新闻纵贯线 The Beijing Hour updated 20:00 2015/08/10(在线收听

 The Beijing HourEvening EditionSophie Williams with you on this Monday, August 10th, 2015.

Welcome to the Beijing Hour, coming to you live from the Chinese capital...
Coming up on the program this evening...
Former senior officer getting death penalty with reprieve for bribery and other crimes....
Typhoon Soudelor forcing 181,000 to evacuate in E China...
Shots being fired in Ferguson during march for Brown anniversary...
In Business...Reports that a new round of SOEs reforms is approaching...
In Sports...We'll be recapping the action from the East Asian Cup...
And in Entertainment...Advance screening of 'Go Away Mr. Tumor' breaking records....
All of that coming up in the next hour, but first, just a reminder there are several ways to reach out to us here on the Beijing Hour.
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TopFormer senior officer gets death penalty with reprieveGu Junshan, former deputy head of the General Logistics Department of the Chinese People's Liberation Army, has been sentenced to death with a two-year reprieve for bribery and other crimes.
A military court made the ruling on Monday.
The ruling says Gu has been found guilty of embezzlement, accepting bribes, misuse of state funds, bribery and abuse of power.
A statement from the court says Gu has been deprived of his political rights for life and has had all his personal assets confiscated.
The Xinhua news agency reported in January that several high-profile officers in PLA logistics departments, which take charge of housing projects, have been sacked in the country's anti-corruption operation.
The report says the PLA will start a two-year operation against malpractice and corruption in staff housing projects.
Liu Zheng, another deputy head of the PLA General Logistics Department, has been under investigation since November.
The ruling comes on the heels of the expelling of Guo Boxiong, a former Chinese military leader, from the Communist Party of China (CPC) for taking bribes in late July.
Guo's case and relevant evidence has been handed over to military prosecutors.
Guo, 73, served as vice chairman of the Central Military Commission (CMC) from 2002 to 2012.
Typhoon Soudelor forces 181,000 to evacuate in E ChinaTyphoon Soudelor has left four people dead and forced 181,000 to evacuate in east China's Anhui Province.
More than 550,000 people and 19,600 hectares of crops in ten cities were affected by the typhoon.
Some 562 houses collapsed and another 1,194 were damaged.
The typhoon left 14 people dead and another four missing in neighboring Zhejiang Province as of Sunday afternoon.
Estimates suggest the storm has caused some 4-billion yuan worth of damage.
The storm, the largest of the year, hit Taiwan early Saturday, leaving 6 dead and 4 others missing.
Authorities require reporting of HIV infections at schoolsSchools in China are now required by health and education authorities to report HIV/AIDS infection cases in students.
A joint circular from the authorities says infections of the virus among young students have seen a marked rise in recent years.
The two authorities are calling for the establishment of an infection reporting system and regular consultation mechanism to analyze the cause of infections and formulate countermeasures.
The circular has urged proper protection of infected students' privacy.
It also pledged financial support for volunteer services.
China ramps up joint military exercisesA joint military drill that started in late July has entered a live fire stage in southwest China's Sichuan Province.
Coded "Joint Action-2015D," the drill is the first of five similar drills that will involve a total of more than 140,000 soldiers from over 140 PLA regiments.
The joint drills employ a "joint operation system" that involves the army, navy, air force, artillery, armed police, intelligence, reconnaissance and electronic warfare.
The PLA plans to complete more than 100 joint exercises involving over 50 army corps this year.
The Chinese military has also scheduled more than 20 combined military exercises with a dozen countries including Russia, Pakistan, Colombia, Thailand and Turkey in 2015.
The exercises with Russia and Thailand have already been completed.
Police crack down on overseas gambling sitePolice in northeast China's Heilongjiang province have broken up a multinational gambling ring involving a website in the Philippines that has attracted Chinese gamblers.
They have seized more than 80 million yuan in gambling funds and frozen bank accounts with funds totaling 230 million yuan.
The police in Mudanjiang city first received reports from whistleblowers about the gambling mega-den in February 2014.
An investigation showed that gambling activities were manipulated by a group named "Dafa 888" in the Philippines.
Established in 2002, the group has operated online gambling in several Asian countries.
Police say the group has attracted gamblers from more than 10 provinces in China.
Sun Yaowu with the public security department of Heilongjiang says they discovered that it was a Philippines-based gambling den that targeted the Chinese mainland to attract gamblers.
