新闻纵贯线 The Beijing Hour updated 20:00 2015/07/12(在线收听

 The Beijing HourEvening EditionIt's Sophie Williams with you here on this Sunday July 12th, 2015.

Welcome to the Beijing Hour, coming to you live from the Chinese capital.
Coming up on the program this evening...
Vice president of China's top court being probed for graft....
China's police finding clues of illegal stock trading.....
European Council President cancelling a European Union summit scheduled for Sunday....
In the 2nd half of the hour, we'll bring you our roundup of the biggest headlines this week in science and technology.....
In Sports.... Serena Williams grabbing her sixth Wimbledon title...
And in Entertainment....Artists Promoting Chinese Culture at Henley Festival in the UK....
All of that coming up in the next hour, but first, just a reminder there are several ways to reach out to us here on the Beijing Hour.
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Top NewsVice president of China's top court probed for graftA vice president of China's top court has been put under probe for "serious violations of discipline and laws".
The statement by the country's top anti-corruption body does not provide details of Xi Xiaoming's violations, who joined the Supreme People's Court in 1982.
The CPC Central Commission for Discipline Inspection made the announcement on its official website on Sunday.
China police find clues of illegal stock tradingChina's ministry of public security says it has found clues of trading manipulations by certain trade firms in the stock market.
A team from the ministry visited the head office of the China Securities Regulatory Commission on Thursday morning to investigate what it called "malicious short-selling of stocks and stock indices".
Short selling is believed to be part of the reason for the stock market nosedive over the past few weeks.
The team arrived in Shanghai on Friday to search for further clues on such illegal practices.
The investigation led by the Vice Minister of Public Security Meng Qingfeng is still ongoing.
Deported illegal Chinese immigrants planned joining jihad: policeChina's Ministry of Public Security has confirmed that the 109 illegal immigrants, who were repatriated from Thailand to China on Thursday, had been on their way to Turkey, Syria or Iraq to join jihad.
Of the 109 illegal immigrants, 13 had fled China after being implicated in terrorist activities and another two had escaped detention.
According to their accounts, many had been radicalized by materials released by the so-called "World Uygur Congress" and the so-called "East Turkestan Islamic Movement (ETIM)."Several recruitment gangs were uncovered in Turkey by a Chinese police investigation, which also discovered that Turkish diplomats in some Southeast Asian countries had facilitated the illegal movement of these terrorists.
The ministry said a large number of radicalized Chinese and the heads of organized gangs, also known as snakeheads, have been deported from Southeast Asia this year.
SCO summit reviewAnchor:
The 15th summit of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization has wrapped up in the Russian city of Ufa.
A host of documents adopted at the summit draw a blueprint for the bloc's development over the next decade.
As CRI's Luo Bin reports, analysts say these will lift cooperation within the SCO to new levels.
The SCO Development Strategy until 2025 was approved at the summit.
It charts out the course of future cooperation between the bloc's member states in terms of politics, security, trade and people-to-people exchanges.
It also encourages the member states to expand exchanges with other regional and international organizations and enhance the bloc's influence worldwide.
Particularly, the comprehensive blueprint prioritizes in-depth economic cooperation.
During the summit, Chinese President Xi Jinping and his Russian counterpart, Vladimir Putin, agreed to build the SCO into a major platform to combine China's Silk Road initiative with Russia's aspirations under the Eurasian Economic Union framework.
Director of the institute of economics, finance and business at Bashkir state university Rustem Akhunov is upbeat about the prospects for cooperation between SCO and the Eurasian Economic Union.
"I think cooperation between SCO and Eurasian Economic Union has a very promising prospect, especially in the economic aspects. The two organizations can develop together, complement each other and work together in program implementation."Another highlight of the summit was the bloc's first expansion since its establishment.
A ratified resolution gave green light for India and Pakistan to become SCO full members, elevated Belarus to the status of observer, and took in Azerbaijan, Armenia, Cambodia and Nepal as dialogue partners.
It is believed the accession can help iron out differences between traditional rivals and reinforce efforts against terrorism and extremism in the region.
Akhunov says the decision could help the bloc to serve as a platform for broader economic and political cooperation.
"In my opinion, SCO will have a new development and will become stronger. And in that circumstance, it will become an organization which provides new ideas and suggestions for world economy and international political development."The summit also saw the release of a statement, calling for resolute opposition to any distortion of the results of WWII.
Leaders of all SCO member states have confirmed their participation in China's commemorative activities this September in Beijing.
Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov oted that the SCO takes a zero tolerance stance on Nazi theorization.
