新闻纵贯线 The Beijing Hour updated 08:00 2015/08/02(在线收听

 The Beijing HourMorning EditionSpencer Musick with you on this Sunday August 2ed 2015.

Welcome to the Beijing Hour, live from the Chinese capital.
Coming up on the program this morning...
The remains of a Chinese guard killed in a terrorist attack in Somalia are being repatriated...
Chinese troops participating in an international military competition in Russia...
And China moving to expand its peacekeeping mission in South Sudan....
In our weekly sci-tech feature... A 100-million year old seabed in has been discovered in China's Xinjiang.
In Sports... a recap of action from the Chinese Super League....
In Entertainment...Hong Kong movie star Daniel Wu bringing martial arts back to TV in the U.S.
Top NewsRemains of Chinese guard killed in Somalia attack returns homeThe remains of a Chinese guard killed in a terrorist attack in Somalia have returned to Jinan, capital of east China's Shandong Province.
Zhang Nan, the fallen guard, was a security officer in Chinese embassy in Somalia.
He had been serving in the army for 11 years.
More than a dozen people were killed in the suicide attack by Al-Shabaab at the Jazeera Palace Hotel on July 26 in Mogadishu.
Int'l military competition kicks off in Russia's AlabinoRussia's international military competition has kicked off in a town to the southwest of Moscow.
The games will feature 12 events.
17 countries have participated in the competition, and China is the only foreign country which takes part in all of the events.
Liu Ying, a senior Chinese military official, says China hopes to deepen mutual understanding with other countries by taking part in the games.
"We will try our best to achieve the best result in all the competition events. And we hope to deepen mutual understanding and friendship with other participating countries through the competitions. We would like to learn from the participating troops, especially the Russian troops in terms of their advanced training ideas and good experiences."The games opened with performances depicting Russia's military development through history.
Six jet-fighters from Russia performed acrobatic maneuvers in the opening ceremony.
After the performances, combat crews from 17 participating countries entered the training center.
Largest China-Russia Navy Drills to be StagedAnchor:
The navy of China and Russia will hold their first ever joint landing drills during a large-scale naval exercise later this month in the Sea of Japan.
Experts say this reflects the deepened military cooperation between the two sides.
CRI's Liu Yuanhui reports.
The two countries will conduct their largest joint Pacific exercise from August 20 to 28.
According to the plan, phase II of Joint Sea Exercise 2015 will be held in both the Sea of Japan and off the coast of Russian region of Primorsky - about 250 miles away from Japan.
Military commentator Song Xiaojun says the location of the exercise is of strategic significance.
"The situation in the Sea of Japan has become volatile especially after US President Barack Obama announced the so-called Return to Asia plan three years ago and enhanced assistance to Japan. Taking into account Japan's latest move to lift the ban on the right to collective defense that strengthens the Japan-US alliance and Russia-US confrontation in East Europe, tensions in the sea area may escalate. Meanwhile, the area neighbors Russia's sparsely-populated Far East and China's northeast that is undergoing rejuvenation, so both China and Russia want to enhance defense there."Joint exercises between the two navies have become regular in recent years as part of the bilateral efforts for closer ties.
Last year saw the largest series of exercises that involved 14 surface ships, two submarines, aviation assets and special operation forces from the two sides.
The Pacific drills follow the first ever joint Chinese-Russian exercise in the Mediterranean Sea during the Joint Sea Exercise 2015 phase I this May.
The smaller exercise involved three warships from China and six from Russia and featured supply and escort drills.
Russian Pacific Fleet spokesman Roman Martov earlier said that the maneuvers this time will for the first time involve a joint amphibious assault drill with the participation of carrier-based aircraft.
Navy expert Yin Zhuo says the larger drills result from the higher military cooperation level between the two sides.
"The joint drills show that China and Russia are trying to deepen their military cooperation. Generally speaking, more specific joint trainings bring more difficulties. Units from the two sides will operate under unified tactics, with their weapons to be regrouped and warships reorganized. It requires a smooth data connection and a unified command system. And only with that, could joint anti-submarine and landing exercises be conducted."The drills will involve from both sides about 20 warships and support vessels of various class.
The final planning conference for the drills has ended in Vladivostok with the signing of an exercise protocol.
During the Chinese fleet's visit to Vladivostok port, cultural programs and sports competitions will also be held between the two navies.
For CRI, I'm Liu Yuanhui.
Chinese armed police to help Nepal highway repairChinese armed transport police have arrived in Nepal to help repair the rain-ravaged China-Nepal Highway at the request of Nepal's government.
The immigration minister of Kodari in Nepal Parker says they are grateful for China's help.
"China is our good friend. When we are in sorrow, China is always helping us. So we are very grateful to the Chinese government and people and all our friends in China."The China-Nepal Highway is more than 940 kilometers in length with over 110 kilometers in Nepal.
