新闻纵贯线 The Beijing Hour updated 08:00 2015/07/14(在线收听

 The Beijing HourMorning EditionShane Bigham with you on this Tuesday, July 14th, 2015.

Welcome to the Beijing Hour, coming to you live from the Chinese Capital.
Coming up on our program this morning...
Police in northeast China kill three knife-wielding terror suspects...
The Chinese premier calls for even more "precise and effective measures" to promote stable and reliable economic growth...
Greece has agreed to terms on a new financial bailout plan...
In Business...a Chinese financial software company is under investigation amid allegations it is responsible for some of the stock market chaos in China in recent weeks...
In Sports...Guangzhou Evergrande is still waiting on Rubinho...
In entertainment...Mandopop singer Jay Chou becomes a father...
Top NewsNE China police kill 3 terror suspectsAnchorPolice in northeast China's Shenyang city have shot dead three knife-wielding terror suspects and wounded another during an anti-terror operation.
More details from CRI's Qi Zhi.
ReporterThe raid in the capital of Liaoning Province was part of an anti-terror operation conducted on Monday.
A total of 16 suspects were taken into custody during the day but their identities have not been revealed.
Four suspects, now confirmed to be from the northwest region of Xinjiang, were found hidden in a rented house in the city's Shenhe District.
A statement from the Shenyang Public Security Bureau says the suspects resisted arrest and attacked police with knives while shouting jihad slogans.
Shenyang police Chief Xu Wenyou led a team of about 200 armed police and rushed to the scene.
After warnings were ignored, police fired shots, killing three and wounding another.
A 28-year-old woman from Xinjiang was also taken into custody.
No civilians were injured or killed in the process.
Further investigation is underway.
For CRI, I'm Qi Zhi.
Callin on International Cooperation on Stopping People from Joining terrorist groupsMeanwhile, experts here in China are calling for enhanced international effort to stop people from joining terrorist groups overseas.
Guo Jing is an Associate Professor from the College for Criminal Law Science, Beijing Normal University.
During an interview with our reporter Tu Yun, the professor also talked about Thailand's recent repatriation of over 100 illegal immigrants to China.
Back AnchorThat is Guo Jing, Associate Professor from College for Criminal Law Science, Beijing Normal University speaking with our reporter Tu Yun.
China opposes U.S. official meeting with Dalai LamaChina has voiced its opposition over a senior U.S. official meeting with the Dalai Lama.
China's Foreign Ministry commented after US President Barack Obama's senior adviser Valerie Jarrett took part in the Dalai Lama's 80th birthday celebrations in New York.
Ministry spokesperson Hua Chunying says China is strongly displeased by and opposed to the meeting, which took place in disregard of China's multiple representations.
She has called on the United States to stop providing any convenience and support to "Tibet independence" forces and not let it interfere with and damage China-US relations.
Premier Li Urges More Effective Measures to Stabilize Economic GrowthAnchorChinese Premier Li Keqiang stresses that the country will take "more precise and effective" measures to promote stable and reliable economic growth.
Li Keqiang made the remarks while meeting with economists and entrepreneurs at a meeting in Beijing on China's current economic situation.
CRI's Huang Shan reports.
ReporterPremier Li Keqiang voiced his full confidence in the overall development of China's economy.
"China's economy still boasts remarkable tenacity, potential and flexibility. There is little doubt that China's potential for medium-high growth remains underpinned by strong, long-term fundamentals. The global economic recovery is full of twists and turns. China should push forward its own development with stronger confidence and greater efforts."Economists and entrepreneurs at the meeting say China's economy has been stabilizing in the first half of the year.
However, they also point out there are still challenges and difficulties faced by enterprises.
The Executive Director of Sinolink Securities, Li Zhiping, gives more details.
"We see a decrease in the growth rate of all three sectors, especially in investment and trade. The growth rate of the service industry is fine. So is that for consumption. The most important decline was in investment. Both investment and trade will see a 4 to 5 percent drop in growth rates, compared to the last quarter."To meet the challenges, the government has intensified efforts to boost economic growth, especially in the investment field.
Meanwhile, it has increased fiscal spending with the approval of a package of major infrastructure projects.
