新闻纵贯线 The Beijing Hour updated 20:00 2015/08/09(在线收听

 The Beijing HourEvening EditionIt's Shane Bigham with you here on this Sunday, August 9th, 2015.

Welcome to the Beijing Hour, coming to you live from the Chinese capital.
Coming up on the program this evening...
Typhoon Soudelor has killed nine people on the Chinese mainland, and continues to bring strong winds and torrential rains...
A second batch of rescuers from China's Blue Sky team is now in Myanmar to help with with flood relief...
and China's consumer price index for July records its highest reading so far this year...
In the 2nd half of the hour, we'll bring you some of the science & technology stories making headlines this past week.
In Sports...the new season in the English Premier League is now underway...
And in Entertainment...Monster Hunt sets the earnings record for a Chinese-made film...
All of that coming up in the next hour, but first, just a reminder there are several ways to reach out to us here on the Beijing Hour.
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Top NewsTyphoon "Soudelor" Kills 9 in Zhejiang and to Move NorthTyphoon Soudelor claimed 9 lives in Wenzhou City in Zhejiang Province, after hitting China's east coast late on the previous evening.
Three people have been reported missing.
Jiangxi Province has launched a level-three emergency response as the typhoon moved into the province around noon today.
Zhu Dingzhen, a senior engineer at China Meteorological Administration, says Soudelor may trigger heavy flooding in coastal areas.
"The landfall of Soudelor on the Chinese mainland may bring continued and heavy rain storms. The total rainfall in some region could reach 500mm and will last around 10-15 hours. The heavy storm will affect large parts of the coastal region. For those that have suffered flooding, they should strengthen their flood control capability. "Soudelor has already caused floods in Zhejiang and Fujian Province, left more than 1.4 million households without power, and has collapsed 36 houses and damaged 281 others.
370,000 people have been evacuated to safety and around 32,000 boats were ordered back to port before the typhoon struck land.
Taiwan's meteorological authority has already lifted warnings for super typhoon Soudelor after it battered the island, killing five people and injuring over 100.
Although Soudelor has been veering north away from the island, residents in central and southern Taiwan might see increasing rainfall.
A village official at Taoyuan city in Taiwan talked about the damage brought by Soudelor.
"Almost every tree fell and pavement collapsed. The worst of all is salt-water encroachment near the fishing grounds."The typhoon's outer rim could bring rainstorms to areas in Kaohsiung and Tainan, as well as mountainous regions in eastern Taiwan.
The island's high-speed rail lines and regular train networks resumed service today.
Chinese business delegation robbed in South AfricaA Chinese business delegation has been robbed in South Africa.
The 10 people from Zhejiang province are said to have been robbed shortly after leaving the airport in Johannesburg.
CRI's reporter in Africa Liu Chang has details.
"Most of the people with the delegation went to South Africa for the first time. Some of them exchanged local money inside the airport and then they were headed to a hotel downtown inside a business van, which was blocked by 3 cars shortly after it left the airport. There were five armed robbers who entered the business van, taking off their languages and some certificates ."The Chinese consulate in Johannesburg confirmed that some members of the delegation suffered minor injuries, and the total loss amounted to several hundred thousand yuan.
Members of the group gave details of the delegations arrangements in Johannesburg to a man they met at the airport, believing he was a tour guide.
Police believe that it is how the delegation was spotted by the criminals.
Further investigation is underway.
Japan Marks 70th Anniversary of Nagasaki BombingAnchor:
Nagasaki has marked 70 years since the dropping of the last atomic bomb on a civilian target in the closing days of World War Two.
CRI's Victor Ning has more.
The bells rang in a memorial ceremony on Sunday at the Nagasaki Peace Park, the same location where the bomb exploded in 1945 seventy years ago.
Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe attended the ceremony.
During his remarks, Abe iterated his commitment to nuclear disarmament, referring to Japan's three non-nuclear principles. Those principles were included in a Japanese parliament resolution in the late 1960s, which has forbidden Japan from possessing, manufacturing or allowing nuclear weapons in its territory.
Kim Won-soo, a UN representative, also attended the ceremony. He spoke on behalf of UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon, delivering Ban's words and resolve in nuclear disarmament.
"Nagasaki must be the last. We cannot allow the future use of any nuclear weapons. Their humanitarian consequences are too great. I whole-heartedly join you in sounding a global rallying cry: 'No More Nagasakis, No More Hiroshimas'."On August 6th, 1945, US forces dropped an atomic bomb codenamed "Little Boy" on Japan's Hiroshima.
Three days later, another atomic bomb nicknamed "Fat Man"was dropped on Nagasaki, also by the US.
Six days later, Japan unconditionally surrendered, ending WWII.
About 140,000 died in Hiroshima, while an estimated 150,000 died in Nagasaki.
In attendance on Sunday were also survivors of the Nagasaki bombing. One survivor said the memories of the event still haunted her.
"I would never ever want war to happen again. When I remember the atomic bomb, it still makes me tremble."Nagasaki mayor Tomihisa Taue emphasized that the peaceful path Japan has pursued in the past 7 decades should never be changed for the sake of Nagasaki.
