新闻纵贯线 The Beijing Hour updated 08:00 2015/07/23(在线收听

 The Beijing HourMorning EditionShane Bigham with you on this Thursday, July 23rd, 2015.

Welcome to the Beijing Hour, coming to you live from the Chinese Capital.
Coming up on our program this morning...
Chinese authorities raise concerns with Myanmar over the sentencing of 150 Chinese nationals for illegal logging...
the authorities say Japanese leaders are 'hyping' China's oil and gas development in the East China Sea...
a US-led multinational military drill is now underway in western Ukraine...
In Business...municipal leaders in Shanghai say no evidence of manipulation of futures trading has been found in the city's free trade zone...
In Sports...a loss for Team China at volleyball's FIVB World Grand Prix in the US...
In entertainment...a Chinese actor arrested in Beijing on drug charges has been sentenced...
Top NewsChina raises representation with Myanmar over sentences on its nationalsChina has raised concerns with Myanmar over the sentencing of more than 150 Chinese nationals for illegal logging.
Reports quoting the Chinese embassy in Myanmar say a court in Myitkyina (myit-key-na), capital of Kachin State, sentenced the loggers to 20 years in prison under a 1963 law that punishes those who abuse public property.
Two minors were given 10 years each and another was sentenced to 35 years for a drug offense.
The Chinese Foreign Ministry says China is highly concerned with the verdict and has made representations with the Myanmar government.
A ministry spokesman says China has asked Myanmar to take every factor into account and properly handle the case.
The Chinese embassy has sent representatives to Myitkyina to provide the Chinese with consular services.
The Chinese nationals were arrested in raids on illegal logging that began in January in Myanmar's conflict-stricken northern Kachin State.
The Foreign Ministry spokesman says since then, China has repeatedly raised representation with Myanmar through various channels.
China urges Japan to create favorable conditions for E.China Sea issueChinese authorities say Japan's hype of China's oil and gas development in the East China Sea is not conducive to dialogue and cooperation between the two countries.
Foreign Ministry spokesman Lu Kang made the remarks in response to Japan's release of photos of Chinese offshore platforms.
Tokyo claims the photos are evidence of China's unilateral gas field development near the median line between its shoreline and that of Japan in the East China Sea.
Lu Kang says China's exploitation of oil and gas in the East China Sea has been conducted in waters within China's jurisdiction.
He says Japan's actions deliberately antagonize the situation.
China and Japan reached a principled consensus on the East China Sea issue in 2008, in which the two sides agreed to carry out joint exploration in the area.
Late Chinese leader Wan Li crematedThe body of the former top Chinese legislator Wan Li has been cremated in Beijing.
President Xi Jinping, Premier Li Keqiang, former president Hu Jintao, and other senior Chinese leaders attended Wan's funeral on Wednesday at the Babaoshan Revolutionary Cemetary in western Beijing.
Flags were being flown at half staff at major government sites across the country, as well as at Chinese embassies and consulates around the world.
Wan Li died in Beijing last Wednesday at the age of 99.
He is credited with playing a key role in advancing China's rural reforms in the late 1970s during his time as Party chief in the eastern province of Anhui.
Wan Li also served as chair of the National People's Congress Standing Committee from 1988 to 1993.
China to Reduce Broadband Prices: MIITAnchorChina's Ministry of Industry and Information Technology has released a timetable to reduce prices of broadband services.
CRI's Huang Shan has more details.
ReporterChina Mobile, China Unicom and China Telecom are expected to slash broadband charges across the country. It will happen this fall.
Wen Ku with the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology says the ministry is supervising the price cut.
"About the charges of fixed broadband services, we will urge companies in all levels to reduce their prices, and the nation-wide change should be completed by the end of October. It is expected that the prices for broadband speeds between 50 and 100 Mbps will be reduced about 30 percent, and the price cut for 20 Mbps will be about 20 percent."According to the ministry's plan, average prices for mobile phone access will also sharply decrease, a year-on-year cut of at least 30 percent, by end of this year.
The latest data shows that China's mobile phone users have accounted for 94.5 percent of total population.
The government will carry out other measures as well, including legislation and planning to lower telecom operators' costs for network upgrading, and remove barriers that impede the progress of broadband construction.
In terms of the elevation of broadband speed, Wen Ku says fixed broadband subscribers can enjoy free upgrades in the following months.