As growth momentum within the Chinese economy struggles against downward pressure, Premier Li Keqiang notes the country needs to adopt a proactive fiscal policy and stable monetary policy, while maintaining a balance between growth and economic restructuring.
"We must adhere to the correct orientation of macro control, to stabilize growth, and promote structural reform. Risks will be absorbed and digested to ensure the economy runs within a reasonable range. We should not only give priority to GDP growth, but also promote development in growth, prices, employment, incomes and environmental protection."Premier Li stresses that the very essence of economic upgrading and development lies in reform and innovation.
He has further called on enterprises to make full use of innovation, thus to enhance competitiveness in their respective markets.
For CRI, this is Huang Shan.
Beijing gears up for the final bid of 2022 Winter Olympic GamesAnchorBeijing's bid team is making its final push to host the 2022 winter Olympic Games, as a decision between the Chinese capital and Almaty, Kazakhstan will be made at the end of this month.
An assessment report released in June by the International Olympic Committee shows Beijing has exceptional strengths as a potential host city, especially in terms of transportation, accommodation and medical services.
CRI's Guo Yan has the details.
ReporterAccording to the IOC assessment report, a lack of direct flights to international metro areas is one of the weaknesses of Almaty while Beijing boasts convenient inter-city transportation.
A newly built international airport in Beijing and Ningyuan airport in Zhangjiakou city will be put into use in 2019, which offers more transport choices.
The report points out that inter-city transport between the three venues is quick and efficient.
Guo Jifu, director of Beijing's traffic development research centre says the upcoming high-speed rail project between Beijing and Zhangjiakou will help to shorten travel time between venues.
"The travel time for athletes from their accommodation to the three competition venues is quite short with the farthest venue within 15 miniutes travel. Besides, the bullet trains to be put into operation will hugely cut travel time."As to the accommodation concerns, the report shows Beijing has abundant hotels and rooms for athletes while Almaty can hardly meets event the basic demand for hosting the Games with poor resources for accommodation.
Zhang Jiandong, deputy executive director of the Winter Olympic bidding committee says Beijing has plenty of star hotels to meet the needs of the Games.
"At present, the three competition venues in Beijing, Yanqing and Zhangjiakou have 576 star hotels so far with over 116 thousand rooms. The number of star hotels in the three venues will exceed 600 with more than 130 thousand rooms , which will completely meet the demand of hosting the winter Olympic Games."To deal with challenges of medical service and rescue operations in mountainous areas, Beijing's health authority pledged to send medical teams to Yanqing county and Zhangjiakou and set up effective mechanism improve the service.
Mao Yu is the deputy director of Beijing municipal commission of health and family planning.
"Despite the ground rescue system, considering the special condition of winter sports on snow, we are prepared to send medical teams equipped with helicopters specially for rescue work. It took about 40 to 50 minutes for the helicopters fly to the rescue scenes. If Beijing could win the bid, we'll send medical teams consists of experts and make scientific plans to set up rescue stations in order to provide timely and high-quality first-aid."Also, Beijing has enlisted significantly high public support for the 2022 bid.
According to an opinion poll conducted by the IOC, over 90 percent of Chinese residents support the bid.
For CRI, I'm Guo Yan.
No Iran nuclear deal expected on Monday: ZarifIranian Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif says nuclear talks with six world powers will not finish on Monday, amid reports of deadlock over a U.N. arms embargo and other sticking points.
The sides have been close to a deal to give Iran sanctions relief in exchange for limits on its nuclear program.
But there have been no concrete signs of a breakthrough as diplomats in Vienna continue to struggle over issues such as U.N. sanctions and access to Iranian military sites.
In Washington, White House press secretary Josh Earnest says significant issues remain to be resolved.
"The thing that I can tell you is that they have made genuine progress in those conversations, and I think even over the last week or so, there is progress, important progress that has been made. There have been some key issues in the negotiations that have been closed, and that's a good sign. That said, there continue to be some sticking points that remain unresolved."Taking part in the talks, Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi says negotiators are trying to reach a positive outcome.