"SCO members have made a lot of efforts to remind the international society not to forget the cause and the result of the war, not to forget who won the war and who tried to conquer the world and build a world structure of single-level dictatorship. Therefore, SCO members including Russia and China and other countries take a zero tolerance on Nazi and Nazism theorization."Also adopted at the were several documents concerning security and stability in the region, including an agreement on strengthening border defense, a cooperative outline on combating the "three evil forces" and a joint statement on tackling drug production and trafficking.
Leaders of the six member states stressed that joint efforts must be made to respond to conventional and non-conventional challenges and threats.
For CRI, I'm Luo Bin.
China plans subsidiary administrative centeranchor:
Beijing has announced its speeding up the construction of a "subsidiary administrative center".
The announcement comes as the city has just passed a guideline on promoting the integration of Beijing with neighboring Hebei province and Tianjin municipality.
CRI's Wang Wei has more.
Li Shixiang, executive vice mayor of Beijing, says the "subsidiary administrative center" will be based in Tongzhou, a suburban district in the city's southeast.
The district is adjacent to the commercial-heavy urban district of Chaoyang and has advantages in infrastructure and transportation among the city's suburbs.
The guideline says authorities are aiming to achieve "remarkable progress" on the construction of the subsidiary administrative center by 2017.
The Chinese capital has sought to address severe problems such as traffic congestion and air pollution, by curbing its population growth and moving some facilities to nearby regions.
"In particular, the spatial structure of the six urban districts will be changed. For example, now our citizens need to buy vegetables, see a doctor in their community, park their vehicles, but there's no room for it. We must have space for what the citizens need most to increase their happiness index."Li Shixiang also says the construction is not just as easy as constructing several buildings and moving administrative functions there.
"It is about how to develop and what should be developed. It's about spatial functions and overall functions. All of them need rigorous planning and full arguments. I believe next we will create a good environment and take precautions against the morbid state in city administration. In this way, we can establish a subsidiary administrative center of Beijing with scientific planning and orderly management."The announcement says moving out some of Beijing's non-capital functions will be a top priority in the strategy of integrating Beijing, Tianjin and Hebei.
The capital has also accelerated the pace of industrial restructuring and has taken a more stringent attitude on floating population registration.
Over the past year, a number of wholesale markets in the city's central areas were shut down or relocated.
The municipal government promises to limit its population to 23 million.
Official data shows Beijing's total population stood at 21.5 million last year.
For CRI, I'm Wang Wei.
Business registration system reform simulates vitality of market participants in east ChinaAnchor:
As part of China's government management innovations, the reform of the business registration system in a pilot region in east China's Jiangsu Province has simulated the vitality of market participants and saved the local government administrative costs.
Our reporter Guo Yan has the details.
Before the pilot scheme was introduced, enterprises had to get three certificates, namely, business license, organization code certificate, and tax registration certificate to get registered. But now they only need one certificate for registration and share one code for the three certificates.
Geng Jingbo, chief of the administrative management bureau of Suqian City in Jiangsu Province explains the simplified procedure.
"Now the enterprise only needs to go to the multi-purpose window set up by the government to get one form to fill in, and then submit all the related materials for once to get the certificate."Yan Jinwei, a business man says the time scale before the reform was fairly long.
"It took me about one month or one month and a half, and it was really a long time."After the reform, on a monthly basis, the number of private enterprises in Suqian has risen by 1,500, marking a 34 percent rise, and the newly registered capital has increased by nearly 3.5 billion yuan or 560 million US dollars.
In Jingjiang City, an enterprise now only needs one business license for all its branches, while it had to get one certificate for each of its branches before the reform.
Zhang Longgui is the leader of an enterprise in the city and says the move directly saves the operational cost.
"Now we only need to get one business license, which saves us a lot of costs. I think it can save us over 500,000 yuan each year."The management innovation also brought tangible results for the local government.
Huang Sheng, is deputy chief of the industrial and commercial bureau of Jingjiang City.
"Since the threshold for getting the business license is lowered, the channel between the enterprises and the government is unblocked, and the vitality of market participants is simulated. As for our government, it also saves the administrative cost."The new registration system will be introduced countrywide from October 1 this year.
For CRI, I'm Guo Yan.
EU summit canceled, eurozone leaders to meetEuropean Council President Donald Tusk says he has canceled a European Union summit originally scheduled for Sunday afternoon.
Leaders of 19 eurozone countries will meet instead to discuss Greece's debt issue.
Tusk wrote on his official twitter account that the Euro Summit is to start at 4pm local time and will last until they conclude talks on Greece.
Without a debt deal, Greece faces financial collapse and exit from EU.
The Eurogroup held a meeting on the Greece crisis on Saturday, however it ended without a deal.
They resumed talks on Sunday morning.
Italian Finance Minister Pier Carlo Padoan says Greece must do more to rebuild trust with its creditors.
