世界领导人参加李光耀葬礼(在线收听) |
世界领导人参加李光耀葬礼 BANGKOK— Dozens of world leaders will be in Singapore on Sunday for the state funeral of the small country's first prime minister, Lee Kuan Yew. Lee was greatly admired in the region where other leaders sought to emulate him and replicate his success. In Bangkok, Beijing, Jakarta and other Asian capitals, Lee Kuan Yew served as a role model for leaders hoping to reproduce the magic that took Singapore from a colonial backwater to one of the world's most prosperous and efficient nations. 在曼谷、北京、雅加达和其他亚洲首都,李光耀都是这些国家领导人的榜样,他们希望能复制将新加坡从落后的殖民地转变成全世界最繁荣、高效的国家这样的奇迹。 One of his many such admirers: former Thai prime minister Anand Panyarachun, who says as a Southeast Asian, he feels “a great sense of loss.” 泰国前总理阿南·班雅拉春就是李光耀的仰慕者之一,他说作为东南亚国家,他感到“巨大的损失”。 “His wisdom, his advice, his insight have always been sought by leaders of other nations,” he said. “他的智慧、他的建议、他的远见一直是其他国家领导人所追求的。” Autocrats envied the well-educated pragmatist's ability to maintain a one-party government in a nanny state that eschewed liberalism, except for economic policies. 独裁者羡慕这位受过良好教育的实干家的能力,因为李光耀能管理好这个保姆式国家的一党政府,除了经济政策,这个国家不接纳自由主义。 Curtis Chin, a former U.S. ambassador to the Asian Development Bank, says many of Mr. Lee's less successful fellow leaders in the region failed to absorb his most important lessons. 美国前驻亚洲开发银行大使Curtis Chin说,该地区那些不如李光耀成功的领导人们未能吸取他最重要的教训。 “So when we think about what others can learn from Lee Kwan Yew they may be citing some things," he said. "But unfortunately too many leaders of Asia today have not learned about the rule of law, the good governance, the accountability, the battle against corruption that Lee Kwan Yew also was all about.” “所以当我们思考其他领导人能从李光耀那里学到什么时,他们会列举出一些东西。但不幸的是,太多的亚洲领导人未能学到法治、良政、问责制和反腐,而这些都是李光耀一直做的。” Lee rejected the notion of an “Asian model” for development but articulated Asian values which, in his eyes, made individual rights subservient to collective security and growth. 李光耀放弃了“亚洲模式”的发展理念,而是提倡亚洲价值观,在他看来,这种价值观能让个人权利服从于集体安全和发展。 Thus it is no surprise that over the decades many of China's leaders expressed admiration for the rapid transformation of Singapore under the leadership of Lee, an ethnic Hakka Chinese. 无怪乎过去几十年来,中国的很多领导人都对李光耀这位客家人领导下的新加坡日新月异的变化表示倾慕。 Lee made “historical contributions to the bilateral relationship” between Beijing and Singapore, says China's Foreign Ministry spokesman Hong Lei. 中国外交部发言人洪磊称,李光耀对中国和新加坡“双边关系做出了历史性的贡献”。
“Mr. Lee Kuan Yew is a uniquely influential statesman in Asia. And he is also a strategist embodying oriental values and international vision,” said Hong Lei. “李光耀是亚洲独一无二有影响力的政治家,他还是一位兼备东方价值观和国际视野的战略家。” |
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