新闻纵贯线 The Beijing Hour updated 20:00 2015/07/17(在线收听

 The Beijing HourEvening EditionSophie Williams with you on this Friday July 17, 2015.

Welcome to the Beijing Hour, coming to you live from the Chinese capital...
Coming up on the program this evening...
Chinese Defense Minister expressing concern over Japan's security bills.....
Final assembly starting on World's Largest Amphibious Aircraft.....
And the FBI Investigating motive behind shooting of 4 US marines in Tennessee....
In Business.... China and World Bank Setting up a 50mln USD Fund to tackle poverty....
In Sports.... Sun Yang to compete in 4 men's events at Kazan World Swimming Championships....
And in Entertainment... Linkin Park Promoting "The Hunting Party" Tour in ShanghaiTop NewsChinese DM expresses concern over Japan's security billsChinese Defense Minister Chang Wanquan has expressed concern over the security bills passed by Japan's lower house of parliament.
Chang made the remarks when meeting with Shotaro Yachi, head of Japan's National Security Council.
He says the bills will expand the role of Japan's Self-Defense Forces and will have a complicated influence on regional security and strategic stability.
Chang urges the Japanese to learn from history, respect major security concerns of its neighbors and not to harm regional peace and stability.
Yachi says both countries should take measures to properly handle the differences and Japan is willing to keep communication with China.
China, Japan Hold High-level Political DialogueAnchor:
China and Japan have held a high-level political dialogue in Beijing, the first such interaction since bilateral ties plunged to a low point over the Diaoyu Islands dispute.
Chinese State Councilor Yang Jiechi co-chaired the dialogue with the visiting head of Japan's National Security Council Shotaro Yachi.
CRI's Niu Honglin has more.
State Councilor Yang Jiechi opened the dialogue by stressing the important question of where the relationship between the two countries is heading.
"China and Japan are two important countries in the world. Their bilateral relationship not only concerns the well-being of their people but also has an important impact on Asia and the whole world. Holding a high-level political dialogue to have an in-depth exchange of views on bilateral relations and issues of mutual concern is a significant move to strengthen our strategic communication."Gao Hong, deputy director with the Institute for Japanese Studies under the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, says the high-level talks are of even greater significance this time, as this year marks the 70th anniversary of the end of World War II.
He explains that the China-Japan relationship has taken steps to improve, after four political documents signed by the two countries in November last year. However, the generally stable relationship is still kind of vulnerable.
"There are things that may affect people with sensitive nerves, such as the fact that Abe may publish a talk about the war in August, as well as China's large celebrations marking the 70th anniversary of the victory of Chinese People's War of Resistance against Japanese Aggression and the World Anti-Fascists War. In this particularly sensitive moment, the high-level direct dialogue between two senior leaders is very necessary. "Yang Jiechi says China insisted on advancing bilateral links on basis of a four-point consensus reached during the last time meeting of the two officials.
He urged further effort from the Japanese side.
We hope that Japan will work with China towards the same direction, properly handle the sensitive issues concerning history, maritime issues, the military, security, and so on. We also hope both countries can continue to deepen exchanges in various fields and make efforts to promote continuous improvement and development of bilateral relations."During the talk, Yang Jiechi has also voiced concerns over the passage of security bills that will expand the role of Japan's Self-Defense Forces.
Yang made clear China's stance on the issue and urged the Japanese side to earnestly draw lessons from history, stick to the route of peaceful development, respect the major security concerns of its neighbors and not do anything detrimental to regional peace and stability.
The dialogue runs until Saturday.
For CRI, I'm Niu Honglin.
Russian Expert accuses Japan's security bills of threatening regional and world peace.
A Russian Expert has accused Japan's security bills of threatening regional and world peace.
Victor Pavlyatenko worked as a senior fellow at the Center for Japanese Studies at the Far East Institute of the Russian Academy of Science. He says the passing of the security bills is a violation of the international order after World War II.
"The bills have made us realize that Japan is on the path towards militarization. It has chosen a strategy that will fuel regional tension by showing its military and political ambitions. This will not only affect regional security, but the security across the whole world,"The bills, passed on Thursday, enable the country's Self-Defense Forces to engage in armed conflicts overseas and help defend others even if Japan is not attacked.
The move provoked protests from tens of thousands of people and drew criticism from opposition lawmakers and interest groups, who are concerned that the legislation could involve Japan in wars far beyond its shores.