"So I would like to see the Greek government take concrete actions starting tomorrow in parliament, to implement measures that are needed in the first place. And then to rebuild trust and therefore allow concrete negotiations to move forward. We have lost so much time, we can not afford to lose more time anymore."European Union Commissioner Pierre Moscovici says the Commission wants a "deeply reformed Greece inside the eurozone".
"We need to have finally today come to an agreement, which is as well ambitious on the economic side but also politically realistic. What we want is a reformed, deeply reformed Greece inside the eurozone."Greece has asked from Europe's bailout fund for a three-year financial package totalling 53.5 billion euro but many EU officials believe that won't be enough.
Mexico drug lord escapes from prisonOfficials say Mexico's most notorious drug lord Joaquin "El Chapo" Guzman has escaped from a high security prison.
It's the second time he has escaped in 15 years.
Mexico's National Security Commission said Guzman was seen on video entering a shower area on Saturday.
It didn't go into details on how he got out of central Mexico's Altiplano prison.
The latest breakout by El Chapo, or "Shorty", is a major embarrassment for Mexican President Enrique Pena Nieto, who vowed to end a cycle of drug gang violence that has killed more than 100,000 people since 2007.
Guzman became one of the world's top organized crime bosses, running Mexico's powerful Sinaloa Cartel, which smuggled billions of dollars worth of cocaine, marijuana and methamphetamine into the United States.
Flights have been suspended from Toluca city airport, close to the Altiplano prison, and security officers are searching the highways nearby.
Aung San Suu Kyi's NLD to Contest ElectionMyanmar's main opposition leader Aung San Suu Kyi has announced that her party will contest a national election in November.
Aung San Suu Kyi told a news briefing on Saturday that the decision was made by her National League for Democracy's Central Committee earlier in the day.
She said the party will compete in all three levels of the parliamentary elections and in almost all constituencies.
"We will run the elections at every constituency that we can. As you know, there are over 1,200 constituencies all over the country. We cannot run in all places as there could be some of the constituencies that we can't but we will run at most places."Suu Kyi will compete in her original constituency Kawmu, a township in Yangon region.
The ballot will decide three-quarters of parliamentary seats, with a quarter reserved for the military.
The newly formed upper and lower houses will nominate and vote on who will be president later.
The NLD boycotted the 2010 polls when Suu Kyi was under house arrest. It took part in by-elections in 2012 and won 42 house seats.
Suu Kyi's own presidential aspirations are curtailed by a clause in the constitution that bars individuals with children holding foreign citizenship from becoming head of state.
But she said if the NLD won in a landslide, it would ensure the next president was agreeable to her party.
Social Media Campaign Reveals Women of Famous VE Day Photo70 years ago, a US army photographer snapped an iconic Victory in Europe day photograph, capturing two women wading in London's Trafalgar Square fountains.
After a recent social media campaign by Britain's Imperial War Museum, the identities of the two women have been revealed.
CRI's Wang Mengzhen reports.
On May 8, 1945, thousands of people flocked to the streets of London to mark the end of the six-year-long war in Europe.
In the famous Trafalgar Square, two young women climbed into the fountain along with two sailors. The exciting moment was immediately captured by a US army photographer.
Since then, the image has been widely used around the world to represent the VE Day celebrations.
But one question lingers: Who were the two ladies smiling in that fountain?
Thanks to a social media campaign launched by Britain's Imperial War Museum, 89-year-old Joyce Digney has been identified as one of them.
Living in Vancouver, Canada, Digney still remembers the VE celebration 7 decades ago.
"It meant it was all over, there was going to be no more bombing. I lost an uncle, he was 38. Three weeks before his second baby was born. You know, the bombing was very unpleasant to say the least. And the fact of losing family and friends in Europe, there wasn't going to be any more of that. That was the feeling, the horrible part is over."The other woman in the photo, Cynthia Covello, died in the 1980s. The two women were life-long friends after meeting each other while serving in the Women's Land Army.
It's estimated over 12,000 metric tons of bombs were dropped on London by Nazi forces during the war.
As for the Imperial War Museum in Britain, finding Digney is a perfect way to commemorate the VE Day anniversary.
Jesse Alter, web producer of the museum, says he was not expecting such a quick reaction after calling for help to find the women online.
"When we put the call out initially on Twitter and Facebook, we thought; 'Maybe it would be a few weeks and we'd hear something and we'd take it and see how it went'. But actually it was 24 hours and someone got back in touch pretty much right away and put us in touch with a family member and then we were able to speak to that family member who confirmed the story and put us in touch with someone else. It all just happened really quickly."Alter believes the photo of Digney and Covello fully expresses the euphoria felt across Europe at that time.
"The photo really resonates with people, the emotion is very clear in their faces and that sense of joy they must have been feeling - particularly around, victory in Europe was just announced, the celebratory atmosphere in London was just immense - and that really comes across."Digney is now looking forward to her 90th birthday and is currently enjoying the public attention from the photo.