Bridges have been damaged by floods and mudslides and giant rocks have rolled down from mountains and blocked the road.
This is the second time that Chinese armed transport police have entered Nepal, with the first time being in early May after an 8.1-magnitude earthquake struck Nepal on April 25.
The China-Nepal Highway was severely damaged in the quake.
China to Expand Peacekeeping Mission in S. SudanAnchor:
Today we continue our series on China's armed forces involvement in UN peacekeeping missions.
Chinese Ambassador to South Sudan Ma Qiang says China is planning to expand its Peacekeeping contingent to the country, as the civil war there continues to escalate.
CRI's Poornima Werasekara earlier spoke to a group of Chinese nurses deployed in South Sudan to find out what they have been doing to assist the UN peace mission in this protracted war.
Chinese peacekeepers with their Blue UN barrettes have become a welcome sight in many war torn villages in South Sudan. The youngest nation in the world has been plagued by a brutal civil war since 2013.
The UN has deployed over 11,500 peacekeepers on the ground in South Sudan since the violent birth of the country, when it separated from Sudan in 2011.
This includes a large Chinese contingent, comprising of an emergency medical team and 700 soldiers as part of an infantry battalion, making it the first time that China has sent combat forces to serve on foreign soil.
Ambassador Ma Qiang says China wants to be seen as a 'responsible great power' with its long-term commitment to the fragile peace process in the country.
"It is the priority of South Sudan to gain peace for development. As a friendly country to South Sudan and a major responsible country, China has been following South Sudan's situation closely and proactively promoting the peace process led by IGAD (Intergovernmental Authority on Development)."Fighting intensified recently in the oil-rich Upper Nile region in the north of the country. Several International aid agencies including Doctors without Borders say a humanitarian crisis is unfolding there.
Nurse Niu Xiaotang, who has been deployed in South Sudan as part of the Chinese medical team twice says her team has been busy providing cross-border escorts for seriously-ill patients and treating children with severe gunshot wounds.
"We recently received a five-year-old girl, whose upper right arm was inflicted by a gunshot wound and was suffering from osteomyelitis, an inflammation on the bone. She had come here alone and I was shocked to see the state of her wound. The team of nurses attended to her as if she was their own child and would give fruits and candy to her. So far, the girl has been treated for almost a year and is getting better, but she will never fully recover."According to the United Nations, the fighting has killed more than 10,000 people, caused more than 1.5 million people to flee their homes and driven the country of 11 million closer to famine.
Liu Chen, one the youngest nurses in the Chinese medical team, says almost 2000 patients are now hauled up in their makeshift hospitals as fighting continues in adjoining areas.
"So far, we have received nearly 2000 patients, which is roughly around the total number of patients treated by all twelve medial teams deployed in South Sudan prior to us. We didn't' expect to receive such a large amount of patients. Right now, we have a limited number of medicines and medical equipment. We hope South Sudan can resolve its conflict and restore peace soon."But the prospect of peace doesn't seem to be any closer as the warring factions continue to violate ceasefire after ceasefire. Hence a greater need for international peacekeepers, including more medical assistance.
For CRI I'm Poornima Werasekara.
Back anchor: For more stories on China's participation in UN peacekeeping missions, you can go to to find a special page dedicated to this topic.
Online Payment Limit Aims to Safeguard MoneyThe People's Bank of China is proposing setting limits on the size of transactions through third-party online payment systems like Alipay.
The central bank says it put out the proposal for public scrutiny in an attempt to ensure security for consumers' information and money.
Under the proposal, the amount people will be able to spend through third-party online payments per day may be limited between one and 5-thousand yuan, depending on how sophisticated the system's security checks are.
Independent finance commentator, Chen Yu, suggests the limit won't hamper online purchases.
"The measure won't make online payment less convenient than before. It mainly aims to prevent a payment platform operator from absorbing public deposits and protect the safety of users' money."Platforms that have both digital certification and signature qualification checks will be exempt from the restrictions.
Those with only one qualification check will be limited to a thousand yuan per day.
If the system has two or more checks but don't have digital certifications and signatures, the limit will be 5-thousand yuan.
China's Central Bank says its basing the figures on the average spending by average Chinese consumers this past year.
Improvements Urged for Toll Road ManagementAnchor:
As controversies remain heated over a revision of the current toll road management regulation in China, experts are urging comprehensive guidelines and efficient supervision over fee collection.
CRI's Luo Wen reports.
According to the rule revision proposed last week by state transport authorities, the limit on the number of years tolls can be charged on highways is to be removed, allowing local governments to pay off debts incurred in road construction.
The current Toll Road Management Regulation stipulates that tolls can only be charged for between 15 and 30 years, depending on how the road is initially financed.