World Largest Amphibious Aircraft Starts Final AssemblyGeneral assembly has begun on China's self-developed amphibious aircraft AG600 in Zhuhai, south China's Guangdong province.
Workers are currently assembling the fuselage of the world's largest amphibious aircraft.
Huang Lingcai, chief designer of the AG600 project, says that one of the aircraft's main functions is long-distance sea rescue.
"The golden rescue time for those in the water is twelve hours. The helicopter is still the first choice for coastal water rescue while for long distance rescue exceeding 500 kilometers, a helicopter cannot reach that far and a boat is too slow. The AG600 can reach a speed of 480 kilometers per hour. Under suitable conditions, it can land on waters directly to carry out rescue work. "The aircraft has a flying range of 5,000 kilometers, with an effective rescue range of around 3,000 kilometers.
Besides maritime rescue, the AG600 will also be used to fight forest fires.
"When the aircraft is on water, it can absorb 12 tonnes of water in its four water tanks in twelve to fifteen seconds. After arriving over the fire-hit area, the tank doors opens and the water pours onto the fire in four seconds."The AG600 will also be used in marine environment monitoring, resource exploration, and transportation.
It can take off from both land and water and rescue a maximum of 50 people on water at one time.
The AG600, along with the airfreighter Y-20 and the large passenger aircraft C919, are all China's large planes.
Research Highlights Challenges for China's Senior Care MarketAnchor:
A recent research suggests China's senior care market has a long way to go to meet the increasing demand of the country's fast aging population.
CRI's Victor Ning has the details.
China Research Center on Aging yesterday unveiled a research report on the development of the country's senior care facilities. The first of its kind, the report highlights the challenges faced by China's current geriatric care sector.
The report says the demand for senior care far exceeds the current available supply. At the end of 2014, there were 212 million people over the age of 60 in China. Over 40 million of them were disabled. For every thousand people over the age of 60, there were 26 nursing home beds available in China. That is compared to the 50 to 70 beds available for every thousand people over the age of 65 in developed countries.
Secondly, the report finds many nursing homes are not strategically positioned to meet the demands of most seniors.
Wu Yushao, Director of China Research Center on Aging explains:
"Most current nursing homes are positioned either in the very high-end or very low-end of the service spectrum, failing to meet the demands of those in the middle, where the need for affordable and proper care is most significant."The research surveyed around 300 nursing homes in 12 major Chinese cities. The average monthly fees for one person amounted to 2,134 yuan, or about 343 US dollars. However, China's average monthly pension income for retired persons currently stands at 2,061 yuan, or about 332 US dollars, per person. On the other hand, low profit margins and long term investments have also caused half of the surveyed nursing homes to only break even, while one third of them are operating at a loss.
Another issue is the service capabilities of the current facilities. Half of the current nursing homes do not offer any medical or health related services. Beyond meeting clients' physical needs, many facilities are not capable of ensuring their emotional wellbeing.
Wang Lili, deputy supervisor of the research, further elaborates:
"Most nursing homes are lacking in professionals who can offer emotional comfort to the elderly. Many care givers are between the ages of 40 to 50, with little education. They are more focused on how to physically care for their clients, which presents the issues of professional awareness and capability."Experts say China urgently needs a national standard to assess and categorize the services offered by nursing homes, so that older people, based on their individual needs, can receive the appropriate levels of services. The government can then increase its support to these facilities based on their specific needs.
Looking ahead, Wu Yushao, the director of China Research Center on Aging, predicts that private enterprises will become the major players in China's senior care sector, offering smaller facilities, more specific and more community-based services.
For CRI, I am Victor Ning.
Beijing to Move City Admin to Reduce "Urban Ills"Anchor:
Authorities in Beijing have announced that many non-government industries and functions are to be phased out in the capital.
This follows the announcement that construction of an administrative center is to be accelerated, as authorities look to integrate Beijing with neighboring Tianjin and the province of Hebei.
It's part of the ongoing effort to ease the city's "urban ills" and make the city more livable.
CRI's Huang Shan has more.
According to the city's development and reform commission, functions to be removed from the capital include manufacturing, logistics, wholesale markets and partial functions of the public service.
These sectors combined have drawn many people to the Chinese capital.
The latest plan follows the decision to build a subsidiary administrative center in Tongzhou district, which is about 40 minutes' drive from the city center.
Professor Li Yongping form Peking University hails the plan.
"I think it is also beneficial for the municipal government as Tongzhou enjoys plenty of resources. And if some government units move to there, it will greatly release the pressure in downtown city. It is also a common phenomenon in many other developed countries."Beijing has already seen 120 wholesale markets move out of the city since 2014, with some manufacturing industries also planning to move into neighboring Tianjin and Hebei.