During his speech, Tomihisa Taue also urged the government to dispel public concerns over new security bills, which theoretically allow Japan's Self- Defense Forces to help its allies transport nuclear weapons for logistics support.
"Currently there is a debate in our parliament over laws that will change the nature of our national security. There is also growing worry and concern that our resolve from 70 years ago, the ideal of our peace constitution, is starting to waver. I ask that the government and parliament listen to the worries and concerns of the people and debate this using their wisdom in a careful and in a sincere manner."In recent months, the Abe administration has heralded a series of controversial and unpopular security bills that would expand the role of the Japanese military beyond self-defense.
Recent polls also showed that the majority of Japanese population are opposed to the bills.
Thee supporting rate for Abe's cabinet dived around 10 percentage points immediately after the ruling bloc rammed the bills through the Diet's lower house in July.
For CRI, I'm Victor Ning.
Skeletons found in mass grave in northeast China show atrocities of Japanese invadersAnchor:
Soon, the allied powers including China will celebrate the 70th anniversary of their victory in World War II.
The importance of this victory is underscored by the many mass graves that have been found in northeast China, serving as evidence of the Japanese atrocities and a reminder of the attempts to loot China of natural resources like coal to serve the Japanese imperial war machine.
CRI's Xie Cheng has more.
During the Japanese occupation in the 1930s and 1940s, the Japanese troops coerced Chinese people into mining in coal-rich northeast parts of the country.
Many miners were killed in accidents due to absence of protective measures, intense labor or cruelties.
The "Dongshan" mass grave is located in Hegang city, northeast China's Heilongjiang Province.
An interpreter from the Dongshan mass grave monument says it is difficult to find a skeleton that was complete.
"We only excavated part of the pit, which was about 10 meters long, eight meters wide and a little less than 3 meters deep. Many of the unearthed skeletons had broken spines, while others had bullets gone through their skulls. We even found seven skeletons that were connected by a barbed wire through their orbital bones."The whole pit is 40 meters long, 30 meters wide and seven meters high.
The 87-year-old Xu Yanzhang is a surviving miner who used to work in the Dongshan coal mine.
In 1942, the 14-year-old boy was thrust into the mine for hard labor.
Malnutrition, endless toil, plague and mining disasters meant Xu witnessed illness, despair and death every day. But the supervisors, guard dogs and barbed wire made escape all but impossible.
Xu says workers who became too ill to work were abandoned. He had witnessed those who were still alive being thrown into mass graves.
"If you can't work, they would beat you heavily and throw you out at the end to the mass grave. At that time, I saw that some miners were too sick to get up from bed. They couldn't go to work. A Japanese came and saw these people still alive but couldn't do anything, so they dragged them out to the mass grave and left them there to suffer and await death."Li Shujuan is a contemporary historian who has studied several reports written by the Japanese army during their war of aggression and reconstructed the historical scenario.
"Through the documents recorded by the Japanese side, we knew that the Japanese army shipped coal produced in Hegang to the Hegang station, and then the coal would be shipped to steel mills and ironworks in Japan through the Manchurian railways. We all know that steel mills and ironworks were used for the production of weapons. Japanese invaders were using coal produced by Chinese people in Hegang to produce weapons and used them to suppress the Chinese people's struggle against Japan's aggression."According to Hegang's coal research institute, from the September 18 Incident in 1931 to the time when Japan announced surrender in 1945, Japanese aggressors had plundered more than 1,300,000 tons of coal from Hegang.
More than ten thousand miners died of unnatural causes in the city.
For CRI, I'm Xie Cheng.
Chinese Team Rescues Flood Victims in MyanmarAnchor:
The Chinese rescue team in Myanmar is continuing its relief effort. Severe flooding has claimed 96 lives nationwide and displaced over 600 thousand.
CRI's Wang Mengzhen has more.
A Chinese non-governmental team, Blue Sky Rescue Team, has begun its operations in some townships of flood-hit regions in Myanmar, sending 13 victims including 11 children to the hospital.
The second batch of the 21-member BSR Team arrived in Yangon early on Saturday, along with rescue boats and relief aid, aiming to extend helping hands to local people.
Leader of the second batch of the team Hu Xing says they have fully prepared for the rescue work.
"Members of the team come from around China. I will divide them into two groups. The team has brought 8 rescue boats, relief aid and medical staff. I can ensure each rescue group has at least one qualified medical staff member."As the largest non-governmental humanitarian organization in China, the Blue Sky Rescue Team is the first international rescue team to arrive in Myanmar.
The first batch of 10-member team arrived in the country earlier this week. Currently, the team has carried out the rescue operation in the Sagaing region, one of the worst-hit areas by flood.
However, chief leader Yuan Shan has introduced that the situation in Sagaing is dire.