"With intensive consultations in the past couple of days, new progress has been made in the final stage of negotiations. China believes that no agreement could be perfect and conditions are already in place for us to reach a good agreement, hence foreign ministers of the six countries are gathered once again in Vienna to bring the negotiation to a conclusion. We believe that there cannot and should not be further delays in the negotiations."Some Western diplomats have revealed that at least two other issues still need final agreement: Iranian demands that a UN arms embargo be lifted and that any UN Security Council resolution approving the nuclear deal no longer describe Iran's nuclear activities as illegal.
With few signs of a breakthrough, the talks look set to force a fourth extension since the current round began 17 days ago.
"Yet to Find Golden Key" on Greece: Eurogroup PresidentGreece has agreed to terms with its international creditors and EU officials for a third bailout.
The deal calls for Greece to enact further austerity measures in exchange for more loans, and may help the country avoid its exit from the Eurozone.
Jeroen Dijsselbloem, president of the Eurogroup, says it's likely to take around four weeks for a new bailout programme for Greece to be worked out.
"It will involve a lot more in terms of substance, and commitments and financing needs and it will take time to negotiate that. We have asked the institutions to do that as quickly as possible but it will probably be closer to four weeks than two weeks - that is my understanding, and some call me an optimist."Meanwhile a meeting between Euro zone finance ministers in Brussels has postponed a decision on bridge financing for Greece until a technical working group assesses the financing.
According to the deal, the Greek government needs to push a drastic austerity program including pension, market and privatization reforms.
Greek Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras is now back in Athens, trying to get reform measures passed by the country's parliament.
He is scheduled to finish the process by Wednesday.
Greek banks will remain shut until then.
Greek Unhappy about the 3rd BailoutAnchorWhile the top officials are working towards a deal, many people in Greece are angry at their Prime Minister, thinking he has conceded too much to secure the agreement.
Dan Whitehead reports in Athens.
ReporterJust a week after thousands gathered in Syntagma Square to celebrate a NO vote to more cuts...
...Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras returned to Athens, where he'll attempt to push more austerity through Parliament.
Speaking in Brussels, he admitted difficult choices had to be made...
"We fought hard for six months, and until the end we battled to get an agreement to get the country back on its feet. We were faced with a very difficult decision within hard dilemmas. "Reforms to pensions and the tax system are in the agreement.
Also, a 50 billion euro pot of Greek assets will be put aside - half of which will go towards recapitalization of the country's struggling banks.
German Chancellor Angela Merkel - suggested a balance had been found in this deal...
"I think we found ways where the advantages outweigh the disadvantages. The basic principles which we always followed to rescue the euro are there, namely on the one side solidarity among member countries, and on the other side the responsibility of the country where changes need to take place."But the Greek Prime Minister is facing hostility back on home soil.
Some in the Syriza Party believe he has gone too far in the cuts.
These Greeks think too much has been given away...
"I think the new agreement is an agreement that is going to be very difficult for the Greek people. It has been written by the France, it took the authority by the Germans and it will be paid for by the Greek nation"I feel disappointment. I feel angry because all the decision I think they will pass will be very difficult for the people."The 60-euro-per-day limit remains in place for now.
Banks here will continue to survive, albeit on borrowed money.
Alexis Tsipras has, for now, avoided a eurozone exit for Greece.
But at what cost?
The coming days and weeks will be decisive as to whether he's paid too higher price to prevent a Grexit.
For CRI, I'm Dan Whitehead in AthensJapan's Animation Legend Decries Abe's Plan to Expand Military RoleAnchorMore and more leading figures in Japan are criticizing Prime Minister Shinzo Abe's plan to expand the role of his country's military, ahead of a parliamentary committee's crucial vote on the plan slated for later this week.
Master of animation Hayao Miyazaki is one of those critics and has joined the growing protests against the biggest post-war shift in Japan's security policy.
CRI's Niu Honglin has more.
ReporterHayao Miyazaki, the Oscar-winning director, commented at a press conference on Monday in Tokyo, denouncing Prime Minister Shinzo Abe's push to allow broader use of Japan's military.
"I think Prime Minister Abe wants to be remembered as a great man who changed the Japanese constitution but I think it is silly."The Abe administration is pushing forward a series of controversial security-related bills in parliament.
The security bills will go to a vote at a parliamentary committee on Wednesday and be presented at a plenary session of the lower house of parliament.