"Their main server is located in the Philippines and they have financial managers and agencies in China. Through 2,000 bank cards, around 20 million yuan flows outbound every day."Police have extradited the main suspect in the case, Wang Bo from the Philippines to China on Saturday, which marks a crucial step in the investigation.
Wang Bo says he was cheated by the gambling website.
"They said they were a gaming company. But after undergoing training, I found that they are operating gambling games. I felt cheated and asked some Chinese staff in the company, they told me the company was legally registered in Philippines."Wang Bo promises he will assist the police with further investigations.
The police have so far captured 125 suspects in connection with the case.
The gambling company that runs the website,, calls itself one of Asia's leading online betting and gaming sites.
China's police have blocked two gambling websites operating under that target Chinese gamblers, and attempts have been made to extradite six of the Chinese residents involved.
According to China's criminal law, gambling activities for the purpose of revenue generation are punishable by up to three years in prison and fines. Those who run casinos can be given a maximum of 10 years in prison plus fines.
China's Achievements on Climate ChangeAnchor:
With the Paris Climate Change Conference coming up at the end of this year, we're going to be bringing you a series of reports about what's being done here in China to combat the issue.
CRI's Niu Honglin with some of the steps being taken to try to deal with the problem here in China.
China has recently submitted a post-2020 climate change pledge to the United Nations, promising that compared with 2005, China will cut its CO2 output per unit of GDP by between 60 and 65 percent by 2030.
Zou Ji, the deputy director at the National Center for Climate Change Strategy and International Cooperation, is one of the designers behind the action plan.
He says the goal is a little bit ambitious, but not out of reach.
"If our GDP growth rate can be maintained around 7 percent in 2030, our GDP per capita will climb to 14,000 to 15,000 US dollars. In that case, peak emissions could be reached. According to our calculation, by that time, China will produce 8 to 9 tons of carbon dioxide per person, which is lower than America and Europe when they hit their peaks."Zou says, in terms of income levels and emission at the peak year, China is more aggressive compared with many developed countries.
Moreover, China is now actively working on research and production of new energy.
Last year, the International Renewable Energy Agency published a report, predicting that China will expand its renewable energy consumption share from 13% to 26% by 2030; then become the largest renewable energy user around the world.
Though some scholars worry that the assumption is over optimistic, Adnan Amin, head of the organization, emphasizes that China's potential should not be underrated.
"Many people think that's ambitious, but when we look at the past, in terms of the learning curve in China, the reduction in the cost of technology, the fact that you have more and more skilled people who are capable of dealing with renewable energy installation and investment, we believe every year we have underestimated the potential for renewable energy."According to economist Ma Jiantang, energy structure optimization has already produced results.
"In 2000, the energy consumption share of coal and oil was respectively 68.5% and 22%. Last year, their shares slumped evidently. There are fewer coal-fired thermal power plants but more power stations generating clean energy, such as hydro power, nuclear power, and wind and solar energy."China has also worked with the international community, taking responsibilities. Last November, the presidents of both China and the United States released a joint announcement on climate change.
John Podesta, Obama's former counselor on climate change and energy policy, speaks highly of the bilateral cooperation.
"Our two countries count for one third of the global GDP. They act as the engine of the global economy, so when we each set our countries on the course to a clean energy future, we unlock vast opportunities for national and global economic growth. "As climate change affects all on the planet, Chinese scientists and decision makers are giving their all to grapple the issue for coming generations.
For CRI, I'm Niu Honglin.
Most Sunglasses for Kids Failed Test in ChinaAnchor:
A new investigation has revealed that virtually all of the sunglasses produced for children in China are failing inspections.
CRI's Min Rui has more.
An expose done by China Central Television has revealed 9 out of 10 sunglasses made for kids are not up to standard.
Zhou Tianyi, a quality supervisor with the Shanghai Municipal Bureau of Quality and Technical Supervision, says parents need to be more careful.
"Most people are focusing on the sunglasses' look, whether it's fashionable or colorful. As for the sales location and vender, there are so many. However most of them don't have professional knowledge. Usually they sell them as toys or accessories to children instead of optical lenses, regardless the safety issues."An International Standard for Organization, or ISO, for sunglasses does not exist.
Hu Dongfang, Secretary-General of the Shanghai Optometric & Optical Association, says its this loophole that's allowing poor quality children's eyewear to flood the market.
"Because of the sales surge, more children's sunglasses are being sold, and vendors are aware of the loophole in the market. That's why they've been exploiting the advantage."Experts note toddlers and teenagers are more prone to UV radiation than adults.