"For fixed broadband, copper cable users in the regions where conditions are met, can enjoy a free update of internet speed to 4Mbps. We aim to speed up service for 20 million users by the end of October. For fiber users, we will double their current broadband speed free of charge, expecting to benefit over 46 million users by the end of this year."In May, companies began cutting prices for international roaming services, with an average reduction of 80 percent.
The new moves are in accordance with the guidelines of the Internet Plus campaign approved by China's State Council.
The campaign aims to push forward industrial innovation by integrating mobile Internet, cloud computing, and big data with modern manufacturing.
Serving as a new engine for economic growth, this new industrial mode needs the high-speed broadband network to support the open sharing platforms, which allows the integration of traditional industries and the Internet.
For CRI, I'm Huang Shan.
Curator Theft Raises Museum AlarmsAnchorA museum theft in which a curator stole precious artworks and replaced them with his own forgery has aroused public outrage in China.
Experts say more needs to be done to protect antiquities and works of art housed in museums.
CRI's Niu Honglin has the story.
ReporterXiao Yuan, former library curator of Guangzhou Academy of Fine Art, has been charged with selling authentic art works and replacing them with fakes that he forged on his own.
Prosecutors claim that Xiao took advantage of his post to steal more than 140 works between 2002 and 2010, including traditional Chinese paintings by renowned artists Zhang Daqian and Qi Baishi.
Ma Weidu, an antiques collector, says "inside jobs" have become a trend in museum thefts.
"Before the 1980s, most relic thefts were break-in cases: burglars broke into museums to steal items. In the 21st century, as advanced technologies were introduced and large investments were poured into this field, break-in cases committed by invaders have decreased. Most museum thefts are now inside jobs."Ma emphasizes that without strict implementation of regulations, even the most advanced security systems cannot stop theft from happening.
"For example, we have regulations saying that anyone who enters a compartment has to be accompanied with at least one person. When staff members are familiar with each other, it may be harder to implement the regulations, as some lazy ones will say 'I will stay outside and wait, you can just move on'. If those things happen, the regulations become a useless scrap of paper."Prosecutors say Xiao Yuan sold 125 items for more than 34 million yuan via two auction companies between 2004 and 2011.
Dong Guoqiang, an auction industry insider, says it is hard for auction companies to verify origins of objects for auction.
"According to the auction law, clients should make clear the origins and defects of the objects for auction. But auctioneers could only listen to their stories; they are unable to confirm them. After all, auction enterprises are not the police."Xiao Yuan's case was exposed when someone found an official stamp of Guangzhou Academy of Fine Art on an item for auction in Hong Kong. The person had doubts and called the police.
Dong Guoqiang explains that such items are common at auctions.
"It is ordinary to see an official stamp on a painting for auction. Such cases are not rare. You cannot jump to the conclusion that the item was stolen from certain institution merely based on a stamp. "Ma Weidu, the ntiques collector, warns auction companies to stay alert.
"When one person has a lot of paintings sealed with official stamps, auction companies should be alert. Sometimes, the verification is very simple, you can just make a phone call."Xiao has already pleaded guilty. The court is yet to hand down a sentence.
For CRI, I am Niu Honglin.
National Health and Family Planning Commission Denies Loose Family Planning PolicyChina's Health and Family Planning Commission denies that a new family planning policy will be implemented within the year.
The response follows media reports on Wednesday suggesting the country is set to allow all families to have two children at will.
Officials say the comprehensive "opening up" of the policy is still under evaluation.
Under the current family planning policy, at least one parent must be from an only-child family before the couple can apply to have a second baby.
Chinese Military Technologies increasingly employed in civilian sectorAnchorAround 1,000 civilian products adapted from military technologies are displayed at an exhibition showcasing China's achievements in military-civilian development.
CRI's Qian shanming reports.
ReporterAt the exhibition of China's civil products with military technologies, the model of "the 981 drilling platform" is attracting many visitors.
The actual drilling platform, the first of its kind independently designed and constructed by China, is 45-stories high and can take on board a load of up to 9,000 tonnes.
Li Zhong, a representative from the China State Shipbuilding Corporation, which is behind the research and development of the drilling platform, says the project incorporated key technologies of military vessels.
"981 Drilling Platform has an annual output equivalent to that of Daqing Oilfield. It is designed according to the features of the South China Sea. It can withstand huge waves, tides and undercurrents. Technologies in building military vessels are used to increase the platform's stability."Military technologies are also used in everyday products.