If enacted, the bills will pave the way for Japan's Self-Defense Forces to help defend Japanese allies and others under what is known as "collective self-defense".
Many people in the country, including Miyazaki, consider the bills to be a violation of Japan's pacifist constitution.
Miyazaki says many people don't understand the importance of the pacifist constitution, which was written in 1947 under U.S. direction after World War II.
"This was power that young people, Japanese young people can't understand, the pacifist constitution. The pacifist constitution wasn't exactly forced by the occupying forces, but it carries on the spirit of the Kellogg-Briand Pact, so it's not something that is secluded from history nor is it something that has been forced upon us by the occupying forces."Last year, the Japanese cabinet approved a constitutional reinterpretation, allowing use of military forces to defend Japan's allies overseas.
Since then, more and more leading figures in Japan have voiced their disagreement and criticism, including renowned author Kenzaburo Oe and leaders of the opposition parties.
Last week, the opposition Japan Innovation Party and the Democratic Party of Japan both submitted bills to parliament to counter the security legislation pushed by Abe and the ruling coalition led by the Liberal Democratic Party.
Several protests against the security bills have been held across the country.
A recent poll showed that 95 percent of people in Japan's Osaka are against the security-related bills pushed by Abe.
For CRI, I am Niu Honglin.
Iraqi government launches large-scale military operation against IS militantsThe Iraqi government has begun a long-awaited, large-scale military operation to dislodge Islamic State militants from Iraq's western Anbar province.
The operation started at dawn on Monday. Government forces are backed by Shiite and Sunni pro-government fighters.
Several key towns In Anbar, including the provincial capital, Ramadi, remain under Islamic State control.
In May, authorities announced an operation to retake Ramadi, but there has not been any major progress on the ground since then.
The Islamic State group seized large parts of Anbar in early 2014 and captured Ramadi in May.
5 countries ask to establish int'l criminal tribunal on downing of MH17The five countries jointly conducting the criminal investigation into the downing of Malaysia Airlines flight MH17 in Ukraine last year have asked the UN Security Council to establish an international criminal tribunal, to conduct trials for those responsible for the plane's destruction and the loss of 298 lives.
The countries, Australia, Belgium, Malaysia, the Netherlands, and Ukraine, have released a statement saying a UN tribunal would offer the best means of ensuring justice for the victims of the incident and their loved ones.
MH17 was downed on July 17th last year while flying over restive eastern Ukraine, where government forces and rebels had been fighting. It's widely believed that a missile struck the plane, though neither side has taken responsibility for the tragedy.
France hunts armed robbers after hostage scare near ParisFrench police are hunting three armed robbers who escaped after holding up a store in a shopping mall north of Paris.
The gunmen fled the scene after special forces evacuated 18 people from the store.
No one was injured in the incident which lasted several hours.
France, and the Paris area in particular, remains on high alert with around 7,000 soldiers deployed around the country since the January attack at the Paris office of a satirical magazine.
Islamic extremists gunned down a total of 17 people in the attack, including several who were held hostage in a Jewish supermarket.
Tianhe-2 Retains Crown as World's Most Powerful SupercomputerChina's Tianhe-2 has retained its crown as the world's most powerful supercomputer, according to the newly-released Top 500 list.
The list, published twice a year, is closely watched as an indicator of the status of development and investment in high-performance computing around the world.
Tianhe-2, or Milky Way-2, has now topped the list five times in a row since becoming operational in 2013.
Lu Kai is the vice chief of Tianhe-2's development team.
"Tianhe-2 was designed by a team of Chinese National University of Defense Technology, and the system is world leading in terms of bandwidth."Tianhe-2 is one of three supercomputers funded by the Chinese government in an attempt to build an exaflop supercomputer, or a machine capable of processing a million trillion calculations per second.
It is now located at the National Supercomputer Center in south China's Guangdong Province.
Heat wave bakes parts of ChinaBefore we go, a look at the weather here in China.
On Monday, scorching heat has gripped parts of China as the country enters the height of summer.
The meteorological bureau of Beijing says temperatures in the city reached their highest of the year yesterday.