Ye Jiayi with the National Inspection and Testing Center for Ophthalmic Products says some of the sunglasses being sold may even be detrimental to children's eyes.
"Some consumers could end up having blurry vision or fatigue after wearing the sunglasses with poor quality."According to the report, most of the colorful shades failed the optics tests.
Sun Huanbao with the national Ophthalogy testing institute says there is also a risk of color blindness.
"If the glasses failed the test, it could mean that children may see colors differently through the glasses. This could potentially lead to them not being able to identify the color of a traffic light. This could pose a threat to traffic safety."Quality supervisor Zhou Tianyi says parents need to be more aware of what they're buying.
"Of the 39 products we tested, 38 of them don't have safety warnings. These glasses are meant for kids. So if the product doesn't have instructions and requirements for special use, parents won't know how to use them properly. It could be possible to harm a child."Doctors are suggesting that children under the age of 6 don't wear sunglasses.
For CRI, I'm Min Rui.
Shots Fired in Ferguson During March for Brown AnniversaryA four and a half minute's silence and march was disrupted in Ferguson, Missouri late on Sunday night on the one year anniversary of the fatal shooting of 18 year old Michael Brown.
The march led by Michael Brown's father was disrupted along West Florissant Avenue when police officers were confronted by an armed individual.
St. Louis County Police Chief Jon Belmar said on Monday that the gunman, who opened fire on officers, was seriously injured after being struck down in the officer's return fire.
The man, whose identity hasn't been released, has been taken to the hospital, where Belmar said he is receiving surgery.
The gunfire came as activists spread a message that was sympathetic to the abuse felt by the black community from police in Ferguson. Anthony Shahid was one of the activists attending the demonstration.
"We're not anti-police, so don't try to get that out. I got blood relatives in my family that are police. We're not talking about that. We're talking about likeminded people like Darren Wilson, that's shooting us down in the streets. Our human rights have been violated."Many who came had worn t-shirts portraying the likeness of Brown and shouting messages such as the rallying phrase "Hands up! Don't shoot!"Ferguson silence on Michael Brown's shooting anniversaryFollow the Ferguson story...
For more on this, our reporter Brian Kopczynski earlier talked with Charles H. Rose III, Professor of Excellence in Trial Advocacy and Director, Center for Excellence in Advocacy at Stetson University College of Law.
Japan to restart Sendai reactor despite protestsAnchor:
Japan's Electric Power said on Monday that it will begin to restart its Sendai No. 1 reactor on Tuesday despite public protests.
It's deemed as the first attempt to reboot Japan's nuclear industry in nearly two years after the sector was shut down in the wake of the 2011 Fukushima disaster.
Our reporter Guo Yan has the details.
Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe's government has been pushing online to bring some reactors back, arguing they are key to economic growth.
Chief government spokesman Yoshihide Suga says the act is important for Japan's energy strategy.
"We believe it is important for our energy strategy that nuclear plants that have been deemed safe are to be restarted."But opinion polls show a consistent majority oppose the restart.
Hundreds of local residents have protested in front of the nuclear reactor over the weekend and on Monday.
Former Japanese Prime Minister, Naoto Kan, joined protesters and called for halting the plan.
"Please bear with it and halt the nuclear restart project, this is what Prime Minister Shinzo Abe should really be saying to Kyushu Electric. Don't you agree?"Locals in Satsumasendai are worried about safety issues and questioning whether any lessons have been learnt from Fukushima.
Ryoko Torihara , who lives 12 kilometres away from the Sendai Nuclear Power Plant, is head of a local anti-nuclear group.
"They haven't learnt from Chernobyl. They haven't learned from Fukushima. I wonder what this situation is."She says evacuation routes remain unclear to locals, many who are elderly, and that officials lack the willingness to help.
Local media have pointed out that many of the city's bridges are old, raising concern whether they may be able to withstand a major earthquake.
The former chairman of an independent investigation committee into the Fukushima nuclear, Kiyoshi Kurokawa, says the government needs to be more transparent in order to regain the nation's trust.
"Japan is an advanced country, why don't you make this thing (invite) every expert, invite everybody to come, with the inspection why don't you do that? That is the problem. Now it's already four years, have they been doing it? They have some advisers, and this and that, but visibly they are doing it? That kind of demonstration is a very important element in regaining the trust of the local people and the public at large."All of Japan's more than 40 reactors are currently offline for repairs or safety inspections.