For CRI, I am Wang Mengzhen.
U.S investment immigration increases in popularity among ChineseAnchor:
Investment immigration has been an increasingly popular method for Chinese people to become U.S. citizens in the last four years.
CRI's Qian Shanming has more.
Chinese investment immigration has become an important financing method for more than half of the developers in New York.
Many high-end residential communities in the U.S. are being built with investment largely from Chinese investment immigration applicants.
One such community in New York is being built with a 30 percent Chinese immigrant investor stake.
Expected to provide 1,600 jobs for neighboring areas, this New York property project is only a start for Jonathan Rabinow, investment director of the property project.
"And because this project has gone so well and this development has gone so well, we are about to embark upon our second EB-5 project which is gonna be just about 20 minutes north of here."The investment immigration plan, named Employment Based Fifth Preference, or EB-5, stipulates that foreign investors can apply for green cards by investing 500,000 US dollars or more and providing at least 10 jobs.
EB-5 was launched in 1990 and the number of applicants have soared up in the last four years.
The number of green cards issued through the EB-5 program grew from nearly two thousand in the fiscal year 2010 to more than ten thousand in 2014.
Jason Jia, an investment immigration lawyer with Yerman & Associates, says the surge in Chinese investment immigration is because of the growth of Chinese high-income earners and the growing employment demands of Chinese overseas students.
"Investment immigration may be the only method for many Chinese families to get green cards if they do not have relatives or jobs in the U.S. This is because Investment immigration has no requirements for language skill, educational background, or work experience."As the EB-5 act expires in September, the U.S congress may prolong the EB-5 act, and increase the investment requirement to 800,000 US dollars.
It may also require stricter auditing and supervision due to some fraud occurrences with EB-5.
Based on the statistics provided by non-profit organization "Invest in the USA," EB-5 brought the U.S. some 1.5 billion US dollars of investment and 31,000 jobs in 2013.
Peter D. Joseph, executive director of Invest In the USA, says he believes the U.S. congress will continue to support EB-5 as an important financing method.
He adds that judicial oversight is needed to protect the interests of investors.
"This program has grown quickly as it has, as we discussed earlier, a 700 percent growth in about a six year time period. Investors are also protected by U.S. laws when they are investing in United States, and the federal government here in the U.S. has shown that they are willing to fight for investors when they step in, and if people are trying to take advantage of investors, they'll have to face the long arm of justice here in the U.S.."For CRI, I'm Qian Shanming.
China International Comics and Games Expo Opens in Shanghai, Originality Urged for Industry DevelopmentAnchor:
This year's China International Comics and Games Expo has opened in the financial hub of Shanghai.
Industry observers are calling for more originality in order to better develop the industry in China.
CRI's Luo Wen reports.
At 9 am on opening day, cartoon and video game fans flocked into Shanghai's World Expo Exhibition and Convention Center to enjoy the fandom as soon as it kicked off.
More than 300 exhibitors participated in this year's expo, the largest in the event's history.
However, He Yu, an organizer of the expo, said domestic exhibitors are not the majority.
"The percentage of local cartoon exhibitors at the fair is less than 50%. There are more foreign cartoon brands because of the general preference of the fans here."The situation doesn't seem to compete with the fast growing market in China.
Last year, domestic animation films earned north of one billion yuan, almost twice as much as in 2013.
This summer, a total of 13 Chinese animated films will open in Chinese theatres, a 60-percent increase compared with the same period last year.
Despite the large quantity of works, observers suggest that industry employees should pay more attention to quality.
The most recent example is "The Autobots", an animation about transformable automobiles.
The animation was accused of ripping off Disney-Pixar's 'Cars'.
It is not the first time that domestic filmmakers have been accused of plagiarism.
Shi Wen, a visitor to the expo, shared his thoughts on the matter.
"I also saw similar copying issues with a domestic cartoon about robot fighters. It made me feel that some domestic cartoon makers lack good ideas."Some domestic cartoon developers say that writers often want to imitate successful films to ensure the popularity of the ones they make, which actually hinders creativity.
Shi Ting, a staff member of VJ Animation Studio, says developers should try to learn more about their own market.
"When we cooperated with overseas cartoon makers, we found they are very good at doing market research. Producers collected ideas before doing the project. That helps developers know what children are thinking about, and what images or plots they like," said Shi Ting, staff member of VJ Animation Studio.
Some domestic cartoon producers say that further intellectual property laws would encourage filmmakers to be more creative.
The 2015 China International Comics and Games Expo runs until Monday.
For CRI, I'm Luo Wen.
weatherBeijing will be cloudy tonight with a low of 25 degrees Celsius; sunny toovercast tomorrow with a high of 39.
Shanghai will be cloudy tonight with a low of 24; still cloudy tomorrow with a high of 33.