As of 2 p.m., temperatures in most of Beijing had risen to between 37and 39 degrees Celsius, and some areas downtown saw temperatures exceeding 42 degrees Celsius.
The baking weather is expected to come to an end Wednesday with temperatures dropping to around 30 degrees Celsius.
The heat wave also hit many other cities in central, eastern and northeastern China and is expected to linger in the coming days.
For today,Beijing will see thundershowers with a high of 37 degrees Celsius.
Overnight temperatures should drop down to 23.
Shanghai will be cloudy with a high of 34 and a low of 24.
In Chongqing, it will be overcast during the daytime with a high of 30 and lows of 26.
Elsewhere in the world, staying here in Asia,Kathmandu, slight rain, 29.
Islamabad will be cloudy with a high of 36.
Kabul will be cloudy with a high of 34.
Over to North America,New York will have slight rain with a high of 29 degrees.
Washington, slight rain with a high of 31 degrees.
Honolulu, cloudy, 28.
Toronto will see slight rain with a high of 27 degrees.
Finally, on to South America,Buenos Aires will be sunny with a high of 12.
And Rio de Janeiro will be cloudy with a high of 27 degrees Celsius.
Headline newsNE China police kill 3 terror suspectsPolice in northeast China's Shenyang city have shot dead three knife-wielding terror suspects and wounded another during an anti-terror operation.
A total of 16 suspects were taken into custody during the operation.
A police statement says four suspects from the northwest region of Xinjiang resisted arrest and attacked police with knives.
After warnings were ignored, police fired shots, killing three and wounding another.
Further investigation is underway.
Suspect detained in north China firecracker explosionA man has been detained by police following an explosion at an illegal firecracker warehouse which killed 15 people in north China's Hebei Province.
Police say the warehouse was a laundry before being leased to villager Zhao Cunli, the man now in police custody.
Zhao sublet the premises early this month to another villager.
The blast on Sunday morning also injured 25 people, two of whom remain in serious condition.
Tsipras faces hard sell of new bailout terms back homeGreek Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras has returned to Athens following marathon bailout talks in Brussels after eurozone leaders agreed to offer his country a third bailout.
The new 86-billion-euro bailout is conditional on Greece passing reforms by Wednesday.
Tsipras must now get several unpopular measures through the Greek parliament, including streamlining pensions, raising tax revenue and liberalizing the labor market.
Tsipras himself was elected five months ago with a campaign promise to end five years of suffocating austerity.
He now faces a showdown with rebels in his own party who are furious at one of the most sweeping austerity packages ever demanded of a eurozone government.
Saudi-led air strikes kill at least 21 civilians in Yemen's capital despite UN-backed truceAt least 21 civilians were killed when Saudi-led warplanes struck a residential neighborhood in Yemen's capital Sanaa early on Monday.
The air-raid comes amid continuous ground fighting between Houthi and pro-government fighters despite a UN-backed truce.
The temporary truce, lasting only 3 days, aimed to facilitate aid deliveries to more than 21 million people in Yemen.
Nigerian president fires military chiefs, announces replacementsNigerian President Muhammadu Buhari has fired his army, navy, air force and defense chiefs in a move to boost the fight against Boko Haram militants.
The president has swiftly replaced all four men and named a new national security adviser in a widely expected move.
The new Chief of Army Staff comes from Borno state, one of the regions worst hit by the Boko Haram insurgency.
The Islamist group has killed more than 13,000 people and displaced 1.5 million in Africa's most populous country over the past 6 years.
Biz reportsClosing numbers of the North American and European marketAnchorMoving into the North American and European market.
Our reporter Min Rui.
ReporterU.S. stocks continued to rally Monday, with the three major indices logging a three-day winning streak, as market sentiment was boosted by the latest developments in the Greek debt crisis.
The Dow Jones jumped 1.2 percent.
The S&P 500 advanced 1.1 percent.
The Nasdaq surged 1.5 percent.
The eurozone summit finally reached a bailout agreement with Greece Monday after 17 hours of tough negotiations.
Major markets in Europe rallied on the news.
British FTSE 100 finished with a gain of one percent.
The Germany DAX climbed 1.5 percent.
The France's CAC 40 surged nearly 2 percent.