An earthquake and tsunami in 2011 destroyed the Fukushima plant, sparking triple nuclear meltdowns, contaminating water, food and air and forcing more than 160,000 residents to flee in the world's worst nuclear disaster since Chernobyl in 1986.
For CRI, I'm Guo Yan.
Park Geun-hye urges Japan to Inherit Its Past Statements about WWIISouth Korean President Park Geun-hye has urged Japan to inherit its past statements about World War Two.
"On this meaningful occasion, we hope that the Japanese government makes clear its stance that it upholds historical recognition of previous Japanese administrations. And we also hope that Japan will take a mature attitude to start to anew its relations with neighbouring countries including South Korea."Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe is set to give his speech marking the 70th anniversary of the end of World War Two.
NHK public TV says Abe will include the words "apology" and "aggression" in his statement.
Media say the initial draft which did not include the word "apology" would likely anger China and South Korea where bitter memories of Japan's occupation and colonization run deep.
Park also says the comfort women issue should be solved as soon as possible.
"Eight comfort women passed away this year, and the total number of surviving (comfort) women has decreased to 47. We may miss the opportunity to resolve the issue forever unless we settle it now."Abe's statement is expected to be approved by his cabinet one day before the Aug. 15 anniversary.
In South Korea, Japan's 1910-1945 colonization of the peninsula and World War Two remains a highly sensitive subject. And the issue of "comfort women" is especially thorny.
S. Korea accuses DPRK of planting landmines, injuring 2 soldiersSouth Korea's military on Monday accused North Korea of planting land mines inside the Demilitarized Zone border that exploded last week and wounded two of its soldiers.
The South Korean military said there was evidence to conclude the incident and Pyongyang will be made to pay the price.
Major General Ku Hong-mo of South Korea's Joint Chiefs of Staff briefed the media about the incident during a news conference.
"Two South Korean soldiers, who were carrying out a regular search mission on the morning of August 4th on the southern side of the Demilitarized Zone (DMZ) near the city of Paju in Gyeonggi Province, were severely injured by the blast of wooden-box mines which is clearly seen as the North Korea has planted."He says such acts are in violation of the armistice agreement and the non-aggression treaty between the two Koreas.
He is calling for an apology from North Korea and punishment of those responsible for the incident.
There has been no official response from North Korea.
South Korea's military has said the area where the blast happened last Tuesday had been swept for mines and the terrain made it impossible for mines planted elsewhere to have drifted due to rain or shifting soil.
The United Nations Command, headed by the U.S. military also condemned what it called the North's violation of the truce.
It said it would call for a meeting with North Korea's military.
The two Koreas remain technically at war because a truce was signed at the end of their 1950-53 conflict, not a peace treaty.
6.4-magnitude earthquake jolts parts of PakistanA 6.4-magnitude earthquake has jolted parts of Pakistan, including the capital city Islamabad.
The meteorological office says the quake jolted the country's Punjab and Khyber Pakhtunkhwa provinces around 6pm.
The epicenter of the quake was determined at the Afghanistan- Tajikistan border with a depth of 208 km.
No casualties have been reported.
Tremors have also reportedly been felt in the Indian capital.
Turkey Sees a Series of AttacksThe outlawed Revolutionary People's Liberation Party/Front of Turkey has claimed responsibility for the attack on the U.S. consulate in Istanbul.
Local media reported a Turkish woman opened fire on the police team in front of the U.S. Consulate building earlier today.
She ran to a nearby house shortly after clashes and was arrested by Turkish police forces.
The attack came hours after a car bombing in front of a police station in the city.
The suicide attacker is believed to be dead.
Two attackers and one police officer died during the clashes shortly after the explosion early on Monday morning.
10 people were injured, including five policemen.
WeatherBeijing will be mostly clear tonight with a low of 23 degrees Celsius; cloudy tomorrow with the highest temperature hitting 33.
Shanghai will have moderate rain tonight with a low of 27; showers tomorrow with a high of 31.
Chongqing, overcast tonight with a low of 23, it will see some showers tomorrow with a high of 28.
Lhasa will be cloudy tonight with a low of 12, also cloudy tomorrow with a high of 25.
Elsewhere in Asia,Islamabad, slight rain tomorrow, 35.
Kabul, cloudy, 28.
Down in the Southern Hemisphere.
Sydney, sunny with a high of 18.
Brisbane has some clouds with a high of 23.
Perth, cloudy, 17.