Ma Qingbin is a researcher from the China Center for International Economic Exchanges.
He says with a larger regional development plan involving Beijing, Tianjin and Hebei, Tongzhou district is be a necessary choice in terms of its location.
"Bejing's development will head east and south to dock with Tianjin in the near future. From this point, Tongzhou is a good choice to facilitating the implementation of the regional development plan. It can bring more space for Beijing and Tianjin's cooperation, and thus solve the capital's problems."Observers believe the development of Tongzhou would also relieve transportation pressure for many commuters who live in Hebei but work in the capital.
The number is currently estimated at 200,000.
Several intercity rails linking Beijing and neighboring areas are already under construction.
For CRI, I'm Huang Shan.
4 US Marines killed in military attacks in Tennessee, FBI Investigates in MotiveFive people, including the lone gunman, have been killed in shootings at two military facilities in the US state of Tennessee.
Local police say the incidents at a Naval Reserve Center and a nearby military recruiting center in the city of Chattanooga lasted a combined total of 30 minutes. The shooting started at around 11 in the morning local time on Thursday.
President Barack Obama has described the shootings as "heartbreaking".
"At this point, a full investigation is taking place. The FBI will be in the lead working closely with local law enforcement. We've also been in contact with the Department of Defense to make sure that all our defense facilities are properly attentive and vigilant as we sort through exactly what happened."FBI agent Edward Reinhold said at a news conference that no ties linking the gunman to an international terrorist organization have been found.
"We have no idea, at this point, what his motivation was behind the shooting. We are just beginning this investigation. We will explore that option but at this point, we don't have anything that directly ties him to an international terrorist organization."US media say the gunman has been identified as 24-year-old Muhammad Youssef Abdulazeez, who is believed to have been born in Kuwait.
He was shot dead after a gunfight at the Navy reserve center.
His motive remains unclear.
Ex-Mexican Secret service director comments on drug kingpin's escape.
Mexican authorities are searching hotels, hospitals and funeral homes in a massive manhunt for fugitive drug lord Joaquin "El Chapo" Guzman.
The interior ministry says over 100 checkpoints have been placed on the main roads and highways since Guzman fled prison on Saturday.
Federal police officers have been spread out in special search units around the Altiplano prison from where he escaped, some 90 kilometers west of Mexico City.
Police are also checking private flights at the nation's airports, with a "rigorous inspection of passengers."Jorge Carillo, ex-director and founder of the Mexican secret service, helped design the Altiplano prison. He says corruption and lack of security intelligence facilitated Guzman's escape from the maximum-security prison.
"In the initial design, there was not one moment in the life of the prisoner that wasn't being filmed. The private moments, up to the unpleasant extremes, were covered. It's obvious that the security and justice system of this country is bankrupt. Nothing more, nothing less."Guzman, 58 was first captured in Guatemala in 1993, but he escaped from a maximum-security prison in western Mexico in 2001.
He was recaptured in February 2014, but he broke out of prison again on Saturday through a 1.5-kilometer tunnel that was dug under his cell's shower.
High possibility for Ukraine to face debt default: expertUkraine could possibly face defaulting on its debt next week if it fails to pay back the 23 billion US dollar debt before July 24 or reach an agreement on debt restructuring with its creditors.
This comes as Ukraine's parliament has passed a populist bill on restructuring debt in foreign currencies.
It allows private creditors to convert unpaid debts in dollars and euros into the local currency at rates on that given day. It also demands the banks to finish the conversion in one month without raising the exchange rate.
Pavlo Kuchta, an economist with the Ukraine Debt Restructuring Committee, says the bill, if signed into law, will cost the banks at least 100 billion Ukrainian hryvnias, which will lead to a further crisis.
"The president will not sign the bill, but rather veto it because it is very harmful. It will be dangerous to Ukraine's economy."He says it's hard for Ukraine to reach any agreement with its creditors because of the sluggish economy.
"It is possible that a technical debt default will take place. As we said earlier, Ukraine still needs to negotiate with private and foreign creditors on debt restructuring."It is estimated that Ukraine's economy will shrink by nine percent in 2015. However, the IMF has said earlier that even if Ukraine doesn't pay off private creditors, they will continue to support Ukraine with the next round of loans.