"So far, the flood water in Sagaing has subsided. But several villages and towns are still trapped by the flood. The most important thing is that the drinking water and food there are polluted; so local people have to drink dirty water. The health situation is cause for concern."On Thursday, Myanmar President U Thein Sein met with the first batch of BSR team and expressed his appreciation to China and the Chinese rescue team.
For the Chinese side, the central government has announced emergency relief aid worth millions of yuan to help Myanmar's flood victims.
Meanwhile, the Chinese Embassy in Myanmar has called on Chinese enterprises in the country to provide aid to flood victims and coordinate efforts in the rescue operation.
It's been forecast that the severe flood has begun to move southwards and it is likely to expand and affect southern areas of Myanmar.
For CRI, I'm Wang Mengzhen.
China's CPI continues to rise in JulyChina's consumer price index, a main gauge of inflation, hit 1.6 percent in July, the highest so far this year.
Data from the National Bureau of Statistics shows consumer prices edged up 0.3 percent in July on a monthly basis.
China's pork price hike and the rising cost for medical care, vegetables, housekeeping and tobacco are said to have caused the CPI surge.
At the same time, China's producer price index , measuring wholesale inflation, slid 5.4 percent year on year in July.
Industry observers say the declining PPI is partly due to the falling price of bulk commodities globally.
130 million yuan allocated to boost e-commerce in XinjiangChina's central government has allocated 130 million yuan to boost e-commerce development in northwestern Xinjiang.
The special fund will be given to seven e-business demonstration counties.
The finance ministry has so far allocated two billion yuan to 200 counties across central and western China for demonstration areas, designed to serve as pilot areas for e-commerce development.
The fund will be used to support the construction of e-commerce service centers in counties and villages, develop logistics systems to support e-commerce, and to help train local officials, enterprises, and citizens on the basics of e-commerce.
China gives green light to using cash Ruble in Suifenhe CityA pilot program has been launched in northeast China's Suifenhe City to allow the direct use of the Ruble to promote border trade with Russia.
China's central bank granted an official approval for the scheme on Saturday.
The city in the southeast of Heilongjiang province borders Russia's Far East.
The move now allows Russian visitors to Suifenhe to pay for their meals, shopping and taxi fares using rubles.
Fu Xiankun is the staff member of the local Market.
"After Suifenhe became the pilot city [of using the Ruble], we can do business by using both Renminbi and Ruble. We accept both Renminbi and Ruble when the Russian merchants use them. On our price tag, there are two currencies: one is Renminbi, and the other, Ruble. This has greatly simplified our trade. The Russian merchants feel this is convenient, and so do we."Wu Qinglan, executive vice-mayor of the Chinese city, believes the move will broaden financial cooperation between the two countries.
"Next, we will carry out dual currency settlement in shopping malls, hotels and restaurants in Suifenhe. All the banks will provide services accomplishing the storage and exchange of Ruble."The cash inflow of Ruble into Suifenhe is estimated at 30 billion, about 3 billion yuan, annually.
Community doctors and individuals in China frontier of preventing hypertensionAnchor:
Experts are suggesting that community doctors and individuals in China should take more responsibility in preventing hypertension.
This remark was made at a recent forum that focused on hypertension in a country with a large chronic disease population.
Zhou Jingnan has more.
China has 270 million hypertension patients.
It is a particularly acute social problem in this rapidly aging society.
With its overcrowded general hospitals and a healthcare system in the process of a large-scale reform, there have long been calls for China to adopt a more effective strategy in dealing with the medical condition.
Experts are suggesting the ideal approach to prevent hypertension is altering lifestyle in the first place although this is not an easy task.
Secretary General of Asia Pacific Society of Hypertension, Trefor Morgan, expresses the importance of effective public policies in dealing with hypertension.
"It requires the government to be aware of the problem and be prepared to take legislative actions to reduce sodium content food."Morgan says when it comes to the basic healthcare system to deal with hypertension, the authorities in China have done a pretty good job.
"The government of China is very aware of the problem of hypertension and has programs to try to improve and prevent hypertension. The real thing is to prevent the hypertension developing and if you have hypertension you need to treat it. So it is a very important long-term problem."One of the approaches the Chinese authorities have taken in recent years is to deal with hypertension at the community level.
Official with the National Center of Cardiovascular Disease Chen Weiwei, says community doctors have been tasked with being the frontier to prevent the disease.
"The awareness rate of hypertension is now 46 percent while the therapeutic ratio lies at 41 percent. The disease control rate rose to 13.8 percent. All of these lead to the significant drop of the death rate of stroke."President of the China Hypertension League, Wu Zhaosu, says apart from building an effective hypertension prevention and treatment system on the community level, the public should be told to be more aware and take their own precaution.
"The problem is that people are not very educated about the occurrence of the hypertension. So our future goal is to teach people and educate people about how to prevent hypertension."Experts believe this people's approach of dealing with chronic diseases is not just economically wise in China - it is the way it should be.
That is CRI's Zhou Jingnan reporting.
Iraqi cabinet approves PM crucial reform planThe Iraqi cabinet has approved a package of crucial reforms.