And finally Auckland, New Zealand will be cloudy with a high of 11 degrees Celsius.
Headline NewsFormer senior officer gets death penalty with reprieveGu Junshan, former deputy head of the General Logistics Department of the Chinese People's Liberation Army, has been sentenced to death with a two-year reprieve for bribery and other crimes.
A military court made the ruling on Monday.
The ruling says Gu has been found guilty of embezzlement, accepting bribes, misuse of state funds, bribery and abuse of power.
A statement from the court says Gu has been deprived of his political rights for life and had all his personal assets confiscated.
The Xinhua news agency reported in January that several high-profile officers in PLA logistics departments, which take charge of housing projects, have been sacked in the country's anti-corruption operation.
The report says the PLA will start a two-year operation against malpractice and corruption in staff housing projects.
Liu Zheng, another deputy head of the PLA General Logistics Department, has been under investigation since November.
China, U.S. to exchange officials for Xi's visitChina and the United States will send senior officials to each other's countries in preparation for Chinese President Xi Jinping's state visit to the United States.
Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesperson Lu Kang said today, several senior U.S. officials will visit China in August and September.
Meanwhile, some senior Chinese officials will visit the U.S. to pave the way for Xi's upcoming visit in September, which is at the invitation of his counterpart Barack Obama.
China records 1,479 voluntary organ donations in first 7 monthsThe Chinese mainland has recorded nearly 1,500 voluntary organ donations as of August 3 this year.
The result outperforms public expectations after the country banned harvesting organs from executed prisoners on January 1.
It is expected that 2,500 people will voluntarily donate organs and more than 10,000 organ transplant operations will be carried out this year.
If the positive trend continues, the number of organ transplants is expected to exceed 20,000 next year.
Currently around 30,000 Chinese patients need organ transplants.
11 killed in stampede in Hindu temple in E. IndiaAt least 11 people have been killed and 50 more injured following a stampede at a temple in eastern India.
The deadly stampede took place early on Monday morning when tens of thousands of Hindu devotees arrived at the town to offer prayers and holy water to Hindu god Shiva at the temple there.
All the injured have been admitted to hospital for treatment.
Stampedes are a frequent occurrence in temples during Hindu festivals as people assemble to offer prayers to Hindu gods.
Biz ReportsAnchor:
Turning now to business news.
First a look at the numbers from across the Asian markets to close out this Monday evening.
Joining me on the desk is CRI's Wang Mengzhen.
Thanks Sophie.
Chinese shares surged over 4 percent today despite the weak economic data released on Sunday.
This is said to be linked with speculations on the Chinese government's new reform measures on state-owned enterprises.
We will have more on that shortly.
Many state firms including Jilin Powers, China Railway Group and China Unicom all climbed to their 10 percent daily limit.
Shares related to military industry and brokerages are leading the gains today.
At the closing bell,The benchmark Shanghai Composite Index advanced 4.9 percent.
The Shenzhen Component Index gained 4.3 percent.
The ChiNext Index, tracking China's growth enterprises, jumped 5 percent.
However, Hong Kong stocks ended lower with the benchmark Hang Seng index losing 0.1 percent.
Elsewhere in Asia,Japan's benchmark Nikkei gained 0.4 percent due to the upbeat domestic earnings.
South Korea's KOSPI was down one third of a percent.
Singapore's benchmark Straits Times Index was up 0.2 percent.
And finally, Australia's ASX 200 also up 0.6 percent.
Back to you Sophie.
A new round of SOEs reforms is approachingMarket expectations are now higher on a new round of state-owned enterprises reforms.
This comes as five centrally-administered state-owned shipping giants have suspended trading in the A share market from today, saying shareholders are considering important moves for their future development.
These shipping firms include China COSCO and China Shipping Container Lines.
This has raised speculations on SOEs' further consolidation.
Over the weekend, it has been reported that the State Council, China's Cabinet, has given a green light to a blueprint to overhaul SOEs.
South China Morning Post, citing an inside source, says the new reforms aim to put a greater distance between government and commercial operations of State firms.
The newspaper also adds that two new capital operating firms will be set up to channel funds to SOEs.
However, the Chinese authorities have not yet confirmed the long-awaited guidelines.
Alibaba becomes the 2nd biggest share holder of SuningAnchor:
Alibaba has announced this afternoon that it will team up with Suning by investing over 28 billion yuan, or 4.6 billion U.S. dollars in the home appliance retailer.
This will make Alibaba the second largest shareholder of Sunning, holding nearly 20 percent of its stake.