Japan Olympic Stadium- Controversy rages over Tokyo Olympic stadium designAnchorThe latest estimate of the Stadium for the 2020 Tokyo Olympics is 252 billion yen, or 2 billion US dollars, nearly double the initially planed 130 yen, making it the most expensive sports stadium in the world.
The recent revelation of the numbers has triggered a public outcry in Japan and calls for a review of the project.
CRI's Xiao Yi has more.
With the latest estimate for Tokyo's Summer Olympic Stadium standing at 2 billion US dollars, the new stadium could be the most expensive sports venue in the world.
Fumihiko Maki, a Pritzker Prize-winning architect, has raised doubts over the cost of construction and says there are lots of potential pitfalls in the new Stadium project.
"They thought the total cost was 162.5 billion yen at the beginning. It might be over 270 billion yen. I doubt 270 billion yen is enough? The process of the construction has big issues. For example, it should be stopped before midnight, weekends, and holidays. And this difficult work requires lots of time. I think it's become a real problem."Meanwhile, Some Tokyo residents have expressed their disappointment in the design.
"Honestly, from the design perspective, it doesn't seem to fit within the fabric of Tokyo, which I feel is - though even a rather eclectic space - not, not a perfect fit."The Japan Sports Council, which is overseeing the project, attributes about one-third of the increase in price to rising labor and materials costs, and two-thirds to the unusual design of the stadium. An increase in the consumption tax rate also added about 4 billion yen.
Jim Heverin, project director for the stadium, says he understands the concerns regarding the rising cost.
"It's understandable that when the costs go up by over 55% that it is considerable that people are concerned and that they question everything and I think that is understandable."Jim adds that doesn't want the legacy of the project to be over shadowed by the current controversy.
Japanese political leaders acknowledged on Thursday that the new main stadium for the 2020 Tokyo Olympics is too costly, promising that they will try to find cost-cutting efforts to reduce the burden on taxpayers.
For CRI, I'm XYee.
Teenagers' Music Dreams Come True in MISAAnchor:
A Chinese girl wrote a quartet as a middle school graduation project while a Kenyan girl created a symphony after observing New Yorkers.
Both of their works have been selected by the New York Philharmonic's Young People's Concert, part of the Music In the Summer Air music festival in Shanghai.
Our reporter Chi Huiguang has the story.
Liao Shuwen is a 13-year-old student of Affiliated Middle School to Shanghai Conservatory of Music, who spent her childhood in Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region.
This time, she got the chance to show off her compositions "Shadow of Wolf". She says she jumped when was told the good news.
"I am very happy. I think it's a good opportunity. I just take music as a tool to adequately express my feelings."She says she wanted to illustrate the scene of wolves chasing each other under the moonlight.
"I went to the grasslands of Inner Mongolia last year and experienced the enthusiasm of the people there. All my life I have loved wolves so much that I really wanted to showcase their savagery, intelligence and wisdom through my music."The orchestra also played "New York: In Town and Out" written by Hawa Sakho from Kenya, who is also 13 year-old, and started composing when she was in 4th grade.
"My music was inspired by New York in general, like seeing all the people and all the different culture. So I came up with the idea that one day, maybe I should just bring that all into a piece. And have played in the New York Philharmonic."From the whole work, we can decipher many music elements from Africa,"I want to express how two different cultures are coming to meet. There's a section in my piece where two different cultures come and collide, and they talk to each other."Theodore Wiprud, Vice President in Education Department of New York Philharmonic explains, even though the two teenagers' works are not mature, they were selected based on their originality and potential. And their communication turns out to be very important in the development of music.
"Here we see the next generation of music, young women from both countries, exchanging, listening to each other's music, talking to each other through music. And institutions like Shanghai Symphony and New York Philharmonic providing a stage for that. That's been very important for these young people to understand each other and to be inspired to work harder in music because of that friendship."Besides the four annual residencies at Music In the Summer Air music festival, the cooperation between the Philharmonic and Shanghai Orchestra Academy also included the creation of the Shanghai Orchestra Academy, launched in last Autumn.
The concert also featured Leonard Bernstein's "Lonely Town" and Karen LeFrak's "A Bite of the Apple".
For CRI, I am Chi Huiguang.
EU grants short-term bridging loan to GreeceThe EU has granted a short-term bridging loan to Greece to allow the country to pay off arrears it owes to the International Monetary Fund (IMF).
The group earlier approved a three-year grant for Greece from the European Stability Mechanism following the approval of austerity measures by the Greek parliament.
The short-term loan is expected to get the IMF to rejoin negotiations on a third bailout for Greece.