The measures were presented by Prime Minister Haider al-Abadi in response to recent demonstrations against corruption and poor services.
The cabinet's approval came after Abadi called for a seven-point reform plan, including canceling the three vice presidential posts and the three deputy prime minister posts.
The plan is also required to be approved by the parliament.
Abadi's reforms came after massive demonstrations in the Iraqi capital, Baghdad and several other cities in the south to protest against slack public services, power shortages, and widespread corruption.
Ferguson Marks 1st Anniversary of Michael Brown's DeathIt has been exactly one year since Michael Brown, an unarmed 18-year-old black teenager, was fatally shot by a police officer in Ferguson, in the US state of Missouri.
More than 200 demonstrators took to the streets in Ferguson on Saturday night to mark the anniversary of Brown's death.
Michael Brown's father, Michael Brown Sr.,led the demonstrations on Saturday.
"I hurt every day. People know what happened was just wrong and all they doing is just showing their respect and their love as for what has happened right here in this community." People of all ages participated in the demonstration, which was mostly peaceful, with the police standing behind barricades.
Events including a concert, marches and a moment of silence have been planned for the weekend in Ferguson, with many of them organized by Brown Sr.
"I just want to get on the TV and let them know, I am not stopping. I am not stopping. Every time you turn on your TV, you are going to see my face so I am trying to make it uncomfortable for people to think that this is OK to do this to us."Civil leaders and activists from across the US will gather in Ferguson this weekend to commemorate Brown's life and death, as well as calling for improved racial relations and civil liberties.
Brown's death led to sometimes violent riots across the US and sparked debates about racial relations and police brutality.
A US grand jury cleared Darren Wilson, the white officer who shot Brown, of all criminal charges in the shooting.
Texas Police Invites FBI to Investigate Fatal ShootingOn the heels of the one year anniversary of the death of Michael Brown, another black teenager has been shot and killed by a white police officer in the United States.
19-year-old Christian Taylor was shot dead early on Friday in Arlington, Texas.
Brad Miller, a 49-year-old white officer still under training, was responding to a burglary call at a dealership when he shot Taylor.
Taylor was inside a building when Miller and other officers made verbal contact with him from the outside. During a confrontation after Taylor tried to escape, Miller fired four rounds.
The police department did not say how close Miller was to Taylor when he fired or did it provide any additional details of the incident.
Arlington Police Chief Will Johnson said on Saturday his department has recognized the sensitivities surrounding the case and asked for assistance from the FBI .
"Our affirmation to our commitment for transparency includes inviting Tom Class, Special Agent in charge of the FBI Dallas field office, the opportunity to participate in this case and review all investigative work and investigative findings."Taylor, who was unarmed at the time of his death, was an Arlington native.
He was a sophomore at Angelo State University.
West Bank Palestinians tightens security against settler threatsPalestinians in the West Bank have tightened night patrols against settler threats, after the deaths of a father and son at the hands of suspected Jewish extremists.
The horrific arson attack in July has led many residents to join self-formed night patrols in the territory.
Residents in Palestinian villages and towns are taking matters into their own hands as they feel they are not getting the protection they need.
"We check if they've got weapons, or robberies or something. Because a lot of Jewish people come here and make problems, burning houses and everything."Palestinian and Israeli human rights groups say Israeli authorities do little to enforce the law against militant settlers and the Israeli military has largely failed to protect Palestinians against such attacks.
The Israeli government has vowed to get tougher on Jewish vigilantes who have repeatedly attacked Palestinians and their property over the years.
Many of the attacks have been part of a so-called "price tag" tactic intended to deter the dismantling of unauthorized settlement outposts that have sprung up on West Bank hilltops over the years.
Smartphones most popular way to get online in UKAnchor:
A research has found that smartphones have become the UK's favorite way to get online.
Two thirds of British people now use their mobile device to access the internet.
CRI's fu yu has more.
The figure was released by communications industry watchdog, Ofcom.
According to their report, a third of all online access in the UK is via smartphones, up from 23 percent in last year.
Head of the research team Jane Rumber says the result took them by surprise.
"One of the most striking findings in our report this year is that smartphones are now the UK's most important device for getting online, overtaking laptops for the first time."The rise in mobile web surfing has been partly driven by the expansion of high-speed 4G data networks and the growing popularity of streaming video.
On average, adult mobile users spent nearly two hours online each day using a smartphone, compared to just over an hour on laptops and PCs.
One particular user from London says it's hard to keep away from a smartphone once you're in the habit of using it.
"I'm one of those people that before I had one was really anti (against having a smartphone). I think it takes over people's lives and whatever. But I have slightly become one of those people, but I try and refrain (from letting it take over my life),"The research also found more people are using smartphones to take and post pictures.
But for some taking selfies is not the only use for the function.
"I tend to take pictures of things, rather than put myself in everything. That's just an old person's way of using a smartphone""I'm not massively into selfies. I sometimes do it after I have a haircut, just to see what it looks like."Other results from the report show traditional forms of communication still prevail.