At the same time, Suning will invest 14 billion yuan to gain a 1.1 percent stake in Alibaba.
Both companies hope the partnership will combine their strengths in the online to offline(020) business model.
Suning also says its shares will resume trading in the A share market on Tuesday.
For more on Alibaba and Suning's collaboration, we are now joined by Gao Shang, Analyst with Guantong Futures.
1) What do you think is behind Alibaba's teaming up with Suning at this moment? Is it mainly due to China's "Internet Plus" strategy or any other considerations?
2) What does the latest move mean to both e-commerce giant Alibaba and the home appliance firm Suning? How significant it is for each other's future strategy?
3) How is the move going to shape the future landscape of China's prosperous e-commerce market, as we have seen the online and offline commerce become a growing trend in the country?
Back Anchor:
Gao Shang, Analyst with Guantong Futures.
China's CPI, PPI will soon pick up in H2: NDRCChina's top economic planner has said today that the country's consumer prices will gradually pick up in the second half of this year.
This comes after official stats suggest that the Consumer Price Index has come in at 1.6-percent through July, the highest rate so far this year.
However, it's still below the Chinese government's full-year target of 3-percent.
The National Development and Reform Commission estimates the CPI growth rate will be higher later this year when the country's economy is back on track.
China's pork price hike and the rising cost of medical care, vegetables, housekeeping and tobacco are said to have caused the CPI surge.
At the same time, the Producer Price Index, the measure of prices on a wholesale level, dipped 5.4-percent through July.
This is the 41st month that PPI in China has dipped.
China to issue new 100-yuan bank noteChina's central bank has announced it will issue a new 100-yuan bank note from Nov. 12.
The new bank note will be harder to counterfeit and easier for machines to read. Part of the fifth set of bank notes introduced in 1999, it was last changed in 2005.
The bank says, the design of the new bank note will stay largely the same as the the 2005 series but will have enhanced security features.
The 100-yuan note is the largest denomination of the Chinese currency.
China's property market picks up in Q2: reportNew stats suggest China's property market has shown signs of recovery in the second quarter of this year.
According to the E-House China Institute, both home sales and prices are on a steady growth in first and second tier cities.
Among the 30 major cities including Beijing, Shanghai and Guangzhou, the average sales price gained over 16 percent, reaching a record high.
Industry observers attribute the growth to the government's supportive policies.
However, sales in third tier cities were slightly lower in the second quarter due to the stockpile of unsold houses.
Analysts from the E-House Institute believe the recovery in the property market is likely to last in the second half of the year.
Seven countries on the brink of bankruptcy: Moody'sIt is being reported that seven countries are now on the brink of bankruptcy, including Argentina, Belarus and Jamaica.
The latest Moody's Investors' Service has rated seven countries CAA1 or worse, meaning they are at risk of default.
Among them, Ukraine had the lowest credit rating by Moody's, followed by Greece and Venezuela.
Apart from the seven countries, Puerto Rico has defaulted on its $58 million debt repayment over the weekend.
This was said to be the first time in the country's history.
SportsSwimming: Sun Yang Apologizes for Missing 1500m Freestyle, Brazil Accuses Him of Attack on Female SwimmerSplashing into sports with news from the swimming world:
Chinese male swimming star, Sun Yang, is again embroiled in controversy following the FINA World Championships that just concluded on Sunday in Kazan, Russia.
Sun has issued an apology after suddenly withdrawing from the men's 1500-meter freestyle final on Sunday.
The athlete cited problems with his heart as the motivation for pulling out of the race, despite having warmed up for the competition.
Sun was a big favorite heading into the finals; he currently holds the 1500-meter freestyle record.
The swimmer did appear at the closing ceremony to receive the Male Swimmer of the World Championships award.
Italy's Gregorio Paltrinieri eventually won the match.
Sun's sudden withdrawal from the 1500-meter final confounded his competitors.
Sun was also involved in another bit of controversy on the final day of the worlds;Brazil's swimming federation filed an official complaint with FINA against Sun, alleging that he tried to attack Brazilian swimmer Larissa Oliveira during the warm-ups earlier in the day.
Brazilian sports news website reported that the Brazilian team accused Sun of trying to elbow and kick Oliviera while they were warming up alongside each other in the poolWhen asked about the incident during a press conference at the worlds, Sun said that Oliveira started the altercation.
Reportedly, no violence actually took place between the two competitors or their teammates.