Jeroen Dijsselbloem, chair of the Eurogroup, stresses that more work needs to be done, especially by Greece itself.
"Who pays that, the Greek society. With pre-financing from the European emergency loans. But the Greek society will have to be further reformed. There will have to be more done to get the economy back on track."The loan to Greece will be effective until mid-August.
These short-term funds are estimated at 7 billion euro.
Dijsselbloem says with the loan in place, Greece will be able to pay back arrears it owes the IMF by Monday at the latest.
Greece has been in arrears to the IMF since June 30 when it failed to make a loan repayment.
Meanwhile, all Greek banks will reopen next Monday after a three-week bank holiday. The 60 euro daily limit in cash withdrawals will remain.
Headline newsChinese DM expresses concern over Japan's security billsChinese Defense Minister Chang Wanquan has expressed concern over the security bills passed by Japan's lower house of parliament.
Chang made the remarks when meeting with Shotaro Yachi, head of Japan's National Security Council.
He says the bills will expand the role of Japan's Self-Defense Forces and will have a complicated influence on regional security and strategic stability.
Chang urges the Japanese to learn from history, respect major security concerns of its neighbors and not to harm regional peace and stability.
Yachi says both countries should take measures to properly handle the differences and Japan is willing to keep communication with China.
11 cult members jailed in NW China11 members of the Mentuhui cult have received jail terms in Ningxia.
The defendants have been given sentences ranging from three years to over eight years after being convicted of instigating believers to defy law and regulations with the cult's doctrine.
A court says these members set up bases in the city of Shizuishan and distributed texts and pictures on their creeds to local residents in order to attract members.
All defendants have pleaded guilty.
The Mentuhui group was classified as a cult in 1995.
Police in Shizuishan arrested nearly 140 members of the cult last November.
9 Killed in Central Philippine Coal Mine CollapseNine workers have been killed and six others are still missing after a coal mine collapsed in the central Philippine province of Antique on Friday.
Initial investigation shows that the coal mine collapsed early on Friday morning due to heavy monsoon rain.
Officials say there were 13 workers on the collapsed mining site when the landslide happened, and four of them were able to escape.
The nine workers were buried alive by the landslide.
So far, three bodies have been recovered.
The search to find the remaining six miners is still ongoing.
Chinese Muslims mark Eid al-FitrMillions of Muslims across China have begun celebrating Eid al-Fitr, which marks the end of the Islamic holy month of Ramadan.
Starting date of Eid al-Fitr varies based on the observation of the new moon by local religious authorities.
China's Qinghai and Gansu provinces started on Friday while Xinjiang Uygur and Ningxia Hui Autonomous Regions will mark it on Saturday.
300-thousand Muslims in Qinghai gathered around the mosques on Friday early morning to reserve a place in the prayer hall.
In Ningxia, where most of the Hui minority lives, a five-day holiday will begin on Saturday. Highways and most scenic spots there will be free of charge during the holiday.
With about 20 million Muslims across China, Eid al-Fitr is also expected to be celebrated in other provinces and cities.
Biz ReportsStocksAnchor:
Turning now to business news.
First a look at the numbers from across the Asian markets to close out this Friday evening.
Here is Wang Mengzhen.
Chinese shares surged over 3 percent on Friday, stablizing the recent market rebound.
Settlement of index futures for July has become a key focus of attention in the A share market today, as investors worry about potential downward pressure.
But Winston Wang, managing director of Shipstone Group, says it is unlikely that overall market stability will be affected.
"I do not think the specific day is so critical as the media portrayed it. You've already seen people who hold this kind of futures are making assessments on a daily basis and adjust the assessments according to what is happening in the maket. We have already seen the market is significantly stablized. "At the closing bell,The benchmark Shanghai Composite Index gained 3.5 percentThe Shenzhen Component Index jumped 5.2 percent.
The ChiNext Index, tracking China's Nasdaq-style board of growth enterprises, climbed 6 percent.
Hong Kong stocks ended higher on Friday with the benchmark Hang Seng index rising 1.0 percent.
Meanwhile, mainland solar panel market Hanergy has vowed to challenge a suspension order issued by the Hong Kong Securities regulator issued yesterday, saying it may sue to end the dispute.
Elsewhere in Asia,Tokyo shares continued its bullish run ahead of national holidays.
The benchmark Nikkei gained a quarter of a percent.
South Korea's KOSPI dropped half a percent today.
Singapore stocks finished higher on the day, with the benchmark Straits Times Index ending up 0.4 percent.