CSRC probes Hundsun amid securities financing regulationThe Chinese securities watchdog has confirmed it has started a probe of Hundsun Technologies Inc. for suspected illicit financing.
In a brief statement, China's Securities Regulatory Commission says it is still looking for evidence, and did not elaborate further on the allegations against the company.
The Hangzhou-based financial software company provides its HOMS system to assist over-the-counter share financing, a kind of leveraging that can magnify both gains and losses.
The company says HOMS is just a "technical tool" for private funds.
Monday's probe comes amid market suggestions that the system triggered chaos in China's stock market in recent weeks.
The company denied those allegations.
After a free fall since hitting a peak in mid-June, Chinese shares began to pick up following a package of pro-up measures.
On Monday, Chinese shares rallied for a third consecutive trading day.
The benchmark Shanghai Composite Index climbed above the 4,000-point psychological mark during the afternoon session, and was finally up 2.4 percent at close.
The Shenzhen Component Index surged 4.8 percent.
The ChiNext Index, tracking China's Nasdaq-style board of growth enterprises, climbed 5.8 percent.
China's foreign trade likely to perform better amid concerns in H2China's foreign trade volume continued to drop in the first half of the year.
However, official data showed an unexpectedly strong rebound in June for exports, an encouraging sign for the pressured economy.
China's foreign trade volume dipped by 6.9% in the first half of 2015, with exports edged up 0.9 percent.
Analysts predict that with the global economy gradually picking up, the cross-border e-commerce and the Belt and Road Initiative bringing new growth points, China's foreign trade is likely to perform better.
The Ministry of Commerce predicted previously that the foreign trade volume by cross-border e-commerce is likely to reach 6.5 trillion yuan in 2016, with the annual growth surpassing 30 percent.
Call-in with GS on Steel Industry Profit DeclineAnchor:
Global rating agency Moody's has downgraded its outlook for the Asian steel industry to "negative", based on continental steelmakers' declining profitability amid a growing supply glut.
The outlook had been "stable" since August 2014, when it was changed from "negative".
Moody's says the outlook reflects its expectations for business conditions over the next 12 months.
In the first four months of this year, demand for Chinese steel, as measured by total output minus net exports, declined by 4 percent, versus a 2.5-percent drop in the whole of last year.
The agency predicts that steel demand from Southeast Asia and India will probably increase but will be insufficient to offset the decline in China.
On the other hand, steel production and capacity will remain stable as Chinese steel companies increase exports, especially given the price premiums for steel outside of China.
For more on the steel industry in China, we are now joined by Gao Shang, commodity analyst with Guantong Futures.
[Talking points]
1: What are the challenges is China's steel industry facing? What factors have caused these challenges?
2: Chinese steel companies have started to employ the "going out" strategy to stay alive. Do you think it will help them turn losses into profits? What else can they do to survive?
3: Industry reports show Chinese steel prices are at their lowest in more than 20 years. Do you foresee China's steel industry remaining sluggish in the near future?
Back anchor:
That was Gao Shang, commodity analyst with Guantong Futures.
MOF:domestic entities free from VAT in space transportation serviceChina's Ministry of Finance has issued a circular freeing domestic entities from paying value-added tax in providing space transportation services.
Such domestic entities will also be refunded taxes related to the purchasing of space shuttles and related goods as well as accepting services to guarantee launching and operating of their space transportation vehicles.
Meanwhile, space shuttles and goods delivered in orbit by domestic entities are taken as equivalents to exported goods and will be exempted from VAT.
China-DPRK border trade zone approvedA border trade zone between China and North Korea was approved on Monday.
The Guomenwan border trade zone covers 40-thousand square meters of land in the border city of Dandong, Liaoning Province in China.
Residents living near the border are able to exchange commodities with people from North Korea.
In the meantime, people can enjoy a duty-free policy on goods purchased for less than 8-thousand yuan each day.
The trade zone is expected to open in October.
Dandong is the key area for trade, investment and tourism between China and North Korea.
China becomes world's largest industrial robots marketMedia reports say China is expected to have the most installed industrial robots in the world by 2016.
According to an industry summit forum held in Shanghai, China has become the largest industrial-robots market in the world, with annual sales topping 56,000 units in 2014.