Football Recap of East Asian Cup, EPLIn footballTaking a look at men's action from the East Asian Cup,China has continued their 17-year winless run against Japan, finishing in a 1-1 draw in Wuhan last night.
In the all-Korea final, it was South Korea emerging as the tournament champions, drawing nil-nil to take the cup over North Korea.
In the English Premier League,It was West Ham United surprising Arsenal 2-nil.
Arsenal manager Arsene Wenger says his side didn't have fundamentals.
"I felt we were a bit nervous, yes, and we rushed a bit our game and we didn't respect always the basics. We wanted to be too quick going forward in the first half maybe. I don't think we were too confident, I would rather say too nervous maybe."In other EPL action, it was Liverpool over Stoke City 1-nil.
Liverpool manager Brendan Rodgers says they're happy to walk away with an away victory.
"It's always difficult when you come to Stoke. It's never an easy game here. But to get a win and perform on the back of where we were eleven weeks ago, I thought it was an outstanding collective performance."Liverpool was embarrassed by Stoke 6-1 at the end of last season.
In other action from Sunday,Newcastle United and Southampton drew 2-2.
On Saturday,It was Man United opening its season with a victory, getting past Tottenham 1-nil.
EPL newcomers Watford earned their first point, leveling with Everton 2-2.
It was Liester City over Sunderland 4-2.
Crystal Palace dumped Norwich 3-1.
And Aston Villa potted a 2nd-half marker late to get past newly-advanced Bournemouth 1-nil.
Barcelona, Sevilla will Clash in Tblisi for European SupercupIn upcoming soccer action from La Liga:
Two Spanish sides, FC Barcelona and Sevilla will go head to head in the Georgian city of Tiblisi on Tuesday night to try and win the first title of the new season: the European Supercup.
Champions League winners, Barca will be favorites against Sevilla, who won last seasons' Europa League, but Barca will have to be wary of a side who are aiming to forget a disappointing display from last season when they were comfortably beaten by Real Madrid.
Golf: Shane Lowry Wins WGC-Bridgestone InvitationalIn golf action from the WCG Bridgestone Invitational:
Shane Lowry won the WGC Bridgestone Invitational by two shots over Bubba Watson on Sunday, the biggest victory of his career.
Lowry found himself tied with Furyk after sinking a birdie putt at the 8th and was soon getting himself out of a tough spot to open up a lead.
The Irishman was in trouble on the left of the 10th fairway when he hoisted a wedge over the trees to within two feet of the pin for birdie.
Lowry, ten under at the 18th tee, got into trouble again on the left of the 18th fairway.
Again he went up an over the trees, this time to around 10 feet of the pin. He made the birdie putt and delivered another fist pump in a final round filled with them as he closed at eleven under.
Shane Lowry says that his winning performance is the best he's ever put on:
"I can't believe it. I've been playing good most of the year and things just hadn't been going my way. Missed a couple of cuts by a shot and I was getting very down for myself, but I played as good as golf as I've ever played the last four days. I managed to hole a few putts and get a look which was nice."Bubba Watson finished two strokes back in second, with Rose and Furyk tied for third on 7-under.
Tennis: Citi Open and BoW Classic RecapIn Tennis:
Japan's Kei Nishikori came back to beat big-serving John Isner 4-6, 6-4, 6-4 on Sunday for his first Citi Open title in Washington, D.C.
For the third time in five matches, Nishikori dropped the opening set before turning things around to win in three.
Kei Nishikori on the tough win:
"It's not the best way to win but I still fought through these three matches. It's not easy after losing the first set but mentally I try to fight every time and I'm happy to win in the final today."It is Nishikori's 10th career title and third of 2015, where he is 43-9.
In women's action from the Citi Open:
American Sloane Stephens won the tournament title after beating Russian Anastasia Pavlyuchenkova 6-1, 6-2.
The 22-year-old Sloane didn't drop a single set on her way to winning her first WTA trophy.
And at the WTA's Bank of the West Classic in Stanford, California:
Angelique Kerber bent her knees nearly to the ground all afternoon to dig out an onslaught of powerful ground strokes by Karolina Pliskova, beating the hard-hitting Czech 6-3, 5-7, 6-4.
Kerber is now even with Serena Williams for most tournament titles this season.
EntertainmentAdvance Screening of 'Go Away Mr. Tumor' Breaks the RecordThe advanced screening of Chinese film 'Go Away Mr. Tumor' has pulled in 12.5 million yuan or some 2 million US dollars, which has grabbed the record for the top-grossing premiere by surpassing 'Monster Hunt' at the Chinese box office. .