Adults in the UK are still posting six letters, cards or parcels in an average month, only a slight dip from the numbers two years ago.
For CRI, this is fu yu.
weatherAs typhoon Soudelor moved in Jiangxi Province today, the provincial capital Nanchang has heavy downpour tonight with a low of 24, showers tomorrow with the highest temperature of 28.
Moving to the capital here, Beijing has some clouds tonight with a low of 22 degrees Celsius; sunny to overcast tomorrow with the highest temperature hitting 33.
Shanghai has showers tonight with a low of 28; more showers tomorrow with a high of 31.
Chongqing will see some clouds tonight with a low of 23, still cloudy tomorrow with a high of 30.
Lhasa will be clear tonight with a low of 13, some clouds tomorrow with a high of 26.
Elsewhere in Asia,Islamabad, overcast tomorrow, 35.
Kabul, cloudy, 29.
Down in the Southern Hemisphere.
Sydney, cloudy with a high of 18.
Brisbane has some clouds with a high of 22.
Perth, slight rain, 17.
And finally Auckland, New Zealand will be cloudy with a high of 11 degrees Celsius.
Headline newsTyphoon Soudelor kills 12 in E ChinaTyphoon Soudelor is blamed for at least 12 deaths in Wenzhou city on China's east coast. At least 5 others are missing.
The provincial flood control and drought headquarters in Zhejiang province says heavy downpours have caused mudslides and cave-ins in rural areas, and several houses collapsed on Saturday night.
After pounding Taiwan, where six people have been reported dead, Soudelor landed on the Chinese mainland Saturday night in Fujian province before moving into neighbouring Zhejiang and Jiangxi provinces.
In Wencheng county, which is under the jurisdiction of the city of Wenzhou, 645 mm or rain was recorded in a 24 hour period, said to be the heaviest rainfall in 100 years.
Direct economic losses in the city are estimated at nearly 250 million yuan.
The storm forced the closure of several airports, affecting hundreds of flights. Six expressways were closed. Nearly 200 high-speed trains were cancelled.
Chinese leaders congratulate Singapore on anniversary of foundingChinese president Xi Jinping and premier Li Keqiang have sent messages of congratulations on the 50th anniversary of the founding of Singapore.
Xin Jingping says the two countries have witnessed enhanced mutual trust, expanding cooperation, and increasing numbers of cultural and people-to-people exchanges since the establishment of diplomatic relations 25 years ago.
He also expressed China's willingness to further expand ties with Singapore.
The premier's message also acknowledged China-Singapore ties and called for the relationship to develop further.
Chinese FM Visits Ebola-hit African CountriesSierra Leone's President Ernest Bai Koroma has met with visiting Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi in the capital city Freetown.
Koroma thanked China for offering a quick response and pragmatic help when Sierra Leone was combating Ebola.
Wang congratulated Sierra Leone's victory in fighting the deadly virus, believing that Sierra Leone would soon wipe out the epidemic.
Wang Yi's three-nation visit in Africa will also make stops in Liberia and Guinea.
Those are the three nations worst hit by the Ebola crisis.
The Foreign Minister said the main purpose of his visit is to learn about progress in fighting against Ebola, and plans and needs in restructuring the economy and society in the post-Ebola period.
Prison break in juvenile detention center in N.E ChinaAn inmate escaped from a juvenile prison in northeast China's Heilongjiang ProvinceThe incident took place on Saturday night.
The criminal is identified as 20 year old Zhang Yunming, who was given a nine-year sentence 3 year ago over robbery charge.
Police say Zhang climbed over the prison wall and escaped.
Further investigation is underway.
Police say anyone with useful information will be rewarded up to 50 thousand yuan.
Sci&Tech (Sunday)Anchor:
It's time now to check on the news of the week from the science and technology sector.
A comprehensive network is to be set up to boost pollution monitoring here in China.
China has started assembling the world's largest radio telescope.
And a US company has built an environmentally friendly super car using 3D printed parts.
Here's CRI's Wen Jie.
China's environmental protection ministry has announced plans to develop a comprehensive network, including satellites, drones, and remote sensors, to detect pollution.
The system, monitoring the country's land, sea, and air, is to be in place by 2020.
Satellites and drones have already been used in monitoring pollution here in China, but only in a limited role so far.
Vice Minister Zhai Qing said in March the ministry is seeking more advanced technical methods to take care of environmental problems.
"For the next step, we will further seek help from high-tech equipment to discover illegal pollution discharge. Last year, we tried to use drones to detect illegal behavior. The drones can stay in the sky for two hours and cover dozens of Square Kilometers. We've tried it in Hebei Province recently and we are planning to use it in major cities and areas around the country."The ministry says it will boost the use of these tools by also accelerating research on satellites with higher resolution.
400 million dollars has already been invested to build the system.
////Northeast China's Jilin Province plans to send Jilin-1, the country's first self-developed remote sensing satellite for commercial use, into space in October.
According to a scientist from the Chinese Academy of Sciences, Jilin-1 consists of four satellites: one for high-definition images, one for testing new space technology, and two for video.