A security device displayed at the exhibition can conduct noncontact security inspection on people and their belongings.
Liu Hang from the China Electronics Group Corporation- the inventor of the device, says the most distinct feature of the product is that it is completely radiation-free.
"This security device is very safe and can passively receive the terahertz radiated from human bodies. So it is non-radioactive and can be used widely in airports, stadiums and exhibition halls. It can also be used for counter-terrorism operations."Meanwhile, the information technology sector also sees an increasing number of military-turn-civilian products.
The China North Industries Corporation brings "Beidou Intelligence Navigation System" to the exhibition.
Combining the technologies in "Beidou Satellite Navigation System" and "military transportation of dangerous chemicals", the system not only offers customers more detailed information on temperatures and humidity, it can also guide vehicles or travellers even without cellphone signals.
Qian Songcan from the China North Industries Corporation explains the functions of the system:
"'Beidou Intelligence Navigation System' can be applied to civilian products. For example, armored cash carriers, tourist buses or travellers can use the system to connect with our urban integrated management system. By doing so they can be monitored and rescued."Other products at the exhibition include the Chang'e lunar probe, the Long March-5 carrier rocket, and China's manned deep-sea submersible Jiaolong.
The exhibition runs till Sunday.
For CRI, I'm Qian Shanming.
Theme Songs for Winter Olympic GamesAnchorThe songs written for Olympic Games help to create enthusiasm for the Games. They also play an important role in Olympics culture.
Music has always been used by the Olympics to knit ordinary people closer together. A selection of songs to rally support around Beijing's bid for the Winter Olympics has kindled interest for winter sports among students in the capital, even though it's the middle of summer.
Sam Duckett has more.
ReporterPrimary school kids from Beijing Yang Fang Dian Centre Primary School are singing a song to express one's love for winter and winter sports. The relaxing and simple melody is easy for kids to sing.
"I really like this song. I like it very much."The children are not detached to winter sports. Zhao Jia-lin, an 11-year-old primary school student, has played winter sports for 4 years. In winter, her family spends almost every Sunday in the ski resorts in Zhangjiakou.
"I started skiing when I was 7 or 8 years old. The first time I skied I was really scared and nervous. But after practicing, I am not afraid anymore. Skiing is really fun, and I enjoy it very much."Ever since Beijing bid to be the host city of Summer Olympic Games in 2001, the school Jia-lin comes from has been carrying out a campaign of 'Olympics into Campus'.
With the promotional activities of 'Olympics into Campus', children can surely learn more about winter sports. As indoor ski resorts have become popular in recent years, children can enjoy skiing all year round. Third grader Yang Qi-hua has already planned to practice skiing with friends in indoor ski resorts nearby during the summer holiday.
Li Ni-na, the ambassador of Beijing's bid, shared her experience of skiing with the students in the promotional campaign. She also shared the experience of Chinese athletes at the Winter Olympics.
"Take a look at this picture. This is me flying in the air. I am an aerial skier. Has anybody ever watched this event? In fact, China has lots of world champions on winter sports events. For example, Han Xiao-peng, the first person to win a gold medal for men's freestyle skiing event in Winter Olympics in 2006. We also have Li Jian-rou, an Olympics champion in short-track speed skating. Their success is not determined solely by luck. They have put in lots of effort. Chance favors only the prepared mind."Winter sports have gained popularity in China. Students from all over the country may become athletes or volunteers in 7 years time at the stadium of 2022 Olympic Winter Games. Wherever they go, the most important thing is the joy it brings from playing winter sports.
Back AnchorThat was Sam Duckett reporting.
US leads fresh military drills in UkraineA US-led multinational military drill is underway in western Ukraine, near the border with Poland.
The exercises called Rapid Trident involve more than 1,800 soldiers from 18 countries, most of them NATO members, and will last until the end of July.
The drill is taking place at the request of the Ukrainian government at a time when the situation in the country's east remains tense.
The immediate aim is to bolster the morale of Ukrainian forces involved in the ongoing 15-month conflict with militants in eastern Ukraine.
MP Platoon Leader Hannah Martins says the conflict adds realism to the war games.
"Well, the fact that there is actually very real fighting going on in the east of Ukraine really galvanizes the mission that we are doing, really makes it relevant. It really adds some realism to training to know that some of these Ukrainian forces just came back from there or just about to go there. So, it really adds realism."Russia has quickly condemned the exercises as a threat to an already shaky five-month ceasefire deal that aims to end the Ukraine conflict, and Moscow has warned of "explosive consequences".