And finally, Australian stocks gained slightly today with its benchmark ASX 200 ended almost flat.
Hundsun Tech. to close account opening function of HOMS serviceHundsun Technologies on Thursday announced that its subsidiary Hundsun Network would shut down the account-opening function of its HMOS service.
This, after the securities regulator's requirements for clearing and rectifying illegal businesses.
HMOS is an IT service that connects accounts to access points offered by securities brokerage firms.
It has been criticized on social media in China for channeling massive margin lenders into speculative trades on the domestic stock market and contributing to the sharp fall in stock prices in recent weeks.
Apart from shutting down the account-opening function, the company says it will also close all functions for accounts without any assets in the HMOS system and inform all the clients not to put additional capital into the accounts any more.
China, World Bank Set up a 50mln USD FundChina and the World Bank have reached an agreement on Thursday to set up a 50 million US dollar fund to help relieve poverty.
The trust fund aims to finance investment projects, knowledge development and human-resources cooperation at global and regional levels.
The fund project is expected to be operational later this year.
During a meeting with the visiting World Bank chief Jim Yong Kim on Thursday in Beijing, Chinese Premier Li Keqiang said that China is ready to enhance partnership with the World Bank to jointly face the downward pressure on the global economy.
Meanwhile, Jim Yong Kim has gone on record saying that China's economic fundamentals are sound despite the recent equity market volatility.
Jim Yong Kim made the comments earlier today at a press conference in Beijing.
China outbound direct investment surges in H1Anchor:
China's outbound direct investment increased sharply in the first half of this year thanks to less restriction from the government.
Statistics from China's Ministry of Commerce shows China's non-financial ODI grew 29 percent in the first half to 56 billion U.S. dollars.
China revised an ODI regulation last October, streamlining procedures and making it easier for enterprises to explore overseas markets.
China became a net capital exporter for the first time when ODI outnumbered foreign direct investment.
In a separate media briefing from the State Council, China's cabinet, the commerce ministry also said it will release fresh measures to stabilize the country's imports and exports growth.
New stats have shown China's export volume has maintained positive growth in the first half of 2015 despite the slowdown of international trade and weak global demand.
For more on China's overseas investment, CRI's Zhao Yang earlier spoke with Winston Wang, managing director of Shipstone Group Ltd.
That was Winston Wang, managing director of Shipstone Group Ltd, talking with CRI's Zhao Yang.
Insurance giant denies breach of CSRC rulesChina Life Insurance Company has denied it has violated China Securities regulator's requirements by selling A shares of CITIC securities.
In the statement released by its board of directors, the state-owned insurance firm pledges to continue buying A shares despite the ongoing volatility in the market.
A week ago, the domestic insurance giant sold 30 million A shares of CITIC securities.
This comes just two days after China Securities Regulatory Commission stopped shareholders from holding over a 5 percent stake in listed firms and selling any shares in half a year.
Earlier it was reported that the company might have breached the rules since it owned some 6 percent of CITIC Securities' shares before the sale.
However, China Life Insurance later refuted the report, saying the firm and its parent now hold some 4.7 percent of CITIC securities.
SportsSun Yang to compete in 4 men's events at Kazan WorldsIt's been confirmed that Chinese Olympic champion Sun Yang will compete in 4 men's events at the upcoming Swimming World Championships in the Russian city of Kazan.
The events include the men's 200-meter, 400-meter, 800-meter and 1500-meter freestyle.
The 23 year old is remaining low key about his medal prospects in Kazan saying he'll just stay focused on his own training.
Earlier at the 2013 Barcelona Worlds, Sun claimed 3 gold medals.
Some other top swimmers including Yannick Agnel and Kosuke Hagino have decided to skip the worlds this year due to injuries.
South Korean swimmer Park Tae-Hwan will also miss the event over a doping ban.
The Chinese swimming team is set to leave for Kazan on July 27.
Gatlin expresses confidence on Bolt for Beijing WorldsAmerican sprinter Justin Gatlin has expressed his confidence that top Jamaican sprinter Usain Bolt will be fit for a spectacular showdown against him at the upcoming IAAF World Championships in Beijing.
The 2004 Athens Olympic champion made the comments after Bolt, the reigning Olympic and World champion skipped the Monaco diamond league. Justin Gatlin says Bolt is not avoiding him and he himself is expecting a thrilling race against a top shape Bolt here in the capital.