But the revised version says that for highways needing a longer period to recoup investment, the toll period could be extended beyond 30 years.
This has triggered worries that highways may become permanent cash cows for local governments, and some people are even casting doubt on the government's right to revise the regulation in the first place.
Zhang Zhuting from the Ministry of Transport defends the revision.
"Law and regulation revisions should keep pace with the country's economic development. Our country's laws stipulate that the State Council has the mandate from the National People's Congress to revise regulations according to the status of economic and social development."A report by the ministry showed that toll collection stood at 365 billion yuan in 2013 while expenditure reached 431 billion yuan, leading to a loss of 66 billion yuan, or about 10 billion US dollars.
The report said the fees collected were mainly used to make principal and interest payments related to construction, with the remainder covering maintenance, taxes and overheads.
Professor Zhang Xiaodong with Beijing Jiaotong University suggests that guidelines for the implementation of the revised rule be issued as soon as possible.
"There should be some detailed guidelines and explanations for the implementation of the revised regulation. Otherwise, different people may have different understandings of the rule, making it difficult for the public to judge whether a fee or a road operator's profit is reasonable. "The professor also urges further disclosure of information.
"The revised version gives full support for the public's right to know toll-related information and stipulates a certain variety of information that should be disclosed. But in my opinion, that's still not enough. People need to evaluate the reasonableness of a fee based on relevant costs. There is no way to do that without the disclosure of the main cost structure."Zhang Xiaodong says third-party supervisors should also be invited to help monitor expenditures for the planning, design, investment, construction and operation of a road.
The transport ministry has invited the public to give opinions on the revised regulation ahead of August 20.
By the end of last year, the Chinese mainland had 160,000 kilometers of roads charging tolls, including more than 106,000 kilometers of toll expressways.
The total length of the expressways on the mainland is the longest in the world.
For CRI, I'm Luo Wen.
MH 370 Search: Plane Debris arrives in French military labAnchor:
A wing flap suspected to be from the missing Malaysia Airlines Flight 370 has arrived at a French military testing facility on Saturday, for further analysis and identification.
The piece of debris was found on the Indian Ocean island of Reunion last Wednesday.
As CRI's Luo Bin reports the discovery may help to end 16 months of lingering uncertainty for relatives of the 239 passengers and crew on board the MH 370. Most of the victims were from China.
Experts hope the 8-foot long wing surface known as a flaperon and a fragment of luggage also found on Reunion Island could shed some light on the fate of Malaysia Airlines Flight MH370, which vanished without trace in March 2014.
The piece of debris has now arrived at a French defense lab in the Southern city of Toulouse that specializes in analyzing airline wreckages.
The luggage fragment has been sent to a police unit outside Paris that specialises in DNA testing.
Malaysian Transport Minister Liow Tiong Lai says that several teams have been dispatched to Reunion to look for more debris and others are already in France to assist in the investigation.
"We have sent two teams, one team to France and another team to Reunion Island to look for more debris and more wreckage at the island. Our team led by the Director General of DCA (Department of Civil Aviation) is in Paris, France now and we got the full support of the BEA (French Aviation Investigative Agency) from France to work together to ascertain and verify the wreckage found on Reunion Island."There were 239 passengers and crew on board the MH 370, mostly from China. Some families of the victims are demanding further compensation from the airline.
Australian foreign minister Julie Bishop says the discovery of the debris may finally confirm that the plane crashed into the sea after veering off course from Kuala Lumpur to Beijing.
"Well, our thoughts are most certainly are with the families of the 239 people aboard because this is the first news that they have had in 16 months since this plane disappeared. And I understand that the authorities have deduced that this is part of a Boeing 777. MH370 was a Boeing 777, as understand it, it's the only 777 unaccounted for, so it would seem most likely that this is part of that plane. And so, for the first time since the plane disappeared we have some indication of where it might be and Australia will continue to lead the search so that hopefully we can find more of the plane and the families will have the answers that they've been longing for."Earlier, Investigators had said that someone had deliberately switched off the plan's transponder before diverting it thousands of miles off course.
If the serial number on the flaperon confirms that it is from Flight MH 370, then the lab can use sophisticated tools to try to glean more information about the causes of the crash, such as whether its shape corresponds more to a mid-air explosion or a crash into the ocean.
Officials say analysis of the part would begin on Wednesday.
For CRI I'm Luo Bin.
Afghan Taliban Releases Audio of New LeaderIt's being reported that the Afghan Taliban released an audio tape of its new leader Mullah Akhtar Mohammad Mansoor on Saturday.
In the audio statement, the new Taliban leader calls for unity among Taliban members.