Chongqing has clear sky tonight with a low of 25, cloudy tomorrow with a high of 37.
Lhasa has light rain tonight with a low of 12, tomorrow showers with a high of 23.
Elsewhere in Asia,Islamabad, cloudy tomorrow, 34.
Kabul, also cloudy, 34.
Down in the Southern Hemisphere.
Sydney, light rain with a high of 17.
Brisbane, sunny day with a high of 16.
Perth, cloudy, 17.
And finally Auckland, New Zealand will see light rain with a high of 15 degrees Celsius.
Headline newsVice president of China's top court probed for graftA vice president of China's top court has been put under probe for "serious violations of discipline and laws".
The statement by the country's top anti-corruption body does not provide details of Xi Xiaoming's violations, who joined the Supreme People's Court in 1982.
The CPC Central Commission for Discipline Inspection made the announcement on its official website on Sunday.
Food safety watchdog orders warehouse checks for smuggled frozen meatChina's food safety watchdog has called on local authorities to be on the lookout for smuggled frozen meat.
This comes after a large amount of smuggled meat, some of which had been frozen for around four to five years, was seized by customs.
The China Food and Drug Administration is ordering enterprises to notify the authorities if they have handled such meat since July 2014.
A statement from the Administration says all the seized frozen meat, including pork, beef and chicken wings, has been destroyed.
Firecracker storage explodes in north ChinaA firecracker warehouse has exploded in north China's Hebei province, killing at least three people.
The explosion on Sunday morning in Ningjin County also injured more than a dozen others.
The explosion shattered nearly all the glass windows at a residential building close to the factory.
Investigators are looking into the cause of the explosion.
China apprehends suspected paid protest organizersChinese police have published details on a series of so-called "rights protection" incidents in the country.
In these incidents, the detainees are suspected of illegally organizing paid protests, hyping public sentiment and fabricating rumors on the Internet to sway court decisions.
A statement from the Ministry of Public Security says the suspects consist of lawyers as the core organizers.
It says social media celebrities and petitioners have also been involved in the planning and implementation of these incidents.
Since July 2012, there have been over 40 of these incidents, severely disrupting public order.
Zhou Shifeng, director of the Fengrui Law Firm, has been detained along with his fellows at the firm.
Zhou is suspected of being involved in other felonies pending investigation.
Saudi Arabia launches third expansion of grand mosque in MakkahSaudi Arabia has launched a new expansion of the Grand Mosque in Makkah to accommodate the ever-increasing number of pilgrims from all over the world.
The main building of the Mosque, squares, and tunnels will be expanded, along with the services building and the first ring road.
Saudi Press Agency reports that the mosque will be able to accommodate more than three million worshipers in one hour following the expansion.
Sci&Tech (Sunday)Anchor:
It's time now to check on the latest updates from the science and technology sector in the past week in our Weekly Sci-Tech feature.
New details about the elevation of China's broadband speed have been made public.
Tech gaint Google is beginning to test its self-driving cars.
And Apple is tapping into the music streaming industry.
Let's catch up on all the latest with CRI's Wen Jie.
The Ministry of Industry and Information Technology or MIIT, gave a briefing on Monday about its progress on the elevation of China's broadband speed as well as the reduction of internet bills.
Shang Bing is vice minister of MIIT.
"Average charges for mobile phone internet and fixed broadband should sharply decrease by at least 30 percent by the year end. For fixed broadband, if conditions permit, all copper cable users will have their internet speed upgraded to 4 megabytes per second or Mbps free of charge. In some cities, we will increase the speed without raising the fees."According to MIIT's plan, telecom enterprises will have invested more than 1.1 trillion yuan or about 180 billion U.S. dollars in upgrading China's internet infrastructure by the end of 2017.
The major three telecom operators, China Telecom, China Unicom and China Mobile, have also released their plans to elevate the broadband speed and lower internet fees.
////Unmanned aerial vehicles or UAVs, better known as drones, are being developed and applied in more fields in China, as continuously upgraded technologies help boost China's economic growth.
In east China's Shandong, researchers from Qingdao have developed a UAV with a mechanical arm that can be remotely controlled to collect algae from the sea.
Another company in Qingdao has come up with a solution in the event a UAV's engine shuts down during flight.
Li Hua is deputy head of the company.
"As it is impossible to completely avoid the chance of a UAV crashing during flight, we have added a parachute to the vehicle. Currently, only two companies in the world have this technology - one is Swiss and the other is our company."UAVs are now widely applied in aerial filming, examination of high voltage power facilities, public security surveillance and agricultural production.
In central China's Henan Province, UAVs were used during the national college entrance examination for the first time this year. By detecting radio signals around examination sites, UAVs helped to detect students cheating using electronic devices.