The satellites differ from the previous dual-use satellites.
They will focus on providing photographs to commercial clients, while helping with harvest assessment, geological disaster prevention, and resource surveys.
Jilin, one of the country's oldest industrial bases, is developing its satellite industry as a new economic driver.
The province plans to launch 60 satellites by 2020 and 137 by 2030.
////China has started assembling the world's largest radio telescope as it looks to improve its ability to explore outer space.
The 500-meter Aperture Spherical Radio Telescope, or FAST, rests in a bowl-shaped valley in the southwestern province of Guizhou.
The telescope will have a dish the size of 30 soccer fields when it is completed.
The new telescope is expected to greatly enhance China's ability to search for life in outer space and to explore the origins of the universe.
Li Di is a scientist from the Chinese Academy of Sciences.
"It can explore deeper into space and look at asteroids and even Mars. Once completed, the task will be China's first internationally renowned equipment within a certain wave band. It will give China an opportunity frontier research."Technicians have begun attaching 4,450 triangular-shaped panels to the telescope's reflector.
Construction on the telescope began in March 2011 and is scheduled to be completed next month.
////A California company in the US has built an environmentally friendly super car using 3D printed parts. Kevin Czinger is the founder and CEO of Divergent Microfactories, the maker of that supercar - which is called "The Blade.""By looking at 3D printing not for that overall structure but to create individual modular structures that can be combined, that 3D printing transforms everything."Currently, cars are pieced together on long assembly lines inside large factories that use massive amounts of energy.
Czinger says even the most fuel efficient car has a large carbon footprint before ever leaving the plant.
"By constructing a car this way it has less than one third of the environmental and health impact than the 85 hours all electric car for example has."By using carbon fiber instead of steel or aluminum for the body, the entire vehicle weighs only 635 kilograms.
The Blade is fitted with a 700 horse power engine that runs on natural gas, reducing its carbon footprint even further.
The team believes their new 3D printing method for car manufacturing will soon have a huge impact on how the cars of the future are built. ////A Japanese company has unveiled a miniature personal transporter that can fit in a backpack, called "WalkCar," powered by a lithium battery.
The slender WalkCar is made from aluminum and weighs between two and three kilograms, depending on whether it is an indoor or outdoor version.
However, the lightweight aluminum board is stronger than it looks, and can take loads of up to 120 kilograms.
It reaches top speeds of 10 kilometres per hour. Once the rider stands on it the WalkCar starts automatically, while simply stepping off stops the vehicle. To change direction, the user just shifts their weight. Engineer Kuniako Saito said his studies in electric car motor control systems sparked the idea for the new kind of ride.
"I thought, "what if we could just carry our transportation in our bags, wouldn't that mean we'd always have our transportation with us to ride on?" and my friend asked me to make one, since I was doing my masters in engineering specifically on electric car motor control systems."WalkCars can be reserved online starting from autumn this year with a price of 100-thousand Japanese Yen or about 800 US dollars.
////American researchers have developed a device that could deliver drugs to specific areas of the brain via remote control.
The device is ultra-thin, about as thick as a strand of human hair.
And, it's soft like the brain tissue into which it's placed. This neural probe administers drugs to the brain by using infrared technology, much like a TV remote control.
Co-developer Dr. Michael Brucha said the probe caused much less inflammation than the metal tubes through which drugs to the brain flow now.
"You can imagine very discreet localization of drugs to a particular part of the brain and that has huge implications long-term because that eliminates a lot of these side effects."According to researchers, this approach can be used to treat human brain disorders like Parkinson's disease and epilepsy.
////A latest research shows that a third of all online access in the UK is via smartphones, up from 23 percent in 2014.
The rise in mobile web surfing has been partly driven by the expansion of high-speed 4G data networks and the growing popularity of streaming video.
Jane Rumber is the head of communications industry watchdog, Ofcom.
"One of the most striking findings in our report this year is that smartphones are now the UK's most important device for getting online, overtaking laptops for the first time."On average, adult mobile users spent nearly two hours online each day using a smartphone in March 2015 , compared to just over an hour on laptops and PCs.
The research also found that the popularity of selfies has risen sharply, with 1.2 billion taken in 2014.
Despite the sharp increase in the use of electronic devices,the research shows that adults in the UK are still posting six letters, cards, or parcels in an average month, only a slight dip from 2013 levels.
////And that brings us to the end of this edition of our weekly science and technology report.
I'm Wenjie. See you next week.
SportsEast Asian Cup recap, previewKicking things off with football news from China,The coach for China's women's football team, Hao Wei, is stepping down from his position after his team finished last with no wins in the East Asian Cup.
China had just suffered a 2-0 loss against Japan in the fight for the bronze medal.
Hao said he wanted to resign because he had hit a bottleneck and doesn't want to be restrained.
Hao offered his resignation after leading China into the last eight of the Women's World Cup in June. He has been linked with a move to men's football in the Chinese Super League.
China's football association has a recommendation from Europe as Hao's replacement.