"The enemy is using all means of propaganda, through media, money, and some pro-government scholars and other means to weaken the Jihad and eliminate our unity, but we will not pay attention to these things and will not listen to the peace talks, the Jihad will continue until we establish an Islamic state."However, he doesn't rule out peace talks for reaching this goal.
Mansoor was appointed as the new leader on Thursday, replacing former Taliban leader Mullah Mohammad Omar.
The statement came while the second round of peace talks between Taliban representatives and the Afghan government has been postponed due to announcement of Mullah Omar's death.
The first round of face-to-face talks between the two sides was held in Pakistan last month.
The delayed second round had been scheduled for July 31.
Audio of emperor's war-end speech releasedJapanese emperor Hirohito's surrender speech which ended World War II has come back to life in digital form.
Japan's Imperial Household Agency released a digital version of the 4 and a half minute soundbite on Saturday, prior to the 70th anniversary of the end of World War II"We have resolved to pave the way for grand peace for all the generations to come by enduring the unendurable and suffering what is insufferable."The speech was broadcast on August 15 of 1945, the day when Japan announced its unconditional surrender to the Allies.
Takahisa Furukawa, history professor of Nihon University College of Humanities and Sciences, says the emperor's speech was a turning point for Japan.
"At the time in Japan, the thought was that once you start a war you cannot stop, which then spiraled out of hand. And for the first time Japan had put an end to that with the speech. Japan has never gone to war after that, and so you can say the speech was the starting point."Historical documents show that on the eve of the announcement, Hirohito met with top Japanese government officials to approve the country's surrender.
Israelis protest against settler violenceHundreds of Israelis have gathered in a Tel Aviv square to condemn the burning death of a Palestinian boy.
Protester Yariv Oppenheimer says this kind of violence should come to an end.
"Without ending the occupation, we are going to continue to see this kind of violence coming between Israelis and Palestinians and we will not see a better future for any children in this region."The 18-month-old Palestinian boy was killed in a house fire in the West Bank village of Duma near Nablus on Friday.
It's thought to have been lit by suspected Jewish assailants.
His parents and a sibling suffered critical injuries and are being treated in Israeli hospitals.
Greenland Ice Sheet Continues MeltingAnchor:
The melting of the Greenland ice sheet has reached extreme levels. Scientists have warned that minor increases in melting can lead to a devastating rise in sea levels.
CRI's Huang Shan reports.
The Greenland ice sheet is the second largest mass of ice on the planet. The huge mountains of ice and snow have reached as high as three thousand meters above sea level.
However, climate experts say, according to data from satellites and research stations, the ice sheet is gradually shrinking.
A scientist with the Danish Meteorological Institute, Ruth Mottram, even warns that the ice will finally disappear if the melting continues.
"The ice sheet in general is losing more ice every year than it is gaining, it is not in a state where it's going to grow, it's in a state where it's going to gradually shrink. If those rates continue and if those rates start to accelerate, then we could see the ice sheet being lost. But it will still take hundreds of years, if not thousands of years, for the entire ice sheet to disappear. It's not just going to vanish overnight."But there is concern about melting glaciers caving in and falling into the ocean, a phenomenon which is happening faster than before.
Mottram predicts another extreme melt may occur in the next few days as warm weather is expected to hit Greenland.
The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change indicates that global sea levels would rise by about seven meters if the whole of Greenland's ice sheet were to melt.
Senior researcher at the Geological Survey of Greenland and Denmark, Dirk van As, says rising temperatures in Greenland are a problem.
"Yes, currently the ice sheet is getting smaller. So, it's not just getting smaller because it's melting more, but also because it's flowing faster. In these years, it's contributing this much every year to sea level rise. And then you think; 'Well, this is not that much.' But if you have ten years then all of a sudden it's that much and then you get more global warming perhaps and it goes faster and faster."He also says if one tenth of the ice sheet would melt in the following hundred years, the resulting rise of sea levels will bring huge environmental, economical and social impacts on a large share of the world's population.
The United Nations Climate Change Conference will be held between November 30th and December 11th, aiming to cap the average increase in the global temperature at 2 degrees Celsius.
For CRI, I'm Huang Shan.
WeatherBeijing is overcast today with a high of 31 degrees Celsius. Overcast tonight with a low of 23.
Shanghai is sunny with a high of 38, clear tonight with a low of 29.
In Chongqing, it will be cloudy with a high of 38, cloudy tonight with a low of 27.
Elsewhere in the world, staying here in Asia,Kathmandu, light rain, 29.
Islamabad, moderate rain with a high of 32.
Kabul will be overcast with a high of 24.
Over to North America,New York, cloudy with a high of 32 degrees.
Washington, cloudy with a high of 33 degrees.
Honolulu, cloudy, 28.
Toronto will have light rain with a high of 31 degrees.