Shortly after the Rapid Trident drills began, the Russian navy announced that one of its warships stationed off the Crimean peninsula would conduct live rocket fire drills Sunday as Russia marks its annual Navy Day.
A Black Sea Fleet spokesman says more than 30 naval vessels and another 30 jets and military helicopters would show off their abilities near the Crimean port of Sevastopol.
Turkey to tighten border security in Suruc connecting SyriaTurkish authorities have promised to tighten border security with Syria after an explosion in Suruc, which border the Syrian town of Kobane.
Deputy Prime Minister and government spokesman Bulent Arinc says the move is designed to effectively control the activities of IS in Turkey.
"There is work that should be done at the border which will not affect cross border humanitarian operations but we need to stop terrorists and foreign fighters crossing the border. As we see the IS as a danger, we will start security work especially targeting them. A physical security system will be established at the border."The authorities have identified a 20 year-old Turkish national as the perpetrator of the deadly suicide bombing that killed 32.
The man used to work at a café which has known links to sympathizers of the Islamic State.
Meanwhile, Kurdish militants claimed responsibility for the assassination of two Turkish police officers in what they said was retaliation for Monday's bombing.
The two police officers were blamed for being connected to the IS group.
Greece to vote crucial reformAnchorThe Greek parliament is set to approve new reforms in a second round of voting needed to start negotiations on a bailout worth 89 billion euros.
Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras has been battling hardliners in his party Syria to back the measures after dozens of his fellow members opposed last week's budget cuts.
Sandra Gathmann reports from Brussels.
ReporterGreece may have been offered an 89 billion euro bailout from international creditors in a last minute deal to keep the country in the euro… but Athens is rapidly legislating the required reforms before negotiations on the rescue can begin.
Last week the first round of measures were approved, but 39 MPs from the ruling Syriza party rejected the proposed budget cuts.
This time around Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras was forced to launch an in-house offensive against his own party critics - urging them not to jeopardize Greece's chances of staying in the euro - which ultimately, he says, is what Greeks want.
Desmini Biri is an advisor for the Ministry of Health in Syriza who says the Prime Minister is trying to hold his party together.
I think he's trying very ahrd to maintain control. There are very deep ideological disagreements with the reforms proposed which makes this a very difficult task indeed. Syriza right now is actually at a cross roads I would say and it remains to be seen what is going to happen within the party.
The new 970 page list of measures include laws to speed up court processes rules hold banks more accountable for losses.
But voting on the two most controversial reforms - early retirement and tax hikes for farmers - has been postponed by the Greek government.
When probed about the delay, The European Union's Commission for Economic Affairs Pierre Moscovici denied there was an issue...
We know what the situation is in Greece and let's stick to the step by step approach and take each step in turn. let's be methodical, demanding but lets not overdo things.
Hundreds of anti-establishment protestors gathered in Athens have added to criticism of the Prime Minister for U-turning on the Greek public's rejection of austerity measures in a referendum three weeks ago. But polls suggest many still support Alexis Tsipras.
Desmini Biri, again.
There's many many people including people from the general public who really sympathize with him very strongly after the agreement was signed off. That also in a way may put pressure on MPs to not kind of attack him personally.
Many are hopeful the bailout negotiations will begin later this week in order to conclude an agreement before an August 20 repayment to the European Central Bank.
On Wednesday the ECB boosted emergency to Greek lenders liquidity by 900 million euro, which experts say may only help for a number of days…Despite evading a Greek exit, the country remains politically and economically fragile and many agree the crisis is far from over.
For CRI, I'm Sandra Gathmann in Brussels.
Justice Department charges Charleston African-American church shooter with federal hate crimesThe United States Department of Justice has announced hate crimes charges against Dylann Roof, alleged killer of nine churchgoers in South Carolina.
United States Attorney General Loretta Lynch says the charges could lead to the death penalty or life in prison.
"We are here today to announce that a Federal Grand Jury in South Carolina has returned a 33 count indictment against Dylann Storm Roof charging him with federal hate crimes and firearms charges for killing and attempting to kill African American parishioners at Emmanuel African Methodist Episcopal Church in Charleston, South Carolina because of their race and in order to interfere with their exercise of their religion."Lynch notes that Roof singled out the nearly 200-year-old Church because of its historical significance in the African-American community.