////Apple Inc. has thrown its hat into the streaming music industry, with its Apple Music service launching in more than 100 countries and regions.
For 10 U.S. dollars a month, users can listen to any music from Apple's iTunes music library.
With the tech giant pushing into the currently booming business, competition to win over listeners in the multi-billion dollar music industry is booming.
However, Jeff Smith, co-founder and CEO of Smule, a social network that allows users to play music through its mobile apps, speaks highly of Apple Music's huge iTunes music library.
"Apple's got such a significant head start in that respect on the rest of the competition because, keep in mind, Apple has been selling music for over 10 years. Apple displaced Wal Mart as the number one retailer of music back in 2008. Apple already has around 800 million credit cards from people who are buying music today."Many analysts say traditional radio and even satellite radio are rapidly losing users to streaming music apps such as Spotify, Pandora, Rhapsody and Rdio.
However, some experts believe streaming music apps still need to increase awareness of their features and also get creative with pricing.
Arriving late to the streaming music game, Apple faces challenges to contend those loyal users who have already been sharing playlists among networks of friends for a long time.
///North Carolina State University researchers have developed new technology designed to improve communication between dogs and humans.
Through "smart harness", a computer-equipped backpack that fits comfortably on a dog's back, two-way computer-mediated communication between dogs and handlers can be achieved.
Using a tablet to send signals to the harness and to the dog, the researchers are able to see how the dog reacts and interprets the modes of communication.
The technology can also reveal the position of the dog -- whether it's standing, sitting, walking or running -- by sending signals back to the handler.
Researchers say the technology has multiple applications, including for search and rescue dogs and training pets.
Dr. Barbara Sherman is a clinical professor of behavioral medicine.
"Just as one example, this project gives us the capability for the dog to inform us of that sort of information and for us to evaluate the dog's welfare. Is it overheating? Is it in a safe area? So with interfaces on the dog, we can keep the dog safer and be more sensitive to the subtle information that the dog is communicating to us."Much of the technology comes off the shelf but the researchers are repurposing the equipment for use with dogs.
////Google Inc has begun testing its self-driving cars in Austin, Texas, expanding efforts to gather information on how the prototypes interact with traffic.
The company has been testing self-driving prototypes since 2009, mainly around its Silicon Valley headquarters in Mountain View, California.
The Google self-driving cars have humans on board who can assume manual control of the vehicles if necessary.
Austin resident Volma Overton watched the prototype in action on Tuesday, and said he was excited about to learn about the new technology.
"That's going to be a really fun technology to follow. I think it's a lot more efficient than what we have out right now. This seems to be as the really obvious solution for traffic relief."Google executives have said the company does not want to build its own self-driving cars, but would prefer to find a development and production partner.
Google and other automotive manufacturers and suppliers have said the technology to build self-driving cars should be ready by 2020.
////Japan has developed an eye-tracking virtual reality headset which let users interact with the environment just by looking at it.
The FOVE headset uses eye-tracking technology to give the wearer an immersive and completely hands-free virtual reality, where all of their actions can be controlled by their eye movements.
Yuka Kojima, CEO of developer FOVE, says its technology could not only revolutionize the gaming industry but have applications to help people with various disabilities interact with their surroundings.
"I think people with disabilities often face the struggle of not being able to express themselves fully, or enjoy the things they like without the help of somebody else. But with the head-mount display a person can independently control the headset with his or her eyes. This encourages self-expression, and it also helps the person create his or her own world within the luxury of solitude."Eye-tracking cameras installed inside the headset, along with an accelerometer that senses head movement, allow the user to view their environment in 360-degrees.
The developers hope their headsets will open new worlds for many people, especially those who struggle with the use of their limbs.
////And that actually brings us to the end of this edition of our weekly science and technology report.
Thank you for listening and I hope you enjoyed the show.
I'm Wenjie. See you next week.
SportsSerena Williams Beats Garbine Muguruza to Win Her Sixth Wimbledon TitleAnchor: World Number One Serena Williams won her sixth Wimbledon Title in the women's final on Saturday, beating Spanish player Garbine Muguruza by two sets.
CRI's Duan Xuelian reports from Wimbledon:
Reporter,The World Number One didn't manage to put her best feet forward in the start, losing 3 games in a row in ten minutes. But she soon found her usual self and turned the game around in the middle of the first set.
However, her 21-year old opponent would not easily give up. One set behind and into the later half the second set, she managed to up her game and saved 3 set points to extend the match a little longer. The resilient Spaniard also fought through two championship points against the empowering Williams. But, it was just not to be.
Two years after she was crowned queen of Wimbledon, Serena Williams holds the trophy once again.