Finally, on to South America,Buenos Aires will have light rain with a high of 19.
And Rio de Janeiro will be sunny with a high of 26 degrees Celsius.
Headline newsRemains of Chinese guard killed in Somalia attack returns homeThe remains of a Chinese guard killed in a terrorist attack in Somalia have returned to Jinan, capital of east China's Shandong Province.
Zhang Nan, the fallen guard, was a security officer in Chinese embassy in Somalia.
He had been serving in the army for 11 years.
More than a dozen people were killed in the suicide attack by Al-Shabaab at the Jazeera Palace Hotel on July 26 in Mogadishu.
Chinese armed police to help Nepal highway repairChinese armed transport police entered Nepal from Tibet on Saturday to help repair the rain-ravaged China-Nepal Highway.
Around one hundred armed police officers and more than 30 excavators entered Nepal through Zham Pass in Tibet.
Rainstorms triggered mudslides in several sections and blocked traffic in recent days.
General Fu Ling of the traffic rescue brigade said Nepal has entered flood season and the rain will continue for the next 20 days.
Afghan Taliban releases audio of new leaderThe Afghan Taliban on Saturday released an audio tape of its new leader Mullah Mohammad Akhtar Mansoor.
In the audio statement, the new Taliban leader called for unity among Taliban members while urging his fighters to continue Jihad, or holy war, to re-establish the Taliban's Islamic State.
However, he did not rule out peace talks for reaching that goal.
Mansoor was elected as the new leader of the insurgent group on Thursday to replace former Taliban leader Mullah Mohammad Omar.
His statement came while the second round of peace talks between Taliban representatives and the Afghan government has been postponed due to Mullah Omar's death.
IAEA should not disclose confidential data to U.S. Senate: IranAn Iranian official is urging International Atomic Energy Agency to refrain from leaking confidential information on a recent agreement between Iran and the UN agency.
Iran and the IAEA recently signed a roadmap in Vienna for the clarification of past and present issues regarding Iran's nuclear program by mid-December.
The Iranian ambassador to IAEA said the confidential texts have not even been provided to the U.S. government and cannot be given to the Senate either.
The IAEA Director General Yukiya Amano is set to visit Washington next week, talking about the agency's role in verifying and monitoring nuclear-related measures in Iran.
U.S. vice president said to be considering presidential runU.S. Vice President Joe Biden has reportedly started to actively explore a possible presidential campaign.
It's being reported that Biden's associates have already started to contact Democratic leaders and donors who have so far not endorsed Hillary Clinton.
It's time now to check in with the latest from the world of science and technology this week in our weekly sci-tech feature.
A 100-million year old seabed in has been discovered in China's Xinjiang.
Microsoft has launched its latest operating system.
And a new robot has been developed by Japan's carmaker Toyota.
Let's catch up on all the latest with CRI's Wen Jie.
The world's first comprehensive protein research facility in China has passed national evaluation.
Lei Ming, director of The National Center for Protein Science Shanghai, says the facility will be able to greatly improve China's protein research.
"The facility will greatly meet the instrument demand of life sciences research institutes in the country, including the Chinese Academy of Sciences in Shanghai. The other important role of the facility is to raise the country's scientific and cultural quality."Located in Shanghai's Zhangjiang Hi-tech Park, the facility costs over 100 million US dollars.
It will be used to enhance studies of major diseases, develop new measurements of clinical diagnosis and treatment, as well as explore new drugs and biological material.
It is the second nation-level major science facility in Zhangjiang, following the Shanghai Synchrotron Radiation Facility.
Both of them are part of China's Big Science Project to boost the country's scientific innovation.
A Chinese expedition team has discovered some 100 million-year-old seabed ruins in northwest China's Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region.
The ancient seabed ruins were located in the middle part of the Altay Mountains, 2,500 meters above sea level.
Wang Feiteng is a member of the expedition team and researcher in the Chinese Academy of Sciences.
"The remains of the seabed we found are just located in a flat area of a ridge, so the remains have been well maintained. It has a very unique outlook, which looks like a dragon from the distance."Wang also says the ancient seabed ruins are the typical marine sedimentary rocks dating back 100 million years ago.
The discovery will help to study the Quaternary Glacier as well as the forming and evolution of the Altay Mountains.
The assembly of the world's largest radio telescope is now underway in the southern Chinese province of Guizhou.
Nearly 45-hundred reflector panels are being put together to form the dish.
Once completed, it's going have a diameter of around 500-meters.
This will be much larger than the current largest in the world, which is an American observatory in Puerto Rico.
Professor Xu Renxin with Peking University says the massive telescope in Guizhou will be able to detect radio transmissions from the edge of our known universe when completed.