Earlier this month, Bolt, the world record holder of men's 100 and 200 meters, pulled out of the Paris and Lausanne diamond league meeting due to a left leg injury.
33-year-old Gatlin has posted the fastest times in the world this year, 9.74 seconds in the 100-meter race and 19.57 in the 200-meters.
He hasn't yet lost a race since the 2013 World Championships, winning all 22 races.
Gatlin will race against fellow Americans Tyson Gay and Trayvon Bromell as well as European record holder Jimmy Vicaut of France in the men's 100-meter race.
Uruguay World Cup Winner Ghiggia DiesSome sad news in the world of football:
Uruguay World Cup winner Alcides Ghiggia, known as the 'Maracanazo' hero, has died at the age of 89.
He was admitted to a private hospital in Montevideo and died from a cardiac arrest.
The Uruguay forward became famous after scoring the winning goal for Uruguay in the 1950 World Cup final, putting Uruguay 2-1 ahead against Brazil.
The victory itself was later known as the 'Maracanazo'.
For his part, Ghiggia said he preferred not to bask in the memory of the Maracanazo during an interview 2 years ago.
Bayern Munich land in Beijing, beginning China tourIn other football news:
Bayern Munich has touched down in Beijing to kick off their pre-season tour of China.
Over 1000 fans gathered at the arrival hall of Beijing's Capital International Airport to welcome the German football club.
Some of them had been waiting for two hours.
Exhilarating screams echoed in the hall after the Bundesliga champions appeared around noon.
5 players from the team will be absent due to injuries or muscular problems, among them are Dutch winger Arjen Robben and French midfielder Franck Ribery.
Bayern is set to play against Valencia tomorrow at China's National Stadium in the capital, known as the 'Bird's Nest'.
The trip also includes matches against Inter Milan next Tuesday in Shanghai and Guangzhou Evergrande next Thursday in Guangzhou.
Josh Smith leaves Houston Rockets for LA ClippersIn NBA:
It's been reported that Josh Smith has left the Houston Rockets and is set to join the Los Angeles Clippers.
Media reports said that he chose the LA Clippers in order to have a higher chance of winning an NBA title despite other teams offering him a higher salary.
The powerful forward has expressed his gratitude to the Houston Rockets in a statement, saying Houston has become his second home.
Josh Smith was signed on a 1-year deal with the Houston Rockets for over 2 million U.S. dollars last December.
Serena Williams withdraws from Swedish OpenOver to tennis:
6 time Wimbledone champion Serena Williams has pulled out of the Swedish Open due to an elbow injury.
She was set to play in the round of 16 but withdrew from the tournament shortly before the match.
Williams says she must heed her medical team's advice after a practice season.
The 33-year-old tennis star claimed her sixth Wimbledon title last weekend, leaving only the U.S. Open on her path to a full Grand Slam this year.
Sam Saunders takes first lead in Barbasol ChampionshipIn golf, at the PGA Tour in Alabama:
Sam Saunders has opened a bogey-free 64 to take the first-round lead in the inaugural Barbasol Championship.
Jason Gore who shot a 65 stroke back is currently in second place.
Maverick McNealy is tied for third at 66 along with Martin Flores, Carlos Sainz Jr., Will Wilcox and Carlos Ortiz.
29-year-old Wilcox birdied the 15th hole to get to five under and move into the group tied for third.
Ortiz has just one top-10 finish and entered this week having missed the cut during his last 4 tournaments.
He scattered two eagles, three birdies and two bogeys on his card to move into contention.
Five golfers shot rounds of four-under 67, including Boo Weekley and Michael Thompson.
Moscow FIE Worlds RecapOver to fencing, at the ongoing Moscow World Fencing Championships:
Inna Deriglazova has defeated her fellow Russian Aida Shanaeva 15-11 in the women's foil final, winning a first-ever World Championships gold medal.
Deriglazova previously won a bronze at the Budapest event back in 2013.
In the men's events:
Japan's Yuki Ota defeated Alexander Massialas of the U.S. 15-10 in the men's foil final, making him the first Japanese to win a gold medal in such an event.
Earlier, Massialas beat 2013 silver medalist Artur Akhmatkhuzin 15-10 to reach the final.
EntertainmentLinkin Park Promote "The Hunting Party" Tour in ShanghaiUS rock band Linkin Park is returning to China as part of their "The Hunting Party" world tour.
The band released their sixth studio album "The Hunting Party" last year.
The upcoming concerts mark their third appearance in China.
They previously performed in Shanghai in 2007 and 2009.