Following the massacre in June, a website linked to Roof surfaced containing a racist manifesto, showing him in photos posing with a Confederate flag, which is viewed by many as a symbol of racism.
Roof has already been charged by state attorneys on nine counts of murder and three counts of attempted murder.
The racially motivated murder recently fueled debates on racism in the United States as the country was still recovering from widespread protests and rioting in the wake of a series of high- profile police shootings of unarmed African-American men.
Authorities in Ferguson name black interim police commanderAuthorities in Ferguson, Missouri have named, a black police commander from Arizona as the new interim chief to lead the city's police department.
Andre Anderson will serve in the interim post for six-months, starting from today.
""I am going to need your help. I am asking members of the community to assist me because we cannot do this without you. I believe that together we can forge better relationships and we can incorporate procedural and constitutional justice training. As well as de-escalation training and bias-awareness training."The police department in Ferguson is where white police officer Darren Wilson fatally shot Michael Brown, an unarmed 18-year-old black man, last August.
A grand jury's decision last November not to charge Wilson in Brown's death led to great anger among black citizens, and protests in many U.S. cities.
Iran Refuses to Accept Extension of Sanctions beyond 10 YearsIran's deputy foreign minister says his country will not accept any extension of sanctions beyond 10 years.
The comment comes after the U.N. Security Council on Monday unanimously endorsed a draft resolution turning the agreement into international law, lifting the Security Council sanctions against Iran.
However, according to the draft, if Iran violates the nuclear deal in anyway in the coming 10 years, the U.N. will extend the sanctions.
Abbas Araqchi says any extension of sanctions means the world powers on the other side of the negotiating table have "no credibility".
"The fact that it has been announced that after 10 years they intend to introduce another new resolution, and would like to, for example, have the issue of sanctions to be re-imposed for several years, this is a desire they have expressed, but for us, it has no credibility."Araqchi also underlines that despite the deal, Tehran will not change its foreign policy in the Middle East.
WeatherBeijing will see thundershowers with a high of 32 degrees Celsius.
Overnight temperatures should drop down to 21.
Shanghai will have moderate rain with a high of 31 and a low of 26.
In Chongqing, it will be cloudy during the daytime with a high of 33 and lows of 23.
Elsewhere in the world, staying here in Asia,Kathmandu, slight rain, 29.
Islamabad will see slight rain with a high of 32.
Kabul will be overcast with a high of 33.
Over to North America,New York will be overcast with a high of 29 degrees.
Washington, cloudy with a high of 31 degrees.
Honolulu, cloudy, 28.
Toronto will be cloudy with a high of 26 degrees.
Finally, on to South America,Buenos Aires will be cloudy with a high of 14.
And Rio de Janeiro will see slight rain with a high of 24 degrees Celsius.
Headline newsChina raises representation with Myanmar over sentences on its nationalsChina has raised concerns with Myanmar over the sentencing of more than 150 Chinese nationals for illegal logging.
Reports say most of them were sentenced to 20 years in jail.
The Chinese Foreign Ministry says China is highly concerned with the verdict, urging Myanmar to take every factor into account and properly handle the case.
The Chinese nationals were arrested in raids on illegal logging that began in January in Myanmar's conflict-stricken northern Kachin State.
Premier Li meets New Zealand governor-generalChinese Premier Li Keqiang says the country is able to handle all kinds of risks and maintain medium-high growth.
Li Keqiang made the comment while sitting down with the visiting New Zealand governor-general Jerry Mateparae in Beijing.
Li also stressed that China's 7-percent growth rate in the first half of this year was hard-won, adding that the country maintained fast growth in the service industry and emerging industry by encouraging people to start businesses and innovate.
For his part, Mateparae says New Zealand is confident in the future development of China's economy and willing to work with China to explore new cooperation opportunities.
Turkish authorities identify suicide attacker linked to ISTurkish authorities have identified a 20 year-old Turkish national as the perpetrator of a deadly suicide bombing which killed 32 people in the town of Suruc (soo-rooch) in southeastern Turkey.
The identity of Seyh Abdurrahman Alagoz, a 20-year-old university student, has been confirmed through DNA testing.
So far, no group has claimed responsibility for the attack.
However, the Turkish Prime Minister has said initial findings point to the Islamic State group as the likely culprit.
Nineteen people drown in shipwreck on Nile RiverA shipwreck on the river Nile in Cairo has left at least 19 people dead.