The number is up 50% compare with the sales data from 2013.
Robot sales in Guangdong Province took up a third of the total amount, as it is the base for many manufacturers.
Although Chinese industrial robot firms have some weak points such as lack of core technology and elements, some of them, like Unisound and Baidu, are good at recognition of voices and meanings.
SportsRobinho could head for UAE instead of Guangzhou EvergrandeBrazilian forward Robinho could end up playing for Al Jazira in the United Arab Emirates rather than Guangzhou Evergrande.
Evergrande has been pursuing Robinho, offering a deal worth 12 million euros.
But Robinho's delay in accepting the offer has prompted the Chinese Super League club to give him an ultimatum.
Meanwhile, Al-Jazira has been in close contact with Robinho, according to Brazilian media.
The 31-year-old striker is expected to make a decision following the birth of his son.
Robinho has been one of Guangzhou Evergrande's main targets after Luiz Felipe Scolari took over the club. He earlier acquired Paulinho and was expected to secure a three-year deal with Robinho.
Universiade resultsChina's Chen Xiaoxi has won the women's singles in table tennis at the Universiade in Gwangju, South Korea.
Chen defeated her teammate Jiang Yue in five sets.
In men's singles, China's Liu Yi is jointly third with Lee Sang Su from the host nation.
China now has four gold medals, one silver and two bronzes in tables tennis at the Universiade.
Other good news for team China,Zhang Yingying won the gold medal in the half marathon.
Guo Yunfei won the 67 kilogram category of Taekwondo.
Other action from the event,Italy crushed the 10-man South Korea squad 3-0 to win the soccer title.
Kazan transforming World Cup stadium in to pools for Swimming ChampionshipsThe Russian city of Kazan is putting on the final touches for the World Swimming Championships later this month.
The city is transforming its football stadium for the FIFA World Cup into two swimming pools.
Vladimir Leonov, sports minister of the Republic of Tatarstan where Kazan is located, is confident in the city's capacity for hosting world-class sports events.
"We've hosted a lot of events, not only the University Games but also afterwards the fencing World Cup. We hosted a lot of events by the FINA, like test events before. We host tennis, track and field, badminton. And the people from abroad, they come here, there is not a problem. Everybody's satisfied with everything, with the venues, with the people, with the atmosphere."Leonov also believes Kazan's tourist attractions will keep players and visitors entertained.
Sun, Ning return for World Swimming ChampionshipsSun Yang and Ning Zetao have returned to Beijing from their training sessions in Australia and joined the national team, before China announces its final list of swimmers for the Championships in Kazan.
China's list will come out next week, along with a reward scheme for winners at the event.
The World Swimming Championships will start within two weeks. Swimming competitions begin on August 2nd.
I still have many years in front of me: DjokovicWimbledon champion Novak Djokovic has said he remains hungry for more success but is not thinking about challenging the number of Grand Slams won by Roger Federer and Rafael Nadal yet.
"First and foremost it's a passion,, love for this sport. The joy I find when playing tennis. That's the reason I picked up the racket when I was young, it's the reason why I'm here today with you because I just enjoy playing it, I love it. I love competing, it's a big part of my life, it's what I do, I've been doing it my entire life, it's what I know the best."The world number one has also found new motivation in the people around him.
Djokovic earlier joined ladies winner Serena Williams on a champions' dinner in reviving a Wimbledon tradition.
They danced to a rendition of the Bee Gees hit "Saturday Night Fever".
Ivan Basso has testicular cancer, withdraws from TourIn cycling,The Tour de France has been hit by grim news on its first rest day.
Tinkoff-Saxo's Ivan Basso announced he's been diagnosed with testicular cancer and he has withdrawn from the Tour.
"Unfortunately I have a bad announcement to give to you guys ... On stage number five I had a really small crash. But on the crash I touched my testicle on the saddle and for a few days I feel a small pain and we decide to go and make a special analysis. Examination gave me bad news - I have a small cancer in the left testicle. So it is easy to understand I have to stop."Disgraced cyclist Lance Armstrong, a survivor of testicular cancer, immediately tweeted his support for Basso.
Thirty-seven-year-old Basso is a two-time Giro champion and has won the Tour de France's white jersey for best young rider.