In other action from last night,North Korea beat South Korea 2-0 to win the tournament.
On the men's side,China will soon hit the field for the final against Japan.
EPL, Ligue 1 recapIn the English Premier League,Manchester United got a 1-0 home win over Tottenham Hotspur in the season opener.
Last season's champion Chelsea was held at a 2-2 draw by Swansea City.
Chelsea's goalkeeper was sent off after he committed a foul in the penalty box.
Coach Jose Mourinho said it was a hard pill to swallow.
"It's normal. The players, they know that... they know that it was a bad result, but they know also that one point is one point, playing with ten men for such a long time is much more difficult and fundamentally, they know that I am happy with the quality they had in the first half and I'm happy with their spirit in the second half, so we are in peace, we are not happy with the result."Elsewhere,Marseille coach marcelo Biesla has resigned after his players lost 1-0 against Caen in the French Ligue 1.
Other results from the opening round,Angers downed Montpellier 2-0,Last season's runner-up Monaco took out Nice 2-1,And Nantes defeated Guingamp 1-0.
Swimming previewAt the swimming world championships,China's Lu Ying has won a bronze medal in women's 50 meter butterfly. She also set a new Asian record of 25.37 seconds.
Tonight all eyes are on Sun Yang as he tries for another title in the men's 1500 meter free.
Sun has had some second thoughts on his participation in this event but decided to give it a go.
"It is harder than short-distant events. I always train alone and it was boring. I thought about quitting this event but decided against it because my team and parents have given me so much support. But I have to admit it is very stressful. This is nothing compared to the Rio Olympics next year. I know it will be hard for me but I will fight till the end."More action from team China tonight, new 100 meter king Ning Zetao will lead the men's 4x100 medley relay.
China wins bronze medal at volleyball Asian championshipIn men's volleyball,China has defeated Qatar 3-2 to win the bronze medal at the Asian Championship.
Zhang Zhejia was awarded as the best blocker of the tournament.
Japan beat the host nation Iran 3-1 in the final to win the title.
Justin Rose, Jim Furyk leading Bridgestone InvitationalIn golf,Justin Rose carded a round of seven-under 63 to join Jim Furyk in leading the Bridgestone Invitational by two shots.
The pair are at nine-under 201 after three rounds.
Jordan Spieth is level par, down by nine shots. His hope of winning the tournament and overtaking Rory McIlroy as the world's number one golfer seems unlikely.
China's Liang Wenchong is at 10-over 220 overall.
Tennis updateIn tennis,John Isner will face Kei Nishikori in the Citi Open final after a three-sets win against fellow American Steve Johnson.
Isner converted the match point with an ace in the deciding set which went to tie-break.
In women's action at the Bank of the West Classic,Angelique Kerber made it into the final with a 6-3, 6-1 victory over Elina Svitolina.
Kerber will take on Karolina Pliskova.
Muhammad Ali inducted in Boxing Hall of FameBoxing legend Muhammad Ali has been inducted into the Nevada Boxing Hall of fame.
Seventy-three-year-old Ali did not attend the induction ceremony due to his Parkinson's disease. His daughter Rasheda Ali Walsh accepted the honor on his behalf.
"I told him I would tell him about what's going on tonight. I see a lot of his friends here. I know he'd be excited if he was here. But it's an honour to be part of this induction."Three-time heavyweight world champion Ali is considered one of the greatest boxers of all time.
He had 56 wins, 37 of them knock-outs, and five losses during his 22-year career.
Floyd Mayweather Jr., Marvin Hagler, Sugar Ray Leonard, Lennox Lewis and Felix Trinidad were also inducted for the honor.
First Chinese sailor to complete global journey announces new attemp with crewGuo Chuan, the first Chinese person to sail solo around the world, is attempting to set a new sailing record in the far north.
The 50-year-old adventurer announced his plans in France.
"I have six crew members from Russia, France and Germany. We will travel through the Northeast Passage of the Arctic Ocean. The distance between Murmansk and the Bering Strait is about 3,300 nautical miles. We plan to finish the journey in 15 days, but if we are lucky and there is not much ice or headwind, perhaps the trip will only take ten days."Guo and his crew intend to set off from the Russian port of Murmansk in their sailboat Qingdao China in September.
Guo completed his solo journey around the world on the same boat in 2013, after covering over 20 thousand nautical miles in 138 days.
Tony Abbott takes part in City to Surf race in SydneyAustralia's Brad Milosevic has won this year's City to Surf race in Sydney, where over 80 thousand runners took part in the annual race.
The winner completed the 14-kilometer course in 42 minutes, 15 seconds.
Australian Prime Minister Tony Abbott and vision impaired athlete Nathan Johnson were also among the participants.
The City to Surf started in 1971 and raises funds for charities across Australia.
Entertainment"Monster Hunt" First Chinese Movie to Top 2 Billion YuanChinese fantasy film "Monster Hunt" has grossed over 2 billion Yuan, or around 322 million USD, becoming the first Chinese film to cross the mark.
It took only 24 days for the movie to break the record and become the second highest grossing film of all time in China.