Egyptian officials say a ferry carrying some 30 people struck a barge and sank in Giza, southwest of Cairo, late Wednesday night.
Rescuers have been sent to the site to search for those still missing.
Russia launches manned spacecraft to ISSA Russian rocket with a Soyuz manned spacecraft has blasted off from the Baikonur space center in Kazakhstan, heading to the International Space Station.
The launch, initially planned for late May, was postponed after the failure of an unmanned Progress cargo ship in late April.
The new three-men crew will join the three astronauts already on board the ISS for a mission that will last more than 160 days.
Biz reportsClosing numbers across North America and EuropeAnchorFirst, a quick check on the closing numbers across North America and Europe on this Thursday morning, here is our reporter Min Rui.
ReporterU.S. stocks kept falling Wednesday as disappointing quarterly results from big companies weighed on Wall Street sentiment.
The Dow Jones fell 0.4 percent.
The S&P 500 lost 0.2 percent.
The Nasdaq was down 0.7 percent.
Apple shares slumped more than 4 percent though the company reported slightly better-than- expected third quarter financial results.
However, its revenue forecast for the fourth quarter fell below expectations and its iPhone sales missed market estimates.
Shares of Microsoft also dropped sharlpy after reporting lackluster quarterly results.
On the economic front, U.S. existing-home sales increased in June to their highest pace in over eight years.
In Europe, shares ended down as weak performances among miners and tech companies dragged the index.
British benchmark FTSE 100 dropped 1.5 percent.
French CAC 40 decreased nearly half a percent.
Germany DAX lost 0.7 percent.
MeanwhileGold futures on the COMEX division of the New York Mercantile Exchange fell to a 5-year-low on Wednesday as the U.S. dollar strengthened.
The most active gold contract for August delivery fell 12 U.S. dollars, just over 1 percent, to settle around 1,092 dollars per ounce.
Analysts note that traders' stop-loss orders put additional pressure on the precious metal and say that gold remains under pressure due to technical reasons.
Meanwhile, Silver and Platinum both fell.
CSFC denies rumor about selling sharesChina Securities Finance Corporation, the national margin trading service provider, is denying a rumor that it reduced holdings in a listed dairy producer.
The announcement is part of its ongoing effort to shore up market confidence.
The company, which provides margin trading services to securities brokerages and monitors the health of the business, says it has not sold shares of any listed companies.
A media report earlier said the company reduced its holdings in Inner Mongolia Yili Industrial Group, a leading dairy producer in China, by 108 million shares last week, accounting for roughly 1.8 percent of Yili's total stake.
During the country's concerted efforts to curb sharp stock market declines, China's central bank has said it supports the liquidity needs of the CSFC to increase share purchases and offer brokerage firms liquidity aid.
Shanghai says no futures trading manipulation in FTZThe Shanghai municipal government says no company in the city's Free Trade Zone has been reported for manipulating futures trade.
The announcement refuted recent media reports on such illegal practices.
Earlier this month, the Ministry of Public Security conducted investigations in Shanghai after clues were found that certain trade companies were suspected of manipulating futures trading.
No case has been reported so far.
According to China's criminal law, market manipulators can face up to 10 years in prison and heavy fines.
FAW-VW Car Sales Slump over 11% in H1AnchorThe joint-venture between FAW and Volkswagen is reporting a more than 11-percent drop in vehicle sales through the first half of this year.
A company spokesperson is pointing to a capacity crunch as one of the reasons behind the slowdown in sales.
At the same time, FAW-Volkswagon contends the massive influx of money into the Chinese stock markets earlier this year is also a reason for the slowdown in vehicle sales.
Other joint ventures, including Chang'an Ford and Beijing Hyundai, have also been reporting a slowdown in sales.
But at the same time, sales of fully-owned Chinese brands are up nearly 25-percent through the first half of this year.
Sales of new-energy vehicles have more than doubled among stand-alone Chinese vehicle makers.
For more on this, we're joined on the line by our financial commentator Cao Can.
1) In your opinion, what are the issues contributing to the slowdown in sales for FAW-Volkswagon and other joint ventures in China's auto sector?
2) Why are sales of Chinese vehicles brands, especially those producing new energy cars, enjoying a surge?
3) Some industry observers are saying the recent soaring stock market has drawn capital away from potential consumers. Do you agree there is a tight link between the performance of Chinese A share market and the domestic automobile industry?
Back Anchor:
Cao Can, CRI's financial commentator.