"It feels so good. It's been a while and you really appreciate holding it. I have to give thank God watching over me for the day, I really relied on his strength. Garbine, she played so well, I didn't even know it was over cause she was still fighting so hard in the end and I was like OK do I have to serve again? So congratulations, don't be sad, you'll be holding this trophy very very soon, believe me. You have great chance."Missing her first grand slam title, Garbine Muguruza, the Spanish star player was reduced to tears but saw the whole center court standing up in applause for the extraordinary performance on her part.
"I love to play in big courts. I mean a grand slam final for me is a dream come true. And I also want to congratulate Serena, she's still showing us that she is the World Number One. "The Wimbledon win also saw the 33-year-old American completing the second "Serena Slam" of her career and becoming the oldest female winner of a major in Open era.
"I just never dreamt I will be out here still and let alone winning and having so much fun so every day is a pleasure and a joy for me to be out here playing. And winning Wimbledon, oh my gosh!"Looking forward to the US Open next month, a victory in New York will see Williams complete her first calendar grand slam and take over German legend Steffi Graf in second place in the all-time record for major titles.
For CRI, I'm Duan Xuelian reporting from WimbledonBACK ANCHOR:
Staying at Wimbledon.
In the men's doubles, Jean-Julien Rojer of the Netherlands and Horia Tecau of Romania won the men's doubles title with a 7-6, 6-4, 6-4 victory over Jamie Murray of the UK and John Peers of Australia on Centre Court.
In women's doubles, Martina Hingis of Switzerland and Sania Mirza of India beat Ekaterina Makarova and Elena Vesnina, both of Russia, with a 5-7, 7-6, 7-5 victory.
Other action coming up later tonight:
The men's singles final is set to take place at 9pm Beijing Time, with Novak Djokovic competing against Roger Federer.
Later at midnight, the mixed doubles final will kick off with Leander Paes and Martina Hingis taking on Alexander Peya and Timea Babos.
Chile Wins First Pan-American Games Gold MedalChile has won the first gold medal at the ongoing Toronto Pan-American Games.
The gold medal was won by female triathlete Barbara Riveros with a time of one hour 57 minutes and 18 seconds.
She's was followed by Mexican Paola Diaz and Bermudian Flora Duffy who ended 29 and 30 seconds behind her.
With the victory, Riveros could get a direct ticket to the Rio Olympics next year.
Meanwhile in the synchronized swimming,Canadian duo Jacqueline Simoneau and Karine Thomas took the gold medal while Nuria Diosdado and Karem Achach have won the silver medal for Mexico.
Read Madrid Captain Iker Casillas Moves to FC PortoIn football, in the world of Spanish La Liga:
Real Madrid captain and goalkeeper Iker Casillas is set to leave for FC Porto after 25 years' playing for the top club.
A statement from Real Madrid says the 34-year-old is moving onto a new stage in his footballing career.
Casillas joined Real's youth academy at the age of 9 and won 19 trophies during his 16 seasons as a professional after playing over 700 matches.
Real is reportedly trying to sign Manchester United's 24-year-old Spanish goalkeeper David de Gea in a bid to rejuvenate.
The club finished second in La Liga last season behind Barcelona, who also won the Champions League title.
Jamaica beats Canada 1-0: CONCACAF GoldCupTurning to the CONCACAF Gold Cup:
Jamaica defeated Canada 1-0 after Rudolph Austin scored a late winner.
Canada went close in the first half when Kemar Lawrence's shot was cleared off the line by David Elgar after 27 minutes.
Rudolph Austin headed in Adrian Mariappa's cross in additional time, finally scoring Jamaica the winning goal.
Meanwhile, Costa Rica tied El Salvador 1-1.
Canada will face Costa Rica in their final Group B game next Wednesday, while El Salvador takes on Jamaica.
There are also several matches already kicking off in the Chinese Super League:
Beijing Guoan plays Hangzhou Green City.
Guangzhou R&F is facing Shanghai SIPG.
And Liaoning Hongyun is going head to head against Shijiazhuang Ever Bright.
And those matches are currently underway.
Froome retains the lead as Vuillermoz wins stage eight of the Tour de FranceIn cycling,Alexis Vuillermoz earned France its first victory in this year's Tour de France on Saturday, with his final kick proving too hot to handle for the big guns in the eighth stage.
The AG2r-La Mondiale rider attacked twice in the final climb, a brutal two-km ascent at an average gradient of 6.9 percent, and countered overall leader Chris Froome less than one-km from the line.
EntertainmentArtists Promote Chinese Culture at Henley Festival in the UKArtworks by Chinese artists have made a buzz at this year's Henley Festival in the UK.
The festival has teamed up with Ever Culture to introduce Chinese art and design in both a traditional and contemporary way.
Henry Zhang, operations director of Ever Culture, says the festival provides a platform to promote Chinese art and culture.