Being the lead-out man for team leader Alberto Contador, Basso's absence will be a blow for Tinkoff-Saxo and their hopes for the yellow jersey.
On the brighter side,Tony Martin who crashed out of the Tour and broke his collarbone has undergone successful surgery.
Martin said he hopes to get back on his bike soon and is looking forward to the Olympics.
Over in China,Green jersey holder Marko Kump has won his third scalp in stage nine of the Tour of Qinghai Lake.
EntertainmentSinger Jay Chou welcomes a baby girlMandopop singer Jay Chou is officially a dad.
It's been reported that his model wife, Hannah Quinlivan, gave birth to a baby girl on Sunday.
However, some relatives of Jay Chou told media that the girl was born on Friday.
Details about the new baby, including a name, haven't been revealed.
Jay Chou and Hannah Quinlivan registered their marriage last July and had three spectacular wedding ceremonies in Britain, Australia and Taiwan this January.
The musician currently serves as a coach in the fourth season of reality talent show-"The Voice of China".
"The Big Bang Theory" Back for Streaming in ChinaThe Big Bang Theory has become the first American TV series this year to be approved by China's media watchdog for online streaming in China.
Video website Sohu TV says the eighth season will be available exclusively on its streaming service from next Wednesday.
The season finale of the hit sitcom's eighth season was aired in the US in May.
The Big Bang Theory has a huge fanbase in China and previous seasons have topped the list of most viewed shows on major Chinese online streaming sites.
Lead Actor Jim Parsons, who plays the character Sheldon Cooper on the show, is a very familiar face for young Chinese audiences.
The show was taken down from Chinese video websites last April due to new regulations concerning foreign shows.
Janet Jackson announces second U.S. leg of world tourUS singer Janet Jackson is adding more U.S. dates to her "Unbreakable" world tour.
This is the first tour in four years for the six-time Grammy Award winner and multi-platinum selling artist.
After the leg wraps in November in Honolulu, she'll take a break for the holidays and resume the tour in January in Portland, Oregon.
Jackson's new album - her first in seven years, is set to be released this fall.
Harry Potter spin-off film seeks young starAn open casting call is to be held to find a girl to star in JK Rowling's Harry Potter spin-off film-"Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them".
Film studio Warner Bros is looking for a girl between the ages of eight and twelve to play a character called "Modesty".
The chosen youngster will star opposite Eddie Redmayne in what is bound to be one of the biggest film releases of next year.
Redmayne will play a "magizoologist", who writes a Hogwarts School textbook about the weird and wonderful creatures he encounters.
Rowling has written the screenplay for the film, which is based on a Harry Potter spin-off book she published in 2001.
JK Rowling says "Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them" is neither a prequel nor a sequel to the Harry Potter series, but an extension of the wizarding world.
The movie is expected to be released next November.
WeatherBeijing will see thundershowers with a high of 37 degrees Celsius.
Overnight temperatures should drop down to 23.
Shanghai will be cloudy with a high of 34 and a low of 24.
In Chongqing, it will be overcast during the daytime with a high of 30 and lows of 26.
Elsewhere in the world, staying here in Asia,Kathmandu, slight rain, 29.
Islamabad will be cloudy with a high of 36.
Kabul will be cloudy with a high of 34.
Over to North America,New York will have slight rain with a high of 29 degrees.
Washington, slight rain with a high of 31 degrees.
Honolulu, cloudy, 28.
Toronto will see slight rain with a high of 27 degrees.
Finally, on to South America,Buenos Aires will be sunny with a high of 12.
And Rio de Janeiro will be cloudy with a high of 27 degrees Celsius.
That's it for this edition of the Beijing Hour.
Recapping our top stories this morning...
Police in northeast China kill three knife-wielding terror suspects...
The Chinese premier calls for even more "precise and effective measures" to promote stable and reliable economic growth...
Greece has agreed to terms on a new financial bailout plan...
In Business...a Chinese financial software company is under investigation amid allegations it is responsible for some of the stock market chaos in China in recent weeks...
On behalf of the Beijing Hour staffers, this is Shane Bigham in Beijing hoping you'll join us for our next edition of the Beijing Hour to open a window to the world together.