China Mobile in pay clampdownThe annual salaries of senior management at China Mobile will be slashed by half, and other lower level management salaries will also be lowed accordingly.
The state-owned telecommunication company released the salary clampdown plan during its midyear work conference.
The move comes after the second stage of salary reforms by the countries state-owned enterprises kicked off earlier this month.
According to the reform plan, a monthly salary ceiling for senior management of SOEs is capped at 8000 yuan for senior managers.
The average salary for senior leaders in 2012 was 12 times that of ordinary staff, but this year has dropped to 7.8 times under the reforms.
More Chinese companies become world top 500106 Chinese companies made this year's Fortune Global 500 list, up from 100 firms in 2014.
According to the annual ranking released Wednesday, Sinopec, China's top oil refiner was the second largest company in the world this year by total revenue, up from the third place last year.
The new list is topped by U.S. retail giant Walmart.
Other Chinese companies, like PetroChina, the largest oil and gas producer in China, remained in fourth place this year.
State Grid Corporation, the largest electric utilities company, remained seventh.
The number of Chinese companies is second to the total number of U.S. companies.
SportsBrazil defeats China in volleyball Grand Prix finalsStarting things off with the latest results in women's volleyball,Brazil defeated China 3-1 in the first leg of the finals of the FIVB World Grand Prix in the US city of Omaha.
China had earned the spot in the finals after winning all 9 matches in the preliminary rounds.
The World Grand Prix finals are played in a round-robin fashion. China will face Japan, Italy, Russia and the United States in upcoming matches.
Robinho to debut in game against Bayern: ScolariGuangzhou Evergrande coach Luiz Felipe Scolari has confirmed Robinho will be making his debut when the Chinese Super League team takes on German Bundesliga champions Bayern Munich tonight.
Scolari says Robinho will be playing for half of the game.
Robinho just arrived this week, joining Guangzhou Evergrande on a 6-month contract.
Meanwhile, Bayern Munich's players have started training at the Tianhe Stadium to familiarize themselves with the venue.
Li Bing replaces Contra as Guangzhou R&F coachAnother Guangzhou club, Guangzhou R&F, has officially announced Li Bing will replace Cosmin Contra as head coach.
Guangzhou R&F and Contra will have further talks about whether the Romanian coach will stay with the team.
The club made the decision due to the team's poor performance.
Guangzhou R&F suffered four losses and one draw in July.
Real Madrid Signs 19 y.o. Chinese Midfielder Lin LiangmingNineteen-year-old Lin Liangming from China's Under-19 national team is set to join La Liga giants Real Madrid on a five-year deal worth 300-thousand euros.
Lin will start with Real's Under-19 team and play in the European Youth League before a call-up to join the La Liga line-up.
The young midfielder first caught the eye of several clubs during the U-19 eight-nation tournament in Slovakia back in April.
Lin was also being coveted by Chinese Super League clubs Guangzhou Evergrande and Shandong Luneng. Spanish sports news website reports that both clubs were prepared to offer Lin a deal worth two million euros, but Lin skipped on the bigger payday for a chance to play with Real Madrid.
Chelsea fans banned for five years over racismA London court has banned five Chelsea fans from all football matches for up to five years over an incident of racism.
The five fans refused to allow black Frenchman Souleymane Sylla to board a metro in Paris in February, ahead of Chelsea's Champion League game against Paris Saint Germain.
Metropolitan Police Chief Superintendent Colin Morgan said there is zero tolerance for such action.
"Our reaction is that this sends a very strong message to those that wish to engage in disorder or racism in relation to football no matter where it occurs. It sends a very clear message that no matter where these offences take place we will pursue you."The victim's lawyer Jim Michel-Gabriel says the court's decision should teach people a lesson when it comes to regarding each other as equals.
"You have to actually make an example, so that these actions have consequences and so that people think twice about their words, and their attitudes. We are all equal. We are not at war. All we are saying is that to live together, that also means being able to peacefully take public transport to go home."The incident sparked widespread condemnation after it was captured on the phone of a British expatriate and posted online.
Simon Geschke wins TdF stage 17Simon Geschke of Giant-Alpecin has won stage 17 of the Tour de France while Chris Froome preserved his comfortable lead.
Geschke attacked the breakaway group with 53 kilometers remaining of the stage and held off a resurgent Andrew Talansky on the final climb.
Chris Froome weathered the waves of attacks from his group and finished alongside Nairo Quintana to retain his 3 minute, 10 second lead.
