municipal government, the HOC, and the cabinet to include as many venues outside Budapest as possible to put a strong focus on environmental concerns.
Hungary is a founding member of the International Olympics Committee, and has never hosted an Olympics.
So far, Boston, Hamburg, Paris, and Rome have indicated that they intend to bid for the 2024 Games.
EntertainmentChina Box Office: 'Monk Comes Down The Mountain' Leads WeekendChen Kaige's "Monk Comes Down The Mountain" took top spot at the Chinese box office, knocking "Jurassic World" from the perch it enjoyed for two weeks.
Chen's conventional, but light, martial arts action drama earned a solid 38.2 million US dollars in four days from 5.83 million admissions.
The waning competition from Hollywood saw "Jurassic World" lose 50 percent and slide to third place as it scored 19.6 million US dollars in its third full week of release. After 26 days it has taken 226 million US dollars.
Chinese-financed action comedy "Hollywood Adventures" shed only 29 percent in its second week and climbed one place to second spot with 19.8 million US dollars.
"SPL2: A Time For Consequences," the Hong Kong made action franchise picture in its third week on release managed 12.5million US dollars.
"Nostalgic" Animation Mr. Black Comes Back This SummerThe upcoming film Mr. Black: Green Star, which is adapted from the China's popular animated TV shows "Black Cat Detective" will come out in August.
It tells a series of stories about a smart, brave and handsome black cat detective who leads his fellow officers who protects animals that lives in the forest against criminals and mischief-makers.
The original TV cartoon series "Black Cat Detective" has accompanied for those Chinese who born after 1970s, 80s and 90s through their childhood.
The character Black Cat Detective will still be the same as 30 years ago, wearing a policeman uniform with a gun at the side and riding his old motorcycle.
The film's production company also abandoned the use of the popular 3D effect; instead, it has adopted the original watercolor characters, claiming it doesn't want to ruin some audiences' childhood memory.
Prince Charming is getting his own live-action Disney movieWith the fairytale business continuing to boom in Hollywood, Disney has revealed plans to continue the run with a new live-action feature focusing on none other than Prince Charming himself.
The studio has acquired the spec "Prince Charming," a live-action comedy revolving around the iconic character.
Matt Fogel penned the script and while plot details are vague, sources say the point of view isn't that of the prince himself but of his brother who never lived up to the family name.
There's no word yet on a possible director for Prince Charming nor when it may be headed to theaters.
The Prince Charming movie joins a number of live-action Disney fairy tale films heading to the big screen.
Jon Favreau's The Jungle Book hits theaters April 15, 2016 with the aforementioned Beauty and the Beast following on March 17, 2017.
Legendary Producer Jerry Weintraub Dies at 77Hollywood producer and manager Jerry Weintraub, the driving force behind such films as Karate Kid, Nashville and Ocean's Eleven, has died in California aged 77.
Weintraub, the former chairman and CEO of United Artists, who also promoted concerts for Elvis Presley and John Denver, died on Monday in Santa Barbara of cardiac arrest, his publicist confirmed.
The Brooklyn-born son of a gem trader, Weintraub rose from the mailroom of the William Morris talent agency to become a top concert promoter before shifting into a second career as a Hollywood producer.
Building a show business empire on a Rolodex and chutzpah, Weintraub worked with the famous stars of every era — from Frank Sinatra and Bob Dylan to George Clooney and Brad Pitt.
One of Weintraub's most recent successes was the 2013 Liberace drama "Behind the Candelabra," starring Michael Douglas as the pianist and Matt Damon as his youthful lover. After the studios passed, he took it to HBO, where it won 11 Emmys.
Cosby Admits Getting Sedatives To Drug WomenComedian Bill Cosby has admitted to obtaining sedatives with the intent of giving them to women he wanted to have sex with in 2005.
The US star made the admission in a civil law suit and documents from that case have only just been made public.
Some of the proceedings in the case were unsealed for the first time Monday.
Documents containing excerpts of the deposition, appear to support one element of the repeated allegations of sexual assault lodged against Cosby, some of which date to the late 1960s.
More than 40 women have come forward in the past year to claim that Cosby sexually assaulted them - some also believing they were drugged.
In his deposition, Cosby admitted giving it to at least one woman but claimed he had only given Ms Costand the allergy medicine Benadryl.
WeatherBeijing is cloudy tonight with a low of 22 degrees Celsius; tomorrow cloudy with a high of 34.
Shanghai, light rain tonight with a low of 20, tomorrow light rain to overcast with a high of 25.
Chongqing, clear tonight with a low of 21, sunny tomorrow with a high of 34.
Lhasa has moderate rain tonight with a low of 11, tomorrow light rain with a high of 19.
Elsewhere in Asia,Islamabad, rainy tomorrow, 35.
Kabul, cloudy, 34.
Down in the Southern Hemisphere.
Sydney, light rain with a high of 15.
Brisbane, cloudy with a high of 18.
Perth, cloudy, 14.
And finally Auckland, New Zealand will have light rain with a high of 10 degrees Celsius.
That’s it for this edition of the Beijing Hour...
A quick look at the headlines before we go...
China holding various activities to commemorate victory in the Chinese People's War of Resistance against Japanese Aggression.
China and Russia vowing to further advance cooperation during the two upcoming international summits later this week...
And Greece presenting controversial new bailout terms to the IMF...