"The electromagnetic spectrum is much wider than the range human beings can observe. The telescope will be able to capture what we can't see in the optical region or the X-ray wave band."A super-computer, which can do quadrillions of computing operations per second, is going to translate the data the telescope captures.
The original construction for the telescope began in 2011.
It's located in a natural, bowl-shaped valley in the southern part of Guizhou.
Software giant Microsoft has launched a long anticipated new operating system Windows 10.
PC makers are hoping Windows 10 will give their industry a much-needed boost.
These kids won't have to remember passwords or obsess about security, because these kids will grow up with Windows 10.
Microsoft is marketing windows 10 as a fresh but familiar operating system. One that anticipates the future needs of today's children.
Microsoft CEO Satya Nadella explains.
"Windows 10 ushers in an era of more personal computing in a mobile first, cloud first world. We're building into Windows, that's seamless cross over across devices as you move around at home and at work. "New versions of Windows usually ignite sales of personal computers but the last update to windows was widely considered a miserable failure.
Tech analyst Bob O'Donnell says with PC sales sliding four years in a row, Microsoft and PC manufacturers are looking at Windows 10 to set off sparks.
"Microsoft needs a fix because Windows 8 didn't do very well and as a result they really got a lot of egg on their face. And this is their attempt to save face, to bring back together pieces that people liked and knew about windows into a new environment. "Windows 8 detractors say they're relieved to hear Windows 10 has brought back their beloved start menu. It also features a virtual assistant called Cortona…similar to apple's Siri…except you can talk to Cortana on a wide range of devices, including your computer.
"Hey Cortana email…..what's the subject of your email? Dinner plans"Tech analyst Bob O'Donnel says the feature he's most excited about is windows 10's facial recognition feature.
"The coolest thing Windows 10 offers is Windows Hello which is a biometric authentication mechanism whereby you can walk up to your computer and if you have the appropriate 3d camera built into your computer you can walk up to your computer it will recognize your face and log you in"People lined up early in the morning on launch day at Microsoft stores. We spoke to some of them who came for free consultations to see if their pcs are windows 10 accessible…"I always try to keep my systems updated to the latest but I'm excited about Cortana.""Windows is a nice mature operating system. I don't think people give it its due."To jump-start adoption of Windows 10 the company is offering free upgrades to the vast majority of home users. Microsoft has set a target of 1 billion devices running windows 10 within three years of launch.
Carmaker Toyota has unveiled its latest robot that it's designed specifically to pick things up.
The company's human support robot, or HSR, can grasp things of various shapes and sizes with a single mechanical arm.
It can also pick up thinner items with a tiny suction cup.
Toyota engineer Kouichi Ikeda says the robot is aimed to help around regular homes.
"Although it can only do one simple task of picking up, it's already making disabled people quite happy. We're just getting stated, but eventually we want it to enter people's homes."The 135 centimetre tall robot has several cameras, including two on its head that look like its eyes, and sensors on its body.
It scoots quietly around in all directions.
Tadashi Hatakenaka, manager and engineer at the Yokohama Rehabilitation Centre, says a robot like HSR is ideal to replace service dogs.
"People tend to hesitate to ask for help from human helpers and service dogs because they have emotions, but people don't need to respect a robot's feelings, so they can ask robots to do things whenever they want and robots can react to it quickly. That is a big advantage. Because of the reasons above, HSR will be useful in the future."Toyota came up with the basic concept model for HSR in 2012.
The revamped model was announced this month and is ready to enter universities, research facilities and businesses from next year.
And that brings us to the end of this edition of our weekly science and technology report.
Thank you for listening and I hope you enjoyed the show.
I'm Wenjie. See you next week.
SportsCSL recapA quick recap of the Chinese Super League action,A makeup match for the 2nd round of CSL last night has seen a fierce clash between Changchun Yatai and Shijiazhuang Ever Bright.
The first ten minutes of the game didn't see too many scoring attacks from either side.
But thanks to Mario Rondon's goal in the 33rd minute and striker Jacob Mulenga's brace, Ever Bright extended their winning streak to 14 by beating Yatai 3-0 in the away game.
Chelsea 1-0 Notts County in Women's FA Cup finalMore in football,Chelsea ladies have beaten Notts County ladies at Wembley Stadium, winning the SSE Women's FA Cup for the first time.
South Korea striker Ji So-Yun scored the only goal of the game from close range in the first half to successfully cap a period of Chelsea supremacy.
Chelsea had chances to win The Final by a more comfortable scoreline, most notably through Gemma Davison and player of the match Eniola Aluko.
But the one goal was enough for the Blues to secure their first ever piece of hardware in front of a record Final crowd of more than 30-thousand.
It was the first time this showpiece match was staged at Wembley and it rounded off a fine summer for women's football, following England's historic third-place finish at the World Cup in Canada.