Tejay van Garderen, third overall before the stage, pulled out from the race due to an respiratory infection.
Alberto Contador suffered a major setback when he crashed on a descent and had to finish the last 15 kilometers on teammate Peter Sagan's bike.
Contador lost more than two minutes on Froome and slipped down to fifth place overall.
Japan faces bill for scrapped Olympic stadium, Rio constructions in orderJapan is facing a 50 million US dollar bill for not carrying out the design of its 2020 Olympic stadium.
Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe had turned down architect Zaha Hadid's futuristic design over the swelling costs of at least 2 billion US dollars.
The country will completely revise the plans for the stadium.
The Japanese and Tokyo governments have long been at odds over funding issues.
Japan made efforts to downsize the stadium but couldn't keep the cost in line with the budget.
Head of the 2020 Tokyo games Yoshiro Mori says the International Olympic may well welcome Japan's decision to scrap the stadium as the move will save money.
Over in Rio, construction is going according to plan and 85 percent of the Olympic village for the 2016 games has been completed.
The director general of Olympic village construction says the buildings are ready for inspection and approval.
EntertainmentActor Zhang Lin sentenced for sheltering others for drugsChinese actor Zhang Lin, whose stage name is Zhang Bo, has been sentenced to ten months in prison and has been fined 2,000 yuan for sheltering drug users.
The sentence was announced at a court in Chaoyang district, Beijing on Wednesday.
Zhang was arrested in his apartment along with actor Wang Xuebing, in March.
Wang was an anti-drug ambassador for the city of Beijing in 2006.
He is free on bond after pleading guilty to drug charges.
New Bond Movie, Spectre release trailerThe first full trailer for the upcoming James Bond film "Spectre" has just been released.
Daniel Craig reprises his role as secret agent 007 for the fourth time in the movie directed by Academy Award winner Sam Mendes.
The two and a half minute trailer starts with a cool and collected Bond being questioned by M, portrayed by Ralph Fiennes, over a rogue mission to Mexico City.
In all the characteristics of a Bond film, action-packed scenes soon follow as the secret agent uncovers the shady Spectre organization and its dark link to villain Franz Oberhauser, played by Oscar winner Christoph Waltz.
British actress Naomie Harris plays Miss Moneypenny while Italian actress Monica Bellucci also has a role.
"Spectre", the 24th James Bond film, is scheduled for release in UK cinemas on October 26 and in the United States on November 6.
South Korean actress Jun Ji-hyun expecting her first childSouth Korean actress Jun Ji-hyun is expecting her first child.
The 33-year-old star's pregnancy was confirmed by her management company through her official website.
The announcement states that, "Jun is ten weeks into her pregnancy. She has just recently found out about it and is very happy."The actress, who married banker Choi Jun-hyuk in 2012, started her career in 1997 as a model and became hugely popular after the box office hit, "My Sassy Girl," in 2001.
She has recently gained international fame with the TV show, "My Love from the Star," co-starring Kim Soo Hyun, which cemented her status as South Korea's top actress.
Disney to tease Star Wars, Captain America, and more at D23 ExpoDisney has unveiled the lineup for its D23 Expo next month in Anaheim, California, and — not surprisingly — it's got the Force and Marvel Heroes on the docket.
The studio will unveil sneak peeks at Star Wars: The Force Awakens, Captain America: Civil War, and Alice Through the Looking Glass, as well as Pixar's upcoming films The Good Dinosaur and Finding Dory.
The live-action projects will be previewed at a "Worlds, Galaxies, and Universes" panel while the Pixar and Walt Disney Animation Studios presentation will have surprise announcements, musical performances, and appearances by the films' star voice talent.
D23 — which will also feature a reunion of the original Mickey Mouse Club — runs from Aug. 14-16.
That's it for this edition of the Beijing Hour.
Recapping our top stories this morning...
Chinese authorities raise concerns with Myanmar over the sentencing of 150 Chinese nationals for illegal logging...
the authorities say Japanese leaders are 'hyping' China's oil and gas development in the East China Sea...
a US-led multinational military drill is now underway in western Ukraine...
In Business...municipal leaders in Shanghai say no evidence of manipulation of futures trading has been found in the city's free trade zone...
On behalf of the Beijing Hour staffers, this is Shane Bigham in Beijing hoping you'll join us for our next edition of the Beijing Hour to open a window to the world together.