Linkin Park will perform in Nanjing today, followed by Shenzhen, Shanghai and Chongqing before wrapping up their tour in Beijing on July 26.
Meanwhile, another popular band Maroon 5 has announced the cancellation of their China tour which was scheduled for later this year.
The organizing party Live Nation has not released any details about the cancelation.
Netflix Says China Launch in 2016 UncertainUS streaming site Netflix says it's still uncertain if the company will launch in China next year.
Founded in 1997, the company is speeding up its expansion in the global market, including, of course, the fast-growing Chinese market.
The company originally wanted to launch its own operations in the country but later contended that seeking a local partner would be more practical.
Netflix is set to premiere the martial arts film "Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon 2" simultaneously with cinemas in the spring of next year, including select Chinese theatres.
It is expected the streaming service will officially launch in China alongside the release of the film.
However, Netflix has not been able to secure a launch date yet.
Netflix already made its way into Australia in March.
It's going to roll out services in Southeast Asia and Japan later this year.
"Jianbing Man" Opens in China, Challenging "Monster Hunt"Comedy film "Jianbing Man" has opened in Chinese theatres to compete head on with hit fantasy film "Monster Hunt".
"Jianbing Man", a mock-up hero movie, is named after a famous Beijing street snack.
The film tells the story of a once-popular actor who signs a movie contract which leaves his life in danger.
The film stars more than 30 big names from the Chinese entertainment industry, including talk show host Da Peng, actresses Yuan Shanshan and Amber Kuo.
It is Da Peng's directorial debut.
The comedy is expected to challenge the record-setting film "Monster Hunt", which opened yesterday.
"Monster Hunt" took in more than 1.7 billion yuan to become the highest-grossing Chinese film on an opening day.
The film follows the adventures of a young man who encounters difficulties in protecting a new born monster from falling into the wrong hands.
The film stars Jing Boran and Bai Baihe and is directed by Xu Chengyi.
Xu's credits also include co-directing several "DreamWorks" animations, such as "Shrek the Third".
Cross-talk Master Zhang Yongxi Dies at 92Chinese cross-talk master Zhang Yongxi has died of heart failure in Nanjing.
He was 92.
Zhang was widely recognized for his achievements in introducing the cross-talk style in northern China to Nanjing, capital of Jiangsu province.
He attended the first national folk art performance in 1958 and was received by former Chinese leader Zhou Enlai.
Zhang was also praised for not pursuing fame, turning down the lifetime achievement award by the Chinese Ballad Singers Association last year.
"Game of Thrones" Leads the EmmysNominations for this year's Emmy awards have been announced with 'Game of Thrones' leading the nominations with 24 nods.
"American Horror: Freak Show" comes in second with 19 nods while mini-series "Olive Kitteridge" received 13 nominations.
Also competing in the drama series with "Game of Thrones" include "Orange Is the New Black", "House of Cards", "Mad Men", "Homeland" and "Downton Abbey".
Taraji P. Henson from "Empire" is up for an award and says the nomination feels a bit weird.
"I guess for me the nomination - I never really got into acting for awards because it's weird when you try to compare art because it's so subjective. It's not like a time watch. You know you can work out, do push ups and run every day and eventually you'll win the race."Notably, "Good Wife" actress Julianna Margulies, who has won the best actress in a drama series award before , didn't get a nod, while Jim Parsons of "The Big Bang Theory" failed to compete in the best actor sector.
"The Big Bang Theory" was also left out of the comedy series for the first time since 2010.
"Mad Men" star Jon Hamm, Kevin Spacey of "House of Cards" and newcomer Bob Odenkirk for "Better Call Saul,"-the prequel to the now-concluded "Breaking Bad", will bid for the best actor prize.
"Brooklyn Nine Nine" actor Andy Samberg will host the three-hour ceremony on September 20th in Los Angeles.
That’s it for this edition of the Beijing Hour...
Chinese Defense Minister expressing concern over Japan's security bills.....
Final assembly starting on World's Largest Amphibious Aircraft.....
And the FBI Investigating motive behind shooting of 4 US marines in Tennessee....
In Business.... China and World Bank Setting up a 50mln USD Fund to tackle poverty....
In Sports.... Sun Yang to compete in 4 men's events at Kazan World Swimming Championships....
And in Entertainment... Linkin Park Promoting "The Hunting Party" Tour in ShanghaiOn behalf of the Beijing Hour staffers, I'm Sophie Williams in Beijing hoping you'll join us for our next edition of the Beijing Hour to open a window to the world together...