Qiu Bo reaches 10m platform final at FINA World ChampionshipsOver to some action from the 16th FINA world championships getting underway in Kazan:
China's defending champion Qiu Bo has advanced to men's 10m platform final with 577 points on Day 9 of the championships.
World Cup champion Yang Jian finished second in the semi-final, scoring 539.8.
Tom Daley of Great Britain was in the third place with 527.4 points and secured his team a place in the individual 10m diving event at the 2016 Rio Olympics by qualifying for the final.
On women's side,China's Shi Tingmao has claimed the title in the 3m springboard final event, adding one more gold to her team's pocket.
With this medal, Chinese team leapfrogged Russia to top the table with 8 golds, 9 silvers and 3 bronzes.
Another Chinese diver He Zi got 377 points, 6 points behind compatriot Shi, to win the second, while Tania Cagnotto from Italy claimed bronze in the third place.
In women's synchro final, China finished second with 96.2 points.
Russia took the lead with 2.1 points beyond China, while Japan came in third and took home a bronze medal.
In men's 25km open water swim:
Italy's Simone Ruffini took gold. Behind him is U.S. competitor Alex Mayer with the silver.
Nadal sets up Hamburg Open final against FogniniIn tennis,Top-seeded Rafael Nadal has dismissed Andreas Seppi 6-1, 6-2 to set up a Hamburg Open final against Fabio Fognini.
Nadal served a double-fault at match point in the seventh game before breaking serve in the next to win.
The fourth-seeded Fognini beat qualifier Lucas Pouille 6-2, 7-6 after saving a match point in the second set.
Nadal is looking to extend his streak of having won at least one European clay court title every year since 2004.
The former world number one has dropped to 10th in the rankings and is holding a 4-2 career edge over Fognini, the Hamburg champion in 2013.
In other action,Brazil's Teliana Pereira has beaten Annika Beck of Germany in three sets to conquer her home tournament, the Brasil Tennis Cup in Florianopolis.
The two players were locked at a set apiece and one-all in the decider when Pereira took it to a whole new level, reeling off five games in a row to win after two hours and 36 minutes, 6-4, 4-6, 6-1.
Poland beat Puerto Rico three sets to one in semi-finalIn Volleyball:
Hosts Poland has beaten Puerto Rico three sets to one in Saturday's second semi-final of the Volleyball World Grand Prix.
From 16-all in the opening set, Poland edged ahead and would not relinquish their lead, eventually taking it 25-21.
Puerto Rico found their form midway through the second set though, winning six points in succession from 9-7 up.
Poland fought back bravely from a 22-14 deficit, taking six successive points of their own, but Puerto Rico edged over the line and won the second set 25-21.
The 'White and Reds' dominated the third set, 25-16, and led the rest of the way from 20-19 up in the fourth.
It will meet the Netherlands, who defeated the Czech Republic earlier in the day, in the Group 2 final after the win.
Marc Warren through to Paul Lawrie Matchplay semi-finalsIn golf,The Paul Lawrie Match Play continues at Murcar Links Golf Club in Aberdeen with third round and quarter-final play.
Scotland's Marc Warren holed from the fairway for an eagle in a sudden-death play-off to beat England's Tyrrell Hatton in the quarter-final.
Warren offered these thoughts on the mathc.
"Started the day, two poor tee shots from both of us. Me first in the bunker, and then he hit it in the bunker right. He had two other chip-ins after that, obviously one at 18 to go to extra holes and then, I guess it was just my turn, at the 19th to hole it. Good tee shot and I holed it from 59 yards. So, yes, it was just really bizarre from start to finish."Warren will face Thailand's Kiradech Aphibarnrat in Sunday's semi and could play Robert Karlsson or David Howell in the final later in the day.
Tyrrell Hatton chipped in at the 12th hole to consolidate his lead over Peter Uihlein and went on to beat the American in their third round meeting.
Richie Ramsay rolled in a birdie at the 18th to edge his third round match against Drake's Morten Orum Madsen 1up.
His winning run came to an end in the quarter-finals though as the Scotsman fell to Sweden's Robert Karlsson.
EntertainmentDaniel Wu's martial arts TV series premieres in Nov. on AMCHong Kong movie star Daniel Wu is bringing martial arts back to TV in the U.S. with his upcoming series "Into the Badlands," premiering Nov. 19 on AMC.
The six-episode first season of "Badlands" is based on the Chinese novel "Journey to the West."Wu plays a skilled warrior named Sunny who teams up with a young boy named M.K. (Aramis Knight) on a search for enlightenment in a dangerous land. Sunny teaches M.K. martial arts and he becomes an unrivaled fighter.
Wu stars on the show and is also an executive producer.
The team behind 'Into The Badlands,' led by showrunners Al Gough and Miles Millar, is comprised of some of the best martial artists and martial arts filmmakers in the world.