'Go Away Mr.Tumor' is based on the real life experience of a young Chinese cartoonist named Xiang Yao, whose online pseudonym is "Bearton" or "Xiong Dun".
The film features the final years of the cartoonist and her fight against a malignant tumor until she loses the battle at the age of 30.
The film also adapts some plots from the original comic series of the same name, which has sold more than one million copies and inspired millions of readers with its optimism and courage.
'Go Away Mr.Tumor' is directed by Han Yan, and starred by Daniel Wu and Bai Baihe, who is also the leading actress of the record-breaking fantasy film 'Monster Hunt'.
It is scheduled to hit movie screens across China on August 13th.
China's Ethnic and Folk Dance Contest Announces AwardsThe 10th Lotus Award Ethnic and Folk Dance Contest closed this weekend in southwest China's Sichuan Province with six "Best Awards" granted to outstanding works of dance.
The highest score was given to the colorful and vibrant dance performance named "Qingshen Yichang", which means "Deepest and Eternal Affection".
The vice chairman of the Chinese Dancers Association, Feng Shuangbai, says the dance's choreography is skillful.
"Pairs of traditional rubber shoes were placed at the feet of each female dancer quietly. Suddenly, a row of shoes appeared in front of the audience. Then every dancer put her feet into the shoes at the same time and ran up the mountainous path. The vivid performance creates a distinctive theme. The theme is presented in details and the dance also features emotional expression."The contest also awarded dances reflecting the culture of ethnic groups such as the Yao and Tibetan groups.
This year's dance contest was broadcast online for the first time and attracted spectators across the country.
The Lotus Award is China's top honor in the field.
US Biopic 'Steve Jobs' to Close BFI London Film FestivalUS biopic 'Steve Jobs' has been announced as the closing film for this year's BFI London Film Festival.
The film stars Michael Fassbender as Steve Jobs, the legendary figure behind technology giant Apple and is directed by Danny Boyle.
Oscar-winning actress Kate Winslet is also included in the cast list as one of the original founding members of the Macintosh team in the 1980s.
Boyle, Fassbender and Winslet will all appear at the BFI closing night gala on October 18.
"Steve Jobs" is adapted from Walter Isaacson's biography Steve Jobs, and aimed to paint an intimate portrait of the brilliant man, and bring the audience to the scenes of the digital revolution in 1990s.
It will premiere in the US at the New York Festival on October 3.
It is scheduled for a full release in the US on October 9th, some four years after Steve Jobs' death.
'Amy' to Grab Top-grossing Documentary at UK Box OfficeA documentary on Amy Winehouse is expected to break the record for the top-grossing British documentary of all time at the domestic box office.
The documentary "Amy" displays the story of the tragic British singer and songwriter Amy Winehouse in her own words.
It also includes unseen archive footage and previously unheard tracks from the six-time Grammy winner.
Amy Winehouse died of alcohol poisoning in 2011 at the age of 27.
WeatherBeijing will be mostly clear tonight with a low of 23 degrees Celsius; cloudy tomorrow with the highest temperature hitting 33.
Shanghai will have moderate rain tonight with a low of 27; showers tomorrow with a high of 31.
Chongqing, overcast tonight with a low of 23, it will see some showers tomorrow with a high of 28.
Lhasa will be cloudy tonight with a low of 12, also cloudy tomorrow with a high of 25.
Elsewhere in Asia,Islamabad, slight rain tomorrow, 35.
Kabul, cloudy, 28.
Down in the Southern Hemisphere.
Sydney, sunny with a high of 18.
Brisbane has some clouds with a high of 23.
Perth, cloudy, 17.
And finally Auckland, New Zealand will be cloudy with a high of 11 degrees Celsius.
That's it for this edition of the Beijing Hour...
A quick look at the headlines before we go...
Former senior officer getting death penalty with reprieve for bribery and other crimes....
Typhoon Soudelor forcing 181,000 to evacuate in E China...
Shots being fired in Ferguson during march for Brown anniversary...
In Business...China issuing new 100-yuan bank note...
In Sports...We'll be recapping the action from the East Asian Cup...
And in Entertainment...Advance screening of 'Go Away Mr. Tumor' breaking records....
On behalf of the Beijing Hour staffers, I'm Sophie Williams in Beijing hoping you'll join us for our next edition of the Beijing Hour to open a window to the world together...  