"This is a wonderful opportunity in this international environment to promote Chinese art and Chinese culture. So, for this year, we have lots of artists coming over and also we have ceramics painting and also we have a jewelry designer as well as a paper cutting - traditional way and the modern way, contemporary way. Also have furniture from the designer from China, and also have the traditional costume."The five-day music and art festival is a black-tie event which has been running for over 30 years in the river town of Henley.
Stewart Collins is the festival's artistic director.
"So it started as just a very nice classical festival mainly with orchestras and opera singers, and the classical soloists. But now it becomes a much bigger event which has all sorts of major rock and roll stars from around the world, but also performers, artists of all disciplines. So also we have jazz, comedy, we have music from around the world."This year's festival has seen British pop singer Jessie J and US legend Lionel Richie perform on stage.
This year's Henley Festival wraps up tonight.
'Tiny Times 4' May Release an Extended VersionA verified account on Sina Weibo is suggesting there will be an extended version of the 'Tiny Times 4' movie.
The account also posted a photo with information of the extended film as evidence.
The extended version is said to be 20 minutes longer than the current one in cinemas, featuring behind-the-scenes footage of the franchise in a documentary style.
However, the distribution company has made no comments at the moment.
'Tiny Times 4' has enjoyed a strong performance at the Chinese box office.
The coming-of-age film has taken in nearly 290-million yuan, sending the franchise's total revenue to somewhere north of 1.6 billion yuan.
The extended version is set to be released on July 16th just one week after its original premiere.
'Star Wars' Debuts New Behind-the-scenes VideoThe creators of 'Star Wars: The Force Awakens' have debuted new behind-the-scenes footage from the upcoming movie during this year's Comic-Con in San Diego.
The four-minute clip shows director JJ Abrams using practical effects, analogue film and all things non-CGI.
JJ Abrams was joined at Comic-Con by 'Star Wars' veterans and 'The Force Awakens' stars Harrison Ford, Mark Hamill and Carrie Fisher.
Ford made his first public appearance since his plane crash in March which left him hospitalized.
He said it's great to be back as Han Solo again.
"It should have felt ridiculous. It was thirty years ago and I sort of grew up. I mean here I was doing something I did so long ago and I will tell you that it felt great."Another trailer for the movie is due to be released this fall.
Director Abrams said he is currently editing the film and has a cut, but wants to keep tweaking to make the film the way he wants "it wants to be."'Star Wars: The Force Awakens' fast forwards 30 years after the event of 'Return of the Jedi'.
The film will open in US theaters on December 18.
Quentin Tarantino Slashes Retirement Rumours, Releases 7-minute Scene for New Film 'The Hateful Eight'
Acclaimed director Quentin Tarantino has brought a 7-minute clip from his new film 'The Hateful Eight' to fans at Comic-Con.
Directed and written by Tarantino, 'The Hateful Eight' is a western movie which revolves around eight travellers stuck together during a blizzard in post-Civil War Wyoming.
The film will be first released on 70-milimeter format in select theatres on Christmas Day.
The director defended his insistency on using old lenses to shoot his film, saying he "didn't work 20 years to see diminishing returns."Tarantino also clarified his intentions when he said last year he planned to retire after making 10 films.
The director said he usually make 3 films a decade, hence his pace will see him in the business for years to come.
Tarantino also left more room by opting for television.
David Zowie beats Years & Years to number one on inaugural Friday chartDavid Zowie has beaten Years & Years to number one on the inaugural UK Friday singles chart.
The Kent DJ climbed 51 places with 'House Every Weekend', leaving Years & Years' 'Shine' to settle for this week's highest new entry at number two.
Meanwhile Fifth Harmony are celebrating their first UK Top 10 single with 'Worth It' landing at number three after leaping 48 places.
weatherBeijing will be cloudy tonight with a low of 25 degrees Celsius; sunny toovercast tomorrow with a high of 39.
Shanghai will be cloudy tonight with a low of 24; still cloudy tomorrow with a high of 33.
Chongqing has clear sky tonight with a low of 25, cloudy tomorrow with a high of 37.
Lhasa has light rain tonight with a low of 12, tomorrow showers with a high of 23.
Elsewhere in Asia,Islamabad, cloudy tomorrow, 34.
Kabul, also cloudy, 34.
Down in the Southern Hemisphere.
Sydney, light rain with a high of 17.
Brisbane, sunny day with a high of 16.
Perth, cloudy, 17.
And finally Auckland, New Zealand will see light rain with a high of 15 degrees Celsius.
That's it for this weekend edition of the Beijing Hour.
A quick look at the headlines before we go...
Vice president of China's top court being probed for graft....
China's police finding clues of illegal stock trading.....
On behalf of the Beijing Hour staffers, this is Sophie Williams in Beijing hoping you'll join us for the next edition of the Beijing Hour, and open a window to the world together.