Each episode is to have at least five minutes of fight scenes.
Jane Zhang Falls off stage during concert in BeijingMandopop superstar Jane Zhang fell off the stage as she staged her "Bang the world " concert at the Mastercard Center in Beijing last night.
When performing the hit " bangbang", she suddenly fell off from a two-meter round hollow of the elevator platform on the stage.
After a short break, Jane Zhang continued to perform the rest songs of the concert.
She was later confirmed to have only suffered minor scratches and injuries.
Zhang was initially discovered through nationwide singing talent show Super Girls on Hunan Satellite Television in 2005.
Zhang has won 42 best female singer awards, and five best album awards.
Her 2015 'Bang the World' concert tour has been held to commemorate her singing career for a decade.
Guy Ritchie and Jacqui Ainsley ties the knotThe 46-year-old director Guy Ritchie and his longtime girlfriend, Jacqui Ainsley have tied the knot at their home in Wiltshire, England.
Quite a few celebrities were in attendance at the wedding — including Brad Pitt, Jason Statham, David Beckham, and Rose Huntington-Whiteley.
Guy Ritchie and Jacqui Ainsley first started dating in 2010.
The next year, Ainsley opened up about the couple's relationship.
The newlywed couple have three children together.
Guy Ritchie's first marriage consisted of a high-profile relationship with Madonna — that ended in divorce in 2008, after eight years.
Lionsgate developing live-action Naruto movieLionsgate has signed Michael Gracey to direct an adaptation of the popular Japanese manga series "Naruto."The studio is in negotiations for the film rights to the "Naruto" series written and illustrated by Masashi Kishimoto, first published in 1997.
The manga, which has sold more than 200 million copies in print, follows adolescent ninja Naruto Uzumaki, who dreams of becoming the village ninja, the community's protector and its leader.
Avi Arad and his son Ari Arad are producing the film through Arad Productions. Erik Feig, Geoff Shaveitz and Kelly O'Malley will oversee things for the studio.
"Naruto" has generated an anime series in Japan that premiered in 2002 and lasted for 220 episodes, while the "Naruto: Shippuden" sequel has been airing since 2007.
In addition to the anime series, Studio Pierrot has developed 10 movies.
Channing Tatum Closes 'Gambit' DealChanning Tatum has closed a deal to star in "Gambit" for 20th Century Fox.
News of Tatum's official involvement in the "X-Men" spinoff lays to rest the rumors that the project was falling apart.
Tatum has been tied to the superhero pic for some time as producer and star. He even appeared at Fox's Comic-Con panel with the cast of "X-Men."Details on the extent of Tatum's involvement in future "X-Men" projects are still under wraps.
"Gambit" is slated for an October 2016 release.
Downton Abbey final season gets U.S. premiere datePBS Masterpiece's acclaimed series Downton Abbey now has a final season premiere date.
Not surprisingly, the series will return in January — when the show traditionally returns in the U.S.
The Crawley family's sixth and final season will premiere on Jan. 3.
PBS chief Paula Kerger also revealed that Downton will have a float in the Pasadena Tournament of Roses parade.
There's also been some rumblings of a potential spin-off series to the Emmy favorite, but nothing firm has yet been announced.
'Robin Hood: Origins' Shortlist: Jack Reynor, Taron Egerton In Mix For LionsgateLionsgate is looking to beat its rival Robin Hood projects to the punch by mining up-and-coming talent from across the pond for its Robin Hood: Origins.
Rising Brit actor Taron Egerton is on the mini-major's shortlist to head into Sherwood Forest, along with fellow Brit Jack Huston and Irish-American actor Jack Reynor.
WeatherBeijing is overcast today with a high of 31 degrees Celsius. Overcast tonight with a low of 23.
Shanghai is sunny with a high of 38, clear tonight with a low of 29.
In Chongqing, it will be cloudy with a high of 38, cloudy tonight with a low of 27.
Elsewhere in the world, staying here in Asia,Kathmandu, light rain, 29.
Islamabad, moderate rain with a high of 32.
Kabul will be overcast with a high of 24.
Over to North America,New York, cloudy with a high of 32 degrees.
Washington, cloudy with a high of 33 degrees.
Honolulu, cloudy, 28.
Toronto will have light rain with a high of 31 degrees.
Finally, on to South America,Buenos Aires will have light rain with a high of 19.
And Rio de Janeiro will be sunny with a high of 26 degrees Celsius.
That’s it for this weekend edition of the Beijing Hour.
A recap of your headlines:
The remains of a Chinese guard killed in a terrorist attack in Somalia are being repatriated...
Chinese troops participating in an international military competition in Russia...
And China moving to expand its peacekeeping mission in South Sudan....