It follows Fast and Furious 7, which grabbed around 2.4 billion yuan, or more than 386 million USD, in China.
Also, the theatrical run of the film will be extended to September 16th, which will bring its box office figures even higher.
"Transformers: Dark of the Moon" takes the third place among the highest grossing films in China, with a total box office of 1.98 billion Yuan, or 319 million USD.
Turning over to the box office in North America,"Fantastic Four's" opening weekend returns are looking less and less promising:
The superhero flick is now on track for a $28 million opening weekend after pulling in $11 million on Friday.
With a $120 million budget, 20th Centry Fox could face a tough blow.
Meanwhile, "Mission: Impossible — Rogue Nation" is poised to go neck-and-neck with "Fantastic Four" for weekend dominance.
It is now on track to bring in $29 million this weekend after generating $8 million on Friday.
The fifth chapter of the Tom Cruise franchise, released on July 31st, is expected to cross the $100 million mark in the US by Monday.
Lawsuit alleges Bobbi Kristina Brown's boyfriend gave her 'toxic cocktail'
The conservator of the late Bobbi Kristina Brown, the daughter of singer Whitney Houston, has filed some court documents, accusing Brown's boyfriend, Nick Gordon, of causing her death by giving her a "toxic cocktail."In June, Brown's court-appointed conservator filed a complaint against Gordon accusing him of domestic abuse against Brown.
But an amendment to the complaint alleges Gordon caused Brown's "wrongful death" by giving her a drink that made her unconscious and putting her face-down in water.
Representatives for Gordon, who has not been charged with any crimes, say the complaint is "slanderous and meritless."Brown, the daughter of Houston and R&B singer Bobby Brown, died after suffering irreversible brain damage in a still unexplained January incident at her home in Georgia.
She was buried last week alongside her mother, bringing to a close the brief and tragic life of the only child of the singing legend.
She was survived by her father, R&B singer Bobby Brown.
'Empire,' 'Inside Amy Schumer' Top TCA AwardsHip-hop drama Empire has earned the top honor at the Television Critics Association's 31st annual TCA Awards.
The Lee Daniels/Danny Strong drama by Fox, which led the pack with four TCA Awards nominations, beat out Amazon's Transparent, AMC's Mad Men, HBO's Game of Thrones and FX's Americans for the coveted TV Program of the Year award.
Comedy Central's breakout star Amy Schumer is the night's only two-time winner, earning honors for both Outstanding Achievement in Comedy and Individual Achievement in Comedy for her sketch series Inside Amy Schumer.
AMC's Breaking Bad spin-off Better Call Saul, which debuted to strong ratings and reviews in early February, walked away with the award for Outstanding New Program.
FX's beloved spy drama The Americans earned the Outstanding Achievement in Drama award;Meanwhile, Mad Men star Jon Hamm has won his second Individual Achievement in Drama award for his portrayal of Don Draper.
Recently retired Late Show host David Letterman was given the career achievement award for his late-night work on both NBC and CBS.
This year's TCA Awards was hosted by CBS' Late Late Show host James Corden and took place at The Beverly Hilton in Los Angeles on Saturday evening.
Lady Gaga's Character in American Horror Story RevealedLady Gaga's character in the new series of American Horror Story has been revealed.
The show's creator Ryan Murphy said at the Television Critics Association in Beverly Hills, that the singer would play Elizabeth, a wealthy hotel owner with a "nefarious plan".
She'll make her TV series debut in a leading role in American Horror Story: Hotel- the fifth series of the horror anthology.
The same cast of actors take on different roles in different stories in each series.
Lady Gaga is set to start shooting her part on Monday.
Gaga has previously only made film appearances in Machete Kills and Sin City: A Dame To Kill For.
The new series of American Horror Story is expected to air on Fox in the UK in November.
weatherAs typhoon Soudelor moved in Jiangxi Province today, the provincial capital Nanchang has heavy downpour tonight with a low of 24, showers tomorrow with the highest temperature of 28.
Moving to the capital here, Beijing has some clouds tonight with a low of 22 degrees Celsius; sunny to overcast tomorrow with the highest temperature hitting 33.
Shanghai has showers tonight with a low of 28; more showers tomorrow with a high of 31.
Chongqing will see some clouds tonight with a low of 23, still cloudy tomorrow with a high of 30.
Lhasa will be clear tonight with a low of 13, some clouds tomorrow with a high of 26.
Elsewhere in Asia,Islamabad, overcast tomorrow, 35.
Kabul, cloudy, 29.
Down in the Southern Hemisphere.
Sydney, cloudy with a high of 18.
Brisbane has some clouds with a high of 22.
That's it for this weekend edition of the Beijing Hour.
A quick look at the headlines before we go...
Typhoon Soudelor has killed 12 people on the Chinese mainland, and continues to bring strong winds and torrential rains...
On behalf of the Beijing Hour staffers, this is Shane Bigham in Beijing hoping you'll join us for the next edition of the Beijing Hour, and open a window to the world together.